Everything you need to know about Ovarian Cysts!

What are ovarian cysts?
A cyst is a little balloon filled with air or fluid on one of the ovaries, which then exerts pressure on the right or left side of the lower abdomen. These cysts can be painful. Besides the pain in the lower abdomen, some other symptoms are: erratic, painful periods, often with much uterine bleeding as a result of elevated estrogen levels, painful intercourse, heel pain, and excessive hair growth.
When the ovarian cyst bursts the pain is relieved, though in some cases the cyst may reappear.
The incidence of ovarian cysts is on the rise, particularly among women between 14 and 55. Let’s look at some of the main factors that contribute to the development of cysts, and then the main things we can do to prevent them.
Causes of ovarian cysts:
Increased use of birth control pills, especially depo provera.
Increased consumption of hormone-infused foods such as most commercial meat and milk, to which growth hormone has been added.
Stressful, frantic lifestyle.
Imbalanced, not natural diet.
A toxic, overburdened liver.

How can we diminish the likelihood of ovarian cysts?
Read more here

The Need to Address Mental Health Issues in Nigeria | By : Tony Ogunlowo

It’s not only the mad people who wander the streets dressed in rags, talking to themselves, that have mental health issues. People will be surprised to learn that a lot of seemingly healthy and sane people have mental health issues.

Mental health problems covers a very wide spectrum ranging from the clinically insane ( ‘were’ or mad-man) who roam our streets, to those who were born with mental disorders and disabilities and finally to the closet mental health sufferers.

It’s the last group, the closet-mental-health- sufferers, that I want to address here for they are the ones who are most at risk and are either not aware of it or don’t think it’s a problem. These are the people who suffer from depression, anxiety, panic attacks etc. Left un-checked it can lead to hypertension or the individual developing suicidal thoughts.

According to the Commonwealth Health organisation, the most commonly diagnosed mental illness in Africa is mood disorders caused by a number of things.

There are a lot of things that can cause an individual’s mental health to deteriorate rapidly: the current economic climate with all the uncertainty, peer and family pressure and undisclosed personal problems.

According to Professor  Taiwo Lateef-Shiek, the Medical Director of the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital Kaduna, 80% of Nigerians with mental health problems don’t seek proper help: they are more likely to go running to their pastors or babalawos or keep quiet about it. The recent rise in the number of people taking their own lives is a clear indication of this. If there is more awareness people won’t be stigmatised and ashamed to seek help or commit suicide.

In the Western world there are periodic campaigns to alert people to the dangers of concealing a mental health problem – it can happen to anyone! Hollywood giants like the late Tony Scott and Robin Williams committed suicide after years of suffering from depression. And in the UK, recently, the Royal Princes Harry and William openly talked about their battle with depression following the death of their mother, Princess Diana, in 1997.

In Africa, shame and the thought of being stigmatised prevent people from talking about their mental health problems until it is too late. Remember it can happen to anyone and any number of worldly problems can cause a person to lose the plot and go mad.

There is no shame in going to see a qualified practitioner (-definitely not your Pastor!) and discussing your problems. Sometimes all it takes is therapy, pills or a change in direction in life to clear your head. If you keep it to yourself hoping it’ll go away you’re wrong! It’ll only keep on building up and up till one day you’ll explode (- or implode)

Society also has a role to play in this – stop stigmatising people who have mental problems! You see ‘were’ or a mad-person on the street and start laughing at them, abusing them because they happen to be in the unfortunate position of not being able to control their faculties. Do you know what led to them losing their minds and ending up mad on the streets? You don’t know! It could be a catalogue of problems ( – or a man-made curse!) that finally pushed them over the edge. At the end of the day they are somebody’s brother, sister, uncle or mother. Show some empathy!

People with mental health problems just don’t develop it overnight: it starts off gradually. Signs to look out for are erratic behaviour, loss of interest in things and aloofness, mood swings and uncontrollable emotional outbursts. If the problem is dealt with in its infancy the patient has a good chance of a full recovery.

In the absence of a comprehensive mental health care system we have to look out for each other; sometimes all it takes is a shoulder to cry upon, someone to talk to.

And to the charlatan- pastors out there – you can’t cure every mental health sufferer out there with your brand of prayer sessions and God-knows-what: you’re not a qualified psychiatrist who specialises in these matters.

And if you have a mental health problem don’t hide away in shame- seek help! Your very life and well-being might depend on it!

Tony blogs at http://www.archangel641. blogspot.co.uk

 Ten Things Nobody Told You About Herbal Remedies for Fertility Issues | By: Roma Joans

Did you know herbal remedies are great ways to treat fertility issues? With so many couples having trouble conceiving as medical treatments become more costly, natural fertility remedies offer healthy yet cost effective ways of starting a family. Because fertility is becoming a more serious issue every day, it’s important for women to a focus on eating well, taking herbal supplements, and making significant health-minded lifestyle changes. With those priorities in mind, here are ten things nobody told you about herbal remedies for fertility issues to help you find relief quickly and become pregnant easily.

  1. They May Strengthen Your Immune System – In order to get your body ready to conceive naturally, herbal remedies that include a type of Astragalus can make sure your body is strong and in good health.
  1. They Can Fix Your Hormonal Imbalances – Managing hormones is a way to circumvent reproductive challenges. As such, certain natural herbal supplements with traces of Chinese Yam, for instance, relieve stress within your body and give hormonal signals that can jumpstart the reproductive process.


  1. They May Cleanse Your Organs – Deficiencies in detoxifying organs are often the root of infertility in women. But, did you know that there are herbal remedies that can attend to your kidneys, liver, and blood to absolve impurities from your body? With a natural detox powered by Chinese Peony, for example, women can stand to increase their chances of conceiving.
  1. They Can Purge Your Body of Toxins – Due to the way herb-infused pills inspired by traditional Chinese medicine promote bile production and limit the buildup of toxins in your system, natural herbal supplements also help eliminate waste in a healthy, effective way through ingredients like Rehmannia.
  1. They Help Align Your Reproductive System – Because your pituitary gland, hypothalamus and ovaries must coordinate for conception to occur, herbal remedies with a hint of Poria can enhance this natural process after Mayo Clinic sheds light on what you need to know before you buy these pills.
  1. They Can Help You Lose Weight – With assistance from pills infused with kelp and grape seed extract, both of which boost metabolism, natural herbal supplements can help you shed some pounds.
  1. They Let You Maintain a Healthy BMI – In addition to supplementing your weight loss efforts, remedies made with a whole host of traditional Chinese herbal extracts balance your blood glucose levels and facilitate safe, natural weight management. 
  1. They Aid Your Overall Wellness – As they provide ways to carry out a healthy pregnancy, natural herbal supplements endowed with Codonopsis also prepare you for taking care of a growing family. 
  1. They Boost Your General Health – Alongside the details from the NIH where medical conditions and other factors create fertility problems, herbal remedies that encompass Epimedium promote overall good health to help you get ready to start a family.
  1. They Can Help Your Body Prepare For Conception – By creating the right conditions for conception in your system, natural herbal supplements that include Asiatic Dogwood get the body ready to carry a baby, so you can start expecting in no time.

Whether you promote fertility through nutritious food or herbal supplements, there are plenty of ways to conceive naturally. Herbal remedies can help prepare your body for pregnancy although a balance of health, exercise, and an attention to wellness achieve results. Once you’ve taken these essential steps toward becoming a mother, visit a doctor to discuss infertility and check for any underlying health issues.

Second case of Ebola confirmed in Congo

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has confirmed the second case of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This development is coming few days after the fatal illness killed 3 people in the 19 suspected and confirmed cases in the region.
Officials are trying to locate 125 people who are believed to be linked to cases in the northeastern province of Bas-Uele in Congo.
The  comes one year after the end of the epidemic which killed more than 11,000 people across West Africa.

Opinion: Why We Are Hopeful About Improving Health In Africa |By: Aliko Dangote and Bill Gates

This week, more than 138,000 vaccinators will fan out across five African countries in the Lake Chad area in a push to eliminate polio in Africa and rid the world of this terrible disease forever.
They will take boats across fast-flowing rivers, ride jeeps along sandy ravines, walk crowded street in towns and cities and navigate cramped quarters of refugee camps to ensure that every child is immunized. Traveling for hours a day, these dedicated women and men will visit children in homes, schools, train stations, and transit points across Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and the Central African Republic.
This also marks World Immunization Week, a coordinated effort to make sure that people everywhere understand the importance of getting immunized to protect against vaccine-preventable diseases.
And by coincidence, it was almost seven years ago that the two of us first met in a hotel conference room in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital. We were there as part of a diverse group—public officials, religious leaders, business people, polio survivors, and journalists—to discuss how we could work together to stop polio in Nigeria.
At the time, Nigeria had done an amazing job tackling polio—reducing reported cases by 95 percent in just one year. But it was still circulating in six Nigerian states. While 95 percent might seem like success, as long as a single child remains infected, children across Africa and around the world are at risk.
Thanks to the effort of so many, Nigeria’s Borno State is now the only place in Africa today where polio is still circulating. It will take ingenuity to end polio there, and it will take persistence to continue reaching children in the surrounding area with vaccines to protect them from the disease until it is eradicated. But we’re confident it can be done. And when that happens, Africa will celebrate one of the biggest victories ever in public health.
Since our first meeting in 2010, the two of us have worked together on a range of other projects to help improve health in Nigeria and across Africa.
We supported the establishment of emergency operations centers in Nigeria and other countries to keep polio from spreading. This turned out to be a blessing during the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. When the disease first appeared in Nigeria—an international travel hub that is home to more than 180 million people—the staff of an emergency operations center set up in Lagos jumped into action and stopped the disease in its tracks. It’s almost unimaginable to think what would have happened without them.
In the state of Kano, we are working with the government to ensure that children can get essential childhood immunizations against tetanus, pneumonia, liver cancer and measles. And when parents bring their children into a clinic for vaccinations, health workers can address other health issues, too, like nutrition, care for pregnant mothers and newborns and malaria prevention and treatment. We have since widened the program to several other states.
Vaccines are also one of the best tools to save lives in an epidemic, such as the meningitis C outbreak happening now in Nigeria and other West African countries.
And because of the devastating impact malnutrition has on Nigeria’s children –  leading to 300,000 deaths annually and causing stunted growth and development in millions more – we have expanded our partnership to include nutrition programs across 12 states.
Earlier this year, we also helped launch the End Malaria Council, a group of influential public and private sector leaders committed to ensuring that malaria eradication remains a top global priority.
Underlying all these efforts is our belief that strengthening health systems is the key to breaking the cycle of extreme poverty and disease—and kick-starting a virtuous cycle of health, productivity, and prosperity.
In our work together, we have learned a few important lessons.
First, improving the health of communities depends on a successful partnership between government, communities, religious and business leaders, volunteers, and NGOs. This ensures that everyone is rowing in the same direction. And it is essential to building trust so parents have the confidence that vaccines are safe and will protect their children from life-threatening diseases.
Second, we must keep innovating to speed up progress. This month, for example, vaccinators will test a new vaccine carrier that keeps the temperature of vaccines stable for up to five days, even in blistering heat. This breakthrough will enable vaccinators to finally reach children in extremely remote areas with life-saving vaccines.
Last, accurate and reliable data is central to any effort to improve health. Data can tell a health officer which communities are running low on vaccine supplies, where there are gaps in vaccination coverage, and which new mothers need reminders to take their babies to the health clinic to be immunized.
An Africa without polio is within reach. So is the vision of getting life-saving vaccines to every child. Success will generate more enthusiasm and support from across different sectors – government, business, civil society, the media – to tackle other killer diseases and the underlying conditions that affect people’s health, including fixing broken health systems.
We know that strengthening health systems takes time and diligence. We are optimistic that Africa can achieve the future it aspires to. That future depends on people working together—across national borders and across socioeconomic strata—to build the better world we all want.

10 health benefits of watching and playing football

Every hobby defines your health status and general well-being. In other words your lifestyle is your health; some habits could be watching or playing football and we are going to tell you the effects of playing football on your body system.
Let’s go straight to what playing football does to the body as well as watching football;
Benefits discovered from a random sampling interview of football lovers across Nigeria and the rest includes;

  1. Relaxation: it helps you to relax your nerves after work or a stressful engagement, relaxing helps to give calm and proper nervous co-ordination in the body.
  2. Regulate blood pressure and pulse rate. Playing football or watching football causes a controlled elevation and depression of the heart rate simultaneously, therefore regulated blood pressure is better achieved.
  3. Mood improvement. Watching football is a non-pharmacological (no drug) treatment model for depressed patient. It can improve your mood when depressed. It also stimulated neuronal activities in the brain.
  4. Aerobic activities. These activities also help to increase oxygen supplies into the body and improve breathing as well as carbon dioxide is also released out of the body out of the body.
  5. Fitness. Playing football keep you sharp, alert, and you develop compact joints and muscles. When you wake-up you feel very healthy and smart when you constantly involve yourself.
  6. Increased digestion. Physical activities increase digestion of food as well maintaining easy stools.
  7. Improves your sex life. The physical activity improves production of sex hormones and other enzymes responsible for sexual pleasure. Orgasm is better achieved making your sex life very interesting.
  8. Cognitive ability. Football involves how you can intellectually judge your opponents and shoot pass the keeper into the net. Your sense of judgment is utilized every time on the pitch. This style helps to improve your memory especially the frontal lobe and the media cortex.
  9. Pulse rate. An average athlete is shows low pulse rate according to medical researches. Playing football will make you have a controlled pulse rate and these will prevent you from cardiovascular disease conditions.

10 .Weight control. Running while playing football help to burn excess fat from the body system
No matter how busy you are; always indulge in some sports for good health and proper fitness.
Source: http://www.vbhealth.com.ng

African Heads of State make Historic Commitment to Advance Immunization in Africa

How to feel good during menstrual cramps | By Tope Ijaola

Menstruation and cramps are signs that you are complete lady and that you rightly produce an egg which is meant to meet a sperm and produce an offspring (baby).
Why do you menstruate?
Menstruation is an episode of blood flow through the vagina from the uterus owing from the destruction of an unfertilized egg released from the ovaries.
Signs that accompany menstruation
When this egg is unfertilized, it leads to development of stomach or abdominal pains, dizziness, pale, insomnia, anorexia or loss of appetite, leg pains, and high temperature.
How to walk tall during menstruation

  1. Reduce sweet foods. Taking sweets, chocolates, drinks can exacerbate cramps because ordinarily too much intake can cause stomach pains and make menstruation “hell on earth”.This could be accompanied with excess stools and general body discomfort.
  1. Don’t mistake with Ulcer. If you are a known Ulcer patient ensure you visit a Doctor, Pharmacist or other qualified health professionals for proper identification of whether it is ulcer or menstrual cramps.
  2. Use Vitamin B6 supplements. The use of Pyridoxine (VitaminB6) helps to stabilize pre menstrual symptoms and neuronal functioning in the body. Staying on foods rich in pyridoxine also makes provisions for the supplement at anytime.
  3. Eat well. Because of cramps some women skip meals and this can complicate the condition and make you lean. Eat good food like vegetable, fruits, fish and other nutritional natural foods.
  4. Avoid taking coffee and cola. They can increase discomfort and make the intestine irritated at any time you having menstrual cramps.
  5. Avoid or reduce alcohol. This can also increase discomfort at anytime, therefore be careful to take any form of alcohol when you develop cramps.
  6. Have some sex. Having sex to orgasm helps to also relieve pains as blood moves out of organs and around the body.
  7.  Engage in slight exercise. Exercise relieves pains; as muscles get to work.
  8. Use of analgesics. Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) are good over-the-counter drugs that can help to relieve pains in cramps.


Tope Ijaola is a health practitioner. He blogs at Vetbest Health Network (www.vbhealth.com.ng)

Body acidity might be one of the reasons you fall sick often

By: Tope Ijaola
You fall sick often. Done everything you could to stay healthy but nothing seems to be working. The problem could be that your body is too acidic.
The body system has been naturally made to cope by balancing between acidity and alkalinity to strike a equilibrium at any point in time. If you don’t know or believe, it is true and I’m telling you this moment that the body can be too acidic and it can cause problems for you.
The facts is that when the body become too acidic, the body produce a buffer which provide an alkali to balance the overall pH of the body cells and likewise if the body cells is more of alkaline. That’s why they say too much of something will end up in a problem. But this piece is focusing on acidity of the body as it can cause a lot of damage to the body than you expect and more so, theses damages might not show any sign or symptom until organ began to fail in their functions.

What is Acidity?

A condition of consistent increase in the acidic level produced in the body at any point in time. In other words when the acidic level of the body gives a value as low as 2.0; on a pH scale at any point in time and temperature which leads to disease conditions in the body system.

Why does the body get so acidic?

Foods such as meat, cheese, milk, grain and carbohydrates, when broken down produces acids and these put pressure on the regulatory organs in the body which help to buffer the effect of increase acidic secretion in the body. Organs include the lungs, liver, kidney and other parts of the digestive system. Therefore the more acids produced; the more these organs work to produce alkali to buffer the body’s equipment.

Effects of acidity in the body

  • It affects the bones, joints, connective tissues, teeth, muscles and other organ systems
  • General body wellness can be affected as well as fatique, heartburn, nausea and vomiting
  • Acids in the body system provide a comfortable growth condition for organisms
  • It can affect your sex life
  • Pain and inflammation leading to Arthritis and Fibromyalgia
  • It can also particularly affect the kidney and the urinary tract

How to avoid acidity and treat it naturally
Eat less of meat, cheese, processed foods and carbohydrates. Taking less of these meals can directly reduce acidity produced from the natural breakdown process in the body. Stay more on grains and vegetables.
Make drinking water a regular habit. The advantages of taking water cannot be over emphasized; it can help to speed up excretion of excess acids and also dilute them in the body.
Honey therapy. It’s useful in maintaining health of the stomach, tones up the stomach, proper digestion and decrease the over production of hydrochloric acid.
Fruits are very good to neutralize the acidity. Grape fruits, Coconuts and Sugar cane help to naturally neutralize acid secretion in the stomach.
Tope Ijaola is a pharmacist/health professional. He blogs at http://www.vbhealth.com.ng

Worms And How To Treat Them

By: Ekundayo Sayo
Do you eat meat, vegetables, chew your nails or eat fruit? I am very sure that nobody’s answer to me would be a ‘NO’.
Well, at this junction I would say everybody is then a good candidate of regular treatment of worms. Treating worms is an act of reducing or completely eradicating the worm population you have in your body system.
I would not want to continue without giving a brief description of what a worm is; according to Wikipedia, ‘Worms are many distantly related animals that typically have a long cylindrical tube-like body and no limbs. There are however different types of worm and some could be fatal to man as man is a suitable host (landlord).
Effects of Worms in the body
They cause potential harm and health risks to man with symptoms like nausea, hunger, weakness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, segments of worms possibly moving in the bowel region, food allergies, frequent gas and bloating.
Getting rid of worms   
However, you can help yourself by getting rid of these worms that are a nuisance to your health by curative and preventive means.
The major curative means is by the use of drugs called anthelminths; they are usually very easy to use drugs so compliance with drug dose would not be a problem. This should be done regularly at an interval of 3months.I bet someone is asking himself this question, ‘When last have I actually which drug can I use for worms?’ Ask your health provider of the best anthelminth which would provide you with the broadest spectrum to evacuate a wide range of worms from your system so you would not only treat yourself but also do it effectively.
The preventive means are also an important point I can’t leave out of this piece. They include;
We can help increase population of worms in our system from filthy water sources both the consumable water and that used for domestic purposes within the household
For example is Sister.B (anonymous) goes to a nearby stream to enjoy a cool bath and then unknowingly to her, the in-dwellers of that area had defecated there. Sister.B who is fond of keeping her nails long and biting them gets eggs of worms into her intestinal tract; trapped in her long nails during the bath at the polluted stream source.
This is just an example of many cases. For this cause and other reasons, water sources for drinking and domestic sources are well cared for.
Many a time, in the bid to overcome the lingering hunger for that sumptuous water melon we saw by the road; we eat them without washing. Please, next time you find yourself in such tempting situation, consider the plausible long-term harm of that ‘brief fruit temptation’ and make sure it is properly washed before consumption.
Do same to your vegetables and make sure your vegetables are properly cooked.
Ensure your hands are properly washed as often as possible and especially after a visit to the toilet, cleaning and handling of pests and after general farm jobs too.
Well my dear readers, I am sure as read in earlier paragraphs; you have seen what harm these worms can cause so just try eradicating the worms if you have not done so in the last three months and evict those ‘evil tenants’ called worms. Do not be a host to worms because they are neither good guests nor tenants.
1) Webmd
Tapeworms in Humans
2) Organic Nutrition
Types of Worms and Parasites That Live In Humans
www.organic nutrition.co.uk

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