Glam Africa collaborates with Mary Martin London for a shoot with British musician, Denise Pearson.
Many of us know this talented artist from 80s band Five Star. Others of us may also recognise her from her appearance in The Voice UK. We had the privilege of speaking with Denise Pearson to talk about music, beauty and, as always, all things Glam.
What was it like working on The Voice?
“[It was] great to work with such talent. It was hard work, early mornings with singing and rehearsals…but it was a great experience.”

What is missing from the music industry at the moment?
“There’s a lot of new talent but not enough greats from the past, the 80s, to teach this new talent. There’s much to be lost. The vocal techniques from Whitney Huston, Celine Dion and Mariah Carey was just amazing! Great vocalist are coming back though. Especially on the club scene.”
How would you describe your music?
Back in the day we were definitely R&B. But we wanted to cross over so we became more pop… It was quite an achievement for five young black kids at the time.” Speaking about the dangers of compromise when crossing over, Denise reminds us that “the creativity of the artist needs to be strong enough to keep authentic. It depends on you and your style, what you want to do…One key is to stray true to yourself. Have confidence in your art.”
What have been your favourite moments in your career?
“There’s been so many. Tours. Meeting the Queen. Meeting fans, especially at the rewind festivals. They’re great” she says referring to the festivals. “We’re getting to meet the artists we admired growing up.”
Has a fan ever approached you with something completely random?
“When I was on the Jackson tour, someone came up to me and said “Denise, I want to hear Stay At My Life playing as my casket goes into the furnace.” I thought wow, loyal, but a little strange!”
What would you tell your younger self?
“Keep the Lamborghini” she says in jest. “I don’t think I would [change anything]. I think [my youth] was great. I was the quiet one, listening, learning. I’m quite happy with how I was. Although I would have loved to go out more. And wear less makeup.”
What advice would you give to upcoming artists?
“Find your own unique style. Always go with what you feel inside. It’s a gift from God.”
Curiosity Corner:
We also took some time to ask Denise some quick fire questions and here are the first things that came to her mind.

- What’s one thing you cannot leave the house without?
- What is your favourite beauty tip?
Moisturise! My grandmother introduced me to Kananga water. Mixed with olive oil its a great moisturiser.
- What’s your favourite season?
I enjoy fall. It’s sunny but bearable. Not too hot and not too cold.
- Where is your favourite place in world?
- Tell us something we don’t already know.
I’ve been designing for the past few months. [My brand] Bisou Bisou means Kiss Kiss in French. I’ve [been] making kisses from little Swarovski diamonds. They go in the centre of each flower of a bridal bouquet.
Soon after we spoke, Denise took to the run way of London Fashion Week with U.K. designer Mary Martin.
A link to Denise’s performance for the Mary Martin SS17 show:
Interview by Ama Badu
Designs by Mary Martin
Photography by Kosher of Koshmo Photography
Makeup by Made Excuisit by Omotola