Short Story: Pristine | By: Morountodun (Vol 10)

Read Parts 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the Pristine series herehere  Here Here here herehere,  here
and Here
There wasn’t only a wall separating their rooms, Uju was unlike anyone Dara had ever known. Nothing really seemed to interest her. Her quietness bordered on coldness, and after several attempts to find common ground, Dara realized she had been forcing it. Maybe civil neighbours and colleagues were all they were meant to be, not necessarily friends.
Uju seemed to lighten up wherever Chika was, though. Not that it surprised Dara, he was a known charmer. It was probably the reason why Dara thought nothing of their fast closeness, at least not till she began to notice the private jokes and the stolen glances. Sometimes she even saw him leave Uju’s room without stopping over at hers.
Three weeks passed, and on a sunny afternoon while walking home from the school, Dara summoned enough courage to ask Uju in as unconfrontational a tone as she could muster, “So what’s up with you and Chika?”
Uju shrugged. “I don’t know.” She continued after a few seconds, “He’s just someone I relate with quite easily. He understands my kind of person. Let’s just say he’s perfect company for me.”
“So I noticed. You guys have been spending a lot of time together,” Dara remarked dryly.
“He told me what happened with you.”
Dara quickly glanced at her. They were home now, each unlocking her door. “What did he say?”
Uju shrugged again. “Everything. He’ll never understand why you rejected him, why you didn’t want him, but I get it. You’re a serious-minded person and he just wants to have fun. Some of us don’t mind that, in fact it’s what we want.”
Dara continued staring at her door even after she had gone inside her room. Why on earth would Chika think she didn’t want him? He was the closest person to her in Gombe, she obviously liked him, why would he even think that? All she had done was stop him from kissing her in his kitchen, and she had been so close to melting that afternoon. Why then was he talking to Uju about it and not her?!
She got a chance to talk to him alone the following day. The state environmental protection agency declared an emergency meeting with the CDS execs to discuss a proposed week-long rally. The corpers were to stage a playlet on one of the days.
“I think we should throw it to everyone on Thursday, we’ll get more ideas,” she told him as they walked out of the office together after the meeting.
“Alright. If you say so. Although I know you can single-handedly come up with the best idea.”
She looked up at him, smiling. “You realize we hardly talk these days except it’s about CDS?”
He looked surprised. “You wanted it this way, right?”
“That just wasn’t how I pictured my first kiss. I didn’t mean we couldn’t remain friends,” she explained.
“Well, you didn’t exactly say what was on your mind, all you did was turn me down.”
“Neither did you. All you did was try to kiss me. Imagine how shocked I was to find out how you felt about my ‘rejection’.”
Chika smiled. “It’s okay, Dara, seriously.”
“So we’re cool now?” she asked quietly.
“We’ve always been,” he replied, squeezing her shoulders in a chummy way that irritated her. “I see you and Uju have been talking. Isn’t she like the coolest ever?”
Dara’s insides were raging with resentment, jealousy and anger, all in a mix. Were they both acting all loved up solely to hurt her for any reason or were they for real? Couldn’t Chika tell how bad it made her feel that he’d ditched her for Uju?
When he stopped a bike to take her home and waved her goodbye, she smiled in return. She had a new plan. Two of her students’ parents had spoken to her before about private tutoring for their kids. Maybe it was time to take that up. With no free time on her hands, Uju and Chika would be the last thing on her mind.

To be continued….

Morountodun is a writer and a microbiology ‎ graduate of University of Ilorin.
Twitter: @Morountosweet

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You left your apology a bit too late – Ruggedman tells 9ice.

Nigerian rapper, Michael Stephens popularly called Ruggedman has reacted to a statement of apology written by his estranged friend, Abolore Adegbola Adigun, also known as 9ice saying Ruggedman never cheated on his ex wife Toni Payne as widely believed. The entrepreneur accepted his apology and added that it was quite belated.

He wrote:

“In 2010 9ice released a song that made a lot of people wrongfully drag me into a terrible situation. People misconstrued the song and it created a rumor. A terrible false rumor that was fueled by journalists and bloggers who were only after hits on their sites and did not care to investigate and confirm the rumor but chose to print and post it anyways not caring who got hurt in the process. I remember pleading my innocence and that of Toni Payne but social media people being who and how they are chose not to listen.

I remember calling 9ice on the phone CIA style to talk to him about it and he was clearly heard admitting the song was not about myself or Toni Payne, but social media people being who and how they are, chose not to listen. I remember asking 9ice to publicly clear the air on the terrible rumor but was shocked when my friend said he would not because he was busy and didn’t have time for such. Again nobody wondered why.

Fast forward 2016, six years later and I was surprised when I heard that 9ice has finally come out to say I never slept with his wife and the song was not about me and even apologized. You left it a bit too late, you had your chance to clear this matter 6 years ago when it really mattered but you didn’t, I do not know why or what made you keep quite all that while. Any way I accept your apology and thank God we are all alive.’’

Your dreams are valid….Read and be inspired!

On January 12, 2007, a man sat on the side of a train station in Washington d.c USA, while playing on a violin that cold morning.

He played for about 45 minutes as over 1000 people passed by him. A minute later, the man received his first dollar tip from a woman who without stopping threw the money into the basket beside him. A few minutes later, someone stopped to listen to the music,but looked at his watch and walked away.

The only one who paid the most attention to the violinist was a 3 year old boy who kept turning his head to look as his mother hurriedly tagged him along. Several other children did the same but all the parents, without exception, forced them to move on. Out of the 1,100 people who passed by, only 6 people stopped and 20 gave him money. He collected a total of only $32 that day. Suddenly, silence filled the train station as he finished playing. No one noticed it, no one applauded, no one recognize that the man putting on an old face cap, who played the violin was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.

This act proves that just because most people don’t care to listen to your dreams and aspiration doesn’t mean they aren’t relevant or achievable. If people couldn’t take a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing one of the best music ever written on a $3.5m violin, how would they care to buy into your dreams?

Don’t look down on yourself, you are endowed beyond what you think. You have more than what it takes to realize all your dreams. There is something inside of you that most people may not appreciate. Just because people can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t real. No one saw the dream of Joseph in the Bible,they only heard it. Nobody can see your dreams,they can only hear it. So stay focused while believing in God and yourself . You’ll make it!

By: Ayeni Ekundayo 

I'm enduring the worst time in football.- Gary Neville

Valencia’s intense struggle for a win under manager Gary Neville may be far from over following their latest 7-0 mauling by Barcelona last night in a La Liga match at the Nou Camp. The ex Sky TV pundit  who has been struggling to find explanation for his side’s dismal form  admitted after the match that he is enduring his worst time in football.  The former Manchester United player who was appointed last December has not recorded a win in Valencia’s 8 spanish league games and this has been giving him all shades of discomfort. Fans are loosing their cool and demanding apologies, the club is dangling around relegation zone, yet the former England fullback has vowed not to walk away from the dugout.
He told reporters, “I am not going to sleep well tonight. This is one of the worst experiences I’ve ever gone through in football. This was one of my most painful nights in football,” 

“The scoreline is unacceptable. I have not enjoyed tonight. I won’t sleep well tonight. I didn’t like what I saw. The fans didn’t deserve that tonight. The people I feel most sorry for are the Valencia supporters. We have to recover incredibly quickly.” 
“We were playing against three of the best players in the world and we gave them three-on-twos I don’t know how many times. It was unacceptable and we have to recover very quickly. We need to win a league game. I wish the match against Betis could start in 10 minutes.
“Positivity has been immovable in my life. I last had doubts as a player 18 years ago and from that moment on I developed coping mechanisms to deal with situations like this. I’m fine. Be clear, we have to deliver on Sunday.” 
Well in football, anything can happen. The tables might turn in the next game. keep holding on Gary.

Donald Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

donald trump
He is arguably the most controversial person in the world at the moment but the Controversial Republican Presidential nominee has been unbelievably nominated for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. The opposite of what he stands for (i.e Peace) .
Donald Trump’s name appeared in the list which also includes Pope Francis and NSA’s Edward Snowden. According to The Independent, head of the Peace Institute in Oslo claimed to have seen a letter from an anonymous US nominator who said Mr Trump should be considered for His vigorous peace through strength ideology, used as a threat weapon of deterrence against radical Islam, Isis, nuclear Iran and Communist China”.

Someone should school me please. Vigorous peace? Someone who made blatant racial and inflammatory statements during his recent campaign for the Republican Presidential candidacy? Maybe i don’t know much about the prize.

Ex Governor, James Ibori re-arrested upon release from UK prison

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Former governor of Delta State, James Ibori who recently completed his jail term in the United Kingdom on January 22 has reportedly been re-arrested and will face another charge. The 57 year-old was jailed for using UK financial institutions to launder hundreds of millions of pounds he stole from Delta State coffers. The new case which was initially slated for May, will now come up in June.
His travails started when he was arrested On 13 May 2010 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates under Interpol arrest warrants, issued from United Kingdom courts.

Bristow helicopter crash lands on water in Lagos

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All the 11 passengers on board the Bristow helicopter that crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in Lagos this morning have been rescued. The chopper crashed at 136.70 nautical miles from AEHA Field in Bonny Island, inward Murtala Muhammed International Airport. 
Confirming the incident, the Spokesman of the National Emergency Agency ( NEMA), Ibrahim Farinloye, said, “Bristow Helicopter ditched into the high seas. Nigerian Navy and others have rescued the occupants. Nobody died. We are still trying to get the coordinates of how the chopper crashed into water.”
Meanwhile the chopper’s debris have been recovered.

First sexually-transmitted Zika virus case confirmed in the US

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The first sexually-transmitted Zika virus case has been confirmed in Texas by The US government’s Centres for Disease Control (CDC). The patient contracted it from a partner who travelled to an area affected by Zika ,Venezuela to be precise. 
This is coming several hours after The World Health Organisation declared Zika a global health emergency due to its spread around the Americas.
About Zika Virus
Zika virus is spread to people through mosquito bites. The most common symptoms of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting from several days to a week. Severe disease requiring hospitalization is uncommon.

In May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert regarding the first confirmed Zika virus infection in Brazil. The outbreak in Brazil led to reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome and pregnant women giving birth to babies with birth defects and poor pregnancy outcomes.
Additional information by

Ailing actor, Olumide Bakare needs millions to survive

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 Veteran actor, Olumide Bakare who has been hospitalized at UCH, Ibadan since January 2nd, 2016 needs millions of naira to survive. He has been diagnosed of a heart and lungs -related disease and is seeking financial support to get back on his feet. A colleague of his , Babajide Morounfolu recently disclosed this on Facebook.

“…in his words to me “Jide Omo Moronfolu, agbara mi o ka mo o, ba mi bea won Omo Nigeria mi won ran mi lowo pelu owo ati adura” Orisun TV has taken the lead, pls join in raising funds for this great fantastic actor, Chief Koko of Koko close”
His Account Details:  ACC No. 3872003592. OLUMIDE BAKARE. ECOBANK.
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