Short Story: Just a glass of Rubis….and the… | By: Ogechi Nwobia

You see, the things that get you in trouble are usually the things you spend your entire life avoiding but somehow, they manage to catch up with you. And then you wonder and ask yourself, how did this even happen? How did I get here?

My name is Bimpe and this is my story.
I’ve been dating Yazid for a little over a year now and it’s been great. We’re practically headed for the altar and I am madly excited about it. He is a fine boy with plenty Dubai Arab money to throw around and no, he does not hit me or bully me.

Yazid is just perfect. He is calm, soft spoken and somewhat reserved. I am the more eccentric and crazy one.
It so happens that Yazid’s dad for some weird reason doesn’t really approve of me. He’s of the opinion that women should be homely and quiet and “responsible” and all that old school kind of thinking. But my darling Yazid always rises to my defense and insists that he cut me some slack.
Yazid says we’re perfect for each other, we balance each other out. I appreciate that he does that because I know how close he is to his dad. They are more like siblings actually. It’s so weird.
Now, because I’m naturally crazy, I never take alcohol. I have always believed my madness would triple if I attempted liquor so alcohol has always been a no-no for me. I can get my groove on without any form of assistance, thank you.
It was Ameera’s ( Yazid’s baby sister) graduation, Yazid had thrown her a party in their family house and of course, I was there to raise the roof.
The party was bubbling and everyone was having a great time. I had danced till my feet hurt and I was really thirsty. I walked over to the table where the drinks were set out and tried to find some water. Ameera walked up beside me and drew me close in a hug.
“Sis! This party is aweesomeee! Thank youuuuuu!”
I laughed and removed strands of her Brazillian weave from her face.
“You’re welcome princess. But this wasn’t me. It was all your brother.”
She snatched up a bottle of red wine and passed it to the guy behind the table.

“Can you help me open it please?”
The guy smiled and nodded then she turned to me and said
“You’re drinking that with me.”
I laughed and shook my head.

“No darling.”
“Hell yeah! It’s my grad party and you’ve got to celebrate with me.”
I shook my head again but Ameera would have none of it. She cajoled and begged and insisted and then I gave in.
“It’s Rubis, it’s really sweet. Just one glass.”
“Alright! Fine! Just one glass.”
Ameera clapped both hands together in glee and giggled like a school girl. I shook my head.
The bottle returned and she poured some for me in a glass. I hadn’t eaten at all that evening and I was really tired from all the dancing so I promised myself it would not be more than one glass.
 As soon as I tasted the wine however, something changed. It was amazing!
Ameera kept chattering on and on and I kept drinking, one glass after another. Soon, I realized I could not stand right. My heels were suddenly uncomfortable. I took them off and held them in my hands. Ameera looked me over
“Feather weight! You okay?”
She laughed really loudly and I even thought I didn’t hear her clearly, whatever it was that she said felt funny so I laughed loudly too. I was a little dizzy and needed to lay my head down.
“I’m going back to dance.” This time, she yelled over the noise of the music and I heard her.
I nodded.
“Where’s Yazid?” I yelled back.
 I was dizzy but I wanted a kiss as well. My head was fuzzy and the signals in my brain were all messed up.
I nodded again and walked away, laughing and shaking my head. Ameera had done the one thing no one had ever been able to do. She’d gotten me drunk. I walked slowly up the stairs. Everything seemed to be moving, including the doors.
I finally located Yazid’s door and just opened it without knocking. My eyes went straight to the bed. He was right there cuddling some other lady.
I was in absolute shock. I froze.
I raised my hand and pointed my index finger at him stuttering and failing at coherence.
“Boo, wha.. what’s this.. that…that..wha…”

He got off the bed swiftly, anger burning in his eyes. The other lady just sat there and stared at me oddly.

I was stunned into silence by the stinging slap that hit my face and the voice that thundered
“What is wrong with you?!”

I blinked several times. There was something wrong with his voice.
The slap seemed to hit my reset button and my eyes opened clearly to see Yazid’s dad staring furiously at me.

Mega mess up.
I chanced a quick side look and realized this wasn’t Yazid’s room.
I opened my mouth to apologize but what came out instead was something that ruined my life.
I threw up. All over Yazid’s dad…

Ogechi Nwobia writes flash fiction, lifemathics articles and run fiction series on her blog. She’s a people lover and a talkaholic.
Twitter: @Oge_writes

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platform? Be our guest on our Short Story Fridays segment.
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Mrs Buhari to Patience Jonathan, "Don't be afraid of jail".

Mrs Aishat Buhari, wife of the All Progressives Congress, APC’s presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari while addressing the people of Edo State today asked Dame Patience Jonathan not to entertain fear of being jailed if her husband wins the election.

Recall that Mrs Jonathan told women in Tuesday not to vote for Buhari saying she isn’t prepared to feed her husband in jail.

“These are digital women, not analogue.” She began. “Each zone of the country has its peculiar problem. For me in this zone, girl-child trafficking should be considered one of our problems, though I know there is unemployment. Unemployment is the major factor that contributes to brain drain and also the girl-child trafficking. General Muhammadu Buhari is a leader who led Nigeria some decades ago and he is coming back now to sanitise the system,”

She continued, “For those that are campaigning, saying that he is coming to jail Nigerians, I don’t know what their fear is. But they shouldn’t be afraid, because we are all yearning for change. 

The insecurity in the country, the very poor healthcare system, lack of education and other basic necessities that people are lacking I believe Nigerians need somebody like General Muhammadu Buhari now.

“Already, they have painted him black, using religion. I’m happy today that Nigerians realize that they use religion as a cover to loot Nigeria. Any politician who talks to you about religion is a liar, he only wants to loot the treasury and the little resources you ought to enjoy. So say no politics merging it with religion to deceive the people.

“I’m here today to let Edo women know that when my husband is elected into office as President, all these will be history. The insecurity, the girl-child trafficking, suffering of the widows in the South East will come to an end. There must be a cultural design that can accommodate the widow.

A design that would make the girl-child comfortable wherever she is in this country. She doesn’t have to leave her country to go and prostitute elsewhere, it’s not her portion. Her portion is to have a highly standard and moral society for her to live in. Get married, have children, train them and also mould them to become the future leaders.

“We are here today to also let you know that the collection of your PVCs is important and don’t ever sell it. It’s like selling your future. If you sell it for N5,000, you won’t see N5,000 again until after four years which will be bad. Get your PVC, vote for APC, vote for freedom, vote for a new Nigeria with good security, good education, good healthcare, good roads and all the basic necessities.” She concluded.

Juliet Ibrahim & Emma Ugolee to lead Kidney Awareness Walk in Lagos

Ghanaian actress, Juliet Ibrahim and ex on-air-personality, Emma Ugolee who is battling with kidney disease and Ghanaian actress, Juliet Ibrahim will be headlining a Kidney Awareness Walk themed “Walk Against Kidney Diseases’ in Lagos on March 21, 2015.
The two-hour walk which is an Emma Ugolee and Juliet Ibrahim Foundation initiative will see celebrities taking off from a designated point in Victoria Island down to Cool FM office in Victoria Island, to talk more about public awareness initiatives about kidney related diseases and ways to reduce their risks. 
Emma Ugolee, former TV host with MBI over a decade ago had a hand in making celebrities out of a considerable number of Nigerian entertainers back then via his pioneer all Nigerian music video countdown .
Emmanuel has been battling with chronic kidney disease (CKD) for years now and revealed in a recent interview with Vanguard Newspapers in January that he has been living without kidney for 3 years.
Juliet Ibrahim is the founder of Juliet Ibrahim Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization focused on creating awareness on kidney cancer and providing necessary interventions to ensure a society free of such issues in Ghana and Africa at large.
JIF understands that cancer, especially kidney cancer is preventable but not curable and aim at helping those in need of treatment in Africa.
They operate by offering awareness/education, treatment and other social needs that would help individuals dealing with kidney diseases.

For Jega, the hour of reckoning draws near | By: Steve Ayorinde

Barely a week to the rescheduled presidential election, the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Attahiru Jega, must be the most important man in Nigeria today.
But I do not envy him at this critical moment.
As the clock ticks from today, exactly a week to the day that campaigns will end for the presidential candidates, the countdown is not just for the election, which, without doubt, is fast approaching as the most keenly contested ever in Nigeria. 
It is as much a countdown on the fate of this former President of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).
The biggest issue that has become more recurrent since the postponement of the election on February 7 has been INEC’s preparation, with more particular emphasis on Jega’s insistence on using the card reader technology to accredit people with the Permanent Voters Card (PVC) on Election Day.
Several paid adverts and sponsored articles have come out in the past four weeks challenging INEC’s readiness and fault its claims on the credibility of the card readers. All these anti-INEC campaigns have directly emanated from the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and groups apparently working for its interest.
If there was any doubt that the anti-INEC sentiments oozing out of PDP are indeed symptomatic of a greater desire to ease Jega out of his role as the electoral umpire, some important events have since revealed the real intention of those who are vehemently opposed to Jega’s procedure for these general elections.
The first was last week’s meeting of the PDP governors in Lagos, in which they were unanimous in voicing their reservations about the adequacy of PVC collection and the reliability of card reader machines.
They started with the plausible argument that if the elections had held last month with barely 65 per cent of registered voters collecting their PVCs and the card readers not yet tested in the full glare of the public, it would have been greatly flawed. But they soon descended to the controversial and outlandish when they argued that Jega’s insistence to proceed with the election could only be a ploy to rig PDP out.
The PDP governors say they are neither satisfied with the more than 80 percent PVC collection rate nor with the pass mark given to the mock election in selected states across the country to test the card readers.
What would suffice, if the election must hold at all, they say, is for both the PVCs and card readers to be jettisoned so that anybody with temporary voter’s card (TVCs) should be allowed to exercise his/her right.
Beyond the fact that a fortune had gone into the production and procurement of both the PVCs and card readers and that all the political parties originally endorsed the use of those technologies as a veritable way to curb electoral malpractices, there are inherent holes in the return-to-the-TVCs argument.
One, the collection rate for the TVCs during the 2011 and subsequent governorship elections in Edo, Bayelsa, Ekiti and Osun States was nowhere near 100 per cent and, in any case, barely half of those who collected their TVCs voted in the previous elections.
To argue, therefore, that because there are still several millions of PVCs to be collected, INEC should be forced to return to the use of TVCs, is being clever by half. It won’t guarantee huge turn-out; rather it can only give room for the type of manipulations that INEC seeks to avoid. If there have been errors in the registration and issuance of PVCs, the only way to correct it is to ensure fool-proof accreditation through the card readers.
Furthermore, what is the guarantee that many people without PVCs still have their TVCs or are still interested in collecting the PVCs if they know that as a result of temporary displacement, transfer from jobs, or relocation, they are not going to be able to vote anyway?
The excuse of the PDP governors doesn’t look like they are eager to help INEC reason through an acceptable resolution. It looks more like a fait accompli to force a replacement of the electoral umpire a few days to D-Day.
An attempt to give a bite to the governors’ position apparently was Monday’s protest by certain people under the aegis of Concerned Nigerians in conjunction with a faction of Oodua Peoples Congress (OPC) on the street of Lagos. Ostensibly, it was an exercise to express their support for President Goodluck Jonathan’s re-election bid.
But it turned out to be a camp
aign for Jega’s removal, as well as fear-mongering and a violent parade that witnessed the destruction of the opposition’s billboards and campaign materials.
Calling for the sack of INEC’s chairman barely 10 days to the election by this people does not necessarily seem like the president’s friends do not want the election to hold, but more like they would rather prefer it holds under the watchful eyes of a man who can promise that the ruling party will not lose.
Will Jega buck under the pressure to have him replaced or at least get his body language to assure the president that his interest is protected?
From the outcome of the meeting with the president and security chiefs in Abuja on Tuesday, it is apparent that Jega is determined to stand his ground. He has reportedly affirmed his readiness to conduct the elections on March 28 and April 11 and insists that the card readers remain the best options to guide against rigging.
It is curious that a government that has promoted the idea of fighting corruption through digital technology and a cashless society, which requires even the market women to embrace the use of ATM cards, is standing against the use of technology that it funded to curb electoral malpractices.
For sure, Jega is in the eye of the storm.
The clock ticks for him as it does for Nigeria. Will he be forced out of his seat as being widely speculated or will he break the jinx to become the first Nigerian electoral umpire to conduct two elections?
Since Eyo Ita Esua conducted the first post-independent election in 1964, none of Jega’s 10 indigenous predecessors has had the privilege of conducting two elections. And being the first Northerner to hold this position, Jega will be making history not only as the first to conduct two elections but as one who introduced the game changer that finally put a halt to election rigging in Nigeria.
Credit: Premium Times

Bash Ali trains Boko Haram/armed robbery suspects in prison

Nigerian boxing champion, Bash Ali who was remanded in Kuje prison over row with Nigerian Export – Import Bank (NEXIM) last month for allegedly disturbing the peace of the bank and threatening to blow up it’s premises has been training Boko Haram/armed robbery suspects on the arts of boxing.
A text message he sent out from the prison reads:
“Boko Haram, armed robbers, etc have all agreed to forget about gun and bombs to embrace boxing, I hope FG will give them the opportunity to excel in that which corruption denied me. I have been in Kuje Prison since 19 February and have been teaching them boxing as a way of making a livelihood when they leave prison. I train them at 9a.m and 3p.m.”
Albeit he was granted bail on 19 February and 4 March, but he told the court and his lawyer that he preferred to stay in Kuje Prison till the next hearing, 2 April.

Messi, Iniesta, others hail phenomenal Joe Hart

Manchester City goalkeeper’s magnificent performance against Barcelona last night is one that would never be forgotten in a hurry. Infact, it is still a trending topic in sports circles.

Unarguably the man of the match, but for his decisive saves, Barcelona would have increased the scoreline and humiliated the English Champions. His 10 decisive saves are the most for any goalkeeper in a Champions League match this season. Unfortunately his heroics couldn’t see his team through as they crashed out of the Champions League last night.

Barcelona stars and coach, Messi, Iniesta took to the club’s website to hail his outstanding performance.

“He was phenomenal, he stopped everything. We have to congratulate him on a great game because he’s a fantastic goalkeeper.” Messi said.

Andres Iniesta added: “Hart was key to keeping them in it and was great in one-on-one situations. Outstanding.”

“The score could have been a rout. Hart was incredible but we weren’t really on towards the end. We had a lot of chances, which is not normal in this type of game. We deserved to win by a bigger goal difference.” Barcelona coach, Luis Enrique affirmed.
Former English player and sports broadcaster, GaryLineker opined that, “But for a truly astonishing display of goalkeeping from Joe Hart, our Premier League champions would be going home humiliated.”

"Seek forgiveness not votes". Fayose tells Buhari

Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose, has for the umpteenth time aired (or in this case penned) his grievances against the Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress Presidential Candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari.
In a statement released by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, Fayose urged the one-time President to seek forgiveness from Yorubas as well as Edo and Delta States and not their votes.
“Buhari’s coup of 1983 destroyed the South-West and the old Bendel State (now Edo and Delta) as it put an end to the  developmental programmes of the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo’s Unity Party of Nigeria in the region including Lagos, Oyo, Ogun , Ondo, as well as Bendel States.”
“Buhari meted inhuman treatment on Yoruba leaders like Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Adekunle Ajasin, Chief Bisi Onabanjo, Chief Bola Ige, Alhaji Lateef Jakande and the immediate past APC National Chairman, Chief Bisi Akande, all of whom, he said, championed development and good governance in the South-West States.”

“If Buhari had not cancelled the Metroline project out of vendetta, transportation problems in Lagos would have been solved permanently.
“The Metroline project would have made life easier and changed the face of transport in Lagos. But Buhari cancelled it and even went ahead to pay compensation to the French company that handled it.  Buhari’s action cost Lagosians over $78 million then.”

“In Yorubaland, we were enjoying free education and free health before Buhari came. Then, all that was needed to go to primary and secondary schools was school uniform. Drugs were free.”

“Apart from free education and free health, the South-West witnessed rapid development. Lagos State University, Ogun State University (now Olabisi Onabanjo University), Ondo State University (now Ekiti State University), Ondo State Polytechnic (now Rufus Giwa Polytechnic), and several other institutions were established.

“As of 1979, Lagos State had no secretariat. Jakande’s government  built the Alausa Secretariat within four years. Ajasin’s government built Alagbaka Secretariat in Akure within four years. Even the Lekki-Epe road on which they are now collecting tolls was constructed by Jakande.

“For all that they did for us in Yorubaland, what did Buhari do to Jakande, Ajasin, Bola Ige and Bisi Onabanjo? He jailed them and Bisi Onabanjo came out of prison with health issues that eventually claimed his life.”

“What did Buhari do to reward Awolowo whose party gave us free education and free health?  Awolowo’s international passport was seized and he was prevented from travelling abroad for medical treatment.  Awolowo died two years after!

“In 1984 that Buhari introduced school fees, thousands of our youths then dropped out of school.
“Therefore, Buhari who truncated the future of many of our people and jailed our leaders who served our land selflessly should be seeking forgiveness from Yoruba people, not votes.” He concluded.

Fani-Kayode will continue to torment Tinubu morning, day and night- PDP Presidential Campaign Group.

The Directorate of Media and Publicity of the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Organisation (PDPPCO) has attacked ex Governor and national leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Senator Bola Tinubu over his recent comment on Chief Femi Fani-Kayode. Below is a statement by The Directorate.

“We read with amusement the so-called advice from Senator Bola Tinubu to our presidential candidate, President Goodluck Jonathan, about Chief Femi Fani-Kayode. The truth is that it is better for Tinubu to not only keep his advice to himself but to also search his soul and his conscience. He is the biggest traitor that this country has ever known.

“He has betrayed every single person that he has worked with and he has thrown them to the dogs at the last minute for a price. During the days of NADECO, he betrayed the cause by colluding with the government of the day secretly while pretending to be a NADECO leader.

“While he was with the late Chief MKO Abiola, he betrayed Abiola. When he came back to Nigeria and participated in the elections, he betrayed those that made him governor of Lagos state: the leaders of Afenifere, Papa Ayo Adebanjo and the late Papa Abraham Adesanya.

“Tinubu betrayed all the elders and traditional rulers of Yorubaland. He had no business being governor in 1999, had it not been for the fact they just put him there to compensate him for roles that he claimed he played during the NADECO struggle: a role which, in fact, he did not play. The man that should have been governor was the late Engineer Funso Williams. In the end he not only took Williams’ position but he betrayed him too .

“A few years after that Williams was slaughtered like a chicken in very strange circumstances by unknown people. One wonders who sent those people.
“After he finished using all the elders and leaders in Yoruba land to achieve power during his tenure as governor, he eventually betrayed them as well. He not only betrayed them but he also insulted them and denigrated all that they valued, cherished and stood for.

“He also betrayed former President Olusegun Obasanjo after entering a secret deal with him (Obasanjo) to betray the AD, his own party, in the 2003 elections. During that election Bola Tinubu sold his soul and betrayed the governors of his own party which was then known as the Alliance for Democracy.

“After that he entered a deal with the late President Umaru Yar’Adua and Vice President Atiku in Mecca, pledging to support Yar’adua as long as he was allowed to hold on to the south west and as long as he would be protected from the EFCC. He got what he wanted but he later betrayed Yar’Adua and Atiku too.

“In 2011, he lured Mallam Nuhu Ribadu to become the presidential candidate of his party, which was then known as the ACN. After using Ribadu to gain some badly needed credibility at the federal level, he later betrayed him and dumped him by once again entering into a deal with others.

“He ordered the transfer of votes from his own party’s candidate, Nuhu Ribadu, to the candidate of the PDP, President Goodluck Jonathan all in the hope that he would be allowed to continue his nonsense in the south west without any challenge from the Federal Government. He did all these things in order to satisfy his self-serving interest and his obsessive agenda to dominate the affairs of the entire nation.

“It is in the same way that he betrayed Governor Fayose of Ekiti state, Governor Mimiko of Ondo state, Governor Osoba of Ogun state, Chief Tom Ikimi of Edo state, Alhaji Kashim Imam of Borno state and countless others.

“The truth is that this man has not only sold his soul to the devil but he has also sold his followers for a pittance and he is leading them into perdition. He wants to buy and sell Nigeria too and it is time for somebody to tell him that Nigeria is not for sale. This is what Chief Fani-Kayode and others are in the process of doing.

“Now it is very clear that Tinubu is going to betray the APC and their Presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari. So, if anybody needs advice, it is Buhari and not President Jonathan.

“As long as Tinubu is by his side, Buhari should watch his back and sleep with one eye wide open. This is because, at the end of the day, Tinubu will not only use him, but after using him and draining him of all that he has, he will betray him and he will dump him.
“Tinubu’s ultimate objective is not for Buhari to be President. What he wants is for Buhari to win the election and then he would spend all his time hoping and praying that the man would drop dead so that he could take over through a surrogate or take over directly. We have said this over and again and we will continue to say it.

“Nobody knows who Tinubu’s real father is. But whatever they say about Femi Fani-Kayode, everybody knows who his father is; everybody knows who his mother is. Nobody knows who Tinubu’s father is and who Tinubu’s mother is. Nobody knows which school he attended. Nobody knows anything about where he lived and grew up. Everyone knows which schools Femi Fani-Kayode went to.

“They also know which schools and universities his father, grandfather and great grandfather went to. Yet no one knows anything about Tinubu’s lineage, his paternity or the strange circumstances of his birth. No-one knows which schools and universities, if any, his father, grandfather or great grandfather went to.

“This is a man that has a fake name and he has told people that he comes from a place that he does not come from. The man comes from Iragbiji in Osun State. He does not come from Lagos. Everything about Tinubu is fake. Former President Obasanjo has said so in his book and everybody knows this to be true.

“So, if anybody needs advice, it is not President Jonathan but General Buhari and we, again, say that Tinubu should search his soul and conscience. Unlike Tinubu, there is nothing that Chief Fani-Kayode has said privately that he has not said publicly about anybody, including President Goodluck Jonathan.

“This is because, unlike Tinubu, Chief Fani-Kayode has the courage of his convictions. With him, you know exactly where you stand and he will always speak his mind. Tinubu is the opposite. He has no courage, he has no convictions, he has no principles, he has no loyalty and he has no decorum or decency. All he wants to do is corner all the resources of Nigeria to himself in the same way that he has cornered the resources of the APC-controlled states of the southwestern zone and Lagos state.

“Finally, we want Tinubu to take note of this once again. Chief Femi Fani-Kayode cannot be killed; he cannot be intimidated, he cannot be silenced and he cannot be maligned. The truth is that he has turned out to be the greatest terror to Tinubu and his cohorts and, for the first time, since Tinubu went into politics, somebody is taking him on head-on and he is not comfortable with it.

“For the record, let it be very clear, we will not stop this relentless onslaught on Buhari, the APC and Tinubu. As long as Chief Fani-Kayode is in this position, he will continue to torment Tinubu morning, day and night by speaking the bitter truth about him and his desperate, dirty and inglorious party. This will continue until Tinubu decides to purge himself of his evil ways and when he stops trying to destroy Yoruba land and Nigeria.

“Finally, let us say this- We suggest that Tinubu should spend his time defending himself over the allegations contained in the TV documentary, “Unmasking the Real Tinubu” rather than talk about Chief Fani-Kayode. That would be far more beneficial to him and far more interesting to the Nigerian people”

My spell in Chelsea was like swimming in wet clothes – Torres

Spanish international, Fernando Torres has likened his 4 years spell at Chelsea football club to swimming in wet clothes. El Nino has found his foot at Athletico Madrid ever since his sensational return this season.
The 30 year-old who netted a total of 20 goals in 119 appearances for The Blues revealed his frustrating moments at Stamford Bridge to Spanish newspaper El Pais:
“The doubts were understandable because people do not see the Premier League or the short time I was at Milan, they read the statistics, and they were not the same as always. The worst part about not playing is when you think that you are ready to do it. You try to get more minutes, taking the chances, but you end up in a situation where things have not gone well for weeks, or for years.
That is like swimming in wet clothes. I know how I am, and I am good. In the end these doubts disappear, but then others come again.”
He continued: “In the semi-final against Barcelona I scored a goal and in the final I came on with eight minutes remaining and I feel that I helped the team to overcome the result. I have good memories because winning the Champions was a dream since I was a kid when I used to go to see Atletico Madrid. Having won that Champions League (with Chelsea) makes me feel very proud.”

Opinion: There are two types of eyes: The Jonathan eyes and The normal eyes | By: Ogundana Michael Rotimi

Let me use this medium to remember the innocent job seeking Nigerians who lost their lives about a year ago during the Nigerian Immigration Exercise that took place on 15th March, 2014 across the country. May their gentle souls rest in Perfect Peace.
Their country failed them when it untimely cut their lives short. An incident that could have been averted if we had developed the attitude of doing the right things at all times. Most painfully, it took the President a year before he fulfilled his promises to their families.

In the same country, governed by the same government, within the same period of time, people see different things differently. Some sing praises while others condemn, some appreciate while others criticize and some want change while others prefer to maintain status quo. The various actions and attitudes displayed by individuals to the President Goodluck Jonathan led administration cannot be farfetched from the way they see his administration.
I have wondered endlessly why some see the whole gospel of transformation carefully playing out like a master plan working perfectly for the good of the nation while others do not see same that way. Rather they see it as a kangaroo project and a sheer show of mediocrity, complacency and gross cluelessness.
However, after careful thoughts and logical reasons, I finally find out the answer.

You see, as it stands now, the politics that is carefully being played by both the ruling party and the opposition parties and the camp that individuals belong to, determine what they see, the way they reason and their sense of judgments. What individuals see is a function of the type of eyes they have.
It is natural for the oppositions to see things in the opposition way.  But even at that, with common sense one would know when the oppositions are just being antagonistic and when they are right.
Hence, based on the present political situations of the country, I have been tempted to conclude that, there are two types of eyes; The Jonathan Eyes and The Normal Eyes. The political eyes you have will determine what you see, what you see will determine what you say and whom you support in the upcoming elections.
Little wonder why there are opinions and counter opinions everywhere. Do not blame anyone for whatsoever he or she says or believes, It is a function of what they see and what they see depends on the eyes they have.
Someone with the Jonathan eyes will see things in the Jonathan’s way while someone with the Normal eyes will see things the normal way- Clean, Clear and Bright.
Someone with the Jonathan eyes will not see stealing as corruption or corruption as stealing, but someone with the Normal eyes will know that stealing is corruption and corruption is stealing.
When you see someone screaming the praises of this administration and yelling the good works of transformation, do not blame him or her, what he or she has is the Jonathan eye and that is the way it is expected from him or her to see things. However, someone with the Normal eyes will see the whole gospel of transformation as an illusion of the highest magnitude.
Someone with the Jonathan’s eye will tell you that Nigeria has the best economy in Africa thanks to the rebasing of our economy but someone with the Normal eyes will ask you that what impact has the rebasing had on the lives of the ordinary Nigerians.
Someone with the Jonathan eyes will see and say that President Jonathan has constructed 25,000km of roads within Nigeria but someone with the Normal eyes will ask where the roads are constructed? Perhaps not Nigeria. Even the popular Lagos – Ibadan express road is just 404km and it is yet to be completed.
It is only with the Jonathan eyes that you could see well rehabilitated airports across the country but if you have the Normal eyes, that is clean, clear and not blurred you would see that there are a whole lot of things wrong with our airports.
Trust me, with the Jonathan eyes on, you can`t see anything wrong in making someone that is being indicted in an election rigging scandal a minister in the country.
With the Jonathan eyes, all is well and right with the timing of the comprehensive Military action against the Boko Haram sect, but with the Normal eyes, it is logical to ask why the military waited this long before carrying out this onslaught on the violent sect. The list goes on like that.
The fact is, the truth is not hidden even to those with the Jonathan eyes. They may have chosen to see things in the Jonathan`s way but somewhere in them they know the truth. They know too well that their claims are not the true reflections of the current states of things in the country.
However, due to the selfish benefits that they derive from this administration, they have decided to ignore the truth and carry on the Jonathan eyes. Hence, they act and think in such a way that makes it so obvious that with the Jonathan eyes on, nothing can be seen clearly and transparently!

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