

Few days ago, it was widely reported that a certain Nigerian student living in India, Kevin Lakoju committed suicide. However, his family and friends have come out to refute the story, they insist he would do no such thing.

A close friend of his living in India was quoted thus, "Kelvin was killed, we know it, the Indian police knows it, they have confirmed it"

Although investigations are still going on, it is believed that the possibility of suicide has been ruled out. Unconfirmed reports say that a new report will be sent out soon.

In the main time it has been sadness, pain and tears for friends of Kelvin.

Another longtime friend of his Kofo who also schooled in India said, "He had lots of plans mapped out, he was going to tour the world, hungary to India and his next stop was either canada or U.S. He was so full of life, ideas, plans… which is why i don't believe that suicide rubbish. I pray whoever did this will suffer for it"

Another friend who pleaded anonymous said amidst tears "how come they were quick to conclude that it was a suicide case, just days before the incident he was very bubbly and the last set of people he spoke with said there were no signs of depression"

He was a great guy, humble, friendly and calm, he'll be greatly missed by his Family and Friends.

His friends are hereby appealing to the authority and the embassy in India to take up the case, his friends and neighbors should be questioned, everybody around should be called.

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