2016 CHAN : Super Eagles Match Schedule

Come Monday, January 18, 2016, the Super Eagles of Nigeria will kick off their 2016 CHAN campaign with a game against Niger in Kigali. The match will start by 5pm (Nigerian Time). Their next game will be against Tunisia on Friday, January 22, at Kigali. Time 2pm.


Monday, January 18

NIGERIA vs Niger 5pm at Stade Regional Nyamirambo, Kigali

Friday, January 22

Tunisia vs NIGERIA 2pm at Stade Regional Nyamirambo, Kigali

Tuesday, January 26

Guinea vs NIGERIA 3pm at Umuganda Stadium Gisenyi

QUARTERFINAL  Sunday, January 31



Happenings Radio – A refreshingly different online radio

A new year brings new and exciting opportunities as Happenings
Media (www.happenings.com.ng) is set
for the launch of its online radio – HAPPENINGS RADIO.
Come February 2016, Happenings Radio will kick off an
intense virtual schedule that will celebrate a rich array of programmes to meet
the needs of its target audience.
Its pop meets authentic meets passion meets fashion meets
fun and music. Dynamic, rhythmic and inspirational!
Hugely ambitious, Happenings Radio will present viewers with
immediate feedback opportunity to interact with the rest of the world, share
personal opinions and diverse views on a range of topics.

According to Joy Isi Bewaji, editor of Happenings Media, “We
are looking forward to an exciting year at Happenings. Happenings radio will
articulate some of the thrilling and inspiring thoughts and conversations from
our listeners. It’s a whole new community that will bring to life our tweets,
our Facebook posts; bringing us even closer to our virtual friends.”

It’s the most exciting alternative. Plug in your earphones
and enjoy what we bring to you. It’s a blog that speaks, literally.

All the gossip and gist, politics and opinions, love and
relationships, art and literature, life issues and metro observations will be
voiced; your thoughts, verbalized; trending topics and arguments will be
brought to life. Hear your opinions LIVE on air.

And of course, music… like every day is a party!
Let’s make your virtual world more electrifying.
Happenings Media is an
online and print media which offers up-to-the minute entertainment, fashion and
For more information
please log on to www.happenings.com.ng

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Veteran actress, Iya Rainbow loses first daughter

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Veteran actress, Idowu Phillips, popularly called ‘Iya Rainbow’ is bereaved at the moment. The award-winning thespian has just lost her first daughter Lola to the cold hands of death. The lady who was planning to a trip to America today was rushed to a private hospital in Ojodu yesterday due to complications from stomach ulcer. Unfortunately, she passed on in the early hours of today. Her body has since been deposited at a morgue in Ikeja.

May God comfort her family and loved ones.

New Case of Ebola Confirmed in Sierra Leone

New Case of Ebola Confirmed in Sierra Leone

Less than 24 hours after the World Health Organization declared West Africa Ebola-free, a new case has been confirmed in Sierra Leone. Series of tests were carried out on a patient who died in the north of the country this week and they all confirmed that it was caused by Ebola.  The patient, a 22 year-old lady contracted the virus last week Thursday and died on Tuesday. 
“We can confirm the Ebola case in Sierra leone” WHO said in a statement.
 Langoba Kelly of Sierra Leone’s office of national security told reporters in Freetown,“The swab test on the victim after her death was done three times and all proved positive.
“Our level of preparedness remains high as we did not stand down or dismantle any of the structures that we had used to fight the virus before.”

Short Story: Pristine | By : Morountodun (Vol 7)

Read Parts 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Pristine series herehere  Here Here here here
It was the coldest January she had
ever experienced in all her twenty years and seven months, and Dara usually
didn’t handle cold so well. As if it wasn’t hard enough to have to travel so
far from home only a day after the New Year to allow her settle in for a few days
before work resumed, the cold shocked her—puzzled her, even. It blew like wind,
numbing the face, fingers, every part of the body left uncovered, and
threatening to whirl one off to freezing point.
Dara’s plan the past four years
had been all about graduating top of her class. To do that, she had studied
hard, kept distractions at bay, mixed with like-minded people, and had had a
four-pointer CGPA in Biochemistry to show for it.  Now school was over, real life had begun, and
her new plan was to live it. This meant staying strong. Strong enough to get
out of bed every morning no matter how tempting it was to just lie under the
duvet. Strong enough to endure the lousy accommodation her PPA had gotten her
in a nearby compound with poor drainage. Strong enough to face the school
children with a bright smile everyday because it was her duty for the next ten
months. Strong enough to protect herself from the extremely harsh weather with
the thickest clothing items she laid her hands on. Strong enough to enjoy Gombe,
no matter what, because she had had a chance to leave but had chosen to stay
and so had no right to utter a single word of complaint.
“Good morning, fellow corps
members. Hope everyone had a fun holiday, especially those who travelled home
even though there was no official permission to do so”
—there were mumbled jokes
and laughter—“To all batch A and B corpers, it’s a new year and CDS has fully
resumed. I urge us all to endeavour to make meaningful contributions to the
group this year for better results than ever. To the batch Cs that have newly
joined us, this is environmental sanitation community development service
group, where we try to enlighten ourselves and the community at large on how to
maintain proper hygiene in our surroundings. We hold our meetings every
Thursday between ten a.m. to twelve p.m. You are all very welcome, and your
contributions and full participation in this CDS will be highly appreciated.”
After the president’s speech, the
group secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting they had held, and
plans for batch C welcome party/batch A send forth party were discussed. Dara
observed quietly from the back row of the old building they used as classroom,
wanting to form an objective opinion as opposed to the ‘waste of time’ she had
heard CDS popularly being described as.
Before the close of the meeting, a
slim, fair guy that sat in front of Dara got up to speak. “I think it’s
important to let the new members introduce themselves briefly so we can at
least get to know their names, schools they graduated from, disciplines, PPAs,
There were only two other new
guys, and after they had spoken, Dara got on her feet too. Smiling, she said,
“My name is Oluwasarasimi Adegbite—Dara, for short. I’m from Kwara State, I
studied Biochemistry at the University of Ilorin, and my PPA is Amazing Grace
Primary School.”



The guy that had spoken earlier
turned to look at her, and repeated himself with a straight face, “Your marital
status. Single and seriously searching? Engaged without a ring? Married but
left ring at home?”

Everyone laughed. Dara replied
with a grin, “Single but not desperate.”
Later when he walked up to her
where she was waiting by the road for a bike to take her home, his opening line
was, “I’m not desperate either, but I think you might want to know me.”
“Really? Why?” she asked, amused.
He shrugged. “’Cause I’m cool and
you need someone to show you around town.”

“I’m settling in just fine,
Dara smiled at him.

He sighed. “I’m trying to be
not-so-desperate here but you’re desperately trying to prove me desperate. Not

“What’s your name?” she asked him,
squinting under the sun. It was amazing how the sun was up and yet the air was

“I’m Chika. And you have a lovely
name. Dara. Means something good, right?”

Dara nodded. “I’m sorry I have no
idea what yours means.”

“That’s alright. I was born and
bred in Lagos, so I probably speak better Yoruba than Igbo,”
he told her,
smiling. He noticed she was shifting from one leg to the other, so he said, “I
realize I might have held you here for abit longer than I should have, so I’ll
just stop the next bike that comes around for you while I desperately ask for
your number.”

“Okay, that’s enough desperation
for one day,”
she laughed as she punched her number on his phone before getting
on the bike.
The following Thursday, Dara woke
up with a headache. She had a pack of pain relievers, so she took two tablets
during breakfast, before she left for CDS. She got to the venue right on time,
but Chika had already saved her a seat next to his at the middle row.
“I would have given you a call
since last week, but I had to make an urgent trip oer the weekend and got back
last night,”
he said, leaning towards her as she sat, after he had motioned her

Dara nodded and smiled politely.
She had actually not given him any thought till she had seen him again. Writing
lecture plans and notes and marking assignments for two different subjects kept
her busier than she thought she’d be as a teaching corper. She liked it though,
how the days gradually passed without her realizing because she had been
absorbed with work.

She must have lost concentration
at some point, because suddenly there was a general laughter and she didn’t
know what it was about. What she felt instead was body pain and an impending
Chika leaned towards her again and
asked, “Are you alright?”

“I feel really hot.”

“You’re burning up,” he confirmed
by placing the back of his hand against her neck. “Did it just start?”

She winced in reply as the
headache returned.

“Damn mosquitoes,” he muttered.
Then he walked over to the front to have a word with the president, and soon
came back to tell her, “Maybe you should go home, Dara. You shouldn’t stress
yourself if you aren’t feeling well.”

She tried to argue, but the
headache intensified. He followed her when she got up to leave. “I-I’ll be
fine. I’ll just go and rest at home,”
she said as they walked to the road.

“Alright. But you should see a
doctor or at least get drugs to take. I’m guessing it’s malaria. Has this ever
happened to you before?”

“Yeah. Curse of an AA. I’ll stop
at a pharmacy on my way home, I think there’s one on my street,”
she replied,
trying not to alarm him any more than he already was, but actually feeling
“How about I come with you?” he

She managed a smile. “Thanks, but
that shouldn’t be necessary.”

“I want to. That way I’ll be sure
you’re going to be okay.”

“I will be—“ She stopped talking
and groaned, holding her head in her hands.
“I insist.”
He waited outside her one-room
apartment so she could change from the khaki uniform into something more
comfortable, then watched her take the physician’s prescription. She soon fell
asleep on her slim mattress, and when she woke up forty minutes later, he was
lying on the carpet with his head beside her legs on the mattress.

“You’re still here.”

She watched him, confused, as he
walked towards her hotplate to uncover the pot on it. Even with the delicious
aroma of noodles that filled the room, she still had to ask to be sure. “You’re

He shrugged, squatting to stir the
pot’s content with a fork. “I figured you might have to eat something when you
woke up. I wasn’t so sure you didn’t take the drugs on an empty stomach.”

“I ate before leaving home in the
morning. But it’s really thoughtful of you to do this. Thanks,”
she told him,

He grinned. “Actually I’m not the
gentleman you’re thinking I am. I’m just a hungry man who discovered your
carton of noodles. Didn’t want you staring at my mouth so I made enough for
two. How’re you feeling by the way? Any better?”

“Yeah…fine. But you’re something
else, Chika,”
she replied, trying not to laugh for fear of the headache

…Eating together on her carpeted
floor that early Thursday afternoon marked the beginning of a friendship,
without either of them realizing it.

Morountodun is a writer and a microbiology ‎ graduate of University of Ilorin.
Twitter: @Morountosweet

Are you a writer? Interested in sharing ‎your short stories on this

platform? Be‎ our guest on our Short Story Fridays segment. Email: [email protected] or ololade.olatunji@yahoo/ gmail.com

Atletico Madrid react to transfer ban

Spanish club, Aletico Madrid have officially reacted to the transfer ban handed to them by FIFA today. Below is a statement from the club.  

“Club Atletico de Madrid has received today a resolution of the FIFA Disciplinary Committee why we punishable by banning enlist players or foreign nationals during the next two periods procurement integrity and a fine 900,000 Swiss francs (about 820,000 euros). According to the notice issued by the international football body, the penalty is caused by the infringement of Articles 5, 9, 19 and 19a and Annexes 2 and 3 of the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players.
“Our club does not agree with the sanction decision and examine all documents received for filing an appeal against the penalty.”

Mesut Özil named Germany's Player of the Year 2015

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Arsenal player, Mesut Ozil has for the fourth time in his career emerged Germany’s National Team Player of the Year 2015. The 27 year-old Assist maestro garnered 45.9% of the total votes cast. Thomas Müller and Cologne’s Jonas Hector  came second and third respectively.

Previous German Player of the Year winners:
2011: M. Özil
2012: M. Özil
2013: M. Özil
2014: T. Kroos
2015: M. Özil

Atletico and Real Madrid banned from registering players

Spanish outfits, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid have been banned by FIFA from registering players for two transfer windows for flouting rules on signing non-Spanish under-18 players. Atletico were fined 900,000 Swiss francs (623,248 pound) while Real picked 360,000 francs. The players featured in games between 2007 and 2014 for Atletico, and 2005 and 2014 for Real Madrid. Both clubs will not be able to participate in the next two transfer windows until July/August 2016 and January 2017.

“The two clubs were found to have violated several provisions concerning the international transfer and first registration of minor players.”
“FIFA works hard to protect the rights of players under the age of 18 — whether male or female, amateur or professional,” 
“This is done through the enforcement of regulations prohibiting the international transfer of minors, or the first registration of minors in a country other than their own, except in specific circumstances.” a FIFA statement read.

Rita Dominic's Christmas party was a star-studded affair.

Award-winning Nollywood actress, Rita Dominic treated friends and colleagues to a private Christmas party at her Lagos home. The guest list included, 2face and Annie Idibia, Ice Prince, Toolz, Banky W, Toke Makinwa, Ice Prince, Waje, Lala Akindoju, and many more. 



Greatest Of All Time! Lionel Messi receives platinum boot from Adidas

Messi is now the greatest player of all time, according to adidas

Following his Ballon d’Or victory, Iconic Argentine footballer, Lionel Messi has been presented with a platinum football foot by ace kit company, Adidas.  Marked with the phrase ‘el más grande de todos los tiempos’, interpreted as ‘the greatest of all time’, the boot is embossed with four gold and one platinum embellished dots to celebrate the Barcelona playmaker’s recent feat
Lionel Messi with his five Ballon d'Or titles and new Platinum adidas boots

An adidas statement read.“Messi is the ultimate creator, and the platinum Messi 15 marks his other worldly achievements in football. Gold is for winners, platinum is for the greatest,” 
The platinum boot uses pearlescent Argentinian premium leather, enhanced with pure metallic platinum elements and features logos made out of real platinum.Lionel Messi now stands two clear of Ronaldo in Ballon d'Or standings
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