
Barcelona's Javier Mascherano sentenced to 1-year imprisonment.

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player, Javier Mascherano has been sentenced to 1-year imprisonment following
charges of tax evasion. The former Liverpool midfielder has also been fined €815,000. Mascherano failed to declare income of
about 1.5m euros  generated from image
rights between 2011 and 2012. He pleaded guilty and reportedly accepted the jail
 Below is an official
statement he released on
his twitter page.
a professional sportsman and I don’t know a lot about legal and financial
I must rely on the people that manage these technical, and for me, complicated,
my career I have been an honest and responsible person… I will take this
experience that has accosted me as another experience which I will leave
stronger and calmed by the fact that I am once again within the law.”
Meanwhile his Wikipedia page has been edited.
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