Infertility Is Not A Stigma: 'Merck More than a Mother' campaign launches in Nigeria

Merck More than a Mother campaign launched in Nigeria was championed by the country’s first lady, Her Excellency Mrs. Aisha Buhari. The launch held in Abuja, Nigeria is in partnership with Senate Commission on Health; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development and Future Assured organization.
Merck More than a Mother continues its commitment to break stigma around infertility and empower infertile women by improving access to information, education, healthcare and change of culture and mind-set to de-stigmatize infertility.

Her Excellency Mrs. Buhari pledged her support and the support of Nigerian Governors’ wives in the implementation of Merck More than a Mother’s activities in Nigeria focusing on eliminating infertility stigma and creating awareness and providing information and education on causes of infertility; facilitating access to healthcare; and economic and social empowerment of infertile women.
The Nigerian women leaders also supported the empowering of infertile women who form a vulnerable part of the population. Infertile women in Nigeria and many other African countries who can no longer be treated have been empowered socially and economically to lead independent and happier lives through Empowering Berna initiative. Empowering Berna is part of Merck More than a Mother campaign.

Helen Phillip, a Nigerian woman from the North shared her story of suffering from infertility stigma and expressed her gratitude to the support Merck more than a Mother provided her through establishing new business so that she can become an independent productive member in her community.
“In Nigeria we have been advocating for the end of harmful traditional practices including the stigmatization of women which is prevalent all over the country. Women have not been coming out openly because they are traumatized. With this campaign we will encourage them to speak out and we pledge our support and collaboration,” said Hon. Aisha Alhassan, Nigeria’s Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development.

Merck More than a Mother campaign is a great initiative to break the stigma around infertility and to empower an unprivileged category of women in Africa, women who suffer infertility. Infertile women have been neglected, mistreated and discriminated because they cannot bear a child, yet 50% of infertility is due to male factors. We can together improve access to education, information, awareness, health care and change of mind-set and culture to stop these women’s suffering,” said Dr. Rasha Kelej, Chief Social Officer, Merck Healthcare.

Prof. Isaac Adewole Hon. Minister of Health emphasized: “We are responsible for policy at the Ministry level and this is where we can make a difference in improving access to fertility care in Nigeria. We will work through training institutions we are responsible for to strengthen fertility management by making it a sub-specialty. We will also as a Ministry work with private sector, the Senate and the National Assembly to improve governance and quality of care to provide standards to protect infertile men and women seeking treatment.”
Merck More than a Mother was first implemented in Kenya in 2015 followed by Uganda, Cote d’Ivoire, Central African Republic and Nigeria.
Watch Nigeria’s infertile women sharing their stories of social suffering of infertility stigma and their transformation after the economic and social empowerment provided by Merck more than a Mother through Empowering Berna project:

5 Must-Make Health Resolutions for the New Year | By: Badewo Olurogba John

I’m sure we all make resolutions as we enter a new year. Some we get to fulfill, some others just stay on paper or in our mind. Including the health resolutions below and ensuring you stand by then will do you a lot of good. The journey to good health starts with giving these little things your attention.

  1. Eat Fruits and Vegetables Daily

Fruits and vegetables have lots of health benefits. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, high in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber. It’s recommended that we eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. While this may seem like a Herculean task for most of us because of our busy schedule, with conscious and deliberate plan we can make it and I can tell you on good authority that it is definitely worth it. Make that resolution to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables the coming year and your body will be eternally grateful.
On a general note, make sure you eat healthy so you can stay super!

  1. Stay Hydrated, Drink lots of Water!

One of the secret to avoid falling sick is adequate water intake. Water is necessary for proper functioning of our body cells. The amount of water you consume every day plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body. Experts recommend drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Water is an excellent agent to detoxify, as it helps flush out toxins from our body and get rid of waste primarily through sweat and urine. Water has no calories, no sugar, no starch, as such can greatly aid weight loss.
Make it a resolution not to starve your body with water in the new season, drink as much as you can especially when thirsty.
Adequate water intake refreshes the body and keep you in good shape.

  1. Be Physically Active

The need for a regular physical exercise cannot be over-emphasized for optimal health. The benefits of regular exercise extend beyond weight control. Research has discovered a reduction in risk of several diseases and an overall improvement of quality of life with regular physical activity. Our emphasis is on the word “regular” not on and off one. The full benefits of exercise are gotten when it’s done regularly. Your exercise may tailor to your body strength and needs, please talk to your doctor for guidance.
Register at the closest gym to you, visit your city’s stadium regularly, plan jogging with friends in the early morning, take a walk in the cool of the evening etc. Make it a resolution that you will be physically active in 2017.

  1. Be Happy!

Against all odds, choose to become happy always; a merry heart makes good medicine. Happiness can help to overcome any form of sickness which is the major reason family and friends can visit patients in the hospital.
Research has also confirmed that happiness and health are very connected; and that one’s level of happiness really can impact the level of one’s health. A sorrowful heart can make the smallest sickness to become a big issue. You can choose happiness irrespective of the situation and your body will be grateful to you.
Happiness researcher Robert Holden conducted a survey and found that 65 out of 100 people would choose happiness over health, but that both were highly valued. The good thing is: we don’t have to choose, happiness and health go together. As Holden stated, “There is no true health without happiness”. In the coming year, Choose to become happy always, no one can do it for you.

  1. Regular Medical Check-up

Check up is one thing most of us take granted.
It is essential that you have regular medical, eye and dental check ups if you want to live a long and healthy life. Doctors are able to spot issues early on as well as offer practical advice on healthy living.
If there is any way to practise “prevention is better than cure” is through regular check up. As you plan your budget, make sure to include bills for medical check up.
Health is wealth!!!
 Badewo Olurogba John is a  Public Health Enthusiast, MPSN

  1. Holden, R. Be happy: release the power of happiness in you. Hay House Publications, 2009.
  1. Fruits and Vegetables;

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Do we ever wonder why vitamins are necessary in our diet? They play a very important role in our diet. How can we get vitamins?
There are several ways we can get vitamins. First of all, vitamins are synthesized by plants. When a man eats plants, for example, fruits and vegetables, he fulfills his need in the vitamins. Animals also absorb vitamins from plants, so we can obtain some vitamins by eating animal products (eggs, fish or meat). Another way in which we can get vitamins is to consume supplements. Vitamins have many healthy functions.

Vitamin Function

Most of the vitamins have identifiable roles in maintaining the function and health of our body. For instance, vitamin C strengthens the immune system thus improving the ability of our body to fight off the infection. Vitamin E is linked to skin, hair and nail health, and the B vitamins are involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates for energy. Vitamin D works alongside the mineral calcium to promote healthy bones. Vitamin K is necessary for forming blood clots, and vitamin A is important for ocular health and vision. Although many vitamins have identifiable roles, they seldom work alone and work far better in concert than they do in isolation.

Types of vitamins

Vitamins A, D, E and K are classed as fat-soluble vitamins and are transported and utilized in the body in the presence of dietary fats. Your body stores excess fat-soluble vitamins for use when needed. Vitamins B and C are water soluble and cannot be stored in your body. Your kidneys eliminate excess vitamin B and C in your urine, so you need to consume adequate amounts of B and C on a daily basis.

Selected Sources of Vitamins

You can obtain vitamins from a variety of food sources as well as vitamin supplements. Fish oils and liver contain vitamin A; you’ll find B vitamins in meat, grains and leafy green vegetables; vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits such as oranges; vitamin D and vitamin E can be obtained from fish oils and nut oils; and leafy green vegetables are a good source of vitamin K. Eating a variety of plant and animal-based foods ensures that you obtain a broad range of vitamins.


The symptoms associated with taking too many vitamins are unpleasant. Although it is very hard to overdose on vitamins, consuming too many may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, stomach upsets and diarrhea. It is highly unlikely you will consume too many vitamins from natural foods alone, but if you take too many vitamin supplements in addition to an already vitamin-dense diet, you may consume too many. In the case of vitamins, more does not necessarily equal better.
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Health Talk: Unexpected Breast Milk Discharge& What To Do

The body system is made in such that there is always a check and balance in every cellular activity taking place in the body. It could be a positive or negative feedback mechanism. But unexpected breast milk discharge is caused the hormones in the body.
What the hormones do?
Hormones are chemical substances which act as messengers in the body that as created in the endocrine glands.  The messengers control major body functions and understanding them will help you take control of your health especially in women (for puberty, pregnancy, delivery and lactation).
Examples of major hormones in the body
Vitamin D
Androgen and so on
 How the breast milk develops in the body
Prolactin and oxytocin are the hormones primarily responsible for production of breast milk in female, but they work through a negative feedback mechanism with oestrogen and progesterone. Prolactin hormone stimulates the production of the milk while oxytocin is responsible for ejection reflex of the breast milk.
These hormones in the body works inversely or directly proportional in the way they secreted. When prolactin increases, progesterone and oestrogen reduces in the body. However the oestrogen which is responsible for menstrual flow decreases and menstruation is generally affected.
Therefore prolactin can inhibit ovulation in a lady’s system preventing the release of eggs (ovaries) at the female reproductive system.
What causes unexpected breast milk discharge?

  1. Chronic use of contraceptives

Irrational use of contraceptives can lead to unexpected breast milk discharge.  When a female takes a contraceptives pills when there is actually no sperm deposit into the system (uterus). The progesterone pill ingested can alter the natural hormonal secretion pattern in her body, therefore increasing the prolactin and oxytocin level causing a sudden production of breast fluid.

  1. Lactogenic foods

Consumption of some foods like millet, barley, bounce rice, coconut water, raw almonds, oatmeal, fenugreek, carrots, asparagus, yam, pea, sweet potatoes, if taken in excess over a long time can also lead to a sudden production of breast fluids.
This doesn’t mean the foods be avoided, the natural foods provide outstanding benefits to the body.
What you should do
When you develop breast fluids or fullness of the breast when unexpected, visit a Gynaecologist and work with your Pharmacist for proper treatment. Leaving the condition unattended to can affect your chances of giving birth and affect your wellbeing.
Credit: Vetbest Health Network. (

Natural foods that boost blood level

The blood can be likened to the fuel that keeps the body system running at any point in time. it is responsible for  breathing(respiration), hormonal secretions, digestion, clotting of wound, ability to stand firm during menstruation, delivery and other processes in the body.
Why should you work on your blood level?
The blood is responsible for proper respiration. Adequate blood flow in the body makes respiration easy and prevents conditions like asthma and other respiratory challenges.
Adequate blood flow also ensure healthy muscles development, bone density and flexibility for proper movement and coordination in the body and prevent conditions like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid pain, Neuropathic pains and so on.
Adequate blood flow promotes wound healing. When the blood platelets are well secreted in the body, it helps to promote fast healing after any injury on any part of the body.
Organ maintenance. One of the reasons why some organs fail in the body is the insufficient blood flow to them. Therefore it helps to keep the organs functioning well.
Strong immune system. The white blood cell is most responsible for fighting germs and any foreign entity in the body system. In other words they are body protectors. Adequate blood flow keep the body active at all times against foreigners.
High blood level makes it easy for you to donate blood to save lives at any point in time. You might not know at one point in time you might be needed to give body to sustain life in delivery or during surgery.
Natural foods to boost your blood level
Banana. Both the ripe and unripe stimulate the production of heamoglobin in the blood.
Mango. It contains Vitamin C which increases the elasticity of the blood vessels and helps the formation of new blood cells. It also aids absorption of foods-iron and prevent bleeding tendencies.
Vegetables. It contains so many vitamins and minerals that perform a lot of wonders in the body. It contains Vitamin C which ensures maintenance of blood tissues. It equally contains Iron in high quantity especially producing hemoglobin which helps to carry oxygen in the blood around the various parts of the body.
Beet rot vegetables. It also helps to regenerate and reactivate the red blood cells and helps the normal function of vesicular breathing, which is normal breath sounds.
Onions. They are noted for their easily assimilable Iron content and therefore beneficial to boost your iron content.
Soya beans. Rich in iron helps to increase blood flow and also tackle weak digestion.
Spinach. Spinach has a special quality of high grade iron. After its absorption in the system formation of heamoglobin and red blood cells take place.
Almond nuts. It is made up of 4.5mg of Iron. It also contains copper in organic form at the rate of 1.15mg per 100grams. The copper along with iron and vitamins acts as catalyst in the synthesis of blood heamoglobin.
Honey. The multi-medical agent who has a remarkable in building heamoglobin in the body, this is largely due to the iron, copper and manganese contained in it. It’s also capable of maintaining high balance of hemoglobin and red blood corpuscles. Therefore it should substitute refined sugar in your tea, maize flakes, oak or pap preparation for the healthy benefits to be realized.
Credit: Vetbest Health Network,

NHVMAS launches Leaving No Nigerian Behind (LeNNiB) campaign

The new HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society (NHVMAS) has launched the Leaving No Nigerian Behind (LeNNiB) campaign. 

According to the Group, “As you are aware, there is a global sense of urgency to end the HIV epidemic by 2030. Leading to this is the need to reach the 90-90-90 target by 2020.
One of the slogans is ensure that no one is left behind in the HIV response. However we community advocates are deeply concerned that Nigeria may be left behind the drive to end the global HIV epidemic. We as community members therefore, out of a deep sense of responsibility to ourselves, identify the strong need to push for all stakeholders to be accountability for the progress we make toward the 2020 and 2030 global targets.

Currently, we have about 3.4 million people living with HIV infection, 210,000 new infections annually, less than 10 million people taking a HIV test annually, only 30% PMTCT coverage, and less than 30% treatment coverage. There is also a decline in condom use, an increase in the number of adolescents with HIV infections including those newly infected with HIV as adolescents due to high sexual risk behaviour for HIV infection, and a whole lot more.

Yet Nigeria is one of the largest recipient of donor funds for its HIV response programmes. 

The new HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society (NHVMAS) shall be leading the Leaving No Nigerian Behind (LeNNiB) campaign leading up to 2020 and 2030. We shall work with partners nationally, regionally and internationally to demand that all respective actors in the HIV field, including we community actors as well, become more accountable to the HIV response. As a community, we shall develop an advocacy campaign making it very clear what our demands. These will clearly focus on targets jointly defined by stakeholders on what we want to do and how we plan to reach the 2020 and 2030 goals. We shall be holding stakeholders accountable for impacts in the both the HIV prevention and treatment landscape.
We are grateful for the little steps but we demand more. 

RIO Olympics: NOC releases Zika virus prevention guidelines for Nigerians

Ahead of the Olympic Games which will hold from August 5 to 21 at the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The Nigeria Olympic Committee Medical and Scientific Commission have released guidelines on  Zika virus prevention for Nigerians who are attending the sporting event. Pregnant women have been advised not to travel to Brazil, while athletes, officials and other Nigerians in the country for the games should prevent mosquito bites by using insect repellent and protective clothing.
• After the Games, all travellers should practice safer sex, including the correct and consistent use of condoms, or abstain from sex for at least eight weeks after their return;
• Men who experience symptoms of Zika virus disease during or after their return, should adopt safer sex practices or abstain from sex for at least six months;
• Pregnant women whose sexual partners travelled to Brazil should practice safer sex practices or abstain from sex for the duration of their pregnancy. Couples or women planning a pregnancy should wait at least eight weeks after return from Brazil before trying to conceive; and 6 months if the male partner was symptomatic;
• All travellers should use personal protective measures such as insect repellent for at least three weeks after returning from the Games to avoid being bitten and potentially spreading the infection to other people through mosquito bites; and,
• Travellers should not donate blood for at least four weeks after departure from Brazil to reduce the potential risk of onwards transmission.

Nigerians should also “be up to date with all the common childhood vaccinations before visiting Brazil (you may even need a booster). This includes immunizations for Tetanus and Diphtheria, Whooping cough (Pertussis), Hepatitis B, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR).
Brazil is listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as endemic for Yellow Fever. A Yellow Fever vaccination is compulsory.” It added that the full two-dose Hepatitis A vaccine is strongly recommended when visiting Brazil and other precautions for hygiene and food safety should be taken.
Source: The Guardian

WHO declares Guinea Ebola-free

The World Health Organisation has declared Guinea Ebola free of the Ebola virus disease for the second time. The last confirmed Ebola patient tested negative to the virus 6 weeks ago.
The country now enters a 90-day period of heightened surveillance to ensure that any new cases are identified before they can spread.

"I thought I was going to die." Nike Oshinowo on her struggle with endometriosis.

Ex- Miss Nigeria, Nike Oshinowo has spoken about her struggle with Endometriosis; a disease in which tissue that normally grows inside the uterus grows outside it. The main symptoms like pelvic pain and infertility). Addressing the health challenge at the recent Gala Night of Fun and Fund Raising for Endometriosis put together by the Endometriosis Support Group of Nigeria, the 50-year-who welcomed twins; a boy and a girl two years ago through a gestational surrogate in the US said she was diagnosed with the disease in her early teens. 

“I have lived with endometriosis since the age of 13. I was sent to boarding school in England. It was during the first few days in secondary school that I began my (menstrual) periods. They called the ambulance and I was hospitalized for 10 days because the pain started and wouldn’t stop. I thought I was going to die, the first two days I was in the infirmary. I’m telling the story because it happened in England and, supposedly, the white people, who knew best, yet had no idea what was wrong with me.

Every female student they had dealt with, had a normal period and coped with it, so they could not understand why I was dramatizing. They thought I just wanted attention. The pain was so intense I passed out. The challenge was now to get me to stop bleeding.
Living with endometriosis is a challenge. When you see your doctor, your doctor just tries to treat the symptoms and assumes the pain resolves around your menstrual cycle. But this is not so. The pain affects every single aspect of your life.
I have never had an examination without my period, I have never traveled without my period. There are so many things I have never done without my period. When I’m very happy, my period comes, When I’m depressed, my period is there. I learned just to cope with it. I love the quote that women wear their pain like stilettos. That’s what I have been doing.
Until I turned 40, Nigerians didn’t know I suffered from endometriosis. I granted an interview and Nigerians understood why I never drank alcohol. You cannot be on medication and take alcohol. It was finally understood why I was so clean cut and into healthy living.
The first time I experienced the pain of endometriosis was very traumatic. I thought I was going to die. Really, I have lost count of the number of surgeries that I have had but I sure know that it’s more that 17 times.”

Ebola: New cases confirmed in Guinea

Ebola health workers gesture in Guinea.
Three months after Guinea celebrated the end of the Ebola outbreak, two new cases have been confirmed.  other members of the family are suspected to have recently died from the virus.
The cases were reported in the southern region of Nzerekore. Guinea’s health authorities are tracking more than 800 people  who came in contact with the patients. potentially infected in the latest recurrence of Ebola in West Africa.
The Ebola outbreak killed more than 11,300 people in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria.
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