
Opinion: Who Is The Presidency? | By: Reuben Abati

When last week, President Muhammadu Buhari decided to suspend the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Babachir Lawal, and the Director General of the Nigeria Intelligence Agency, Ambassador Ayo Oke in order to allow unfettered investigations of both public officers, the most striking immediate reaction was the SGF asking: who is the Presidency? State House correspondents had accosted the then SGF as he left a meeting with the Vice President. It is standard practice at the State House for correspondents to lay ambush. Babachir Lawal obviously did not know that he had been suspended from office.
If the Vice President knew, he did not tell him. Again, that is how the Nigerian Presidency works. Once you fall out of line or favour due courtesies may not be extended to you. I was instructed on many occasions to wait until certain persons left the Villa, before issuing their sack statements. I once announced the disengagement of an important public official from the Presidential wing of the airport, as our aircraft taxied on the runway en route France.
In Babachir Lawal’s case, he was asked to react to something he knew nothing about. When he sought clarifications, the correspondents told him that the Presidency had suspended him from office. Anybody in his shoes would have been just as shocked as he was. He was right there in the Villa, and nobody told him there was a knife at his back. Besides, he occupies a very strategic office. The SGF’s office is the engine room of the Presidency.
The Chief of Staff may be the political, administrative head of the State House, but the engine of the Presidency is in the office of the SGF. He is in charge of Council meetings, the Ministers must interface with him, the civil service also, and he is directly in charge of more than 30 government agencies and parastatals. No key government event or appointment can take place without that office. Presidential power is delegated and distributed. The office of the SGF arguably has a larger share, in other words, in real terms, that office is probably more influential than every other office in the Executive arm of government.
The problem with privileged people in government, holding political appointments, however, is that they often get carried away. They forget that they are mere agents, exercising delegated authority. The illusion of power and the delusion of agents constitute one of the major threats in the corridors of power.
But the delusion of relatives, associates and wayfarers is even worse. I have seen ordinary relatives of the President threatening to be powerful, and mere acquaintances claiming to be in charge of the Presidency. It got so interesting at a point that a colleague, who had a First Class and whose only dream was to get a Ph.D in his lifetime, kept insisting that he would devote his doctoral thesis to a study of the impact of informal agents on Presidential powers and authority. If waka-pass characters in the corridors of power can lay so much claim to power, there can be no doubt that privileged persons with big egos would be worse.
At that moment therefore when Babachir Lawal asked the question: who is the Presidency? he must have thought of all the powers and influence in his custody and imagined himself as being indeed the main engine of the Presidency. His response to the correspondents was actually a retort: “who will dare take such a decision behind my back? I am the Presidency and I have just held a meeting with the VP. You reporters don’t know anything. You are telling the Presidency that the Presidency has suspended him from office?” By now, a week later, Babachir Lawal must have learnt one basic lesson about power.
The lesson is simply that it is power that gives power, when power withdraws power, what is left is powerlessness. For example, another person has since taken Babachir Lawal’s place in acting capacity and there is nothing he can do about that. Some other politicians are also already being positioned to take over that office eventually, so far three names have been mentioned- Ogbonnnaya Onu, Adams Oshiomhole and Olorunnimbe Mamora and it looks like there is a serious hustle for that office. Nobody is likely to reject the job if Babachir Lawal loses it. Meanwhile, the Presidency continues to move on while Babachir Lawal is under interrogation. In the last week alone, the suspended SGF should also have learnt a few more lessons about human beings. He may no longer ask that question: who is the Presidency? He is more likely to be asking: who is Babachir Lawal?
But that is a private question. No matter how concerned we may be, we can’t answer it for him. It is a kind of question, manifesting in form of a cross which every person must carry at certain critical moments in their lives. When he asked that other question however: who is the Presidency?, Babachir Lawal, beyond his egoistic slip, threw up something anagnoristic, which is of significant public interest. I offer to attempt an answer to the question.
The simple answer is that the President is the Presidency – office, power and system unified in one person. Under the type of Presidential system that we run, the President of Nigeria is more or less a unilateral person. He is Head of State, Head of Government, and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. His powers are derived from the Constitution, under which he is elected and which he swears to uphold and defend, and it is also subject to it, that he is expected to exercise his powers. The idea of our American-styled Presidential system is further hinged on the doctrine of the separation of powers.
This makes the President the custodian of Executive powers and provides constitutional checks and balances on those powers through the legislature and the judiciary. The Constitution requires the President for example to seek the National Assembly’s approval for appropriation and certain appointments, and grants the legislature the powers to impeach the President or pass a vote of no confidence, although this oversight power is hardly exercised. The Judiciary is constitutionally independent, and whereas the Executive approves the appointment of judges, it is not granted the powers to dictate to the judiciary.
There are also certain independent bodies like the Electoral Commission, the Federal Civil Service Commission, the National Judicial Council and the Code of Conduct Bureau, which in the eyes of the law are required to be free from partisan control. The President also cannot take certain decisions without consultation. He consults such bodies as the Nigeria Police Council, the National Defence Council, and the Council of State, even if their advice is not binding on him. In making appointments he is also required to respect the Federal Character principle as stated in Sections 14(3) and 147(3).
The sum effect of the constitutional powers of the President under the 1999 Constitution in addition to the residual and implied powers of that office is that what we have in Nigeria at the moment is an imperial Presidency, far more imperial than the imperialism of the American Presidency contemplated and analysed in Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr’s book of the same title. Sections 5, 11, 157, 158, 215, 216, 218, 231, 305, and 315 of the 1999 Constitution grant the President of Nigeria enough powers to compromise the authority and impact of the other two tiers of government.
The exercise of so-called residual and implied powers makes the situation worse. The President can hire and fire, enter into covenants on behalf of the country, send police men onto the streets, send troops to war and seek legislative approval later, he can give national honours, grant pardon, spend money and seek approval within a time-frame, insist on the declaration of an emergency, and act as he may wish in the national interest.
This imperialism is a throwback to the monarchical nature of primeval societies. It is sustained sadly by contemporary myths, the thinking that the President is a mythical repository, a superhero- the man who has all the answers and who can do all things. Other players within the system at all levels, be it the legislature or the judiciary, the private sector or the civil society, also actively promote this myth and concede to it. The result is that power becomes centripetal. The people unwittingly submit their sovereignty. The idea of the President as a savior is a sad re-imagining of our democracy, which in full flight over-extends the symbolism and powers of the Presidency and threatens to make the legislature and the judiciary irrelevant and thus displaces the people from being partners into consumers of government propaganda and tyranny.
By regarding their Presidents or Heads of states as super-heroes, Nigerians place them above democracy and short-change themselves. This has been our dilemma since 1960. Tafawa Balewa, Nigeria’s first and only Prime Minister was the super hero who received the instruments of independence from the British colonialists, but by 1966, he had led the country into trouble. Yakubu Gowon, a soldier, took over. He was the super hero who led the country through a civil war and held it together, but he was soon shoved aside by another super hero, Murtala Muhammad, also a soldier. From Muhammad to Obasanjo, the military held sway until 1979 when the military returned power to a civilian “super hero”, Shehu Shagari. Shagari’s task was to prove that civilians could take charge of their own affairs, but the civilians messed up and the soldiers returned: Buhari, Babangida, Abacha, Abdusalami Abubakar, all super heroes who deployed power in different ways. Fast-forward to 1999 and the return to civilian rule since then.
What seems clear is that the extent to which every Head of State and Head of Government exercises Executive powers is a function of personality and the surrounding myths and circumstances. President Olusegun Obasanjo was such a total embodiment of Presidential powers every knee bowed before him. Those who resisted him regretted doing so in one form or the other. If he had actually insisted on a Third term in office, he could have possibly gotten away with it. He understood the full extent of his powers as President and he was not afraid to put those powers to test. He was succeeded by Umaru Yar’Adua who became President primarily because some powerful persons didn’t want some other people in that office and merely to pacify certain interests but eventually illness and death truncated President Yar’Adua’s potential.
President Goodluck Jonathan became acting President and later President also as a superhero. Nigerians used him to remind the North that in a Federation, no single region is “born to rule,” and that all Nigerians have full rights under the Constitution. The North never forgave Jonathan. In his case, he seemed to have played into the hands of his opponents by refusing to use Presidential powers to their fullest extent. He publicly declared on more than one occasion that power should not be wielded like a whip. He conceded a lot, some say too much to God, and to the opposition, and for this reason, many courtesans of power in Nigeria have also not forgiven him especially for being humble and for allowing power and office to go in the opposite direction.
His successor is a war-hero, a former soldier, who is not shy about being a Nigerian super-hero. He is wielding power and using it. The only problem is that a fully imperial Presidency creates its own contradictions, most of which the subject teaches us, is internal and therefore far more damaging to the system and democracy itself. Under no circumstance should an elected leader appear more powerful than the people, and the checking and balancing systems so vulnerable. The note-taking on this and the long-term dangers in the context of Nigeria’s democratic process and experience is, for now, a work in progress… Babachir Lawal, I hope I have answered your question? I hope you now know who and what the Presidency is?

Gareth Bale out with a calf injury for three weeks.

Real Madrid No 11, Gareth Bale is expected to be out for three weeks after being diagnosed with a “grade 2 injury in his left calf.”  The Welsh footballer who was included in the starting lineup against arch-rivals Barcelona on Sunday struggled on the pitch before he was being substituted in the first half.  The Blancos said his recovery will continue to be assessed.
He will miss the Champions League semi-finals.

Opinion: Why We Are Hopeful About Improving Health In Africa |By: Aliko Dangote and Bill Gates

This week, more than 138,000 vaccinators will fan out across five African countries in the Lake Chad area in a push to eliminate polio in Africa and rid the world of this terrible disease forever.
They will take boats across fast-flowing rivers, ride jeeps along sandy ravines, walk crowded street in towns and cities and navigate cramped quarters of refugee camps to ensure that every child is immunized. Traveling for hours a day, these dedicated women and men will visit children in homes, schools, train stations, and transit points across Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and the Central African Republic.
This also marks World Immunization Week, a coordinated effort to make sure that people everywhere understand the importance of getting immunized to protect against vaccine-preventable diseases.
And by coincidence, it was almost seven years ago that the two of us first met in a hotel conference room in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital. We were there as part of a diverse group—public officials, religious leaders, business people, polio survivors, and journalists—to discuss how we could work together to stop polio in Nigeria.
At the time, Nigeria had done an amazing job tackling polio—reducing reported cases by 95 percent in just one year. But it was still circulating in six Nigerian states. While 95 percent might seem like success, as long as a single child remains infected, children across Africa and around the world are at risk.
Thanks to the effort of so many, Nigeria’s Borno State is now the only place in Africa today where polio is still circulating. It will take ingenuity to end polio there, and it will take persistence to continue reaching children in the surrounding area with vaccines to protect them from the disease until it is eradicated. But we’re confident it can be done. And when that happens, Africa will celebrate one of the biggest victories ever in public health.
Since our first meeting in 2010, the two of us have worked together on a range of other projects to help improve health in Nigeria and across Africa.
We supported the establishment of emergency operations centers in Nigeria and other countries to keep polio from spreading. This turned out to be a blessing during the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. When the disease first appeared in Nigeria—an international travel hub that is home to more than 180 million people—the staff of an emergency operations center set up in Lagos jumped into action and stopped the disease in its tracks. It’s almost unimaginable to think what would have happened without them.
In the state of Kano, we are working with the government to ensure that children can get essential childhood immunizations against tetanus, pneumonia, liver cancer and measles. And when parents bring their children into a clinic for vaccinations, health workers can address other health issues, too, like nutrition, care for pregnant mothers and newborns and malaria prevention and treatment. We have since widened the program to several other states.
Vaccines are also one of the best tools to save lives in an epidemic, such as the meningitis C outbreak happening now in Nigeria and other West African countries.
And because of the devastating impact malnutrition has on Nigeria’s children –  leading to 300,000 deaths annually and causing stunted growth and development in millions more – we have expanded our partnership to include nutrition programs across 12 states.
Earlier this year, we also helped launch the End Malaria Council, a group of influential public and private sector leaders committed to ensuring that malaria eradication remains a top global priority.
Underlying all these efforts is our belief that strengthening health systems is the key to breaking the cycle of extreme poverty and disease—and kick-starting a virtuous cycle of health, productivity, and prosperity.
In our work together, we have learned a few important lessons.
First, improving the health of communities depends on a successful partnership between government, communities, religious and business leaders, volunteers, and NGOs. This ensures that everyone is rowing in the same direction. And it is essential to building trust so parents have the confidence that vaccines are safe and will protect their children from life-threatening diseases.
Second, we must keep innovating to speed up progress. This month, for example, vaccinators will test a new vaccine carrier that keeps the temperature of vaccines stable for up to five days, even in blistering heat. This breakthrough will enable vaccinators to finally reach children in extremely remote areas with life-saving vaccines.
Last, accurate and reliable data is central to any effort to improve health. Data can tell a health officer which communities are running low on vaccine supplies, where there are gaps in vaccination coverage, and which new mothers need reminders to take their babies to the health clinic to be immunized.
An Africa without polio is within reach. So is the vision of getting life-saving vaccines to every child. Success will generate more enthusiasm and support from across different sectors – government, business, civil society, the media – to tackle other killer diseases and the underlying conditions that affect people’s health, including fixing broken health systems.
We know that strengthening health systems takes time and diligence. We are optimistic that Africa can achieve the future it aspires to. That future depends on people working together—across national borders and across socioeconomic strata—to build the better world we all want.

Eniola Badmus turns up in style for her father's burial (Photos)

Actress, Eniola Badmus, who lost her father on March 2nd, 2017 has buried her patriarch in grand style.
The bold and beautiful Etisalat ambassador turned heads in two dazzling outfits at an event that took place at Havillah Event center

Roll call of guest include K1, Odunlade Adekola, Tiwa Savage, Gbenga Adeyinka, D’ija, Ronke Ojo, Beverly Osu, Iyabo Ojo, Praiz Adejo, Ayo Adesanya, Toyin Lawani to mention a few.

Gerard Pique and Sergio Ramos renew rivalry

Real Madrid’s Sergio Ramos and Barcelona’s Gerard Pique‘s rivalry is far from over, not in the nearest future.
The pair renewed their feud during last night’s el-clasico which ended 3-2 in favour of  Barcelona, thanks to a late strike by Lionel Messi.  Ramos was banded a red card at the 77th minute after an attempted two-footed tackle on Messi; his 5th red card in the fixture and 22nd in his entire career.
As Ramos was leaving the pitch, he sarcastically clapped at his arch enemy, uttering some unclear words which seemed to suggest that that the war was far from over.
During his post-match Gerard Pique wasted no time in attacking his opponent.  “When Sergio Ramos gets home, he’ll regret for what he did. The red card is very clear. He goes in two-footed and Messi was away. Here in Santiago Bernabéu, they’re used to very lenient refereeing and when a referee does a good job he’s then the bad guy.”

Ramos sprang up in his own defence saying, “Piqué likes to talk about the referees, and with so much pressure & with his tweets that he complains all the time. For me the red card has been excessive , I admit that I’m late with my tackle but I wasn’t looking to hurt him. I do not regret the gesture to Pique. I regret leaving my team down to 10 men. I have no problems with Pique but just don’t ask me all these questions expecting that I’ll hug him right after. I was clapping at Pique, not at the ref. He defends his & I defend mine. When we aren’t together we defend what is ours. They always talk about the refs but we won’t. Perhaps give the result they won’t this time.”

He added in another interview, “Messi did very well against my tackle, he jumped and you could see that I didn’t touch him. I know Pique said that I’d regret it once I saw the images, but after five minutes of cooling off, I feel the same way.”

Elclasico: Check out these hilarious memes of Messi's goal celebration

Messi came through for Barcelona yesterday during the second leg of the el-clasico. The Argentine scored a brace in the pulsating 3-2 game, bringing a total of his career goals to 5oo. He is now the all-time top-scorer in El Clasico in La Liga with 16 goals, surpassing Alfredo Di Stefano  with 14 goals.

One of the most memorable moments of the game was the 29 year-old’s celebration after he netted the an extra-minute goal, the 5th goal of the game and third for Barcelona, at the Bernabeu. Shortly after firing past Keylor Navas, the 29 year-old removed his shirt and held it in front of the Madrid fans.
Mischievous football fans and photoshoppers got into action. The outcome!


N'golo Kante crowned PFA Player of the Year 2017

N’Golo Kanté has been named PFA Player of the Year 2017. He is the first French player to win the PFA Player of the Year since Thierry Henry in 2004. The France international has had an impressive first season at the Stamford Bridge following his transfer from Leicester last summer. He saw off competition from Eden Hazard, Harry Kane, Romelu Lukaku, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Alexis Sanchez.
He was presented with the award at the Grosvenor Hotel in London while ­Tottenham midfielder Dele Alli won the Young Player of the Year for the second consecutive ­season.
“It means the world to be ­chosen by the players to be Player of the Year. So proud for such a honour! So amazing. As I always said, it’s a team work: Thanks to my teammates,  Chelsea FC members and all the fans.” he said.

Arsenal edge Manchester City to reach FA cup final.

Pep Guardiola’s side, Manchester City were dumped out of FA Cup race, courtesy of Alexis Sanchez’s extra-time strike. The club  came from behind to secure a hard fought 2-1 victory at the Wembley.
Meanwhile Alexis Sanchez has scored more goals for Arsenal at Wembley (4) than any other player in the club’s history.
Manchester City coach, Pep Guardiola will end a season without a trophy for the first time in his coaching career.

Actor, Olumide Bakare is dead!

Nollywood actor, Olumide Bakare is dead.
The veteran thespian who had been battling with lung and heart related illnesses for several months, passed on in Ibadan this morning. Fondly called, Chief KoKo of Oluwa lambe house, he had earlier on his admission to UCH been diagnosed with a respiratory disorder problem before he died Saturday morning. He did not fully recover from the sickness that kept him indoors for months.
A family source said he underwent a surgery Friday night at University Teaching Hospital, UCH, Ibadan. “His situation went bad during the procedure and he could not make it.” The source added.
May his soul find repose. Amen.

Ibrahimovic to miss the rest of the season.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic to miss the rest of the season, following last night’s injury sustained during Manchester United’s Europa League quarterfinal against Anderlecht. The 35 year-old  ruptured his cruciate ligament. The former PSG player has been involved in 37 goals across all competitions for Man Utd this season scoring 28 goals  and providing 9 assists. His injury comes as a huge blow to Man United who are looking to win the Europa League cup and be named in the top 4 in the Premier League.

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