
Cesc Fabregas' message for Arsenal fans after the Gunners' loss at Stamford Bridge

Shortly after Chelsea defeated his former club, Arsenal 2-0, Cesc Fabregas during a post-match interview affirmed that albeit he’s in a fantastic club right now, he still holds Arsenal and it’s fans in high esteem.

“I have huge respect for Arsenal – they gave me everything when I was little. Without them I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t have won what I have won. I have huge respect and I take it in a positive way. I know they love me and it is all because we were together once.

Sometimes, circumstances mean these things can happen. But I have always said it – I am not scared. They will always be in my heart forever. But this is football, I am in this fantastic football club now playing with great players, a great coach and great fans and I want to win everything. I am hungry and really want to do well for this club. I hope I can make it in the future.”

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