

Six months after recovering from a cardiac arrest, Bolton midfielder Fabrice Muamba has announced he has called it quits with professional football.

"While the news is devastating, I have much to be thankful for. I thank God that I am alive and I pay tribute once again to the members of the medical team who never gave up on me."

The 24 year-old continued, "Since suffering my heart attack and being discharged from hospital, I have remained utterly positive in the belief I could one day resume my playing career and play for Bolton Wanderers once again."

It would be recalled that Muamba collapsed on17th March during Bolton's FA Cup tie with Tottenham Hotspur and was proclaimed "in effect dead" for 78 minutes.

He was given 15 defibrillator shocks before his heart started beating again and he spent close to four weeks in intensive care.

"As part of my on-going recovery, last week I travelled to Belgium to seek further medical advice from a leading cardiologist.

"But the news I received was obviously not what I had hoped it would be and it means I am now announcing my retirement from professional football."

"Above all else, I love the game and count myself very lucky to have been able to play at the highest level.". He explained.

Wise decision!

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