
Headmistress calls police after pupils won't smile for school photo

Ann Hughes; an headmistress in a village primary school in Anglesey, Wales invited police after she found out that students were planning not to smile on a school photo. The cops arrived and persuaded them to pose correctly.

She’s actually a high-handed person and students do not like her.

The committee of the General Teaching Council for Wales while investigating the several cases against her found out that she was also into the habit of bullying and calling students names. Infact, a pupil, Ysgol Goronwy Owen narrated how she tore his examination paper right in front of him because he spelt his middle name wrong.

"I am inconsolable, I am a mother shattered". Popular sports correspondent, Aisha Falode pens emotional tribute to late son.

The remains of Oloruntoba Falode, the 19-year old son of top sports analyst and National Women’s Team (Super Falcons of Nigeria) coordinator, Aisha Falode who died on Saturday, 15 February 2014 after been reportedly pushed off a 17 storey building by an Arab man, has been committed to mother earth. The funeral service was held at the Trinity House, Victoria Island, and internment at Ikoyi Vaults and Gardens, Lagos.
Until his shocking death, Toba was a student in a Dubai-based institution and a rapper. His grieving mother has however written an emotional tribute to the late boy. May God continue to comfort the ones he left behind and may his soul find repose. Amen!

I held you in my arms and my heart burst into a million pieces of joy. It was an indescribable moment. You were adorable as I touched every bit of you. Giddy with joy, I counted your toes, your fingers, tiny and wriggly; a tough bundle of joy. Your innocent gaze upon my face, those two adorable eyes, wide and searching as only a child’s would. All the gems in Arabia would fade into insignificance at the emergence of your presence. My son had come into the world, whole and complete you were. I had looked forward to having my own son. I carried you with pride and honour in my womb for 9 good months. Knowing that you will eventually be born made the discomforts of 9 months seem like chewing a candy bar. Here at last you were.

As you grew up into a most interesting young star, you were my joy. In all of my trying moments, knowing that you trusted me and believed in me spurred me through even the roughest terrain. Your childhood was joyful. Your sister and you were my life. You still are my life. Nothing can erase your memory, not a thousand winds or a million rainfalls can replace those memories, not even a fearsome volcano can wipe you from me. You are me, I am you.

I am devastated, I am pained, I am inconsolable, I am a mother shattered. Who can console me but God? He knows best and did they not say those HE loves HE calls home early?
My Son, the curtain fell too early for you, for us. I am in the audience; I cannot jump on the stage where you are. Even if I could, the curtain is drawn already. I cannot reach you. I am tempted to say, why me, but why not me? God loves us. HE took you my bundle of joy, even now I lean on HIM. I can see you, stretching out those strong arms, I see you trying to console me, I see you saying:

“Mum, it was meant to be, it is not your fault”, I see you. I see you everywhere.
Together, we walked for 19yrs, you brought me joy. You excelled in your academics, you made me a proud mother as you grew into a handsome, responsible, caring, humane, disciplined man. I will forever remember you my son. Those fun times, the times you held me when I was down, like the man of the house, which you became so early in life…I am consoled because I know for sure that you are in the bosom of the LORD.

I know for sure that we will meet again. You have not died, you are only asleep. This thought will keep me going until I behold your delightful presence again. I know you are here for I am you and you are me.

Bukky Wright is giving herself a birthday treat

Fair-skinned actress, Bukky Wright will be adding another year to her age in 27 days time; that’s March 31st. And sources in the know have disclosed that she’ll be opening her well-appointed beauty spa, Bwright Charisma that same day. It’s the mother of two’s way of giving herself a special birthday treat.

“I am giving myself a birthday present, which is my spa on the island (Ikota). Am a kind of person who always attaches importance to my birthday, I always want to review on what I’ve been able to do over the years not just inviting people to come and eat my food and drink, let them come and spend money”.

"I'm truly blessed." Chris Attoh throws the sweetest shout-out to fiancee, Damilola Adegbite

When a man is in Love! This is the first “unofficial” statement from Chris Attoh after news of his relationship with fast-rising beautiful actress, Damilola Adegbite filtered into the air. Kwame Mensah of the Tinsel series few hours ago posted this short but sweet message to his wife-to-be on his official Instagram page.

“Imagine waking up to a face like this everyday for the rest of your life, with a great personality to go with it. I’m truely blessed cus I wont have to imagine. Counting my blessing each day. Thank you all for all the congratulatory messages and the immense love you guys have sent our way.”

Meanwhile the celebrity couple’s wedding is holding next month- April 12!

Photo: Italy's World Cup jersey can massage players during the game

I also hope it prevents Mario Balotelli from going berserk. According to BBC, Italy’s new national team jersey contains a special tape that provides micro-massages for the players. The massage strips maximise muscle power by allowing the body to recover from exertion more quickly. Manufactured by Puma, the jersey is being showcased on a truck around italian cities.
Source: BBC

"Pick your battles and do better to safeguard your relevance". An open letter to Prof Wole Soyinka by Sani Abacha's son.

Abacha family members don’t play at all o. Anyways, the season of open letters which ended two months ago has started again. The battle-line now drawn between Nobel laureate, Prof Wole Soyinka and late Military dictator’s family. Less than 24 hours after the writer was called out by Abacha’s daughter Gumsu Sani Abacha’s facebook page, another family member, Sadiq Abacha has penned a long open-letter to him. (It reads like an history lecture note tho’).
If you want to think, speak and act logically then you should know all three.
1. The law of identity
2. The law of excluded middle
3. The law of non contradiction.
Now let’s look at each one of these and see what they mean in practice.
(1) The law of identity
The law of identity means that things are what they are, which at first doesn’t seem very illuminating, but wait; it implies also the following, that things are what they are, whether you like them or not, it implies that things are what they are whether you know them or not, it implies that things are what they are whether you agree with them or not. Continue…
However, if you don’t like the facts as they are you are going to have to put up with them, because facts are what they are, if it’s raining on your golf day, get used to it! Because the facts are what they are and are often not what you want them to be, like if the traffic lights turn red when you approach, stop complaining!
The law of identity means that you must adapt yourself to the facts and start your work from there, it implies that the facts will not bend to meet your expectations. You must first adapt yourself to what life is and then get to work changing and improving things in your life, be brave to meet reality as it really is and not how you would wish it to be.
(2.) The law of excluded middle.
The law of excluded middle means that you should give a straight yes or no answer always and there is no middle ground. The law means that there is no kinda yes and kinda no, there is no ‘sort of’ being married because you are either married or you are not, you are either a thief or you are not, you are either on time or not, you are either living in Nigeria or you are not.
The law is the idea that you should not try to keep all of your options open by staying in the middle or hedging, when it suits you, like when you accepted an appointment during IBB’s regime as chairman of FRSC.
I bet that was a military regime you partook in. Please pick one wife and state your claim 100% to her, pick one idea and go for it 100%! Decide and commit Sir! There you might find great power and self satisfaction in the doctrine of decide and commit. No half way measures, no middle ground, exclude the middle! Here! The law of excluded middle Sir.
(3) The law of non contradiction.
The law of non contradiction says don’t contradict yourself simple. If you say you will be there then be there. If you say you will do it then do it. Don’t say or fight for one thing and then do the opposite. Don’t say one thing and then later deny that you said it. Don’t say one thing and then later contradict it. Be consistent in your thoughts and actions.
Observing someone who was a socialist in the morning but then became a capitalist in the evening is a textbook on contradiction, these are two polar opposites, such a person is clearly inconsistent and is therefore considered a flip flop, confused, easily led or misled or at best a lunatic who has no clear understanding of the basis of either doctrine.Apply these three logics to others with consistency and then you can ask for the same or expect the same from others, and then you can also ask for others to deal with facts not fantasy, which is the law of identity. Ask others to make up their mind to decide and commit. The law of excluded middle.Then ask others to follow through on the things that they say they would do. The law of non contradiction.
Sir, I believe brilliance is not perfection. I have grown and watched you criticize regime after regime and at that young and naive age I was thinking why wouldn’t this man just contest to be president so that Nigeria can be saved, I would have defiantly voted for Mr Soyinka if it would have brought an end to Nigeria’s woes. To my utter surprise, I heard about your FRSC leadership and how funds were misused and a great deal of it unaccounted for. “Oh my God! In the end he turned out to be just the same as everybody else” were my next thoughts. My hopes for you, all ended up in great disappointment. Here I find myself defending my father 15 years after his death because some of you have no one else to pounce on, or rather, you have chosen a dead person to keep pouncing on over and over again when you have more than an array of contestants. 
A coward’s act I believe.  “A common writer” is what I have heard you being referred to lately, and I believe a mature mind would now agree to such referrals. With all due respect, there is a great challenge that faces the country, we have to put our heads together, rather than clashing, our collective ships must sail in the same direction, let us leave the ghosts of past contention and face the future bravely as one, criticizing the past does not help the present or define a path to the future.
You say, with the weight of your sense of history and the authority you possess on national issues that ” a vicious usurper under whose authority the lives of an elected president and his wife were snuffed out” referring to my late father, you must be growing old, or you would rightly recall that that president elect you refer to did not die while my father was alive. Did you slyly change your facts to fit a history that would better serve your narrative, or are you just plain forgetful? Either way, it shows you are losing your grasp of reality.
Comparing my father’s leadership to Boko Haram’s current reign of terror,  is a rather cheap shot, you are in no position to examine, judge and sentence an entire regime based on the information you think you have, you are privy to almost none of the true facts, what is at your disposal is at best, hearsay, or were you ever minister of defence? did you ever sit in during security meetings, evaluate the facts and subtleties of national security?
You remind me of Obama criticizing the Republicans  before he became a sitting president himself, vouching to put an end to all American occupation, this all came to an abrupt end once he had access to the briefs and security issues, economic and political, facing his nation. Surely he did what he could, and history will judge him.
To lead is not to be a rock star, and to be a Nobel laureate is not to be a an antagonist of this countries legacy..We are Africa’s leaders, whether we like it or not, we cannot trivialize the centenary celebration, it happens only once, let us come together, if only for this one occasion and agree to disagree.
Open rebellion against the current government at this time, on the manner of the centenary celebrations, for whatever reason, is tactless, it is not about you, it is about our nation, our beloved country. There is a time and place for everything. My late father was a Nigerian, lived in Nigeria and died protecting our interests to the best of his ability, critiquing placing him on the honor roll, along with many deserving dignitaries is your right, you have the right to your own opinions, but you do not have the right to your own facts.
Facts stand alone, regardless of who espouses them, let posterity judge, but you are clearly politicizing a dead issue, how could you not be? Having an issue with the naming of a hospital after the late General and leader? really ? Now ?
It almost seems as if you want to turn back the hands of time, what else would you like to undo besides the naming of the hospital, would you like to unmake Bayelsa state, Zamfara state or the others?  What about the advances we made in commerce, reducing the inflation rate, what about security and welfare, how many projects, hospitals and schools were created? inflation went from 54% to 8.5%! my father oversaw an increase in our foreign currency reserves from 494 million dollars in 1993 to 9.6 billion dollars by the middle of 1997, that is unprecedented.
15 years after the PTF the benefits are still being reaped today in Nigeria, What of peace keeping and nation building, not just in West Africa but the entire continent, restoring democracy in Liberia and Sierra Leone, all these under my father’s leadership, are all these not laudable? Or would you like to undo them all. All this on 8$ per barrel of oil! You have to be kidding me.
You are a learned man, you would have to undo all your learning to knowingly wish to undo all these achievements! I will be the first to proclaim that my fathers leadership was not pitch perfect or spot free, that does not exist, maybe in utopia but not here on this earth, so let us keep our discourse set in the sphere of reality please, he deserves the award, and he did not campaign for it, let it go, Sir…and allow Nigeria to at least bask in our survival and endurance in our growing prosperity and development in these trying times.
I have been accused of being an optimist, hence, I am optimistic that you will come around and accept that we can all come together and face the future together, forgive each other our wrongs while celebrating our rights, I am still an admirer of your works after all, however, I cannot and will not attempt to answer your every charge, this is not the time or place, this is a time for solidarity, if only you were wise enough to grasp this.
I applaud the patience of President Goodluck Jonathan and his composure and restraint in not having a knee jerk reaction at such a pivotal moment in our nations history, but you would mar the occasion, Sir, in the future, please pick your battles, and do better to safeguard your relevance,  Enough Sir!

From Tito to Drogba! Didier Drogba joins Samuel Eto, Frank Lampard, Theo Walcott in comic book world

Galatasaray striker, Didier Drogba’s fans will now have the opportunity to read everything they want to know about their hero. Just like the likes of Samuel Eto’o, Frank Lampard and Theo Walcott, the Ivorian is warming up to launch his comic book. Titled ‘From Tito to Drogba’ (Tito being his childhood nickname), the cartoon series will chronicle the former Chelsea star’s childhood days and his successful football career in Ivory Coast and England.

“It is a fun way to learn lots of things about me and to show young people that, if they do what I did, they can achieve their objectives. The most important thing is to show you can exceed your dreams. For me, football has become my job, my way of making a living, and that in turn has allowed me to meet many famous people, to be a UNICEF ambassador”. The 35 year-old told sports reporters.

Gabin Bao, the 36 year-old Ivorian behind the project said Drogba was open to the idea of the book.
I met him several times after we did the deal and he really liked the idea of sending a message to young Africans. Some people say I’ve made him too perfect. But he is like that. He is very careful about his image because he has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders.”
The book will be released in Turkey, where his current club is located; Brazil, ahead of the World Cup and in Britain where he is most revered especially among Chelsea fans.

This Indonesian photographer could pass for President Obama's younger brother.

Few months ago, a Nigerian called Adenike; who bears a striking resemblance to America’s first lady, Michelle Obama was spotted and invited to a TV programme. Now It’s President Barack Obama’s turn. IIham Anas; a 40-year old Indonesian photographer also shares a resemblance to him, he could actually pass for his younger brother. And I heard this has made him famous in his country home. 🙂

Centenary Award: Sani Abacha's daughter hits out at Prof. Wole Soyinka

Gumsu Sani-Abacha, daughter of the late military President, Gen. Sani Abacha has
reacted to a statement made by Nobel laureate Prof. Wole Soyinka on why he rejected the Centenary award. You would recall that the award-winning writer turned down the award simply because her father was included in the list of awardees and he deemed that an insult.
Gumsu has however taken to her facebook page to register her disappointment.
“Some1 tell Soyinka I liked his books when I was younger but that is where it ends. Today, I reject his stupid, foolish and insignificant statement”.
Meanwhile below are excerpts on Prof. Soyinka’s article on the centenary award.
“Under that ruler, torture and other forms of barbarism were enthroned as the norm of governance. Nine Nigerian citizens, including the writer and environmentalist, Ken Saro-wiwa, were hanged after a trial that was stomach-churning even by the most primitive standards of judicial trial, and in defiance of the intervention of world leadership. We are speaking of a man who placed this nation under siege during an unrelenting reign of terror that is barely different from the current rampage of Boko Haram.

It is this very psychopath that was recently canonised by the government of Goodluck Jonathan in commemoration of one hundred years of Nigerian trauma. What the government of Goodluck Jonathan has done is to scoop up a century’s accumulated degeneracy in one preeminent symbol, then place it on a podium for the nation to admire, emulate and even – worship.

“Such abandonment of moral rigour comes full circle sooner or later. The survivors of a plague known as Boko Haram, students in a place of enlightenment and moral instruction, are taken to a place of healing dedicated to an individual contagion – a murderer and thief of no redeeming quality known as Sani Abacha, one whose plunder is still being pursued all over the world and recovered piecemeal by international consortiums – at the behest of this same government which sees fit to place him on the nation’s Roll of Honour!

I can think of nothing more grotesque and derisive of the lifetime struggle of several on this list, and their selfless services to humanity. It all fits. In this nation of portent readers, the coincidence should not be too difficult to decipher. I reject my share of the national insult”

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