Top 10 Risky Behaviours of Employees Uncovered.

The findings of top 10 risky behaviours of employees that organisations have detected was conducted byKnowBe4 through it’s  SecurityCoach, a security awareness training and simulated phishing platform. These behaviours include:

  • Entertainment domain/streaming services
  • Gaming website
  • Greymail
  • Adult website
  • Unauthorized or malicious application
  • Risky website detected
  • Unauthorized removable media
  • Sharing of personal identifiable information (PII)
  • Cloud backup or cloud storage
  • Malicious email attachment opened

The human factor is involved in 82% of data breaches, according to the 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report. However, according to IDC, less than 3% of IT spending is allocated to help secure the human layer.

“With the proliferation of social engineering attacks, employees continue to be the biggest risk factor,” However, with proper training and coaching, they can become a human firewall and your last line of defence. These findings are definitely concerning and reiterate the importance of developing a strong security culture.” said Stu Sjouwerman, CEO, KnowBe4.

Cookathon: Guinness World Records certifies Hilda Bacci.

Hilda Bassey, has been certified the new record holder for longest cooking marathon by an individual. The 26 year-old popularly called Hilda Bacci has surpassed the previous record of 87 hours 45 minutes set by India-based chef, Lata Tondon in 2019.

Following a thorough review of all the evidence, Guinness World Records can now confirm that Hilda Effiong Bassey, better known as Hilda Baci, has officially broken the record for the longest cooking marathon (individual), with a time of 93 hours 11 minutes,” GWR said in a statement released on Tuesday.

Recall that the chef began the cookathon on Thursday 11 May and ended it on Monday 15 May, cooking over 100 meals.

Teenager who was told her tumour was inoperable has life transformed by surgical charity in Africa.

A teenage girl who had to quit school and her job due to a painful, ‘inoperable’ tumour on the side of her face has had life-changing surgery from a charity.

Khoudia, 18, from the Kaolack region of central Senegal, was 10 when she first noticed a small lump on her cheek that kept on growing.

Her mother, Atta, was quick to take her to several hospitals in the hope of treatment but was told the tumour was inoperable. As the years passed by, Khoudia’s childhood was overshadowed by feeling rejected by her peers.

Atta said: “The only thing that my daughter told me all the time was, ‘I want to keep studying. But when she used to go to school, her friends used to make fun of her, and she would come back crying.”

By the time Khoudia was 16, the tumour had become immensely painful. She felt like her face was being pricked by needles.

Khoudia said: “I used to get pain till I could not see.”

She eventually had to drop out of school and could no longer work seasonally as a maid.

During yet another unsuccessful hospital visit, Atta heard the news that international aid charity Mercy Ships had one of its hospital ships in the port of Dakar, delivering free surgery to those who have little access to safe medical care. She began exploring Mercy Ships as an option but discovered it had finished its current service.

Amazingly, the ship then returned to Senegal, and Atta was overjoyed when Khoudia was cleared for surgery at age 18.

Khoudia said: “I never thought that this tumor would be removed from my cheek. So when they told me they were going to do it, I said, ‘OK,’ but I never imagined that they would remove it all.”

American nurse, Mary Toupin who was volunteering and looked after Khoudia, said: “They were just so happy to finally be here. They had been on a journey together, and they had finally come to this day they had been waiting for.”

The volunteer surgeons of Mercy Ships performed a left parotidectomy to remove the tumour. It was a life-changing maxillofacial operation that had been eight years in the making.

“After the surgery, when they took off the bandages, they gave me a mirror,” Khoudia remembered.

“I looked at myself and said, ‘Wow!’ I was so happy from then on.”

Her mother watched the moment and was just as joyful.

Atta said: “When they came and took off the bandages and I saw that, I was so happy because I never imagined that could be removed. I never thought I would see her cheek without the tumour in my life.”

French nurse Caroline Grob was struck by Khoudia’s bravery.

Caroline said: “It just blew my mind. She had a huge mass in her face and was just smiling. Never complained.”

She added: “When she saw her face after the surgery, she was even more joyful.”

Mary said that it was “such a privilege” to be there for the bandage removal. “That’s something really special,” said Mary. She called it “a moment that they will remember forever.”

A month after her surgery, Khoudia was pain-free and her face had healed, so she was discharged from the hospital.

She and Atta applauded the good news. Atta remarked: “I am just so happy. Now, I will return home with my beautiful daughter.”

As she prepared to return to her village Khoudia said she was most excited to see her father, as she is very close to him.

Khoudia said: “There will be a big party when I come home; I know it.”

Mercy Ships operates hospital ships that deliver free surgeries and other healthcare services to those with little access to safe medical care. An international faith-based organization, Mercy Ships has focused entirely on partnering with African nations for the past three decades. Working with in-country partners, Mercy Ships also provides training to local healthcare professionals and supports the construction of in-country medical infrastructure to leave a lasting impact.

Each year, more than 3,000 volunteer professionals from over 60 countries serve on board the world’s two largest non-governmental hospital ships, the Africa Mercy® and the Global Mercy™. Professionals such as surgeons, dentists, nurses, health trainers, cooks, and engineers dedicate their time and skills to accelerate access to safe surgical, obstetric and anesthetic care. Mercy Ships was founded in 1978 and has offices in 16 countries as well as an Africa Service Center in Dakar, Senegal.

I am the Chief Executive Officer (CEO); No, I am the CEO

Business email compromise and CEO impersonation is on the rise, and it puts the entire organization at risk…

One of the most successful cyber-attacks of 2022 is CEO fraud, also known as Business Email Compromise (BEC). According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center 2021 report,  this type of attack is one of the most profitable, and one that has seen a significant increase. It is also incredibly smart – cybercriminals impersonate the CEO or a high-level executive using email, deep fakes or audio files to trick staff into providing access to critical business information, systems or even authorizing fraudulent payment transactions. It is, says Anna Collard, SVP Content Strategy & Evangelist at KnowBe4 AFRICA, pervasive and smart, and it asks that companies pay very close attention to security protocols that are designed to mitigate this threat.

“This type of fraud is one of the most prolific at the moment, probably because it has been so successful,” she explains. “Essentially, the cybercriminals either spoof or compromise the CEO/ executive’s email and then use this to send instructions to key employees. Sometimes they even combine these messages with voice notes using deepfake audio to mimic the executive’s voice, and instruct employees to transfer money or provide password information or give them access to certain systems. The fake CEO is so convincing that employees do exactly as they are told.”

BEC is usually financially motivated. The hackers use the world’s reliance on hybrid and remote working, and virtual meetings, to make millions. According to the FBI, the price tag attached to BEC scams exceeded $43 billion in 2022  and that these types of attacks now make up 35% of all cybercrime losses. Their success rate is high because the attack vector works purely on social engineering a human and without the use of any malicious software. Attackers play the long game when it comes to penetrating the systems and gaining access to the CEO’s emails.

“It usually starts out with a phishing campaign,” says Collard. “Users in the company are targeted with phishing emails that ask them to enter information into very realistic-looking websites. These emails are designed to lure employees in so that they accidentally hand over their account details to the cybercriminals. Once the latter have those, they enter into the company system, and attempt to compromise the CEO or other people at the executive level, such as the Chief Finance Officer (CFO). Once there, they can build compelling BEC scams sending emails directly from the compromised accounts.”

Once the hackers have access to the CEO’s email system, the chances of them succeeding at siphoning millions from the organisation go up exponentially. And the sums of money that they are stealing are eyewatering, especially considering their target markets. The FBI report found that banks were the most common targets, especially those located in Thailand, Hong Kong, Mexico and Singapore. According to a recent Trend Micro report, respondents believe that the top cyberthreat of 2022 was BEC and that they saw an increase of successful cyber-attacks from 84% to 90%.

“The problem is, this type of attack is so easy to perpetrate once you have all the right information,” says Collard. “Who can argue with the CEO if they are messaging you and asking you to make an urgent payment because they are busy boarding a plane? Or with an email that asks you to pay a supplier urgently? People get nervous and try and do the right thing – they want to impress the boss. That is why this attack is so effective. Who would say no to the CEO?”

Overcoming the threat requires both financial controls such as segregation of duty so that no single person is responsible for every stage in the payment process as well as awareness training. This involves constant reminders and awareness training across every level of the company that underscores the insidious nature of social engineering and the risks of BEC.

“Training and awareness are absolutely the best line of defence against the BEC attack,” concludes Collard. “This can potentially stop the initial phishing attempt that exposes the CEO’s information in its tracks, and, if that fails, it can even prevent the payment from taking place because the employee is asking the right questions instead of racing to do what they are being told. If people are aware of how these scams are perpetrated, they can make informed decisions that can save the company millions.”

Modern children and where to find them: 79% of Nigerian parents do not track their children’s location.

Parents have always managed to set geographical boundaries – where their children could go and where they could not – back in time. Nowadays there is another opportunity to monitor the child’s whereabouts – to track the location of them using special software. Yet, according to Kaspersky’s special survey for parents, not many parents in Nigeria realise this.

According to the “Responsible Digital Parenting” survey*, 79% of Nigerian parents do not track the location of their child. The reasons for this vary: 54% have never thought of tracking the location, while 28% do not know how to do it. There is an option to have the software, which lets parents locate their children on a map and set a safe area for them to stay in, installed on their children’s devices. However, 38% of parents in Nigeria claim they do not have it installed on any of their devices.

“Modern times offer a wide range of tools which can help in preventing accidents in real or digital life. It is crucial to know how to use them, what their benefits are, and, actually, use them. Tracking your child’s location can definitely save you a lot of trouble – its advantages lie also in the fact that it allows to control not only digital, but also real life of the child,” commented Andrey Sidenko, Head of Child Safety at Kaspersky Network.

To secure and protect your child both in digital and in real life, Kaspersky strongly recommends following this advice:

  1. Learn more on the topic of children’s cybersecurity: explore modern trends, apps, the way of behaviour that has to be adopted in order to safeguard against dangers (for instance, the basic security rules while on the Internet); update your network security knowledge periodically, use the Kaspersky blog to do this.
  2. Communicate with your child and define the borders which are not meant to be crossed: discuss with them safe locations both real and webpages.
  3. Install a reliable security solution such as  to monitor your child’s activity successfully.


* The “Responsible Digital Parenting” survey was implemented in conjunction with Toluna research agency in the end of 2019 – beginning of 2020. 5000 respondents from META region and Baltic states participated in the survey.

Study: 89% of Nigerian parents use their gadgets to entertain their child when they travel.

While many countries slowly ease the lockdown measures that were implemented because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the interest to domestic and international travel starts to increase. Kaspersky throws a light on some travel patterns of parents and their children on the go.

According to the “Responsible Digital Parenting” survey1, 89% of the parents in Nigeria use their gadgets to entertain their child when they travel. Furthermore, 33% of the respondents try to calm down their children with the help of devices and 22% aim to gain some spare time for themselves. As a result, there is a chance that children are often left one-on-one with the gadgets. What is more, 56% of Nigerian children have their own smartphone or tablet, according to the survey. Among such a big number, the majority of children were 2-6 years old when they first got their own device. Nevertheless, 31% of Nigerian parents have not discussed safety rules on the Internet with their child. It means that the children are not always aware of how to behave themselves safely online.

Also Read: Digital misunderstanding: 55% of Nigerian parents have conflicts with their children because they spend too much time on the phone.

“Most parents give their children gadgets in order to entertain them, spare some time for themselves or calm down their kids. However, they shouldn’t use digital devices uncontrolled. It has been estimated by Kaspersky that 19% of Nigerian parents would like to monitor their child’s digital life better. This can be done by limiting screen time and holding conversations; however, a security solution is needed as well,” states Andrey Sidenko, Head of Child Safety at Kaspersky Network.

In order to teach children to use their gadgets in a beneficial way, to safeguard them from inappropriate content, take the following advice:

  1. Explain to your child the ethics of the Internet (not to write anything offending or insulting, not to post embarrassing, indecent photos, etc.) and safety rules on the Internet (not to respond to strangers, not to publish too much private information etc.).
  2. Communicate with your child. Discover his or her interests and suggest suitable materials and video bloggers. Ensure them that you are a modern parent who understands them and to whom they can always come for a piece of advice.
  3. Install a reliable security solution such as  to monitor your child’s activity successfully.

Digital misunderstanding: 55% of Nigerian parents have conflicts with their children because they spend too much time on the phone.

Modern parents have to constantly educate themselves and keep up to date when it comes to the Internet trends. There is a strong reason for it – their children. If parents do not know what is popular on the Net, they can have misunderstandings or even conflicts with their children. It turns out, not all the parents keep up with current trends online and have enough knowledge about content that their children prefer.

According to the recent survey*, 27% of Nigerian parents do not watch video blogs and are not sure what is popular among modern kids. However, the kids themselves are interested in watching such content: one-third of children in Nigeria watch video blogs, including those dedicated to games and toys (60%), movies (51%), music (43%), and computer games (32%).

It goes on with video games that are one of the most popular pastimes among kids and teenagers – 85% of Nigerian children play video games, 20% involving in multiplayer ones where they are able to communicate with other people participating there. A child’s digital life can also be the reason for a family conflict, with 55% of parents claiming that their child spends too much time on the phone or doing nothing useful (27%).

“Being digitally educated and involved in social media activities is a must-do for a parent nowadays as the lack of knowledge in this field can trigger some conflicts in the family. In order to understand your child, to be able to communicate with them and discuss certain modern trends of the evolving world, you have to read more and be present on the Net. It can possibly save the parents a lot of trouble and make their children respect them,” said Andrey Sidenko, Lead web content analyst at Kaspersky.

To successfully maintain a friendly relationship with your children and be aware of  things they dedicate their free time to, Kaspersky recommends following these steps:

  1. Educate yourself. Read more on the topic of the Internet trends, challenges, video games, and new technologies – not only will it better your conversations with children, but also keep you informed.
  2. Communicate with your child, ask them about their digital hobbies and problems, help if it is needed.
  3. Install a reliable security solution such as Kaspersky Safe Kids to know about the interests of your child in the digital world.

*The “Responsible Digital Parenting” survey was implemented in conjunction with Toluna research agency in the end of 2019 – beginning of 2020. 5000 respondents from META region and Baltic states participated in the survey.

Study: 25% of Nigerian parents find something in their child’s social media account potentially dangerous.

The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has forced families to spend their free time mostly at home. Staying at home usually also means spending much time using different Internet-connected devices. For clear reasons, children’s growing online activity can cause lots of worries for their parents.

Thus, according to a Kaspersky ( survey¹, 25% of Nigerian parents claim that they have come across something in their child’s social media account that seemed suspicious. Elaborating on what it exactly was, they mention groups or public pages they join (56%), posts that they publish or share (50%), people they interact with (31%), video on their page (31%) and private messages (19%).

Also Read: 40% of Parents in Nigeria agree that Cute Photos with Kids get more likes

What is more, 34% state their child has seen or listened to something that seemed suspicious to them, be that videos (68%), music (43%), or photos (25%). Obviously, this data shows the need to explore the interests of children, to make sure everything is okay or if it is necessary to take action. However, not all the parents realize it – only 19% of them befriend their children via social networks in order to be connected with their kids – sometimes real communication is not enough and the parents have to look carefully at their children’s webpages.

“It gets harder and harder for parents to keep up with the pace of the modern evolving world. They are often left out of the picture as they simply do not catch up with trends that emerge way too fast. However, it is possible to stop this backlog by communicating with your child and ensuring your presence on the Internet – to build trust and a good relationship with your child you have to know what you are talking about with them,” states Maher Yamout, Senior Security Researcher at Kaspersky.

In order to eliminate groundless suspicions about your child’s digital life and to secure their presence on social media, Kaspersky strongly recommends following this advice:

  1. Learn more on the topic of children’s cybersecurity: explore modern trends, apps, the way of behavior that has to be adopted in order to safeguard against dangers (for instance, the basic security rules while on the Internet);
  2. Communicate with your child and define the boundaries which are not meant to be crossed: discuss with them safe locations both real and webpages;
  3. Install a reliable security solution to monitor your child’s activity successfully.
Photo Credit: Posh Babies Photograph

Like Time: 40% of Parents in Nigeria agree that Cute Photos with Kids get more likes

In current times, during the Coronavirus pandemic, people have to stay home with their families and kids. Staying at home usually also means spending lots of time using different gadgets, in particular spending time on social networks. It means that the urge to update one’s social account with a kid’s photo can be even stronger. When it comes to responsible digital parenting, it is hard to draw the line that defines the breach of children’s rights along with jeopardising their safety and the safe sharing of photo and video materials to keep memories. However, there actually are some basic rules to follow in order to make social media interaction as safe as possible.

Kaspersky (, a global cyber security company, shed some light on the challenges that modern parents can face while interacting in a digital space, by creating a special survey for parents¹. The campaign focused on different aspects of digital parenting including the sharing of photos, the discussions about children’s digital life, cyberbullying and its consequences, the usage of tracking tools such as geolocation.

Speaking about photo sharing, it is a very burning topic as it provokes many hot discussions and the behaviour of parents is not so harmless. It was estimated that over half (61%) of respondents in Nigeria post their children’s photos in social media (with 20% posting them 1-2 times a month) and 23% of them allow strangers to see them which brings some associated risks. The goals of such an extensive sharing vary, but the interesting fact is that usually people want to keep memories (66%) and just consider it an important part of their lives (17%).

It goes on with the fact that 40% of Nigerian parents, who participated in the survey, admit that photos with children gain more likes and comments than the ones without them.

“Modern parents face a big set of new challenges considering new opportunities that emerge. It is complicated to distinguish between a safe sharing and compromising a child’s safety, however, it is crucial to set aside the urge to overshare with an aim of getting popular, as it may be quite dangerous. According to Kaspersky’s survey for parents, 48% of parents post their child’s name, while 36% publish information about the child’s hobbies, and it is quite a harmful tendency,” explains Maher Yamout, Senior Security Researcher at Kaspersky.

To safeguard our children’s data and share safely, Kaspersky strongly recommends following this advice:

  1. Limit access to your social media profiles and make them visible to friends only (but always mind that you add to the list of friends the people you know personally). Do not forget about general safety settings such as two-factor authentication in the Instagram app and a secure password.
  2. Do not share the materials that may cause any harm for your child – that includes personal photos and videos, other information that is not meant for public – the contacts of your child, the name of their school, etc.
  3. Think about a reliable security solution like Kaspersky Total Security. It incorporates Kaspersky Safe Kids module and helps to guard your family and private data, plus protects your kids online and beyond. In these challenging times, staying safe is the top priority, so Kaspersky is now offering its best multi-device security free for 3 months (

¹The “Responsible Digital Parenting” survey was implemented in conjunction with Toluna research agency in the end of 2019 – beginning of 2020. The survey included 5000 respondents from META region and Baltic states.

Photo Credit:

Dove ‘racist’ ad: Nigerian model defends campaign

Few days ago, an advert by personal care brand, Dove showing a black woman turning white after using one of their products, a soap to be precise, sparked outrage online., with many labelling it racist and calling on friends all over  the world to boycott the company’s products.
The company has issued and apology and withdrawn the ad. “An image we recently posted on Facebook missed the mark in representing women of color thoughtfully. We deeply regret the offense it caused.”

Well, Lola Ogunyemi, a Nigerian model at the center of the controversial advertisement has also defended the campaign, saying the message was taken out of context. Read her opinion below.
“From a very young age, I’ve been told, “You’re so pretty … for a dark-skinned girl.” I am a Nigerian woman, born in London and raised in Atlanta. I’ve grown up very aware of society’s opinion that dark-skinned people, especially women, would look better if our skin were lighter.
I know that the beauty industry has fuelled this opinion with its long history of presenting lighter, mixed-race or white models as the beauty standard. Historically, and in many countries still today, darker models are even used to demonstrate a product’s skin-lightening qualities to help women reach this standard.
This repressive narrative is one I have seen affect women from many different communities I’ve been a part of. And this is why, when Dove offered me the chance to be the face of a new body wash campaign, I jumped.
Having the opportunity to represent my dark-skinned sisters in a global beauty brand felt like the perfect way for me to remind the world that we are here, we are beautiful, and more importantly, we are valued.

Then one morning, I woke up to a message from a friend asking if the woman in a post he’d seen was really me. I went online and discovered I had become the unwitting poster child for racist advertising. No lie.
If you Google “racist ad” right now, a picture of my face is the first result. I had been excited to be a part of the commercial and promote the strength and beauty of my race, so for it to be met with widespread outrage was upsetting.
Calls were being made to boycott Dove products, and friends from all over the world were checking on me to see if I was OK. I was overwhelmed by just how controversial the ad had become.
If I had even the slightest inclination that I would be portrayed as inferior, or as the “before” in a before and after shot, I would have been the first to say an emphatic “no”. I would have (un)happily walked right off set and out of the door. That is something that goes against everything I stand for.
However, the experience I had with the Dove team was positive. I had an amazing time on set. All of the women in the shoot understood the concept and overarching objective – to use our differences to highlight the fact that all skin deserves gentleness.
I remember all of us being excited at the idea of wearing nude T-shirts and turning into one another. We weren’t sure how the final edit was going to look, nor which of us would actually be featured in it, but everyone seemed to be in great spirits during filming, including me.
Then the first Facebook ad was released: a 13-second video clip featuring me, a white woman, and an Asian woman removing our nude tops and changing into each other. I loved it. My friends and family loved it. People congratulated me for being the first to appear, for looking fabulous, and for representing Black Girl Magic. I was proud.
Then, the full, 30-second TV commercial was released in the US, and I was over the moon again. There were seven of us in the full version, different races and ages, each of us answering the same question: “If your skin were a wash label, what would it say?”
Again, I was the first model to appear in the ad, describing my skin as “20% dry, 80% glowing”, and appearing again at the end. I loved it, and everyone around me seemed to as well. I think the full TV edit does a much better job of making the campaign’s message loud and clear.
There is definitely something to be said here about how advertisers need to look beyond the surface and consider the impact their images may have, specifically when it comes to marginalized groups of women. It is important to examine whether your content shows that your consumer’s voice is not only heard, but also valued.
I can see how the snapshots that are circulating the web have been misinterpreted, considering the fact that Dove has faced a backlash in the past for the exact same issue. There is a lack of trust here, and I feel the public was justified in their initial outrage. Having said that, I can also see that a lot has been left out. The narrative has been written without giving consumers context on which to base an informed opinion.
While I agree with Dove’s response to unequivocally apologise for any offense caused, they could have also defended their creative vision, and their choice to include me, an unequivocally dark-skinned black woman, as a face of their campaign. I am not just some silent victim of a mistaken beauty campaign. I am strong, I am beautiful, and I will not be erased.
Source: The Guardian

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