When Churches’ become fetish ritual dens ~ By: Tony Ogunlowo

In the past year or so there has been an alarming increase in the number of ‘churches’ that double-up as fetish ritual dens.

Corpses are being discovered buried in the foundation of churches and several so-called pastors have been caught making human sacrifices.

A church is a place of worship and the priest or pastor is supposed to be the person who ministers to the people about the Bible and Christianity.

Churches are sprouting up almost on a daily basis as people seek miraculous cures and fortunes more than the Word of God. As there is no way to check most pastors qualifications or track records, you’re at their mercy. Everyone is busy trying to find more powerful pastors to help them fulfil their dreams and most rely on word-of-mouth or recommendation.

Everything in life is supply and demand: people want things to happen in their lives miraculously and crooked pastors are only willing to supply the demand. It’s very easy for a babalawo or fetish spiritualist to dress up as a pastor, complete with cassock and dog collar!

The only question is where do they get their ‘power’ from? Certainly not from God.

It’s very easy for a fetish priest to hide behind the façade of an innocent looking church which becomes a prop that hides their true purpose. There will be candles, Bibles and prayer books. Hymns will be sung, prayers said and a sermon read. All in all it looks like an innocent church ceremony.

But behind the scenes what is the pastor really doing to produce his ‘miracles’ or ‘prophecies’ on demand? Churches are not factories that mass produce miracles – it’s simply not possible!

A lot of pastors get their ‘power’ from a number of questionable sources : some go deep into the forest to consult the spirits of the trees and rocks, others seek ‘power’ from the entities of the deep ocean whilst others use human sacrifices.

Human sacrifice is as old as the human race and certain ‘gods’ and spirits will demand an offering to grant the user certain ‘powers’. By burying a sacrificed human being in the foundations of a ‘church’ not only is the victims’ soul trapped within the vicinity it’ll also be used to draw people in and for no reason they’ll feel compelled to go to that particular church like moths are drawn towards light. Over time more and more sacrifices will be demanded and one by one members of the congregation will begin to die mysteriously, their souls captured and used.

It’s not easy to spot such wayward ‘pastors’ as audibly they’ll be reciting texts from the Bible like they are saints, for the benefit of the congregation, but in their minds they’ll be chanting invocations to invoke the ‘gods’ they are really using.

But the people themselves are to blame: ‘miracles’ don’t happen everyday in a real church but rather once in a blue moon hence the reason they are called ‘miracles’.

After some people die and go to the afterlife they’ll have a heart attack ( – if it’s possible!) when they won’t find themselves where they expect to be after a lifetime of going to ‘church’; many will argue that they were ‘blessed’, ‘baptised’, ‘anointed’ and prayed for in ‘church’. The sad truth is a lot of people would have unwittingly sold their souls to whatever their ‘pastors’ was really worshipping. When you start asking your pastor for miracle-this and miracle –that, he or she will never tell you, honestly, what the conditions are for what you’re receiving or what you ask for  – and most people, ignormous, won’t ask! You hand over your thick wad of Naira and you are told to come back in 7 days time to collect your soap, anointing oil or ‘holy water’. What’s in it you don’t know and you don’t ask.

And what’s to say your ‘pastor’ hasn’t got you in his sights for his next sacrifice to replenish the one buried under his church? How many people go missing in Nigeria every day and are never seen again?

Again I’m not saying all pastors are rogues and have dead bodies buried underneath their churches ; there are genuine pastors out there who have genuine places to worship and pray; it’s up to the  worshipper to be more discerning. If there’s too many weird ‘miracles’ happening in a church there’s something else going on – either trickery or the ‘pastor’ has got a fetish temple hidden behind the altar! But yet again if you’re looking for this sort of ‘miracles’ or you want some of the pastors’ ‘power’ you only have yourself to blame for whatever you get yourself mixed up in.

Tony blogs at http://www.archangel641. blogspot.co.uk

The Not-so North Korean showdown. | By: Tony Ogunlowo

With President Trump “locked and loaded” and the North Korean leader having a re-think about attacking Guam, the rest of the world can breathe a sigh of relief – at least for now.

Never a week goes by that North Korea doesn’t launch another ICBM taunting America, South Korea and recently Japan.

Previous American administrations have ignored the North Korean’s antics and have gone down the diplomatic way, imposing sanctions and restrictions.
Kim Jung-Un is a nuisance;  an attention seeking miscreant who’s prone to show-off given an audience: Trump has now given him the attention he craves.
For those who think there will be a nuclear war or Armageddon, sooner or later, there won’t be.
To launch a nuclear strike President Trump will need the full backing of the Congress and the Pentagon. This backing will not be forthcoming as the Pentagon will be more in favour of a conventional military strike rather than a nuclear strike. So anybody who thinks this will be a throwback to the stand-off during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, when the world was on the brink of all-out nuclear war, is wrong.
Most important of all if military intervention is required there is China to worry about: In the event that North Korea strikes first at US interests in the region China will remain neutral. But should the US launch a pre-emptive strike, first, China is sure to side with their wayward North Korean neighbour. There are already skirmishes between the Chinese and American navies in the South China Sea and China doesn’t want an increased American presence in the region.
If the order is given to strike its more likely to be a surgical military operation such as the one launched against Iraq in the first Gulf war in 1991.
Cruise missiles will be launched from ships of the US Seventh Fleet currently in the region to knock out key military installations in North Korea. The cruise missiles will probably be complemented by a squadron of  B-2 bombers, flying non-stop from their base in Whiteman Airforce base outside Kansas city in America. They carry in their fuselage the AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile that will primarily be used to disable missile and telecommunication installations. US fighter-bomber planes, consisting mainly of F-16s and A-10 Thunderbolts, will fly out of their South Korean base of Kunsan air base to destroy any mobile missile launching platforms north of the Demilitarized zone. Finally B1 and B52 bombers flying out of  Andersen airforce base in Guam will be used to carpet bomb North Korean barracks and other areas.
Modern air wars normally last a week and if after Kim Jung-Un still refuses to surrender, ground troops, of which there are currently over 500,000 in South Korea, will be moved into position. The border at the 38thparallel will be breached and it’ll take the troops, backed by massive air support, less than a week to march upon the capital of Pyongyang.
However a military intervention will be counter-productive, as the Americans are fully aware of: “ Dear Leader” Kim Jung-Un is revered as a god by his people and any attempt to topple or assassinate him will be met by great resistance by his fanatical followers; they’ll rather die protecting “dear leader” than surrender. And being a nuclear power there’s no knowing that Kim’s generals won’t unleash their nuclear arsenal upon the world.

The key to solving the North Korean crisis lies with China and not Trump’s gung-ho cowboy antics. Already the Chinese government has hit North Korea with sanctions and trade embargoes, forcing them to survive on the bare basics. More, however, will have to be done to force mad Kim Jung-Un to give up his nuclear missile testing programme.

Tony Ogunlowo blogs at http://www.archangel641. blogspot.co.uk

Opinion: The Mindless Worship of Gadgets | By: Tony Ogunlowo

Photo Credit: Zagaleti

We have a new addiction in our lives and it’s called the mindless worship of gadgets.

We can’t do without our gadgets and the main culprits are smartphones and tablets.

Our popular gadgets are simply inanimate electronic devices that are designed to serve a purpose. For instance the primary function of a cellphone, regardless of its make, is to make and receive calls. Anything else after this is secondary: but people tend to spend their every waking moment glued to them, switching from one app to another, texting, streaming videos and checking Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates. To them the outside world becomes a nonentity as they continue to worship, devoutly, the electronic device in their hands. Take away anybody’s smartphone and they’ll become suicidal!

And there’s the gadgets themselves: the pricier, apparently, the better. How many of us still worship the God of Apple? We can’t wait for the next iPhone, iPad, iWatch or i-whatever to hit the stores before we rush out to buy it, whether we need it or not: in turn we’ve turned our God, the Apple Corporation, into one of the richest companies on Earth.

Any gadget bought, today, is not worth what you pay for it. Being slaves to consumerism the big corporations prey on our insatiable appetite for more and sell us useless upgrades, often for more money. Can anyone tell me what is the main discerning difference between an iPhone 4 and iPhone 6? None really, just a few added features and you’re prepared to pay through the nose for it!

Whilst these devices are handy, a necessity in the 21st century, alarming new statistics suggest we are allowing them to take over lives.

Our physical community structure is breaking down as more and more people are shunning physical contact with others in favour of virtual online relationships: we date online, socialize online and talk to each other online. Apps are being developed almost on a daily basis to enslave us more to our smartphones; you don’t even need to go out on to the street and hail a taxi anymore – just uber-it!

The inherent danger we expose ourselves too is that these devices we entrust our lives to are not safe: they can easily be taken over by hackers with evil or criminal intent. What happens to you when a hacker takes over your Facebook, Twitter or bank accounts? You’ll be in trouble! With no back up or means to access your accounts you stand to lose a huge chunk of your life.

And there’s also the health risks: repetitive strain injury from endless pressing away with your fingers and eye strain from staring at the screen for too long. Psychologically you become more and more isolated from the community and the world around you as your entire life is conducted through the touchscreen of your smartphone.

People should learn to rely less on their electronic gadgets and use them primarily for what they were designed for. They are designed to complement our lives and not take them over. A cell phone is designed to receive and make calls and not to be stared at every five minutes checking for social media updates!

Tony blogs at http://www.archangel641.blogspot.co.uk

You Can't Beat Her, You Can't Rape Her | By: Wole Aguda

For lack of time, I have been unable to soak in all the stories out there on rape incidents. The accounts are inhuman, indecent and grossly against the lowest of known morals. I find the stories wrenching my moral self and sincerely call for coordinated action that advances the protection of children and minors from the dastardly misnomer that such actions are. Even for young ladies or the mature, rape remains an aberration unworthy of any form of negotiated interpretation outside evil, and one deserving of the condemnation of sane humanity.

Sex has been a problem for humanity and I often wonder why God just didn’t let us enjoy orgasms after good meals. The motions are overly dramatic and for a business man like myself, daunting. How men wantonly discard their dignity to force sex is a subject that I will remain puzzled about. What is it about sex really? A man who commands an entire organization wiggles and shakes, sometimes begging like a beguiled soul for a 20 minute rendezvous with a girl within his daughter’s age. Because I am a competitive person, I’d rather go through the hard work of winning the assurance and approval of a lady than force her. In my case I don’t even have time for shakara, I am a fast mover. You’re not game for friendship, I’m not game for Okpax. But rape?? Hell No! Rape is corruption, just a worse one. If I could pass the National Common Entrance examinations why can I not woo a lady to the point of consent? I have been in difficult business circumstances and came out breezing so why not masculine dexterity that wins the admiration of a female to the point of consent? I guess the guys do not know it is serious business to get a sound lady. Na project!

That said, I would quickly point out again that we must go back to the archives to leverage some understanding that scholars have shared about the perpetrators and the course of recovery for the victims. Governments should at least pretend to be academic about this to find psychological and social reprieve for victims while attending to the possible mental recession that rapists suffer. We should own a public service that creates an avenue for open discussions about the subject. Even if separated by gender, women who have been abused should have an anonymous grouping that encourages them to publicly share their experiences. People get to know about rape cases over time and so the “social stigma” concern that drives victims to mental isolation becomes unnecessary thereafter.

This closing is for brothers out there. Ladies hold the patent for the most uncanny provocations, that me, I can tell but you have no rights whatsoever to beat a woman. No you do not. You have no rights to lift a finger against any woman whom you begged a family for. It is an abuse that is socially unacceptable and even though I will not cut my friendship with you, I will practically almost have no respect for you. People whom I have no respect for become invisible. In same vein should nobody force a lady to have sex with him. If you cannot force sales that can make you a star salesman or marketer or an Innovator, you’re a major wash. If she says no, let her go. I can tell you that the world will not end at that moment or even much after. Dust yourself up like someone who failed JAMB, and try again!

Opinion: Now that Nigeria is planning to start collecting tax from Beggars, What’s Next?

In an attempt  to raise much needed funds, the Finance Minister, Mrs Kemi Adeosun, has come up with the most ludicrous suggestions of all time : she plans to tax even beggars on their ‘earnings’. She made this perfectly clear at a news conference in Lagos recently.

May I remind the Honourable Minister that ‘begging’ is not actually an occupation but rather a means to survive in times of harsh economic times. Nobody wants to go on the streets and beg for alms – for some it’s a necessity; the alms they receive from charitable people enables them to survive. Yes, there are some professional beggars but not all of them are.

But if the minister is still intent on taxing beggars hopefully she hasn’t forgotten about also taxing armed robbers, cultists, kidnappers ( – ‘Evans’ didn’t pay any tax on the billions he earned from kidnapping!), drug smugglers, Yahoo yahoo boys etc. There’s a long list of people who earn a fortune in the ‘black economy’ and never pay a penny in tax. Some of these people earn more money than most honest people will ever see in a lifetime!

And will she also be taxing any of the bribes or backhanders  her fellow ministers and politicians periodically receive? And what about the Fulani herdsmen? They don’t pay any tax (- but who’s brave enough to ask them for it?)

Surely there are many other ways to raise funds through taxing; the Finance Minister just needs to be a little bit more creative – and reasonable. For instance how about a tax on people who have big second homes? Or  what about taxing a little bit extra on people who have  private planes and yachts? It won’t hurt their bank balances! And what about all the  religious organisations who hide under the façade  of ‘non-profitable organisations’ ? I can name a few ‘fat-cat-non-profitable-ventures’ beggars (aka pastors!) who need taxing; they live bourgeois and opulent lifestyles financed by the charitable contributions of their church members. In reality they are just sophisticated beggars who prey on their vulnerable congregation. Bishop Oyedepo, for instance, can afford to pay a little more tax on his ‘non-profitable-ventures’ earnings.

If this goes ahead it’ll be interesting to see how it will be implemented; will an army of ‘beggar’ tax collectors be employed to collect taxes? How will you determine what they will pay? Or how do you determine how much they earn from begging? How will you enforce such a law? Currently more than 97% of the population of Lagos state don’t pay any tax at all!

Perhaps the real problem is how easy it is to avoid paying tax in Nigeria; you can bribe a tax official to give you a tax clearance certificate; you can operate off the grid, in a black market environment and the authorities will never know or you can simply refuse to pay a tax summons – who’s going to enforce it?

To generate funds through taxation, which is vital for any nations’ growth, an adequate and fair system needs to be put in place.

The taxation system needs to be transparent for all so that everyone pays the correct tax based on their income. Tax loopholes, like the so-called ‘non-profitable ventures’ need to be assessed properly or outlawed. Then there needs to be a system that will collect and enforce non-payment of such – if 97% of people in Lagos don’t pay tax and you can’t enforce it you have a problem.

It’s all good and fair the minister is making plans to tax everybody but without a proper system in place she is just wasting her time.

Surely there must be other ways or means of raising funds without having to resort to harassing the least fortunate members of society for their measly widow’s mite.

Tony Ogunlowo blogs at http://www.archangel641.blogspot.co.uk


Opinion: Let’s Break-up Nigeria! | By: Tony Ogunlowo  

So everybody wants to go their own separate way? Some Igbos want to re-create the nation of Biafra while others want a Niger-Delta country; Northern youths are calling for the expulsion of all Igbos (- and Southerners) from the North and quietly the Yorubas are calling for the creation of an Oduduwa Republic.

And then what?
As Great Britain is finding out from its preliminary BREXIT talks with Europe it’s not easy to break up a union that has been around for a very long time. It’s a lot of wahala!
As anybody who has been through a divorce will know, no break-up is easy: who gets to keep the dog? (- or cat?) How will assets be divided and what about access to the kids?
For intended break-aways a lot of things need to be considered; creating your own flag and drawing up your geographical borders is just the tip of the iceberg for there’s lots of things to consider.
A new country will need to be self-sufficient, generate its own income, make its own laws and be able to defend itself for instance.
As we can see from the break-up of the old Soviet Union 25 years ago this can prove to be problematic. Some of the old Soviet bloc countries have all the resources whilst others have nothing – reduced to having cabbage and potato economies.
Even the powerful Great Britain will have problems when they finally break with Europe. There will be problems with trade, defence and immigration amongst other things.
If the North wants to go it alone can they survive on an income derived from groundnuts and rice? Will yams and cocoa fund an Oduduwa Republic? Can the oil-rich delta region survive on oil alone?
And how do you divide up the Federal installations and other assets scattered around the country?
People, of all tribes, are scattered around the country and have made these places their homes. So what immigration policy will be put in place? Will there be free movement between the new countries? Will they be allowed to live and work where they are or do they have to return back to their origins? Will I, a Nigerian require a visa to live and work in Biafra?
Those old enough will remember the trouble caused by the expulsion of illegal aliens order signed by then President Shagari that resulted in the infamous ‘Ghana must Go’ in 1983 when people who were not of Nigerian descent were forced to leave.
Fast forward to the present day; there are more than 500,000 British citizens living and working in Europe and have done so for a very long time with a majority of them in Spain. After Britain voted to leave the European Union they have been left in limbo; they don’t know if they will have to leave everything they’ve spent years building up behind and return back to England. Likewise, European nationals in Britain don’t know if they’ll be sent home.
Currently Nigeria is not stable: the economy is a mess, corruption and crime is still rife and there is mass unemployment to mention but a few of the problems.
Forcing people to uproot and return back to their hometowns will lead to mass civilian unrest. Will they be compensated for their assets such as houses and businesses that they will be forced to leave behind? Who will compensate Dangote for all his investments in the South? And what about the people he employs? Who is going to employ them when he closes his businesses and moves everything up North? (- and again who’s going to work for him in the North? Fulani cattle herders? Boko haram?)
International investors will be very wary of where they invest with so much uncertainty. Again where they invest will be determined by such things as minimum wage, taxes and tariffs imposed by the new nations.
More than twenty years after the creation of the new states in Nigeria, some are still struggling to stand on their own two feet! Can any of them even be financially independent? What can they do without continual financial support from the Federal Government? Nothing! So how will a new country survive with no funds from a Federal Government?
And what about sports? When it comes to the Commonwealth Games or the Olympics some of the ‘new nations’ won’t have any competitors to send because all their women will be at home cooking, making babies clad head-to-toe in hijabs!

Splitting up the country is the equivalent of opening up a Pandora’s Box : you’ll be letting out untold problems that will cause untold misery for many years to come – probably leading to civil wars.

So to all those who are thinking of breaking away its time to go back to the drawing board and think of other ways to help your people to remain part of the country. Helping your people, doing the best for your people and getting the best for them will result in everyone helping everyone to resolve the real problems affecting the nation.

Unification is a lot better than seceding.


Follow me on Twitter: @Archangel641 or visit http://www.archangel641. blogspot.co.uk


Opinion: When You Die Your Digital Life Lives On | By: Tony Ogunlowo

We live in a world – the digital age- where we virtually do everything online from corresponding to shopping, banking and socializing.

We send and receive emails; shop for virtually everything online; socialize through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram etc; watch movies on YouTube and Netflix; check our bank balances; store our music collection on iTunes – we do everything online.

The average person has at least 25 online accounts, all with different passwords and web addresses.

But what happens to them when you die or become incapacitated? There are currently lawsuits going in the United States right now where people are suing online companies like Facebook and Yahoo for refusing to give them access to their deceased ones’ accounts.

Your digital accounts will not know you’re no longer around and will keep your accounts open and continue to send updates, receive emails etc.

When it comes to closing accounts owned by deceased persons all the online platforms have different policies – some companies insist you send them written confirmation while others will insist on seeing a copy of the death certificate and power of attorney, especially if it’s a bank, PayPal or Bitcoin account. Likewise financial assets or monies held in any of the various crypto currencies will require a lot of paperwork to close the accounts and transfer all monies accrued.

Whilst it’s not possible to let everyone know what you’re doing online all the time it’s a good idea to draw up a list of where you have accounts. This will make it easier to deal with your affairs should you die or become incapacitated.

A simple way around this is to have a little ‘Black Book’ where you record every password and online account you have. This can be an actual notebook ( – if you’re old-fashion like me!), stored on a USB stick or stored online. It’s necessary that you keep it where people such as your lawyer, next-of-kin or power of attorney can find it and use it to access your accounts ( Please for god sake keep it where nobody  with fraudulent intent can find it, or they’ll be able to access your accounts and you’ll be a very poor and sorry person!).

Once your trusted ones are able to access your accounts through the info you leave behind in your ‘Black Book’ they’ll be able to unsubscribe you from all lists and close your accounts following instructions on the individual websites. Also there are companies such as eclosure.com.au that specialize in digital estate management.

Eventhough the law is not yet clear on online accounts and virtual assets it’s a good idea to leave clear instructions on what you want done, for instance who gets access to your music collection in cloud storage and who gets to keep the commissions from your YouTube and Blogger accounts and should they keep running after you are no longer around.

Hopefully , in years to come there will be laws outlining what can be done to access deceased persons’ online accounts, but until then its best to have a little ‘Black Book’ with all your passwords that people can use to unlock your online life.

Tony blogs at  http://www.archangel641. blogspot.co.uk

Opinion: The #HallelujahChallenge and a People's Love for Magic |By: Wole Aguda

I stopped being a fan of exaggerated worship or public display of godliness when I realized that it was possible to be outwardly pristine and internally depraved of morality. Humanity has mastered the art of stripping clothes off the body of another with just the mind so public works are at best a facade. The real treasure of the person to me is therefore the mind from whence actions emanate. So, corporate worship, while excellent and an expression of the unity of the church is adorable, it is however meaningless when so called worshipers promote hate. You cannot serve God and Mammon. You either love or hate. You cannot gather in worship at night and abuse the daylight from Biafra agitators in the day, in same manner that you cannot raise up hands in worship at night and in the day cast aspersions on our Hausa brothers. If the mind is sound, it will love humanity at first line charge, and then other considerations follow. The collective assignment per Christian is first love. Do not assume that it can be anything else. Love must be No. 1.

I was not quite aware of the #HallelujahChallenge but my circle has many who are actively involved in that event. I am delighted that a single event could ramp up tens of thousands of worshippers via live feeds. It is an ingenious use of technology that leaves me satisfied. I have however wondered if the convener of this wonderful challenge would get the same response had he called for a conference where Hausa Christians prayed for Hausa/Fulani Muslims in the North East and in the North West. Would much be achieved if there was a #PrayChallenge organized by Christians in the South East for strictly men and women of Fulani extraction? Could we expect a robust outpouring of “Amens” and excitement were we called to pray for Boko Haram Bombers? Am I treading on impossible grounds already? Wait for this! Can we have a prayer challenge where Yoruba Christians read out the names of every Federal Lawmaker from the North in blessings and supplication to God for their success? Stop squeezing your mind – that is what love is! Love is not convenient; it is not when you feel uplifted ALONE before God. Love is what you give so why will it be such excruciating assignment to wish your Federal Lawmakers success? Why will it be so hard for Christians to rise in prayers for Fulani Herdsmen – afterall they all certainly aren’t the wretched of our earth! We have the peaceful peaceful ones, don’t we? The ones who who had been in Nigeria all the while before the guns proliferation madness should also be subjects of our well wishers, after all they have not yet poisoned our meat as seen in hate broadcasts.

You can’t place a human impression above divine duty. How do you love when in your heart of hearts, you do not want Buhari to return alive? How can you love when you cannot consider ever relocating to Kazaure from Ibadan? When you jump to the controversial conclusions that the major criminals in Nigeria are from a particular region, you sit in judgment. You, yes you with your royal holiness that cannot interpret dreams had in naps. The problem with Nigeria remains to me, the problem of unloving minds and what we have primed it to believe. Forget the big issues and let us, like Tekno in ‘Rara’ talk about the small things. Can you love a person just because the person is human? The descriptions of South East, South West, North East or North West are as artificial as the fake lashes on some sisters. They are only fine for the moment, not when they are beaten by rain and the elements. The call for the unity of Nigeria is better boosted by corporate agreement that love supersedes all things. Distrust is a result of a lack of love. Many marriages break down today because the love ebbed, leaving room for distrust. I can tell that. Why do we have multiple churches yet agitations for hateful breaks exploding exponentially?

I call on religious leaders everywhere to begin to use our opium constructively. Religion is an addiction and it should either be totally discarded or the valuable elements (every religion I believe has its useful parts) put to good use. If religions preach love, why is it concealed by adherents when issues of Nigerian unity prop up? It is not enough to be religious, it is not even enough to have religion. All we need is love, and then Nigeria attains greatness. Forget all the political grammar. The greatness that the likes of Nathaniel Bassey carry has been shown. Let us push this further to quash daylight ethnic hatred, seen or unseen, heard or not.

Opinion: London is Not The Only Place Under Terrorist Attack | By: Tony Ogunlowo

On the 22nd of May, 22-year old Salman Abedi exploded a shrapnel-loaded bomb killing himself and 23 others, injuring 119, some seriously, after an Arianna Grande concert in Manchester.

Twelve days later on the 3rd of June, in London, three terrorists killed 8 people and injured a further 48 before being gunned down by armed police.

The world media, and leaders, went into overdrive decrying the atrocities, holding vigils and benefit concerts for the victims, showing solidarity with the cities of London and Manchester.

But London and Manchester were not the only places in the world to come under attack by Islamic terrorists.

There were others.

From the 22nd of May when the Manchester atrocities were unfolding to the 3rd of June  London stabbings more than  500 people lost their lives to terrorists attacks worldwide, with many more injured.

Some of these atrocities include:

  • 22nd May  – Bangkok, Thailand  – 24 injured
  • 22nd  May – Iraq   6 dead. 15 injured
  • 23rd  May  – Afghanistan – 11 dead, 9 injured
  • 23rd May  – Homs, Syria – 4 dead, 40 injured
  • 24th May  – Somalia  – 12 dead, 15 injured
  • 26th May  – Egypt   –   28 dead, 30 injured.
  • 31st May  – Kabul, Afghanistan  – 150 dead, 420 injured.

This is an incomplete list as it doesn’t contain full details about terrorist attacks in places like Nigeria, Afghanistan, Cameroon, Libya and Iran where attacks occur on a daily basis   and there are no official figures for casualties.

Nobody has shown any solidarity with them (- not even Donald Trump!), there have been no benefit concerts or fundraising for the victims and survivors. The world media hasn’t even bothered to report these incidents or show the pictures of these nameless victims and there’s nobody to help the injured survivors; they’ll probably end up homeless, uncared for and forgotten in IDP( Internal Displaced Person) or refugee camps.

While it is right to decry the atrocities of terrorists, attention shouldn’t be just limited to top Western cities such as London and Paris. There are people who are dying on a daily basis as a result of terrorist activities, worldwide, in places such as Nigeria, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Philippines. They need attention too.

So while terrorist activities in London and Manchester is front page news around the world don’t forget those the western media can’t be bothered to mention.

Tony blogs at http://www.archangel641.blogspot.co.uk

The Need to Address Mental Health Issues in Nigeria | By : Tony Ogunlowo

It’s not only the mad people who wander the streets dressed in rags, talking to themselves, that have mental health issues. People will be surprised to learn that a lot of seemingly healthy and sane people have mental health issues.

Mental health problems covers a very wide spectrum ranging from the clinically insane ( ‘were’ or mad-man) who roam our streets, to those who were born with mental disorders and disabilities and finally to the closet mental health sufferers.

It’s the last group, the closet-mental-health- sufferers, that I want to address here for they are the ones who are most at risk and are either not aware of it or don’t think it’s a problem. These are the people who suffer from depression, anxiety, panic attacks etc. Left un-checked it can lead to hypertension or the individual developing suicidal thoughts.

According to the Commonwealth Health organisation, the most commonly diagnosed mental illness in Africa is mood disorders caused by a number of things.

There are a lot of things that can cause an individual’s mental health to deteriorate rapidly: the current economic climate with all the uncertainty, peer and family pressure and undisclosed personal problems.

According to Professor  Taiwo Lateef-Shiek, the Medical Director of the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital Kaduna, 80% of Nigerians with mental health problems don’t seek proper help: they are more likely to go running to their pastors or babalawos or keep quiet about it. The recent rise in the number of people taking their own lives is a clear indication of this. If there is more awareness people won’t be stigmatised and ashamed to seek help or commit suicide.

In the Western world there are periodic campaigns to alert people to the dangers of concealing a mental health problem – it can happen to anyone! Hollywood giants like the late Tony Scott and Robin Williams committed suicide after years of suffering from depression. And in the UK, recently, the Royal Princes Harry and William openly talked about their battle with depression following the death of their mother, Princess Diana, in 1997.

In Africa, shame and the thought of being stigmatised prevent people from talking about their mental health problems until it is too late. Remember it can happen to anyone and any number of worldly problems can cause a person to lose the plot and go mad.

There is no shame in going to see a qualified practitioner (-definitely not your Pastor!) and discussing your problems. Sometimes all it takes is therapy, pills or a change in direction in life to clear your head. If you keep it to yourself hoping it’ll go away you’re wrong! It’ll only keep on building up and up till one day you’ll explode (- or implode)

Society also has a role to play in this – stop stigmatising people who have mental problems! You see ‘were’ or a mad-person on the street and start laughing at them, abusing them because they happen to be in the unfortunate position of not being able to control their faculties. Do you know what led to them losing their minds and ending up mad on the streets? You don’t know! It could be a catalogue of problems ( – or a man-made curse!) that finally pushed them over the edge. At the end of the day they are somebody’s brother, sister, uncle or mother. Show some empathy!

People with mental health problems just don’t develop it overnight: it starts off gradually. Signs to look out for are erratic behaviour, loss of interest in things and aloofness, mood swings and uncontrollable emotional outbursts. If the problem is dealt with in its infancy the patient has a good chance of a full recovery.

In the absence of a comprehensive mental health care system we have to look out for each other; sometimes all it takes is a shoulder to cry upon, someone to talk to.

And to the charlatan- pastors out there – you can’t cure every mental health sufferer out there with your brand of prayer sessions and God-knows-what: you’re not a qualified psychiatrist who specialises in these matters.

And if you have a mental health problem don’t hide away in shame- seek help! Your very life and well-being might depend on it!

Tony blogs at http://www.archangel641. blogspot.co.uk

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