Meet the man with the longest fingernails in the world

Shridhar Chillal is the man with the longest fingernails in the world, Guinness Book of Records has announced. The 78 year-old hasn’t cut his fingernails since 1952. The combined length of the nails is 909.6cm. One of his thumbnails alone is two metres long.
Keeping them really brought him a lot of troubles.  “When I was to get married, no one was ready to marry me, I saw nearly 10 to 12 girls. If the girl agreed to marry, her parents would say I would strangle their daughter’s neck and refuse. If the parents agreed, the girl would say she would not marry such a dirty person. Our family members opposed, then teachers were opposed but I decided from that point on that I would never cut my nails again,” he said. 
He continued, “Initially, difficulties appeared everywhere in my daily life. My family really didn’t like it, no one would wash my clothes and I had to wash them by hand. Finding a job was also difficult, as no one was ready to employ me..I can tell everyone now with pride about my record. When I am on my travels, people will recognise me as a Guinness World Records title holder.”

Jose Mourinho receives full backing from the club despite poor start

English club, Chelsea have once again reiterated their support for under-fire manager Jose Mourinho despite his poor start. Mourinho has come in for much criticism of late with his side sitting 16th in the Premier League table, having recorded just two victories from eight games so far this term.
Saturday’s 3-1 defeat to Southampton was the latest disappointing result, with the Portuguese saying in the aftermath that he would resign if he lost his players’ trust.
However, Chelsea released a statement on Monday saying that they believe Mourinho is the right man to turn their fortunes around.

“The club wants to make it clear that Jose continues to have our full support,”
“As Jose has said himself, results have not been good enough and the team’s performances must improve. “However, we believe that we have the right manager to turn this season around and that he has the squad with which to do it.” The statement read. 

A Sunrise Project – We Filmed Every Sunrise of the Month

Proin eu purus eget purus venenatis placerat volutpat vitae nulla. Duis vel tempus orci. Proin commodo aliquet diam, at tempor justo. Suspendisse sit amet aliquam nisi. Vestibulum a elit ipsum. Morbi interdum metus eget diam suscipit, nec commodo sapien scelerisque. Integer urna leo, auctor ac enim at, ornare mattis nunc. Morbi finibus risus ut libero tincidunt faucibus.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known

Nullam eget nibh nibh. Phasellus eleifend magna vitae neque maximus, consectetur luctus nibh vestibulum. Quisque ornare ipsum nec auctor congue. Nunc ac elementum nisl. Aliquam non lectus non leo facilisis faucibus nec non ligula. Vivamus suscipit turpis risus, a hendrerit nibh sodales id. Cras tincidunt, leo et vulputate ornare, nisi sapien blandit justo, in congue justo nulla non ex mauris ultrices gravida.

Photo by Nadine A. Gardner

Fusce gravida turpis eu scelerisque placerat. Sed ac metus massa. Praesent nec felis varius, tristique risus quis, sollicitudin nisl. Mauris sem nunc, placerat eget sapien at, consectetur tempus massa.

Dare to dream big

Ut vehicula nisi consectetur augue condimentum, eget auctor massa viverra. Aenean scelerisque tellus at molestie dictum. Fusce lobortis eu lorem id maximus. Duis feugiat ex ligula, id egestas velit finibus nec.

Phasellus et felis suscipit, consectetur leo vel, pellentesque orci. Aenean aliquam ultricies ultrices. Phasellus ac sodales nulla, a dignissim diam. Praesent efficitur euismod tincidunt. Curabitur vitae turpis in justo.

Donec pretium dapibus justo at fermentum. In nisi lorem, iaculis quis leo imperdiet, convallis mattis nunc. Nulla lobortis dui in ligula tempor volutpat. Praesent varius consectetur arcu ut aliquet. In pretium elit et tortor ultrices congue.

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

Sed vitae elit nec nunc ultricies mattis. Nulla efficitur velit est, non varius quam gravida ac. Praesent ultrices est nec ligula pulvinar scelerisque. Mauris ex dolor, tincidunt ut ante sit amet, posuere porttitor dui. Vestibulum iaculis dui nec laoreet bibendum.

Running towards the sunrise.Photo by Nadine A. Gardner

Nulla ac hendrerit nulla. Vivamus facilisis, orci a rutrum faucibus, erat ipsum vehicula ipsum, faucibus finibus lectus ante nec orci. Fusce pharetra lobortis felis nec eleifend. Curabitur et nibh sem. Praesent consectetur tincidunt libero vel lacinia.

Perfect opportunity

Suspendisse magna urna, faucibus euismod bibendum et, efficitur at ante. Integer consequat, quam in pulvinar ullamcorper, leo quam consequat turpis, non laoreet augue lacus vel nisl. Donec scelerisque eget mauris sed malesuada. Ut et nibh mollis, pulvinar arcu vel, elementum nunc. Nam dapibus mollis metus, at vulputate quam pellentesque id. Phasellus viverra sem pharetra purus pretium sagittis.

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To find a peace of mind listen to your heart.

Quisque venenatis dignissim fermentum. Praesent convallis felis a tellus consectetur, ac mattis elit sodales. Fusce non diam lorem.

Once in a lifetime

Etiam elementum elit nunc, nec interdum lectus maximus id. Proin pulvinar urna in luctus ornare. Pellentesque sagittis lacus quis bibendum pretium. Nunc sagittis eros at dolor finibus, a accumsan ante hendrerit.

Sed massa nulla, ultrices ac nisl eget, pretium tincidunt ante. Donec ultrices aliquam convallis. Cras luctus lectus nec diam interdum ultricies eu quis nunc. Pellentesque quis lacinia ex, id posuere quam.

Aenean eu facilisis tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Proin suscipit felis risus, nec tristique justo gravida quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce id sodales metus, a pulvinar nibh. Curabitur eu mi felis.

In vestibulum, odio et vestibulum pharetra, ex est viverra elit, ac imperdiet ipsum est porta arcu. Suspendisse augue turpis, rutrum sit amet sapien eget, semper ultricies elit. Donec interdum nibh condimentum ante blandit tempor. Vivamus fringilla placerat lectus in efficitur. Vivamus viverra, augue a placerat commodo, nisi ligula congue turpis, imperdiet tempor magna mauris eget metus. In euismod ac libero eu lacinia.

Mauris lobortis, quam ut hendrerit pellentesque, velit urna gravida justo, eget euismod dui est eget arcu. Curabitur congue, lectus tincidunt ornare pharetra, elit metus faucibus massa, rutrum volutpat orci nunc eget ante. Donec eu sem vel mauris ultrices gravida.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic becomes PSG's all-time top scorer

Photo published for Zlatan Ibrahimovic becomes PSG's all time top scorerDare To Zlatan! Sweden International, Zlatan Ibrahimovic has become Paris Saint-Germaine’s all-time top goalscorer after scoring a brace against Marseille today. The 34 year-old has now scored his 110th goal for the french club beating club legend, Pauleta’s record. While the latter achieved the feat in 5 years, Zlatan has been in the club since 2012.

President Buhari visits bomb blast victims, settles medical bills of young girl shot by robbers

President Buhari today visited survivors of the
Nyanya and Kuje bomb attacks at the National Hospital in Abuja. He was accompanied
to the National Hospital Abuja by his personal aides and Governor Ibikunle
Amosun of Ogun State. He assured the survivors that the Federal Government will
take full responsibility for settling their medical bills and wished them full and speedy recovery. He also reiterated his administration’s resolve in ending terrorism in Nigeria.


While in the hospital, President Buhari
took succour to a young girl admitted at the paediatric ward of the hospital. He directed his Chief of Staff, Mallam Abba Kyari to settle her
medical bills of N268,790.00. The girl’s mother, Deborah Stephen, had broken
into tears on seeing him and had told him that her daughter had been
shot by armed robbers who raided their home & that the family could not
afford the medical bills. 


The Chief Medical Director of the National Hospital
Abuja, Dr. Jafaru Momoh expressed his appreciation to the President for his
visit He emphasised on the relevance of the visit stating that “It will
help the patients’ recovery also give them a greater psychological
sense of being valued and loved by their country.”



Liverpool fire Brendan Rogers

Brendan Rogers has been relieved of his duties as Liverpool manager. The 42-year-old who joined Anfield in 2012, will leave his post with immediate effect. Below us a joint Fenway Sports Group statement from principal owner John W Henry, chairman Tom Werner and president Mike Gordon. 

“We would like to place on record our sincere thanks to Brendan Rodgers for the significant contribution he has made to the club and express our gratitude for his hard work and commitment. All of us have experienced some wonderful moments with Brendan as manager and we are confident he will enjoy a long career in the game.


“Although this has been a difficult decision, we believe it provides us with the best opportunity for success on the pitch. Ambition and winning are at the heart of what we want to bring to Liverpool and we believe this change gives us the best opportunity to deliver it.

“The search for a new manager is underway and we hope to make an appointment in a decisive and timely manner.”

Yobo, Amaju Pinnick,others in attendance as Vincent Enyeama buries mum

The Enyeamas
Late Lucy Enyeama has been laid to rest in Akwa Ibom. Photo: NFF
The remains of Madam Lucy Phillips Enyeama was committed to mother earth yesterday October 3, 2015. The service took place at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Urua Inyang, Akwa Ibom, Uyo State. Present at the burial mass were the Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, Deputy Governor Mr. Moses Ekpo (MFR) and the Secretary to the State Government, Sir Etekamba Umoren.
Others include NFF president Amaju Pinnick, NFF Executive Committee member, Chief Felix Anyansi-Agwu, former Super Eagles’ skipper Joseph Yobo and the President-General of the Nigeria Football Supporters Club, Dr. Rafiu Oladipo, amongst others.

Style Struck: Waje

waje in sisiano-1
Everyone is talking about Nigerian diva, Iruobe Waje’s glamorous outfit to the Ragheb Alama concert held yesterday at the Eko Hotel, Lagos, it is pretty hard not to join in the train of discussion. She looked absolutely stunning in Sisiano cape and Tom Ford.

Accessories: Gleemah fashion
Styled by : Damilola Oke (Ms Modish)


This man spent 20 years in jail for a murder that never happened.

Edmary Mpagi
Imagine being jailed for 2 decades for a crime that never took
place? Such was the case of Mpagi Edward Edmary, a Ugandan taxi driver. Edward was
sentenced to death in 1982 for the murder of his neighbor who was still alive. He
was involved in land dispute between some families in his village and to deal
with him, they paid people to witness against him in the court. These people
lied that they saw him kill the man and dispose the body. He was on death row
for 20 years and was later released when they found out that the dead man was
hiding in another part of the country.


He narrated his experience in Kampala’s Luzira prison “In
Uganda, conditions for death row prisoners are cruel, degrading, and inhumane.
We were always denied medicines. There were lice, flies, and other vermin in
the prison, and this resulted in many illnesses – and many prisoners died from
these illnesses.
In 1984 my brother developed malaria and stomach complications
because of inadequate food and skin conditions. I pleaded with the prison
authorities to give my brother medication and treatment.


However, they told me that we were brought to death row to face
death, that it was a waste of taxpayer’s money to treat him. My brother died in
1985. This really scared me.
Life is terrible on death row in Uganda, Africa. No one was ever
given any notice that they would be executed. Each time we were taken by
complete surprise. We lived in complete fear of any unusual activity from the
During my stay in prison there were five rounds of executions.
The last one was in 1999 in which the state executed 28 prisoners.
The coffins for the prisoners to be executed were made in the
prison. During the three days before executions, we could all hear the making
of the coffins. The black hoods and clothes for prisoners to be executed were
made by other prisoners. We knew how many people were to be executed by
counting the number of hoods being made.”


is cruel!

2 kids who served as ring bearer & flower girl at a wedding in 1998, get married

Two kids, Adrian and
Brooke Franklin who were ring bearer and flower girl at a wedding in 1998 have
become husband and wife. Their wedding was held on September 19, 2015. The girl
confessed to have nursed a crush on him from the start ( so kids know about crushes)

Brooke told ABC News, “I had a
crush on him from the start. But he absolutely could not stand me. He said ‘I
got on his nerves.’ I’d tried to play with him at school and at church and he
just didn’t want much to do with me at all”
Everything changed in high
school and the pair hit it off.
Adrian said “We would draw with our finger on each
other’s backs and guess what the other person was writing
. “I wroteWill you be my
girlfriend’ and she guessed it, but didn’t answer me. I said ‘Well Brooke, are
you going to say anything?’ and she said ‘Well, you didn’t write a question


“Before our wedding day I had a sign made
that said ‘Will you marry me’ but I cut the question mark out. I asked her to
marry me and I said, ‘Here’s your question mark”
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