
Chimamanda Adichie elected into American Academy of Arts and Science.

Award-winning Nigerian novelist, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie  has been elected to the prestigious American Academy of Arts & Sciences, one of the highest honors for intellectuals in the US. She is the second Nigerian after Professor Wole Soyinka to be bestowed with the honour and her induction comes up in May. Chimamanda was listed among 40 Foreign Honorary Members from 19 countries elected by the Academy.
Among the people elected are some of the world’s most accomplished scholars, scientists, writers, artists, as well as civic, business, and philanthropic leaders. They will all form the 237th class of the academy.
“It is an honor to welcome this new class of exceptional women and men as part of our distinguished membership,” said Don Randel, Chair of the Academy’s Board of Directors. “Their talents and expertise will enrich the life of the Academy and strengthen our capacity to spread knowledge and understanding in service to the nation.” “In a tradition reaching back to the earliest days of our nation, the honor of election to the American Academy is also a call to service,” said Academy President Jonathan F. Fanton. “Through our projects, publications, and events, the Academy provides members with opportunities to make common cause and produce the useful knowledge for which the Academy’s 1780 charter calls.”  
The new class will be inducted at a ceremony on October 7, 2017, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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