Entertainment, Features

Bill Gate's wife pictured washing plates and fetching water in Malawi


You see some stories at times and you’re lost for words. Melinda Gates, the wife of the richest man in the world, Bill Gates shocked the whole world when she joined women to fetch water and wash the dishes during her visit in Malawi. 

“Helping wash the dishes during my homestay in Malawi. Women spend much of the day cooking and then cleaning up. It’s a reminder that it’s a lot more time consuming to do dishes when you can’t just turn on a faucet”. She wrote.

Now I hope some high-society women with heavy ‘shoulder pads’ will take cues from this. Once upon a time in Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos I watched a very rich woman ask her driver to double cross a motorcyclist. His offence, he splashed dirty water on her car. The driver handed him a handkerchief to clean the spot. I saw the scenario and shook my head. It wasn’t even mud, yes it had a little dirt but it was uncalled for. 

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