

Mrs Folajogun Adesona

Mrs Folajogun, a 61-year old trader became the winner of the just concluded Supermom reality TV show season 2. She opens up on how the programme has changed her life for good and many more.
1) Let’s meet you.
I’m Mrs Folajogun Adesona. I’m from Ondo town in Ondo State. I am a trader with six children. I was a timber merchant for so many years and also delved into other trades.
2) How did you get to know about the programme?
I didn’t hear about it at all. Infact, I hardly watch television. My second born’s wife who is very close to me learnt about it through the internet. She told her husband who is my son that I deserve to be on the programme, I wasn’t informed until my son came back from the interview.
3) How did you feel when he informed you that you will be on the show?
I laughed and laughed. Though I had been praying to God to reward my efforts bountifully, I was so excited to receive the Supermom crew when they came for the initial interview.
4)Your story was aired on the 11th episode, as at the time the programme was about rounding up. Did you think you were going to win or you had lost hope?
I was really praying for God to reward me for good. I listened to my contender’s story, hers was equally emotional, I was just asking God to have mercy on me and I believed there was nothing He couldn’t do.
5) How did you feel when you were amongst the three finalists?
I felt very surprised. At some point, I had already counted myself out. Infact, I know one of the contestants, Mrs Cecilia odunaya, I was praying to God for her to be among the last three standing because her late husband was very kind to my family, he helped one of my children when she was in the polytechnic. Seeing myself amongst the last three standing came to me as a big surprise.
6) What went through your mind when you were announced winner?
The suspence of that lady was too much. Then I had already told my children that if I didn’t win, we would still give God the Glory. Immediately I saw my picture in the middle and was announced winner afterwards, I fell down, I screamed, I jumped, my children who were equally watching with me also shouted, we went out and shouted so much that people rushed into our house to ask what the matter was. I was so thankful.
7) Did you think your story was strong enough to make you win?
Yes it was but most importantly God helped me. My story was more than what I narrated in the interview. There were so many things I just couldn’t say cos I went through a lot but I thank God for the victory.
8)Who amongst your children knows so much about the pains of the family?
It is Adebola my first daughter. Debola was always with me, she stood by me in so many circumstances, at times she would cry so much when she saw how much I struggled. There was a time she wanted to join me in the timber business but I refused because it was too strenous. We hawked togetherin so many places including Abuja, she even turned a marketer at redemption camp, she would advertise our goods and direct people to come to my shop to buy them. Although Demola too helped in his own capacity.
9)Have your husband’s relations heard about the victory?
I even called them before I won. I asked them to watch out for my story on AIT. One of them called me and said God has indeed rewarded me. They are aware of my victory.
10)How will you spend your cash prize?
We havnt even made any decision on it yet but I will use it judiciously.
11) What do you think others can learn from your story?
The mothers in particular should be very steadfast, brave and endure whatever comes their way. They should be loving in times of trouble, they should love their children and their husbands, they shouldn’t place one above the other else it will fail. Another point is that they shouldn’t leave their children in the hands of other people and shouldn’t be lazy at all, I have a success story today because I took care of my children through so many trades. If I had placed them in other people’s care, so many things could have happened. They should forgive easily and be more accomodating.
12)What fond memories of Supermom reality show lives with you at the moment?
There are so many things. The fact that the organizers could think deeply and bring up this programme is something I will never forget in a hurry. There are so many millionaires out there who do not remember the poor ones. The love the crew bestowed on me the day they came to interview me lives with me till date.
13)Would you like to take another shot at the contest if given the opportunity again?
Yes I will provided I won’t be disturbing others but rather than come I would like to give others the opportunity so they will get celebrated like me.
14)How would you describe the show?
The show is absolutely surprising. It is very outstanding. When the mother of the winner of the last Project fame show came out crying when her daughter, I was very touched. I used her as a prayer point and I’m glad God has finally heard me. The Producer of the show has done a good job, may the Lord continue to bless him and may the Supermom show go beyond the shores of this country.
15) Do you really feel like a Supermom?
Yes I really do. Though I didn’t feel that way the day I won even when others were rejoicing, the Supermom term had not really occured to me then. Each time my son called, he would call me a ‘Supermom’ and then gradually I started getting used to the term, now I feel so much like a Supermom
16)Has the victory changed your life?
Yes it has. I was a nobody before, now winning a house, car and cash prize is a big turn around. It has changed my life mentally because now I see myself as an overcomer, a celebrated individual, each time I want to fall sick, I remind myself of my victory and become strong again. Before now, nobody wanted to associate with me and my children even my own relations but now everything has changed, they now call us frequently and ask after our welfare. Moreso, this time last year, I was in coma and thus placed on oxygen, infact the doctor had told my children to call our pastor to say the last prayer for me, everybody had given up on me but I’m grateful to God that He delivered my victory to me at His own time, in good health and peace. I’m forever grateful to the Supermom organizers for the honour they have bestowed on me.

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