

Kennis Music singer, Goldie's eviction from the big brother Africa Stargame on Sunday, July 15, 2012 came to many as a rude shock; but one of the people who didn't take the news lightly is her fellow label mate-Kenny Saint Best (formerly known as Kenny Saint Brown) and she isn't mincing words about it

In an interview with NET at Protea Hotel, Ikeja, during the press briefing held for Goldie a day after she returned home, the gospel singer insisted Goldie had all it takes to win the show but she was deprived.

"I think they didn't even let us know if she had the least votes from the number of people that were on the eviction list. I just think she was being robbed and I don't see her being robbed, I see Nigeria being robbed of the opportunity of winning again."

"We've heard that they didn't want Nigeria to win. They didn't even let us know if she had the least votes from the number of people that were on the eviction list… All the qualities were there, so I think she was denied."


Source: thenetng


This is another true life story and this person needs your help.
Note: all the names are not real.
I'm Amaka, I met my husband 8 years ago at age 22, he was 46yrs old then. Though he was married, his first wife left him in 2002 after 14yrs of marriage without any issue.I got married and packed into his duplex located at Ajah. After our marriage, I got pregnant and had twins (2boys).  My husband was very happy. 3 years later, I had another set of twin boys. He could not contain his excitement, he told me, "IFEYINWA TNK U FOR SHOWING D WORLD THAT I AM A MAN, I WIL LUV U TILL I DIE" and I replied, "I WIL LUV U TOO TIL DEATH DO US PART'He later opened a big supermarket for me at lekki. I was devoted and dedicated to my home, we were living in peace until 2 years ago when CHIOMA the first wife came back, i welcomed her and even asked my husband to forgive her. Within 6months our peaceful house turned to something else. CHIOMA's behaviour changed towards me, she started calling me a prostitute, husband snatcher and other unprintable names.That same month our husband FRANK became sick and his blood pressure became high. CHIOMA started making life unbearable for me, she insisted the house was FRANK and her. He told my husband to rent another house for us but he refused.In 2011, FRANK lost all he had cos his business partner ran away with all his money, I took over the expenses in the house, he was grateful and he told me, 'IFEYINWA DO U KNOW YOU ARE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER WOMEN, DESPITE MY FINANCIAL STATUS AND AGE GAP U STIL STOOD BY ME. I WILL ALWAYS LUV U" and I told him I would love him for better for worse.But Chioma wouldn't care. She was never happy with me and my children, she said the house was built when she was living with him then dat i should go with my bastard children. I am 30yrs now, she is 47 while Frank is 54yrs.I gave Frank N3million to start another business and told him of my plans to rent a house so peace would reign but he refused, he started crying like baby. The next day his BP raised to 320. Everything got so bad, Chioma would threaten to stab me at any slightest provocation. We do the same business but she's not happy about my progress cos I'm miles ahead of her. She has never for one day bought anything in the house, I've been footing the bills.I went to meet my Pastor and he advised me to quit the marriage because Frank belongs to Chioma.My Question is…What will happen to Frank, my 4boys and i? How will i break dis news to him? I love him so much but what about his condition? Chioma hates my children and I and he wants Frank to sell the duplex. Pls advise me, what is my fate? What do I do?
Hmmmmm! Over to you guyz!


The much anticipated wedding of Naeto C and bride Nicole Chikwe's finally took place yesterday July 21st, 2012. The simple but top-of-the range event was held at the Catholic Church of Divine Mercy, Lekki, Lagos.

Nicole, an ex model and daughter of auto dealer, Jerry Chukwueke got her elegant wedding dress from UK-based Yemi Osunkoya of Kosibah Wedding Couture Bridal and Evening Wear.

The ceremony was well attended by the couple's friends and government functionaries (considering that Naeto C's mum, Kema Chikwe was an ex Minister)Guests like erstwhile President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, D'banj and many more were present at the high-class event.

D'banj, a close friend of the groom presented the couple the keys to a brand new Porsche Cayenne on behalf of 29-year-old millionaire entrepreneur Dumebi Kachikwu. He also performed some of his songs at the 'Impression events centre', reception.



Yaaaay! The wait is over. The much-anticipated video of Kokoro Ife by star actor, Gabriel Afolayan is here. The song was released months back. Click on this link to download to your phones—GABRIEL-AFOLAYAN-GFRESH-OFFICIAL-VIDEO Enjoy!

Read Gabriel Afolayan’s interview and everything you need to know about the song here


There’s nothing much. Just a change of stagename! Rapper/singer Saucekid recently announced via his twitter profile that he’s replacing ‘Saucekid’ with ‘Sinzu SMG’.

Pls ask Carolina what Sinzu SMG is!


Who will bear me witness? I’m not a party to this o. I don’t know what was going through this cartoonist’s mind *sighs*.

I don’t know if it’s true or not. Infact I don’t know anything. Kindly follow your heart


Phujja, a Computer Science graduate expresses his art, talent and passion in music as he featured and was involved in producing the music of some entertainers in Nigeria such as Idris Abdulkareem, Teazor etc. He has worked alongside producers like Dan-jiggy. This was the beginning of the manifestation of his dreams.

Phujja has performed in major hip-hop and R&B shows and concerts across Nigeria and is signed to the management of Bombshelter Entertainment. Phujja believes he represents the freedom of will-power. Here is his new single ‘Wete Things’; Enjoy!



I think I have one of the greatest problems on earth, at least as far as marital issues are concerned. I got married to my best friend Muyiwa Phillips (real names witheld) 5 years ago. We had been friends right from our university days, he worked our NYSC posting to the same state, we served in the same company you can just imagine how close we were. He was everything i wanted in a man. Exactly nine months after our marriage i had a wonderful baby boy Olumurewa; a cabon copy of his father. Everything worked perfectly until one fateful night.
My flight from London was delayed for 3 hours. Sensing i was going to arrive late (at about 12am), my husband asked me to check into the nearest hotel. For someone who had been out of the country for 3 weeks, i couldn’t wait to squeeze my husband and child into my arms, so i begged Muyiwa to come pick me at the airport.
He sounded very tired but managed to get out of the house. On our way back, a drunk danfo driver rammed into us. Surprisingly enough I was okay but my husband was unconscious, a kindhearted man came to our rescue and rushed him to the hospital. Few days after, the doctor certified him paralyzed, “I’m afraid he may not be able to walk again”. I went numb. Just like that? Is that how paralysis happen? I couldn’t be pacified, if only i had listened to him.
That didn’t halt his job as such only that he went to work once a week. Luckily the physiotherpist we got afterwards said he could still work… but things were never the same again. Muyiwa started reading meanings to the simplest things.
One day, my car broke and i called the mechanic to take it away, a colleague of mine who was living in my estate offered to drop me at home. I entered the sitting room to meet my husband’s boiling face.
“And why the hell did he drop you off”. He gazed at me.
I swallowed hard and sighed. “Good day……..”
“There is nothing good about the day, answer my question you pretty slut”
I couldn’t believe my ears, ” Me, a slut? What Muyiwa? ……”
“How dare you raise your voice at me” he threw the remote control at me.
I ran off into the bedroom to weep. He begged me to forgive him afterwards but he never changed. He would get angry at inconsequencial issues and fall off his chair, at times he would throw his food across the wall. I could understand all this but Olumurewa our son was also at the receiving end. He started avoiding him at will.
Another issue left me speechless for days. He called me immediately the plumber who came to fix the spoilt tap left
” Who was that?”
I looked round,” You mean the plumber that left?”
“Yeah right, a plumber, dressed that way, in a decent shirt and chinos? A plumber indeed. And what took the two of you so long inside there together?”
I lost my patience “What exactly are you insinuating Muyiwa? A plumber? Muyiwa you have to stop all these things you’re doing and saying to me, you have to stop it. It is not just fair. You’re indirectly accusing me of sleeping with a plumber, am i that cheap? how could you be that callous? What have i done to deserve this? What?’ dont i have a right to a peaceful home”. I ran out of the house wailing like an hungry infant.
Each time I pack out of the house he would send people to me and would ask for forgiveness. I would wake him up in the middle of the night, kneel and beg him to give peace a chance, he never changed a bit. Infact, it got so worse that i had to start removing dangerous objects around him.
There was a particular day I almost lost my life. He had sent me to get a copy of his favourite newspaper. I came late and as i was about explaining why it took me so long, he threw a tea cup on my forehead. I passed out. I didn’t come round until four days later. And as usual, he was full of apologies.
I sat two of my friends down at work and discussed the issue with them, they proffered conflicting suggestions.
“I see no reason why your husband should treat you that way. It’s extremely wrong! it’s partly not your fault that he is that way, that was just destined to be so, my dear, if i were you, i would run for my dear life”. Mary fumed
“Run from where? My dear, i know you’re going through a lot of but you caused it, whether you agree or not. Because if you had agreed to check into an hotel that night all these wouldn’t have happened.. Stay with him. And if you leave that man, he’ll die of loneliness and never forgive you. Where do you want to go sef? Another man’s house? You dare not. You have a wonderful family and you should understand that he is frustrated. My advice is, don’t do or say what will annoy him, walk away rather than reply his insults”. Chidinma replied.
” A man has no right to subject his wife to that kind of suffering. Did you say frustrated? Is that why he should maltreat his wife? Chidinma are you being fair at all?” Mary attacked.
“Why am i not being fair?” Mary defended. “Look my dear, once you can study his mood and know the exact words to say, even if he insults your parents, say yes just to avoid trouble. This is just a phase, it will pass. Stay with your family and it shall be well.”
I looked at both ladies. They have their points but ………what exactly do i do?
This is a true life story! I’ve decided to throw this open, cos she needs your piece of advice! What should she do?

Got true life stories to share?
Email [email protected]


The music hub wouldn’t have been overtly interesting without the songs of bonafide artistes like Naeto C, D’banj, Wande Coal, Sasha, GT, Jaywon, Timaya, Bouqui, The defunct Mo’hits crew, to mention a few, but behind the success of their club bangers, monstrous hits and other tremendous tracks lies a vibrant producer by the name Victor Perez N, though fondly called VC Peraz.

Unarguably regarded as one of Nigeria’s foremost producers, his convincing skills made and is still making music stars enthrust their productions with him. Music tracks he’s worked brilliantly on include You know my Pee’, ‘sitting on Top’, ‘why me remix’, (which he co produced by D’banj), ‘ Booty call’, ‘Ololufe’, ‘That Igbo boy and many more.

However, In a gallant move to leverage on his success as a renowned producer, put his timeless footprints on the sand of time and further convince fans, friends and colleagues of his proficiency in music, the brain box of Perez music studio has wrapped up plans to launch his movement! He simply and strictly describes it as THE MOVEMENT’. Wonder what THE MOVEMENT is about? THE MOVEMENT will be introduced later today, till then, keep your fingers crossed.

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