Amaka Igwe's husband on how she died.

Charles Igwe, the husband of the late movie icon, Amaka Igwe during a condolence visit by delegates from the National Executive of the National Association of Nigerian Theatre Arts Practitioners (NANTAP) narrated how his wife died. He also added that she would have still been alive if doctors at the hospital she was rushed to were not on strike.
“We were in Enugu preparing for her new soap, and Amaka was taking some of the people through acting when she had an asthma attack. After using inhaler without success, she was taken to a nearby hospital, but we were told that the doctor was not around. We then went to the teaching hospital in Enugu, where we were again told that the doctors were on strike. It was while we were taking her to another hospital that she died.”
May her soul find repose!!!

Nigeria's Vincent Enyeama nominated for French best

Go Vincent! We are solidly behind you. We pray he scoops this. Yes he can!!! Super Eagles/OSC Lille goalkeeper, Vincent Enyeama has been nominated for the best goalkeeper award in the Professional Union of French Players (UNFP) awards, which will be held on May 11.
The 31-year-old Nigerian international who has conceded 21 goals in 35 games for his club this season, was nominated alongside Olympique Marseille’s Steve Mandanda, Salvatore Sirigu of Paris Saint Germain and Stephane Ruffier of Saint-Ettiene.

Ramsey Nouah, Biola Alabi, Charles Novia, 9 others join OSCARS committee

12 Nollywood stakeholders; Ramsey Nouah, Biola Alabi, Charles Novia, Mildred Okwo, Chineze Anyaene, Ngozi Okafor, Olumide Amure, Kene Mkparu, Emeka Mba, Chioma Ude, Akin Salami, Mildred Okwo and Shaibu Husseini have joined members of the Nigerian Oscars Selection Committee (NOSC). The selection was approved by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS).
Committee members will pave the way for Nigerian entries to be considered for the world’s most prestigious prizes for films. Each year, countries with an approved selection committee may submit one film for consideration for the Foreign Language Film Award Oscar; only 5 films are chosen from all international submissions for Academy members to cast their votes and choose a winning foreign language film.
“This is a great opportunity for Nigeria to have a voice in the international film arena”, said Chineze Anyaene, filmmaker and committee chairperson.
Shuiabu Husseini, another member of the board agrees. “The Nollywood film industry needs to play globally so people begin to look towards us.”
The NOSC comprises twelve outstanding professionals who have over time proved their mettle as some of the finest in the movie industry and will select one Nollywood movie each year to be submitted for the Oscars. According to Academy rules, the members will consider submissions on seven criteria, which are: story, direction, acting, cinematography, sound, music and universal theme.
Every Nollywood movie selected each year will compete with movies from eighty-five (85) other countries for the coveted Best Foreign Language Film Award. Academy members will then pick a shortlist of five foreign language pictures ahead of the awards ceremony.
The approval of NOSC represents a milestone for the nation’s movie industry which has been recognized as one of the top largest movie industries globally. For years, stakeholders have been trying to further improve its standards and this represents a move in the right direction. Sooner or later, Nollywood movies will win – maybe consecutively even – the Oscar statuette for Best Foreign Language Picture.

#Bringbackourgirls, #Nyanyablast: An Open letter to Boko Haram | By: Iyabo Obasanjo

I am moved to write about the current state of affairs in Nigeria. My first inclination was to write to the President but since all letters to him seem to elicit only open derision and even more stupidity from his inner circle, I have decided to address my letter to a group also currently causing Nigerians a lot of pain and agony that may actually have more sense than the country’s leadership.

Dear Boko Haram, the fact that you have taken arms against the Nigerian state is no surprise. The question should be why haven’t more young people organised themselves against the state? Even the fact that your motto, ‘Against Western Education’ is in a way reasonable given the fact that your leader, martyred by the Nigerian state had university education and found no reasonable employment but had to resort to thuggery for politicians to survive, as the story goes.

He, like millions of Nigerian young people and college graduates, seeing a blighted future are doing anything to survive. They have become opportunistic desperados, almost sub‑human as the stepping on and trampling on each other to death at the Immigration employment debacle indicates.

Where you’re wrong, Where I think you have gotten it wrong are in two areas, if you can pardon my giving you some unsolicited advice.

First, your victims are becoming more and more the people you should be attracting to your side. Take the Nyanya bus massacre. The people that live in Nyanya are usually the clerks, messengers and other lowly office workers that live out in relative slums compared to the rest of Abuja and take public transportation to work to receive monthly salaries they barely get by on.

Consult any written work of successful revolutionaries be it French, Russian, Cuban or even the more recent uprooting of communism in Eastern Europe, to succeed you need the people to be on your side. Right now you are not achieving this. You are targeting the group you need most. This does not make for a successful revolution but you are making yourselves into nuisances to the people and in the end while the state, including its military machine may not be able to conquer you, your downfall will be alienating these potential allies, i.e. the oppressed and down-trodden.
Secondly, the abduction of girls. It must be hard to stay in the bush as all male revolutionaries fending for yourselves with no sexual gratification. Cuban example. But again, reading up on past bush revolutionaries like the Cuban, for example, indicates that they were able to convince some women to go voluntarily with them into the bush.
Somehow, revolutionary zeal does not include sexual abstinence and cooking and cleaning by yourselves. Reading must be hard for you since you hate education but the past is a good guide to the future and if you can’t read, you are done for in organizing or succeeding in most endeavours as most things have been done before and reading up on how it was done can only serve as good guidance.

The parents of the girls you abducted are just trying to give their daughters a chance at having successful lives. Without an education there is very little anyone can achieve in this early 21st century. I know living in the bush; it must still seem like the dark ages but the truth is that even with the lack of jobs and opportunities for young people in Nigeria currently, it is still better to be educated.

An educated university graduate who was selling food from a food cart ignited the Arab Spring which was spread by use of the internet which is hard to use if you are not educated. There are writings, videos and stuff you post on the internet which I haven’t seen. But think of it, you can only post and use the internet because some of you have some education. But in the end you have no control over the distribution of your advertising and recruiting information because as you may know, the internet is really part of the western system you despise.

Why you’re succeeding:
The truth is that you have succeeded because the Nigerian state has failed to provide jobs and opportunity for its young people who you can now easily recruit. By disrupting education, you are adding to the burden of the people.
You may say, but how about our religious issue? Let the truth be told, just as there are indigenous southern Muslims, there are indigenous northern Christians even from your epicentre in Borno State and just as you are zealous for your religion, I don’t see them giving up their religion either.
The reasonable solution to this impasse would be for you to advocate for everyone to be able to practice their religion as they see fit with respect for each other’s beliefs. Remember, a couple of centuries ago, all of our ancestors below the Sahara were all animists worshipping various ‘gods. This ‘One God’ — us against them situation — is a relatively recent one in our human history and you will be advised to let the originators fight it out and let your people be.”

Culled from Vanguard Newspaper

Short Story: Counting Fingers | By: Femi Eromosele

The heady smell of igbo was thick in the air. The five men with eyes already glazed puffed in turns on their wraps, intermittently using their hands to ward off smoke as if to see clearly. Magic was trying hard not to puff more than five times. He always kept count. On days like these, he liked to stay clear headed. If he finished a whole joint, his head became too fuzzy and he would make silly mistakes like slipping into his perfectly enunciated English.
He didn’t like that. It gave him away and made people want to reason with him. That was bad for business. Very bad. He needed people to be too fearful to question or reason. Five puffs was just good. That kept him high enough without losing him in the skies, high enough to get the job done.
The journey from Benin the previous day had been rather stressful. His back and buttocks still ached from the ceaseless bouncing every time the driver hit a pothole. The road to Lagos has always been in disrepair. He couldn’t remember a time it wasn’t. Usually, he would go with God is Good AC buses, but he didn’t have that kind of money this time. The nameless transporters by the school main gate charged a lot less. They didn’t have a big name he had to pay for. And from the testimony of his buttocks, they had no shock absorbers to pay for either.
“Don’t worry,” he consoled himself, “this should be the last time you would go on such a bus.”
Fourth puff. He was getting there. They had run through the routine one last time and it was almost time to go. His mind drifted to his girl. He had been thinking of quitting. He could not continue with the risks any more. Once he was done with his final exams in a few weeks, he would go and start up his printing business. He had no intention of looking for any job. The proceeds from this last job would be enough to set that up and even get married the next year like he planned. Maria would be in her finals then. She was a good girl, and he could tell she was from a good family. He was more than willing to let go of this part of his life she must never find out about.
“Guys, time don reach. Make we dey go,” Degbesco interrupted his musing in a voice that sounded clogged with sharp sand.
Magic was relieved. He had just noted with worry that Degbesco was smoking more than usual. He tended to get a little reckless afterwards.
” Make una remember, na sharp sharp we go do am. We go take the document wey Chief say make we collect. If money dey the house, dat na our own.” Wahala explained unnecessarily. They all knew the money Chief had promised was more than enough to make anything they might find in the house seem like peanuts.
He thought of his girl again and how he longed to see her. He should be back in Benin before she returned from Abuja. She said she was going to see her uncle’s family. It was her custom to spend a weekend with them every month. She had no idea he had left Benin an hour after she did.
He took the fifth puff.
They parked the car in front of the street. The security guard came out with his flash light to see if it was the regular night crawler that lived in number 4. The guns that suddenly flashed at him made him as meek as a cow before a Fulani herdsman. They tied him up and left Agbako to watch over him. The house was easy to locate. They knew their target would be at home. According to Chief, he used the place during weekends though his family lived on the Island.
The guard in the house came off even easier to deal with than they envisaged. Kura and Bado climbed the gate in and caught him unawares as he slept. They banged on the door, their confidence buoyed by the steel in their hands. Out of impatience, Degbesco fired a shot on the lock. It didn’t open it, but it seemed to convince the house help that they weren’t vendors.
In the master bedroom was the shaking form of Mr Chike on his knees and in only his boxers.
“Please take all you want. My money is inside the wardrobe,” He pleaded, with a voice obviously not used to begging.
“Sharap! Who tell you say na money we dey find? Wey your briefcase?” Magic pointed the gun at his head as realisation of their true mission dawned on him.
Degbesco dragged a half nude figure from under the bed where she had been hiding, and Magic nearly lost his grip on the gun. Staring back at him was a pair of eyes equally shocked to see her boyfriend.
Femi Eromosele lives and teaches in Lagos. He takes pleasure in reading and telling stories.
Are you a writer? Interested in sharing your short stories on this platform? Be our guest on our Short Story Fridays segment.
Email: ololade.olatunji@yahoo/

Sad! Another bomb blast hits Nyanya, Abuja

This is so devastating. Dear God. Please have mercy on our country. Whilst we are yet to recover from the bomb explosion which rocked Nyanya, Abuja three weeks ago leaving several people dead and some still hospitalized. Another bomb blast has hit the same neighbourhood again.
The blast reportedly happened around 8:20 pm this evening at Zuba park beside furniture market, Nyanya.
According to eyewitnesses, a lot of people have been injured, some dead and some are being rushed to the hospital. Paramedics are also working at the scene.

Kanu Nwankwo's new family pictures are too gorgeous

Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 033
Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 037
Well, we can’t really call them new pictures since they were taken last year. I’m sure there are new, mind-blowing ones. These pictures are from the Nigerian football icon Kanu Nwankwo and his beautiful wife, Amarachi’s daughter, Pinky’s christening which took place in Hadley Wood, London, January 2013. Pinky is super-cute!

Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 022 Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 024 Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 023 Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 028 Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 027  Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 021 Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 029 Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 030  Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 032  Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 034  Kanu Nwankwo's Daughter's Christening - April 2014 - BellaNaija - 035
Money good o.
Credit: Bella Naija

Amaka Igwe: Nigerian celebrities pay tribute

Nigerian celebrities, mostly Nollywood stars/colleagues/proteges have taken to their social media accounts to pay tribute to the late veteran film-maker and writer, Amaka Igwe, who passed on two days ago shortly after an asthma attack.

Genevieve Nnaji: “This is the darkest day of my entire career. That I believe sums up how I feel right now. Your legacy will leave on Aunty Amaka. I promise you. #RIPAmakaIgwe

Stephanie Okereke: “I’m still in shock! Oh! How we’ve lost a great one! Rest in Peace Amaka Igwe.

Joseph Benjamin: Amaka Igwe passes on. It is appointed to man. Wt will you be remembered for, She positively affected her generation

Susan Peters: “Another Icon gone too soon! RIP Amaka Igwe! Sad News!

Stella Damasus: “RIP aunty Amaka. I just can’t understand this. Too painful to even begin to think about it. My prayer goes out to uncle charles and the children.”

Kate Henshaw: “Some die, Some are born! That’s life..its a cycle. Aunty Amaka Igwe, rest in peace..
Desmond Elliot: “Anty Amaka will be greatly missed. Our condolences go to Uncle Charles and the family, R.I.P great woman. Very shocking indeed.

Rita Dominic: “your body of work will be an inspiration to many generation. Adieu Aunty Amaka till we meet to part no more.”

Don Pedro Obaseki: “Tears rain down. Rest in Peace, Great Amazon. Rest. We Won’t Miss you, because everywhere we turn in Nollywood, we see you! We feel you, Amaka! I remain your friend, even in the afterlife!”

Lala Akindoju: We’ve lost an icon..A teacher. .she taught everything I know about acting for screen. I had never heard of method acting till I met Amaka Igwe. .this is hard..very hard #gonetoosoon

Charles Novia: She guided me, as with many others, at the infancy of my career to what I have become in Film business. A confidant gone. R.I.P

Uche Jombo: Sad sad sad day, my prayers are with her family.RIP amaka igwe.God knows Why. #veteranFilmMaker #nollywoodGreat –

Biola Alabi: I am terribly saddened to learn of the sudden passing away of Aunty Amaka Igwe, she was a true storyteller and an entertainment mogul RIP

Julius Agwu: Death visits the wrong home at the wrong time and snatches the wrong person ?#AmakaIgwe
Funmilola Iyanda: I am very sad to hear Amaka Igwe has died. She’s left us with a great creative legacy so she lives on. My prayers r with charles n children.


Chika Chukwu: My friend, Sister &the woman who gave me my best character in a TV series 7yrs running – the amazing Amaka Igwe has passed away, RIP Sis. – Chika Chukwu

Daniel Ademinokan: RIP Amaka Igwe! One of Nigeria’s media Icons. Gone too soon! #gonetoosoon #RIP

Ayo Shonaiya: Sad news. One of the people I respect the most in Nigeria just passed away. RIP AMAKA IGWE. God be with your soul.

Obi Emelonye: A giant has fallen but your lagacy lives on. Rest in peace my sister. And may God grant your family, particularly my brother Charles, the fortitude to bear this tragic loss. – Obi Emelonye

The Catwalk Shows at AFWN 2014

Africa Fashion Week Nigeria is set to add to Nigeria’s events landscape with the first International Fashion Runway Show that has special focus on up-coming designers in the country. Themed: “The People’s Runway” the event is coming with the objective of illuminating the creative exploits of the real talents in the Nigerian Fashion turf, especially the relatively undiscovered ones, to help them build sustainable careers for themselves. It will also showcase the achievements of the established designers and celebrate the veteran icons of the Nigerian fashion sector.
Happening on the 18th of May at the Eko Hotels, Victoria Island Lagos, the Catwalk shows at AFWN 2014, will feature Veteran designer Princess Abba Folawiyo, the doyenne of Nigerian fashion sector, since pre-independence days, and 15 established designers as well as 40 new designers. AFWN season one, it will be open to all Nigerian, African and international media houses, for global dissemination.


Some of the established designers who have been showcasing at the London Version of the event (ie Africa Fashion Week London) since 2011, will also be on ground to participate at Africa Fashion Week Nigeria. Designers such as Yutees, Zarita, Didi Creations, Dzyn, Meg Alabi, will be coming from Africa Fashion Week London to take advantage of the opportunity and display their talented creations to Nigerian fashion connoisseurs and general public.


Africa Fashion Week Nigeria Season one is divided into two events happening on the same day. The first show will be in the afternoon while the gala show will be later in the evening. The afternoon pre- Gala show will be showcasing a cross section of brands including Isi Atagamen, Buchiver, Dé Laurels, YCR, Evelyn -Rose di omimi, IJC collections, Afrikanus by Rui Lopes, AAMAA a la Mode, Elikem The Tailor,Magnetic Elegance[ME], Long feet boutique, Faerens, Jazz Effect,Yon Seno, Belois Couture, Mademoiselle Anglaia, Meg Alabi. These designers will be showcasing their full collections at Africa Fashion Week Nigeria on a sponsored show, funded by AFWN’s sponsors.

The evening Gala fashion showcase will feature designers Elegante by Tiannahs styling, Yutees, Zarita Couture, Dyzn ,House of Marie, Emos Ejiro, Didi Creations, Big Ben, Raymona, Queen E collection, Awe Dzyn, AFT, Lines by Chaab,Style by Adesuwa,BA’AN WURE,St Eves. The climax of the evening will be a special inspiring showcase by Veteran Designer Princess Abba Folawiyo of Labanella Couture which will end the runway show.

Speaking on the AFWN runway shows, the founder and CEO Africa Fashion Week London and Nigeria, Ronke Ademiluyi reassured Nigerians that the show will not only be a success, but it will foster a paradigm shift towards the perception of fashion design as an instrument of economic reconstruction.


According to her: “The first edition of the Africa Fashion Week Nigeria is set be a successful one. We have such a diverse cross section of designers participating, showcasing the great talent coming out of Nigeria & Africa as a whole at the moment. We intent to create a generation of Brand New Nigerian Designers by need analysis  which is identifying what the young up coming designers need and creating a method of assisting them into becoming sustainable brands We are confident that this will positively impact on the economic growth of Nigeria”


Opening Hours for AFWN on the 18th May 2014


The Pre-Gala showcase at Africa Fashion Week Nigeria  will be open from 1pm -4pm on 18th May 2014 and AFWN will close with the Fashion Gala at 6.30pm on the 18th May at the Eko Hotel, Adetokunbo, Ademola, Victoria Island. Lagos Nigeria

For more information regarding Africa Fashion Week Nigeria please visit:


For press enquiries  contact:
[email protected]
Designers wishing to apply to be part of The Africa Fashion Week London August 2014 please contact:
[email protected]

Governor Rotimi Amaechi makes history in Rivers State

Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers has made history by becoming the first Governor in the annals of governance in Nigeria to abolish the concept of non-indigeneship in any State of the Federation. He announced this over the weekend while welcoming a large crowd of non-indigenes in the State who paid him a solidarity visit at the Government House in Port Harcourt.
Amaechi told guests, “I don’t believe in non-indigeneship. As far as I am concerned, you are entitled to everything if you have lived in Rivers State for at least five years. We are all Rivers indigenes. If you go anywhere around this. State and they are segregating against you, please, call my attention. The reason is that we are all Nigerians and we remain bonafide citizens of this country.  The All Progressives Congress (APC) believes that there is need for change because the government in power does not want money to reach you. We need the bottom-top approach for our people to benefit and improve their standard of living.” The Governor also announced the approval of a bus for the NIPF and 20 per cent scholarship for non-indigenes in the State amongst other largesse.”
His announcement threw the thousands of visitors into frenzy. It was a challenging day for the security personnel at the Government House as they never envisaged such a crowd which was  unprecedented in the history of solidarity visits to the Government House.
A chieftain of the Forum, Chief Williams Samuel Ubaka, presented the delegation’s address on behalf of the Coordinator of the Forum, Chief Uchenna Okokoba. He told Governor Amaechi: “We are  particularly happy with the uncommon transformation of your administration, and especially, in the areas of good and accessible roads, healthcare services, education, particularly, the world-class model primary and secondary schools that have admitted our children on scholarship; we are most grateful.” He also thanked Governor Amaechi for employing 20 per cent of non-indigenes during the last teachers’ recruitment exercise and approving some of their requests.
In his speech, Rives State APC Chairman, Dr. Davies Ibiamu Ikanya, applauded the Governor for carrying non-indigenes along in his administration of the State, saying that by so doing he has demonstrated to the entire nation that he is a true nationalist and a patriotic Nigerian whose love for all Nigerians is no longer in doubt. Dr. Ikanya boasted that no other government in Nigeria has done for the non-indigenes in any part of Nigeria what Gov. Amaechi has done for those residing in Rivers State. He also hailed Amaechi for approving 10 per cent positions for non indgenes in the Ward, Local Government and State Executive Councils of the APC, which he  described as unprecedented in the country.
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