It’s a sad day for football.
A charter aircraft carrying members of Brazilian football team, Chapecoense reportedly crashed this morning in Colombia due to lack of fuel.
The team was to play Copa Sudamerica (equivalent to the Europa League in Europe) finals against Atletico Nacional on Wednesday in Medellin. The South American Football Confederation has confirmed that they are suspending all activities until further notice.
More than 75 people out of 81 on board have been feared dead.. Rescue operations have been halted due to rain.
May their souls of the departed find repose. Amen.
Dora Akunyili's daughter's painting breaks auction record
Njideka Akunyili, the daughter of Nigeria’s former minister and Director General of NAFDAC Dr. Dora Akunyili who won a prestigious art prize last June is in the news again for another awe-inspiring reason.
An intimate self-portrait of her husband, Justin, and her titled ‘Drown’ sold for $1,092,500, more than (N300 million) at the Sotheby’s Contemporary Art Evening Sale. It reportedly broke her auction record in the process.
Churches, Religiosity and Godliness ~ By: Isaac Aluko Ademoroti
In our land these days, can we truthfully say that it is solely the love of God that motivates those who start or run churches and ministries or could there be other motivating factors that we do not know of? Is God Himself benefitting in any way from the increase in the number of these churches and ministries?
There are those who remain puzzled that despite the number of churches, Nigerians are not necessarily becoming more godly. In our country, religiousity has simply not translated into godliness. What then is the positive impact of the increasing number of churches and ministries? What can we, as a society, show for this vast increase? From this increase, can we seriously begin to enumerate the benefits that have accrued to the various institutions that define our nation?
Ordinarily, no sane, church-attending, bible-believing, Spirit-filled, hymn-singing, hand-clapping, heaven-bound, Rapture-expecting Christian would object at the thought of more churches and ministries being established. What draws the ire of decent people is the realisation that churches and ministries are being established for the wrong reasons.
Now, let us look at the usually acceptable or right reasons why churches and ministries should proliferate. One is to ensure that people do not have to travel far before they can find a place of worship. This will ensure that people do not give excuses for not practically belonging to the family of God. Another reason is the need to bring the church to the people thereby spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. One other reason is the need to provide succour for weary souls that are in need of spiritual help.
In most cases, however, it seems many of those who start churches and ministries have reasons different from the ones stated above. It is hardly surprising then that despite the high number of churches and ministries, any positive impact on the society is almost zero. For example, despite the rise in the number of churches and ministries, the level of violence in the society has increased, kidnapping of humans for ransom has become a thriving business and our leaders have become more daring. Children are being burnt alive. It is also a known fact that many church leaders are hands-in-glove with the looting politicians. Is it any wonder that fear, apprehension and uncertainty rule the land? Many of the pastors themselves no longer feel safe as they go about with security men who carry guns and knives.
The chances are that churches and ministries will fail to positively impact the society until they wake up to their God-given responsibility of making the Word of God the focus, the hub, the fulcrum and the Final Court of Appeal in anything they do.
Under normal circumstances, it is the duty of the Christian church to ensure that the new Christian believer is properly discipled in the things of God. This is supposed to continue until that new believer truly internalises and practises Christian teachings of true repentance from dead works, new birth, cleansing in the blood of the Lamb, true worship, holiness, stewardship in the power of the Holy Spirit, soul winning, the oneness of the body of Christ, the necessity of being ready for the Rapture and several other things. Sadly, these things are no longer on the agenda of many church leaders and pastors.
Nowadays, someone would most likely want to start a church because he or she wants to be independent and thus be the overall boss. To such a person, other considerations are secondary. Usually, his or her real reason for wanting to start a church remains unstated. Others go into the ministry or start a church for economic reasons. Such people believe that there is nothing wrong in using God to feather their own nests. Also, there are those who, after a disagreement, would conclude that the next best thing to do is to start their own church. It is sad that these people refuse to recognise the fact that the afore-stated reasons are not the right reasons for giving birth to a church which is essentially an organism and much more than a mere organisation. The truth is that their churches can only be fashioned in their own image. Only life can give birth to life. The Lord Himself says in John 3 verse 6, ‘‘That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.’’
Therefore, it would not be out of place to summarise that the main motives these days for wanting to start churches include the following: Self-aggrandizement or self-promotion, determination to prove a point, deliberately going out on the orders of the devil to pollute the body of Christ, influence seeking and finally financial gain. Most churches have become family business empires. None of the motives stated above can stand up to examination before God.
The all-important question is: Is it right to start a church without being led of God? Even after one has convinced himself or herself that there is a need for establishing a church, shouldn’t one clear it with God before going ahead to start one? The dangers of starting a church without being led of the Holy Spirit are as follows: The Almighty would probably not back actively a venture He did not initiate. Secondly, the founder is not unaware that he or she is not responsible to anyone, not even to the Lord. Thirdly, the challenges that would arise may lead the founder to seek power outside God. Fourthly, the one that will be celebrated in such a church will be the leader or founder and not Jesus Christ. Finally, the founder may be leading people to hell but still be deluding himself/herself that he/she is working for God.
A church that is established and run according to the will of God will have the following characteristics: Jesus Christ is the centre of attraction and not the leader or founder. The Holy Spirit is in control and leads the church. The church accepts the leadership of the Holy Spirit and follows keenly such leadership. The Word of God, that is, the holy bible is the Final Court of Appeal on any issue in such a church. Lastly, members of the church are being prepared for the Rapture.
Unfortunately, most people do not bother to ask the right questions before becoming members of a church because they do not realise that their lives and eternity may be at stake. The relevant questions that people should ask are: Is this church established according to the will of God? Is Jesus the centre of attraction in the church? What does the church stand for? What are the beliefs of the church? Does the church accept the finality of the bible? Does the church believe that her members’ lives must be transformed into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Isaac blogs at
Kenneth Omeruo awarded 2016 Turkish Sports Personality of the Year.
Alanyaspor defender, Kenneth Omeruo, has been named the 2016 Turkish Sports Personality of the Year. The honour was bestowed on the former Nigerian player in recognition of his contributions in the support of African Entertainers based in Turkey.
The threat of a new political party| By: Reuben Abati
When aggrieved politicians within the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) decided to join forces with members of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) and the All Progressives Peoples Alliance (APGA) to form the All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2013, they had well-defined, if not so clearly stated, even if poorly conceived objectives: to send President Goodluck Jonathan out of power, displace the PDP which had clearly become a dominating hegemonic party, exert vengeance and offer the people an alternative.
The triumph of the APC in the 2015 elections resulting in victory at the Presidential level, in 23 states out of 36, and also in the legislature, state and federal, was propelled on the wings of the people’s embrace of this slogan of change. Change became the aphrodisiac of Nigeria’s search for democratic progress. The new party’s promises were delivered with so much certainty and cock-suredness. Those who were promised free meals were already salivating before casting the first vote.
The displacement of the PDP gave the impression that Nigeria’s political space, hitherto dominated by one party, and a half, out of over 30 political parties with fears of a possible authoritarian one-party system, had become competitive. But the victory of a new party over a dominant political party in power such as occurred in 2015, has not delivered the much-expected positives: instead, questions have been raised about the depth of democratic change and the quality of Nigeria’s political development. The disappointment on both scores has been telling.
The ruling APC has not been able to live up to expectations. In less than two years in power, it has been behaving not like the PDP, but worse. Not a day passes without a pundit or a party member or a civil society activist suggesting that the only way forward is the formation of a new political party. There are over 30 registered political parties in Nigeria; no one is saying that these political parties should be reorganized and made more functional; the received opinion is that a new political party would have to replace the APC.
The implied message is the subject of political science. Many political parties in Africa, not just in Nigeria, lack substance. They reflect the problematic nature of party politics in the continent, even after the third wave of the continent’s democratic experience. Party organizations are weak, their organs are inchoate, their fortunes are mercurial. In Nigeria, this seems to be more of a post-military rule reality, for in the First and Second Republics, some of Nigeria’s political parties appeared to be more relatively people-based and socially-rooted. The military left behind an authoritarian streak at the heart of Nigeria’s party politics, producing political parties since 1999 that do not fully reflect or assimilate the people’s yearnings.
There isn’t therefore yet in place a mass-based, people-driven political party to replace the elite-based hegemonic parties we have, despite early efforts in the past in this direction by the likes of Aminu Kano and his People’s Redemption Party (PRP), Fela Anikulapo-Kuti’s Movement of the People (MOP), Tunji Braithwaite’s Nigeria Advance Party (NAP), Gani Fawehinmi’s National Conscience Party (NCP) and Wole Soyinka’s Democratic Front for the People’s Federation. There was also the Labour Party, mentioned separately here, advisedly, because it ended up abandoning its social democratic base, and became like the regular parties, an elite cabal, with the initial progressives who championed it on the platform of the Nigeria Labour Congress, moving ideologically to the right in an attempt to align with the Nigerian mainstream and its ready benefits. A profile of this political party and its initial principal promoters would reveal just how alimentary Nigerian politics is.
Our immediate concern, however, is to argue that those who are raising the flag of a new political party as the answer to the emerging failure of the APC and the growth of factions among its members, and by extension, the spreading despair in the land, are missing the point. They are not promising any revolutionary change nor are they interested in deepening Nigeria’s democratic change. Permit me to quote Danjuma Gambo, of the Enugu Chapter of the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO) who reportedly said: “A new political party is what we need. A new party with new plan, (and an) ideology that will bring succor to the sufferings of Nigerians is the answer.”
Gambo deserves some credit: he phrases the matter delicately as a commentary on the incumbent dominating political party and government. His “what we need”, “new plan” “ideology” means change, another form of change to end, he tells us, “the sufferings (sic) of Nigerians”. We ask him, although he seems to have answered the question already: what happened to the change that happened in 2015? So we ask another question: if the formation of a new political party did not solve Nigeria’s problems since 2015, what is the guarantee that a new party would gain power and perform better than the ruling APC? Professional politicians don’t comment on the matter as carefully as Gambo attempted. They are brazen about it and they have been loud too. They make it sound like a threat and a given solution. When you hear them boasting that a new political party is on the way, you are left in no doubt that they are issuing a threat. But is a new political party the solution to Nigeria’s foreign exchange crisis or the people’s angst?
The conundrum is easy to resolve. It is easy for the political elite in Nigeria to change their garments, sans remorse, ideology or sentiment and that is how some of the most prominent political figures in Nigeria today have changed party membership cards more than five times in the last 17 years. The politics of elitism in Nigeria is simply about access to power, position and privileges. It has nothing to do with the people’s interests. The APC is in crisis for this reason, very much like the PDP, and even the smaller parties, because these are political parties of big men of influence. Conflict results when they are not allowed to exercise that influence by other competing big men, who are similarly if not equally driven by ego, religion and superior ethnic considerations.
The exercise of influence as a party big man follows a known pattern: after electoral victory, the big man wants the spoils of victory; he wants positions for his followers, contracts for wives and children and the freedom to have a say in the new government. Any attempt to shut him down, oppose him, or sideline him or her, immediately creates a crisis within the party. The greater the number of such big persons who feel short-changed and marginalized, the greater the chances of such factionalism that would trigger threats of a new political party. New groups can create new tendencies in society, but in Nigerian politics, new groups don’t really emerge, it is the same recycled set moving from one political party to a new or another one, looking for benefits.
Poverty, low literacy and the weakness of public institutions make the people vulnerable. The people embrace slogans and the dividends of what is now known in Nigeria as “stomach infrastructure.” They are deceived by the politicians’ display of affection and empathy. Because they are hungry, they accept money to attend rallies to help create an illusion of populism and acceptability. On election day, they sell their votes and sign off their freedom. After the election, they are too ashamed to speak up or they compensate for their psychological distress by subscribing to the politics of vengeance. A patrimonial and neo-patrimonial political system such as we run in Nigeria promotes nothing but difference, disappointment and distrust. Those who are plotting to create a new political party should be told that the harvest is predictable: more intense leadership competition, high level conflict among big men, greater deception, increased difference and tension within the polity. Political parties are governed by rules: the Nigerian political system operates above rules. It is possibly one of the most Machiavellian in Africa.
What do we need? Not recycled politicians posing as new party men and women. But this: effective party organizations, like the NCNC, the NEPU, the NPC, the AG, APGA, UPN, UMBC of old which belonged to the people and reflected their aspirations. The only difference should be a necessary disconnect with the politics of ethnicity at the heart of the party formation process in Africa which, as seen, defeats the objectives of true democracy and modernization. Institutionalization of the political party system will also ensure stability within the democratic order: after a bitter political contest in the United States in 2016, the two dominant political parties – The Republican and the Democratic have remained stable, and the country is being projected as supreme.
We should end this then where we started: leadership is the principal challenge. Until we sort that out, Nigeria’s politics will remain trapped in the throes of ethnicity, patrimonialism, authoritarian dominance, the threat of system volatility and fragmentation and the politics of revenge.
Bye Legend! Beckham, Thierry, Suarez, others pay tribute to Steven Gerrard
There has been an outpour of heartfelt tributes to Liverpool legend, Steven Gerrard since he announced his retirement from professional football. yesterday. The likes of David Beckham, Luis Suarez, Lionel Messi, Fernando Torres, Patrice Evra, Frank Lampard have taken to their social media platforms to eulogize the former England captain and wish him a happy retirement.
In other news, reports claim Gerrard is close to agreeing a role to coach at LFC’s academy.
Barcelona’s Messi wrote: “Personally, I think Gerrard is England’s greatest ever player. I wish him a happy retirement.”
Kaka added : We were rivals for a long time and we lived unforgettable finals…@stevengerrard congratulations on your incredible career. Football is thankful to you. Happy retirement champion!
Patrice Evra said: “The most consistent English player and a real captain! What a player.”
” The Legend forever” Xabi Alonso wrote.
Thierry Henry chipped in. ” I’ve always said I would have loved to play with this man Steven Gerrard. What a legend and what a career. #Respect #Leader”
David Beckham’s Tribute below
Short Story: Apparition |By: Victoria Adebileje
Hope was so tired she picked the phone as if in slow motion.
“What did you want?” she said into the mouthpiece of the phone to her twin sister in the other room.
“What did I want?”
“Yeah you just turned my door knob and I heard you go back when you found the door locked.”
“I haven’t stepped out of my room in the last one hour.”
“That’s odd; someone did come to my door” Hope said with a frown. She transferred the phone to her other hand as her eyes strayed to the door.
“Are you sure of that? You were sleeping, and I sure did not hear… someone is in the hallway, I just heard footsteps!” Charity’s voice had made a transition from tired and lazy to frantic.
“Is your door locked?” Hope screamed. She felt a shiver from the core of her being. Something was definitely wrong. If someone was in the house, he must have broken in. She and her twin lived alone in a two bedroom apartment with both rooms on both sides of the house, and she was sure she had locked the main door when came in hours earlier.
“Is your door locked?” She asked again.
“I’m not sure… oh my God the door knob just turned…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
“Charity, Charity is your door locked, charity is your door locked?!”
Even as she kept screaming the question to a now silent phone, she ran to the door, unlocked it in one beat and began a sprint to her twin sister’s room. She was just a little distance away from Charity’s door when she noticed it open, she stopped abruptly, her heart beating so furiously fast that it was the only sound she heard. She couldn’t have been more scared, and then as if being pushed, she moved like a zombie to Charity’s door. With few more steps to the door, she pulled to a stop again, rushing into her with great force was the feeling she gets when something goes wrong with her twin sister. This time, the feeling was a million times more intense than what she’d ever felt. She never could have believed that it was possible to feel so intensely. Feeling this way could only mean one thing, and in total denial, she started shaking her head vigorously.
“No! Oh God no. it can’t be true. No it can’t be true…”
By the time she got to Hope’s room, she was already sobbing profusely, and to confirm her fears was her sister in a pool of blood on the floor just by the foot of her bed. Still moving like a zombie, she went to the body and knelt beside it and gasped when she saw clearly the horror before her. Hope had been stabbed seven times in the stomach and once at the centre of her heart.
Who could be this vicious? Who could Hope have wronged to have been this angry? A sound from her back made her spring up and turn and then she saw him. He wasn’t a tall man, but he was strongly built. He had a murderous expression on his face and in his raised hand was the knife he had used on her sister still dripping blood.
Fear tore into her like the knife he was holding. The last thing that crossed her mind before the knife came down into her stomach was that her sister must have felt exactly the way she was feeling now before she had died. That thought made her feel happy in a painful sort of way.
Charity woke up with a start and a scream, her throat was so dry that the scream did not quite make it to her lips. Her body was covered in sweat, making her night gown stick to her like a second skin, the bed sheet and her duvet were both on the floor. She must have kicked them off the bed in the course of the dream.
She had never in her life had a nightmare that graphic, her heart was still beating fast, and in an inexplicable way, she still felt that painful happiness. Odd, so odd…
She was thinking of a cold drink of water when her door knob turned.
Victoria is an editor and writer. She blogs at
King Sunny Ade cuts a dapper figure in new photos!
Nigerian music legend, King Sunny Ade cuts a dapper figure in these new pictures released ahead of his 70th birthday concert, ‘Sunny On Sunday’ scheduled to take place on December 11. Photographed by Logor and released by talent management company, Temple Management Company, the picture where the multiple award-winning vocalist amd guitarist donned a smart and crisp suit really caught our eye.
Photo Credit: Logor
Samuel Eto'o faces 10-year prison sentence and £12million fine
Cameroonian footballer, Samuel Eto’o has been accused of tax fraud in Spain.
El Pais reports that he defrauded Spanish tax authority of almost £3million from 2006 to 2009 during his spell at Barcelona. If found guilty, he could face at least 10 years in prison.
Eto’o allegedly ran two companies — Bulte 2002 in Spain and Tradesport in Hungary — and this allowed him to transfer his image rights between the two and avoid pay of tax.
Spanish prosecutors are not only seeking a prison term for the ex Chelsea forward, they are also demanding a fine of $15.1 million (£12million) for the four counts of tax fraud.
Gareth Bale ruled out for 4 months.
Real Madrid have confirmed that Gareth Bale will undergo surgery on an ankle injury and would be out for 4 months. The Welsh international suffered a traumatic dislocation of his peroneal tendons of his right ankle during his side’s Champions League game with Sporting Lisbon on Tuesday. He will no more feature in any game in 2016 and few months in 2017.