Hull City confirm two positive coronavirus tests.

Following the first round of testing at the training ground, Hull City has confirmed that two people have tested positive for Covid-19. The names of these individuals will not be disclosed, as the clubs have asked  for this to be respected.
“The duo, who are both asymptomatic and feeling no ill effects, will now self-isolate for seven days – in line with the protocols set out in EFL guidelines – before being tested again at a later date. The Club will continue to liaise closely with the affected personnel and will make no further comment.” The club said in a statement.

“Been scratching my head to work out how I got it.” Adrian Mariappa on positive coronavirus test.

Watford FC Defender, Adrian Mariappa has revealed his shock at being told he was the Watford player who had tested positive for coronavirus.  Mariappa’s was one of six positive results to come back from  Premier League testing this week, two other members of Watford staff and Burnley assistant manager, Ian Woan also tested positive.

The 33-year-old, who lives with his partner and three of his four children, was informed of his positive test on Tuesday and now has to isolate for a week. Speaking on his shock about the result, the defender said, “Ever since I got my positive result back on Tuesday, I’ve been scratching my head to try to work out how I might have got coronavirus. It was a big surprise because I haven’t really left the house, apart from some exercise and the odd walk with the kids. I’ve mainly just been homeschooling and keeping fit. My lifestyle is very quiet, certainly no parties or going out or anything, so I really don’t know how I got it. Like most people, we’ve been having more deliveries of food and things, so maybe that’s one way, and my partner has been to the supermarket a few times.

‘The club doctor called to tell me and, to be honest, I did ask whether it could be 100 percent accurate or whether my results could have got muddled up. Maybe if I had been displaying any symptoms then it might have made sense. But I’ve not had any symptoms and I’ve felt as fit as ever, probably fitter because I’ve been working really hard. I’ve been following my training programme and I’ve not felt out of breath or ill, or anything.

Also Read: English Premier League: 6 people test positive to coronavirus.

‘We’ve been fully monitored the whole time and the club have been able to track our distances and things. I’ve been really excelling in all of that and feeling great. It’s quite scary how you can feel absolutely fine and not really have left the house, and yet still get the virus. If it wasn’t for the fact I had gone back to training and had this test, then I’d never have found out that I had the virus and I would just be getting on with things as normal. That’s obviously quite a strange thought.’


English Premier League: 6 people test positive to coronavirus.

The Premier League has confirmed that six people tested positive for coronavirus from three clubs after 748 tests. The affected individuals will now self-isolate for seven days. Clubs and individuals have not been disclosed for data protection reasons.

This news is coming a day after Premier League Shareholders voted unanimously to return to small group training from Tuesday afternoon. The decision was made after an emergency conference call with all 20 clubs on Monday.

With the new development,  the chances of starting matches again on 12th June are slim.

The Premier League is providing this aggregated information for the purposes of competition integrity and transparency. No specific details as to clubs or individuals will be provided by the league and results will be made public in this way after each round of testing.” The Premier League said in a statement.

Some of the precautionary measures undertaken include bi-weekly testing and daily pre-training questionnaire and temperature check.

Jack Wilshere raises safety concerns over Premier League return.

Former Arsenal player, Jack Wilshere has raised safety concerns over the return of the Premier League, otherwise called the Project Restart plans.

English Football returns in June after 2 months break due to the coronavirus pandemic that has ravaged the world. Nine fixtures are scheduled to take place from Saturday to Monday behind closed doors, and players will be staying in quarantine hotels and subjected to lots of medical tests before and after the games, but despite all these measures, Wilshere still doesn’t believe it is possible to observe social distancing on the football pitch.

‘No player will go back if it’s not safe to do so, I can’t see how you can play football and social distance at the same time. These are the questions that people need to ask and need to be answered. It’s as simple as that.’ He told Sky Sports.

UK government okays the restart of Premier League season from 1 June.

The UK government has given the Premier League the green light to restart the season from 1 June. All the remaining fixtures set to be played behind closed doors until public safety can be guaranteed. This was contained in a new document titled, ‘Our Plan to Rebuild: The UK Government’s Covid-19 Recovery Strategy’. The document also warns that the lifting of restrictions is conditional upon the continued adherence to protocols which have been put in place to contain the spread of coronavirus.

“Some venues which are, by design, crowded and where it may prove difficult to enact distancing may still not be able to reopen safely at this point, or may be able to open safely only in part. Nevertheless, the Government will wish to open as many businesses and public places as the data and information at the time allows.

“In order to facilitate the fastest possible reopening of these types of higher-risk businesses and public places, the Government will carefully phase and pilot reopenings to test their ability to adopt the new Covid-19 secure guidelines.

“The Government will also monitor carefully the effects of reopening other similar establishments elsewhere in the world, as this happens. The Government will establish a series of task forces to work closely with stakeholders in these sectors to develop ways in which they can make these businesses and public places Covid-19 secure.”

Premier League clubs have been told they could have to repay an estimated £340m to domestic and international broadcasters – even if the season resumes behind closed doors. Also Premier League clubs voted to allow contract extensions for players whose current deals expire on June 30. Players at the end of loan spells can also extend their moves if all three parties involved are in agreement.

Odion Ighalo desires to finish the season with Manchester United.

According to Manchester Evening News,  Manchester United Nigeria’s Odion Ighalo has expressed his desire to finish the season with the Red Devils. Ighalo has scored four goals in eight games since arriving on loan from Shanghai Shenhua in January and even though his loan contract, expires on May 31, he woldn’t mind extending his deal at Manchester United.

This was what he said in a recent interview.

“I would like to finish the season if it’s possible. 

“I was in good form, good shape, scoring goals and now we’ve stopped for over a month. I’ve given it my best and hopefully we’ll come back to play. The team had a good momentum before the pandemic started. At the moment I’m on loan, and this will cut short my time at the club.

“The club, myself, every footballer is going through a lot because we can’t do what we love and what we know how to do best, so we’re just thinking about that for now and to finish the season before we start thinking about the contract.”


Tottenham’s Son Heung-min gets ‘best performer’ award as he completes three-week military training.

Tottenham Hotspur forward, Heung-Min Son has completed his three-week basic military training course in South Korea today and picked up the “Pilseung” award as the top performer among 157 trainees. He got a perfect score in mental evaluation and excellent grades in all subjects, including hitting 10/10 shots on target in shooting training.

Also Read: 5 substitutions, games behind closed doors and other temporary changes to expect when football resumes.

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Upon completion of the training course, the forward who has not played since fracturing his arm in a league match against Aston Villa on February 16 still has to undertake 544 hours of community service over the next 34 months. who led his country to gold in the 2018 Asian Games football tournament,

“He received the ‘Pilsung’ prize which is one of five types of awards for best performers, All the courses were judged in a fair and strict manner, and his military training officers have said he went through the training faithfully.” the Yonhap news agency quoted a Marine Corps officer at the unit on the southern island of Jeju as saying.

Also Read: Paulo Dybala recovers from COVID-19.

He was quarantined for two weeks after arriving in Seoul from London at the end of March, completed the training during the suspension of the EPL due to the Covid-19 pandemic and  is due to return to London next week.


Chelsea, Barca, Dortmund, others, join the missing children initiative.

AS Roma is inspiring Chelsea, Liverpool, Tottenham, and many other European clubs to find missing young people. The project, which will run on International Missing Children’s Day on 25 May, is tagged The ‘Football Cares‘ initiative and is being supported by Fifa.

Other clubs who have signed up include Barcelona, Valencia, Bayer Leverkusen, Borussia Dortmund, Inter Milan, Juventus, Lazio, Athletico Madrid,  Valencia Cork City and many more. The Italian club showed had been talking about the project since last year and so far six missing children have been found.

Also Read: Barcelona to return to training this week, Bundesliga to resume on May 15th.

“With the huge following and global reach that these clubs boast, we hope that someone, somewhere might recognise one of the missing children in the videos so they can be reunited with their loved ones,” said the European Club Association, co-ordinating the project.

Odion Ighalo gives update on Manchester United future.

Nigeria/Manchester United striker, Odion Ighalo has given an update on his future at the Old Trafford. The 30 year-old who joined the club in January 2020 has revealed that there is “no offer on the table yet” from Manchester United over extending his stay at the club. Ighalo has scored four goals in eight games since arriving on loan from Shanghai Shenhua in January and even though his loan contract, expires on May 31, United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is open to keeping him beyond the end of this campaign.

 Ighalo told ElegbeteTV. Because the season is still on and I’m yet to finish my loan deal. I don’t just take decisions alone in my life. I have a principle and I have a guideline for everything I do. I always pray to God to direct me.

Also Read: Iker Casillas calls for an El Clasico charity match when football returns.

“I have seen so many tweets about this. I have seen so many people going crazy, [saying] ‘go back to China’, some say stay with Man United. Have you seen me say a word? I don’t have anything to say. When the season is finished and I get two offers from the two teams, then I will sit and think about it, pray about it and whatever God says I should do, I will go with that. “I don’t just sit down and take decisions, and I don’t get carried away with whatever people say. I came to Manchester United to play for a pay cut because I wanted to. So anything could happen, but I want the season to finish and my loan to finish. Then I will see everything I have.

Also Read: Lionel Messi reacts to claims he bailed out Ronaldinho from jail.

“You don’t just rush and do things. ‘I’m going here, I’m going here’. I have to sit down and finish the season well, sit down with my agent, see what’s on the ground: A, B, C, D, is on the ground. Okay we have to pick.”

Meanwhile, his contract with Shanghai Shenhua expires next year and the Chinese Super League side have offered him a £400,000-a-week to extend his deal.


Southampton FC

Covid-19 crisis: Southampton is the first Premier League club to agree wage deferrals.

Southampton have become the first Premier League club to announce their players will defer part of their salaries amid the coronavirus crisis. The club will not furlough non-playing club staff, who will continue to receive 100% of pay, and first-team players, directors and manager have agreed to defer part of their salaries until at least June “to help protect future of club, staff…and community we serve”.

In a statement on the club’s website, Southampton said: “Furthermore, the club can confirm that it will not use the government’s Job Retention Scheme during April, May and June. Our owners, Mr Gao and Katharina Liebherr have put measures in place to ensure that all staff not deferring part of their salaries will continue to receive 100% of their pay, paid in the normal way until 30 June. Any decision on the future beyond this date will be made in advance of this, but only when more information is known.


Also Read: Covid-19: The world’s largest critical care unit unveiled in London.

“In these unprecedented times we are dealing with many challenges to our business model and day-to-day operations.  The situation is ever-evolving and we will continue to monitor and assess the impact to the club over the coming weeks before deciding any further action necessary. Everyone at the club remains fully committed to the community we value so highly in Southampton.

The statement added: “We will continue to offer our full support to the city of Southampton through the work of the Saints Foundation and provide any further assistance we can. We ask everyone connected to the club and the city of Southampton to listen and adhere to the Government’s advice.

Also Read: Should clubs pay players during this covid-19 crisis? Here’s what FIFA thinks.

“Meanwhile, we will continue to prepare our club for a return to the pitch and make sure that, when safe, we are ready to play and serve the people of Southampton again. Until then, We March On. Together.”

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