MI shares throw-back pictures of him and Jesse Jagz

When men were still boys! Rapper, Jude ‘M.I’ Abaga shared these throwback pictures of him and his brother Jesse Jagz on Jesse’s birthday.

“From this partnership labels have been built.. Music has been sold.. Careers have been made.. Awards have been won!!! @jessejagz my brother the greatest!!!” he wrote

#Osundecides: Full text of Rauf Aregbesola's election victory speech

Mercy Johnson, Stella Damasus, Desmond Elliot others attend Nollywood actor, Robert Peters' wedding (Photos)

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Who would believe this actor just got married? Seasoned actor, Robert Peters is now a married man. He recently walked his fiance,  Deborah Smalling down the aisle at the Lake Lanier Islands Resort in Georgia, United States. In attendance were some of his colleagues, heavily-pregnant Mercy Johnson, Stella Damasus, Desmond Elliot, Daniel Ademinokan and many more.

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[Article]: Is Nigerian Hip Hop Dead or Alive? | By: MCskill ThaPreacha

It was a cold, dark, lonely night and my mind was racing; I logged on to Twitter so I could get distracted and of course, it was the same old drama about sex, hoes and politics being discussed but there was something else this time. A discussion about who the dopest is in Nigerian Rap. This kind of discussion usually takes place when Nigerian rappers are beefing, it has happened a million times already and I wasn’t supposed to be flabbergasted but it got me thinking…
Is Nigerian Hip-Hop Dead Or Alive?
I tweeted: “Nigerian Hip-Hop Is Dead.” Fast forward 20 seconds later, the notifications started coming in hundreds; the same set of people who would get on social media networks to disrespect legends like Eedris AbdulkareemeLDeeModeNineWeird MCRuggedman, e.t.c came at me like wolves saying Nigerian Hip-Hop is alive. They attacked so flawlessly with insults you would think they truly care/cared about the art in the first place.
What Or Who Killed Nigerian Hip-Hop should be the big question now.
In my opinion, since “opinion” is now widely accepted, I drafted a few points below; read carefully.
Music will NEVER circulate without the media and it’s so clear how the Nigerian media killed Hip-Hop by condemning and preferring Afro-Pop because Afro-Pop artistes seem to have more cash to throw around prompting this same media to label lyricists as “Broke & Hungry.” Top bloggers and OAPs claim to love Hip-Hop but we all know how we had to BEG most times to have our Hip-Hop records on Top Nigerian blogs or being played on radio; yes, we begged not because our music was wack but because we knew bloggers wouldn’t post no Hip-Hop record especially from the upcomings because it probably doesn’t generate enough traffic and the radio wouldn’t play it for free either. Radio DJs are part of this whole scheme…
“PAY me and I will surely play your record but we DON’T play Rap music on our show.”
With that kind of statement, someone desperate for stardom would start singing immediately. Our so-called Hip-Hop World Awards can’t even boast of a cypher each year at it’s annual ceremony, neither can it’s 24-hours TV station claim to play Hip-Hop videos on a regular; now, this is where the Olamide‘s and the Phyno‘s come into the picture. For the record, they are excellent rappers but they are NOT doing Hip-Hop; obviously, a debate for another day.
The Lyricist On The Roll award which is supposed to be the only thing keeping Hip-Hop alive is video-based, therefore killing 90% of most lyricist’s dream of ever getting recognized plus Pop albums being nominated for Hip-Hop Album Of The Year also killed the kulture.
In recent times, Nigerian Hip-Hop fans have become plain rude and unappreciative when it comes to real art; they want double standards all the time. The so-called Hip-Hop fans are swift to insult a ModeNine but hold a Wizkid in high esteem; the reason behind, that I would never fathom. The fans keep saying they want a conscious sound – put out a conscious sound and the fans would say they didn’t hear any punchline on the record. Put out a punchline filled record and the fans would say you gotta dump it down; Hip-Hop is NOT just about the EMCEE and the DEEJAY. The fans play a big role.
If football fans were not as passionate about the sport, football as an art would have been killed.
People would play but there would be no stars; same thing applies to Hip-Hop – the fans have to show that they truly love it, but they didn’t so we here now. Lastly, fans are NOT honest with emcees; because you are a huge fan of an emcee doesn’t mean they put out dope materials all the time – fans have become so blind and deaf that they tag everything from their favorite emcee as “Dope & Classic“; the lack of criticism from fans killed Hip-Hop‘s growth in Nigeria.
To me, emcees today are confused and impatient; they emcee for just 6 months and they want to be on the billboard.
It doesn’t work that way.
Money has to be made no doubt. Even the last element of Hip-Hop focuses on entrepreneurial skills but after coming out as a dope emcee and you start singing 6 months later, you lose the respect of Hip-Hop fans; most emcees couldn’t stick to the art and that made the kulture suffer. For example, Ice Prince used to Rap but he has made a lot of money whilst singing and upcoming rappers also want to be like him therefore the kulture will remain dead for a very long time.
Yes, legends also have to be blamed for not guiding and pulling up young rappers; instead, legends don’t want to lose their spot.
You can’t be number one forever, even KRS with the “One” after his name knows that.
What makes you a legend is not longevity but the positive things you actually do/did for Hip-Hop; legends haven’t pulled fellow rappers up lately, they would rather set up record labels and sign Afro-Pop artistes, hence killing the kulture.
As a real emcee and true Hip-Hoppa who has 4 Hip-Hop mixtapes to his credit, I know how hard it was/is for me admitting that Nigerian Hip-Hop is dead; on a personal experience, a Top Nigerian blogger [arguably the biggest] who claims to really love Hip-Hop once told me and I quote…
Yo Preacha, your music is too Hip-Hop. I’m sorry, I can’t post it.
What’s too Hip-Hop? What would happen if he posted the record? Guess I would never find out either.
Now, I put the question to you all – IS NIGERIAN HIP-HOP DEAD OR ALIVE?

Ebola Virus: Kunle Afolayan and brother isolated on flight

Nollywood actor, Kunle Afolayan revealed how he and his younger brother, Gabriel Afolayan were isolated on a flight because of the fear of Ebola virus. The award-winning director and his sibling who recently arrived Bel Ombre, Seychelles said they had to go through many protocols simply because they are from West Africa; a region where the EVD is rampant.

“We landed Republic of Seychelles safe and sound. Myself and Gabriel were isolated from the other Kenyan crew that went we us and we were made to sign plenty forms cos we came from west africa (Ebola region). Gabriel didn’t have his yellow fever card so he has to do a test tomorrow and bring the result back to the health section of the airport. Thanks to SBC to the rescue and warm welcome.” He wrote on his facebook page.

Ebola Virus: NNPC shuts down Victoria Island clinic

The Victoria Island, Lagos clinic of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation has been shut down after a suspected case of Ebola virus. Below is a statement by Ohi Alegbe, Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs Division.
“The management of the NNPC has announced the indefinite shutdown of its clinic in the Muri Okunola area of Victoria Island, Lagos, following a suspected case of Ebola virus on admission at the clinic.
It was discovered that the patient visited the First Consultant Medical Centre during the period the first Ebola case was reported at that clinic.
“In the meantime, all contacts with this case are being traced and adequate precautionary measures instituted to contain the possible spread of the disease. The medical team has assured that the patient is in stable condition.”

In Lagos, falling in Love starts with red lipstick | By: Joy Isi Bewaji

In Lagos, falling in love  starts with red lipstick, always red lipstick.
You have a fairly expensive weave, heels you can barely walk in, a tight bandage dress, Chanel No.5 perfume… and red lipstick.
You are heading to the club with your friends. It’s Saturday night; you’ve had a long week and you are really eager for some random ‘hello-beautiful-can-I-buy-you-a-drink’ conversation with any dude with passable looks and some good height.
You arrive the club with excitement pushing you from behind and anticipation telling you to get ready for a wild night. You might be going home with the number or card of some hot dude.
Hopes are high, alcohol is getting you higher. You are on the dance floor, gyrating like an afro-beat dancer. You and your friends, playing silly; one grabs your waist, the other is breast-to-breast as you try to numb your stupidity with more alcohol.
You are at the club, it is Saturday, and everything is aaaalright.
You look around with what is left of your sight; everyone is getting as wild as they can; girls are grinding on strange men, too much to drink on every table; big spenders, the smell of liquor and expensive cologne; cigarette smoke; dim lights, pre-coital frenzy over loud music…
There are women with bigger breasts, wider hips, fatter buttocks, more expensive weaves, more aggressive approach, more this and more that…no chance you will find a man to look your ordinary way; but you are too drunk to care. Your makeup is smeared, the last trace of your lipstick is stuck to the rim of a wine glass, your heels hurt, you are on your third bottle of Vodka and cranberry juice with your friends; and you feel like taking your clothes off now. It’s too hot in here. But first you need to use the restroom- you are feeling nauseous.
After vomiting into the toilet bowl, it is time to go home.
3am and you are still single. It is well.
You wake up to a headache banging in your head like an angry child knocking his toy against the wall. You have to go to church, it’s a ritual. Regardless of what Saturday unearths, Sunday is ever willing to conceal and make pure and whole again.
There are many times that you run to church after a raunchy night with sex all over your hair; but with just the smell of your pastor’s cologne, you are certain you have been cleansed from your sins- you have become new again; old things are gone. Until the next Saturday- a tradition that confirms your inability to be perfect, just the way God likes you to be- imperfect and in dire need of His love and help.
You are in church, all of Saturday’s scandal out of the way; you can feel the gentle touch of your Saviour peeling away layers of your sin until you are as white as snow, with curly blonde weave and a sparkle in your heart- just like those horrid pictures, sold everywhere, that portrays his holiness.
So…just as you are basking in that moment of purification, you turn to your left, and there he is looking at you with big brown eyes.
A hot male.
In church.
What you had hoped to find on a debauched Saturday is waiting patiently for you on a holy Sunday!
Praise da lord!
After sizing each other up, numbers and Blackberry pins are exchanged at the end of service.
Then the lies begin:
“I have been with only two men my whole life,” she says.
“I am not dating anyone presently,” he says.
“I am celibate; keeping myself for that special someone,” she says
“I am a one-woman man,” he says
Your first date is smudged with bible scriptures.
Your second date is buttered with deceit.
By your third date, you are both convinced you are adults and there’s nothing wrong with a-little-sex.
Sex happens and leaves you lost in your heads…
“He came too fast…”
“She needs to shave…”
“He needs to work that thing better…”
“Everything is drooping and touching the floor…”
But you are needy animals at this point, so sex will happen again and again and again… and a few more dates.
Soon, conversation will become polite; then arguments on: “Why didn’t you pick my call all day?!” and “I was busy, why would you call me 109 times?!” would start.
Sex will lose its flavour after the second month, and Lagos traffic with poor network will be the convenient excuses for you both to finally drift apart.
She, back to the comfort of alcohol and friends.
He, back to his 4-year old relationship that is leading to the altar in three weeks!
But first, the bitter ruckus:
On Facebook she writes: “Men are useless liars; gone through one more asshole, but I stand strong.”
She tweets: “Weak men cannot handle the strength of a true woman, but I refuse to bend.”
On Blackberry messenger she rants: “I am God’s princess, only real men are invited.”
On google plus, she posts a meme: “Worthless dogs will inherit the flames of hell.”
(All the while, monitoring his social media activities and maddened by the pretty pictures of another woman he has on his profile- just the right capsule for torment.)
He is not sure all these rants are directed at him. She was just a moment’s fancy, something of a reward for living in a city as hectic as Lagos. Their love, as fast-paced as Lagos’ bikers speeding to their deaths, was something ephemeral. Isn’t that how it should be? Isn’t that how you fall in love in a city as diverse and multi-coloured as Lagos, blessed with too many beauties, too many head-turning buttocks, too many people looking for love and material stuff… and settling for less?
You fall, you stand up; pick your shattered brain from the floor, piece it back together and move on. Love, in the city, lasts just as long as a hot cuppa tea!
He tags her to his wedding invitation on Facebook with the rest of his 685 friends.
The nerve!
But these days, they call it maturity- moving on without bitterness. Afterall, she is a Lagos Sisi, she should be used to the easy/hurtful cosmopolitan life nah, he wonders.
Love is found everyday on the streets of Lagos and lost somewhere between the deceitful lifestyle and asphyxiating energy of the city.
In Lagos, love is pain and more.
It is what it is.
Eko oni Baje.
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