
Short Story: This One Shall Stay | By: Oluwafunminiyi Omojola

We walk as three to the neighbouring village, every third month. Me. Mama. Papa.  In that order. 

Papa always takes the rear, walking at a little distance behind us, as if he does not want to be associated with mama and me. Or as if he was on his way to someplace in his mind.
I walk in front, and as to everything I do, I put a rhythm to my walk. One, two, three…pam. One, two, three…pam. Like that. 

I have no idea why I count in threes. I have no idea how many threes I end up counting. I have no idea why I do the counting. I have no idea about many things. 
For instance, I do not know why I feel older than twelve. I feel as if I have been here before. Mama and papa, they look familiar.  I often cock my head to one side and consider them, especially mama. 

I feel as if I have seen her before, in another place and in another time. There were no deeply etched furrows of worry on her forehead then, and her ebony skin gleamed in the sun.
She sold Uli at the market. The cosmetics she made from the leaves were the best amongst all others. It did not wash from the skin by chance. Everyone who passed by stopped to buy or to see. 
For the women, I could understand. But it is a difficult thing, telling what the men wanted since men do not wear Uli. 
Of all the young men that hovered around mama, one stood out like a sole horn. Papa.
Young, strong, and handsome in an ethereal manner, he bestrode the heart of many women like a colossus.
The tales of his conquests were sweet on every one’s lips, like casks of fresh palm wine. From village to village, women flocked after him. Yet he would hurry on to the market, and head for mama’s cosmetic stand, snubbing the other traders who had no equal wares. 
Aggrieved and jealous, they would hiss and pass snide comments, like “He has come again”. That they do not know which he wants to buy, the piper or the tune. And mama, not one whose mouth had been taken to the washerman would quickly respond, that both were for sale, the piper and the tune.
Rain fell the day that they were joined. Heavy, stinging pellets from the bright skies. The sun watched from a haughty distance, with a bland old smile that said its hands were tied. And they say that it is a bad omen, when the rain falls on one’s wedding day, and the sun smiles as if its hands were tied. The ceremony had been a colourful one. Drummers and flutists rented the air with their stock in trade. Food was plentiful and so was drink. Mama looked most beautiful on her day. Her skin was decorated with the dark residue from crushed Uli leaves, her own handiwork. Her long hair was sheathed in a crown of red iyun beads. Her wrists and ankles and waist were bedecked with white beads.  
As she danced, the men watched the sensual gyration of her supple body with minds inebriated with liquor and eyes filled with longing.  They looked at preening papa, with sheer admiration and naked envy. 
Everyone cheered when papa accepted the small palm wine gourd from his bride, and drank every little bit of the white juice. Green, intrepid jealousy, from the myriads who had competed with mama for papa’s attention. And lost.
And mama spared none of them. She simply reveled in her day.
They say my ilk come in a myriad of ways. Sometimes the Iroko hands us out. At other times, we take advantage when a pregnant woman is out at midday in the hot blazing sun. We scare the baby in her womb away, and take its place if she ventured out at midnight. Some of us are gifts from the river goddess.  

They say I am one of these- a gift from the river goddess. That I came in the small pools of water that gathered in the compound during the rain, and refused to leave when my mates flowed away. For, nine months after their day, mama had a pink little daughter- the first me.

They say I cried and cried and cried. It was a wonder I survived six days. On the seventh day, I packed my load, and went back to the river goddess. 
I returned twelve moons later.
This time, I did not cry at all. They said I was the mutest baby they ever saw. That my mouth was like a slit in my face, and I had a wicked glint in my eye. That when they named me Ajojo – replacement –  I let out a yelp. I suffered the name for a few minutes, and then my body began to grow hot. It grew so hot it scalded mama’s palms. The swelling with water within it is there till tomorrow. 

They bathed me with all the herbs they could find. I only broke out in severe rashes with pus at their tips. My eyes turned yellow, and my tongue was deathly white. 

They said I laid limp, watching their antics to keep me alive through the deathly glint in my eye. And that was how I grew up, a sickly child, with sparse, kinky hair. I had spindly limbs, and I creaked when I walked.
I didn’t play with the other children. Not as if they wanted my company. While they cooked with the sand, and screamed in delight, I sit under the frangipani trees, and speak with the wind.  

I walked through the warm motherly forests, and inhaled the tangy scents of the neem trees. I loved to get lost in the wilds. It was fun searching for and finding myself afterwards, among the sharp, towering elephant grasses.  
The plants were my only friends, and I sang with the birds. They said I was a wicked child. That I had silted up mama’s womb with sawdust, so that after me, she could not have another.  
My illnesses got worse the older I grew. I got out of bed perhaps, once in three days. And afterward, I paid dearly, writhing in pains. 
My wrists would ache and ache and ache. My ankles would get so heavy I felt like cutting them off. My head would throb till I felt there was a mortar in it. It felt like someone was pounding in it. Someone was always grinding pepper in my chest too. Alujonu were always preparing for a festival in my body. The preparations go on for far too long. Alujonu scream and quarrel and dance too much.
My parents began to change. 
Dark shadows of mama’s beauty remained etched on her face. She no longer went to sell Uli as much as she once did. She no longer walked with the spritely gait of the village beauty. Her pompous breasts had begun to sag and her raging hips begun to flag. Her voice gained a hoarse quality, one that grated in the ear, like Wana’s rogue motorcycle. 
She no longer responded to the side talk and snide remarks. She said nothing when they gossiped, telling her to take solace was in papa’s ethereal good looks and in his barns filled with stacks of yam, tied to bamboo poles in columns, erect like a crowd of tall, huge men. She did not respond to all the talk, because she said that I, Ajojo, had given her mouth to the washer-man to wash. 
Papa was no different. He no longer came away to the house.
He went from the farm to the gin parlour, where he drank gin dispensed in dirty little glass tubes, and played a game with the other men. I never could understand the game: grown men sitting on a bench, facing each other and distributing seeds into spherical holes dug in the centre of a wooden cylinder that laid on both players knees.  
In their drunken states, they laughed at everything. They even said someone had won, and another had lost.  
“How can anyone fail in putting seeds into a hole?’ I had asked papa one night when mama had sent me to the gin parlour to warn him that his food was getting cold. 
He had repeated my question to the other men and the resultant laughter had carried far into the starry night. I returned home and when mama asked where the papa she asked me to fetch was, I had slapped the back of one palm into the other in turns.  
A little of the feisty mama I once knew had resurfaced that night. Papa could not believe his eyes when he saw mama, with me trailing behind, marching towards the gin parlour with trays of eba, onugbu and washing hands water. 
Amidst jeers and taunts and laughter, Papa had quietly got up, and returned with us.
You see, my parents love each other.  
I was the one key that spoilt the teeth of the dog. I listen on my mat as papa and mama argue and raise their voices. I begin to count in threes. I never had to count for long. She, mama, was a crier. She would blame her chi for all her misfortune. Papa would belch and curse his luck. He said the most murderous thing one night as they quarrelled and I prepared for bed; that had he known that what mama carried underneath all her beauty were children meant for the likes of Ikori, he would not have bothered with her.  
Ikori is the imbecile who sleeps at the village square. His neck is long like a spring and he catches insects in his mouth with a flick he had long perfected.

Mama had burst into fresh tears. Papa had apologized profusely and tried to pacify his wife. It was that night that mama’s beauty had walked away from her face, leaving only its shadow.
I had counted my threes and fallen asleep.

Eventually, I was seven. 
It was time to go. I went to the frangipani trees to say goodbye. I sat under them and spoke with the wind. I followed its course to the warm motherly forests. I said good-bye to the neem trees. I lost myself in the wilds, and found myself among the elephant grasses I had come to love.
I laughed and I cried. The birds came and sang me a lonely dirge. My friends wished me safe journey back home. I went back to the house, singing the bird’s songs on top of my voice. Strangers packed themselves to one side of the road to give this mad little girl room. I was as blind as a bat to their consternation. I felt as free as a bird in my emancipation. The road was my own and death was in my pocket. 

“Ajojo, you are full of life today…” the villagers commented.  
The sun was shining in my eyes and there was sweat in my brownish, kinky hair. The air wrapped itself around me in a smug knowing hug. I had a good taste in my belly, like someone who had just swallowed Alali. 
Rain fell that evening and I bathed in it. Even the other children did not run away from me. We ran together and I ran faster than some of them, on my spindly legs. I didn’t creak as I ran. I laughed and I cried in the rain but they could not see my tears. They were children, too naive, too little to understand.
To ease the cold, mama wrapped me in a woolen blanket that night. She sat with me as I shivered by the fire. She fed me hot peppery soup, so that I could find some warmth, and my eyes watered. I felt as if my tongue was on fire. Papa played his flute in front of his hut.

“Why did you do it Ajojo?” mama asked.
“I don’t know mama…”
“Answer me Ajojo.”
“I want to be like the other children…”
“What are the other children like?” she asked. She turned her head away from me, to stoke the fire, and to hide the tears. But I had already seen them on her cheeks. The orange fire lit up her face.
They play together. They bathe in the rain.”
“Ajojo, you are not as strong as… Wait until you can…”
“Why am I different?”
“It is the will of your creator, my daughter. And till your grip on the machete is firm, do not ask who raped your mother.”

We had stayed huddle like that beside the fire, mother and daughter, in utter silence. She wrapped her arms around me. The only sounds were the cackles of the fire, the chirps of the insects and papa’s flute. 
There was a lot to say, but we stayed silent for many different reasons. I knew my questions would not be answered. Mama clearly craved only peace and quiet. 
So, I did not wake up the following day.
Now, this is my third coming.  
And it had been prepared for me. They said when I left, I had removed the sawdust I had used to silt mama’s womb. So when mama got pregnant again, the medicine man had called papa aside. He had told papa that because some were skilled in the silent passing of gas, others had also grown skilled in the hearing of every sound. He said he had perceived a foul smell from miles away, that I was coming again.  

“Abiku! Abiku!!” he raged. He said however that he knew what to do when I arrived.
I was born, a most beautiful child. My hair was dense and dark and woolly. And unlike the one before me, I cried.
There was no colourful celebration of my arrival. Papa said that the traveller who arrives from a journey and does not acknowledge those he meets at home, also loses the warmth of welcoming greetings. He said that he had lost faith in my arrivals.
I sucked mama’s breast in copious quantities, like it was hunger that chased me down from heaven. They named me ‘this one shall stay’ – Durotimi.
I grew up, as beautiful as my mother. I loved my parents very much and watched them crawl out of their shell, reluctantly, slowly, cautiously, opening themselves up to me like the wary, fascinating, plant that opened up itself to the sun, and closed itself up promptly at the slightest touch. 
My head throbs sometimes and my chest still aches. 
So papa takes me and mama, and we walk, three of us, to the neighbouring village. Every three months. The medicine man makes propitiations, and gives me concoctions to drink. And he says I will be fine, till the next treatment.
I feel they are tying up my soul to this world.
I still sit underneath the frangipani trees. I still speak to the wind. I still go to the warm motherly forests and sing with the birds. I still love the neem trees, and I inhale their tangy scent. I still lose myself in the wilds, knowing each time I find myself, this coming is for keeps.
Oluwafunminiyi Omojola is a writer. Follow him on twitter @ooluwafunminiyi

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Real Madrid unveils German midfielder, Toni Kroos (Photos)

German midfielder, Toni Kroos has successfully completed his £24million move to spanish club, Real-Madrid. The former Bayern star who signed a six-year deal with the UCL Champions was unveiled at Madrid’s Santiago Bernabeu today.
‘I know that at this club you are expected to win trophies but I’m the right man for that because I’m used to winning. I know this is the correct decision and I’m very proud to have made it. I cannot think of anything more wonderful than being here. This is the biggest club in the world.

‘In 2013 I won the Champions League and in 2014 Real won it, and I hope we can win it again next year. I hope to be able to return the confidence this club has shown in me.’ The World Cup-winning stated.

Julius Agwu to Host Nigerian Entertainment Industry Health Insurance Convention

Ace comedian and singer, Julius Agwu has been announced as the host for Nigerian Entertainment Industry Health Insurance Convention while veteran media personality and CEO of Inspiration FM, Mr Soni Irabor and top actor, Joseph Benjamin have been announced as the moderators for the convention respectively.
The event which is billed to hold on Tuesday July 22nd, 2014 at the Grand Ball Room of Eko Hotel & Suites is increasingly garnering momentum as more entertainment industry stakeholders continue to identify with it as novel project that is timely and laudable.
Aside launching the ‘Nigerian Entertainment Industry Health Trust Fund and making public the Board of Trustees, it is widely believed that this convention will help the practitioners of the entertainment industry to preserve their own future and that of their families. This will help them save a fraction of their earnings today for their health insurance schemes against rainy days instead of blowing all on life’s frivolities. It will also come at an affordable rate owing to the unique nature of the health insurance cover design being planned for the entire entertainment industry.
Under this plan, entertainers will have easy and ready access to a network of good doctors across several hospitals with standard medical facilities and information. They would also be encouraged to embark on regular checkups whereby potential life threatening ailments may be uncovered early and dealt with before degenerating. Adequate arrangements for timely intervention to save the lives of practitioners within the industry in case of eventualities will also be prominent on the agenda. At the end of this convention, entertainers would have been convinced on the need to put more premium values on their health as well the importance of health insurance.
The convention is presented by Nigerian Entertainment Industry Lecture Series (NEILS) and is in partnership with National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and Lagos State Ministry of Health.

#BringBackOurGirls: Chibok girls family issue statement on aborted meeting with President Goodluck

We the members of the Kibaku (Chibok) Community and representatives of the 12 fathers and 5 escaped girls who were hosted by Malala during her visit to Nigeria hereby speak on their behalf to offer to Nigerians the facts as they are and to put the records straight and correct the erroneous impression making rounds in the media on the botched meeting with the President:

1. The logistics and meeting between the twelve (12) fathers and five (5) girls and Malala was facilitated by the Abuja Chibok Community and the Citizens platform of BringBackOurGirls with our consent and on TRUST considering their sustained and focused advocacy to Bring Back our daughters.

2. These parents and escaped girls did not come to Abuja at the instance of government or its representatives for a meeting with Mr. President but on the full understanding that they were coming to meet with Malala; an advocate of girl child education and most importantly one who has suffered a similar fate as their daughters’.

3. That in the course of the interactions with Malala, NEITHER the parents nor the escaped girls asked for a meeting with the President or any government functionary, rather the narrative back home was to persistently ask why the President has not visited them in Chibok since the abduction.

4. It is obvious that their numbers of 12 fathers and 5 girls is about 2% of the parents of the 219 abducted girls still with their abductors and the 57 girls that escaped. Therefore, these parents DECIDED on their own accord to review the announced visit, which they FIRST heard of like every other person during Malala speech in Hilton.

5. That consequent to their decision to revert to other family members in order to incorporate every stakeholder on the matter as well as avoid discord and suspicion on a change of plans from the original mission to Abuja, they reached out to the Malala team and through them to the Presidency; to request for a new date for an expanded and more representative meeting that has a legitimate mandate to meet with the President.

6. That their request is also in recognition of the huge opportunity of a meeting with the President for the first time and after over 90 days of the tragic abduction of their daughters, and therefore required better consultations, structure and formality as against an instant advocacy request.

7. That it is totally misleading, unjust and without foundation to hold the Citizens’ platform BringBackOurGirls responsible for the decision made by the 12 parents and our community. We therefore take full responsibility for our decision and welcome the formal invitation by the Presidency as a follow up to Malala’s visit which we received this morning.

Thank You.
For Further Inquiries, contact the PRO on 08055606677.
Press statement from #bringbackourgirls conveners…
Response to Malicious Falsehood on Chibok Parents Visit to President Goodluck Jonathan
In the last 24hours, the #BringBackOurGirls Abuja family has observed with consternation the escalation of the pattern of the campaign of calumny by Government officials on our Citizens movement advocating for the rescue of the 219 school girls of abducted from Chibok Girls Secondary School, 93 days ago. The latest in this trend is emanating from the visit facilitated for the 11 parents and five escaped girls who were visiting Abuja to interact with girl-child education advocate Malala Yousafzai.

During the public speech by Ms. Malala she declared that she had received a promise by President Jonathan to meet with the 11 parents and five girls. The movement was not aware and neither was it part of the discussion of the said visit to our President.
However, at the BBOG daily sit out, our movement was informed by the Chairman, Abuja Chibok community of the outcome of a meeting held with officials of the Presidency in Malala’s suite (immediately after her speech). He conveyed that they were informed at that meeting of a the scheduling of the visit to the President for the eleven parents and five girls at 4.00pm on Tuesday 15th July 2014.

Although some members of the movement were surprised at the sudden invitation to meet with the President, our leadership concluded that session by emphasizing that it was the absolute right of the Chibok community to decide on the matter. It is instructive to note that majority of those at the Unity Fountain on that day were visiting from the Chibok community and were mostly the ones who vehemently expressed dismay at the information from the Chairman. He then clarified on the manner the invitation was conveyed to him and the parents at that meeting and reassured his community that he would schedule an emergency meeting to discuss the matter further.

On Tuesday 15th July 2014, the leadership of our movement were invited to a meeting by the Chibok Chairman and the leadership of their development association with the eleven parents in attendance. At the meeting they conveyed to us their unanimous decision to request for a rescheduling of the Malala facilitated meeting with the President. They further informed us of their intention to reach out to the Malala team and officials of the Presidency to request for an expanded meeting within a sufficient time frame for necessary planning with the rest of their community in Chibok.

We want to repeat for the avoidance of doubt that we are not responsbile for the cancellation of the meeting with the President by the 11 Parents and 5 escaped girls from Chibok as been insinuated by some Government officials

As a movement, we wish to seize this opportunity to express our gratitude to Malala who helped amplify the advocacy for concerted efforts towards the rescue of our girls. Meanwhile, it is pertinent to firmly state that since the inception of our movement in April 2014, we have remained steadfast and adopted all means and channels of civil engagement in the advocacy of our singular issue, which is #BringBackOurGirls NOW and ALIVE

Hadiza Bala Usman & Obiageli Ezekwesili

Mesut Ozil also donates World Cup winnings to the people of Gaza

Arsenal/Germany midfielder, Mesut Ozil just like the Algerian team when they reached the second round of the Brazil 2014 tournament has donated his World Cup winnings to the troubled people of Gaza; a whooping sum of £350,000 [$600,000].

The former Real Madrid player’s winnings are in two categories; the £237,000 bonus he received for helping Germany win the final, and the £118,000 he received for Germany’s semi- final win.

" No amount of darkness can overpower the candle you lit". Read Dora Akunyili's husband's posthumous birthday tribute to her

Dr. Chike Akunyili, the widower of the late Minister of Information, Prof. Dora Akunyili has written a post-humous birthday tribute titled, “We miss you mummy” to his late wife. The former NAFDAC Director-General would have been 60 two days ago; 14th July 2014. May her soul continue to find repose. Amen.

“Our darling Dora would have been 60 today if she were to be alive. But she is no more – felled 37 days ago by the mortal enemy, death, on Saturday, June 7, 2014. Beloved Dora, you had eagerly looked forward to this day. But alas, you never lived to see it. We deeply love you,Mummy. It was our wish never to let you go. But when death comes, what can we do than to submit to the will of the Almighty?

“Dearest Dora, We very sincerely admire the decent character in you and those dreams of a golden future for Nigeria for which you were ever ready to sacrifice your life during your days as NAFDAC DG. Without good people in politics, good leadership will remain elusive. Thus your hunger to make Nigeria a great brand via “Good People, Great Nation”.

“Your life was an enduring legacy of truth, courage, integrity, love of your country, pursuit of excellence, love of your family and friends, and total devotion to God. Your commitment to any undertaking attained force and vigor that will surely travel through the centuries. You never held back whatever you could do for the common good. Your numerous good deeds, infectious smiles, peaceful but firm nature, steely personality and motherly love are all unforgettable. No amount of darkness can overpower the candle you lit and raised high for all to see. In pain the children and I accept your exit.

“He who is love hath called thee home and bade thee thy labour cease.Thou art safe in His eternal love and never ending peace. Dora, lay down thy head on thy Saviour’s breast( as you usually did on mine whenever you were extremely tired). Nigerians all eulogize you and appreciate the numerous trees you planted for future generations to enjoy. We love you dearly but God loves you more. Sleep peacefully in His bosom. Peace, Perfect Peace, Dora The Amazon.”

How a drunk guard killed a Babcock undergraduate at birthday party.

22 year-old Busayo Ogunkoya; an undergraduate of Babcock university had life snuffed out of her at a birthday party she was invited to by her boyfriend on July 5, 2014 at Ikorodu, Lagos.
According to reports, a security guard identified as Azeez Ibrahim who was drunk, reportedly stormed the scene and fired a bullet which hit Busayo at the neck. She was confirmed dead minutes after she was rushed to a nearby hospital. The guard, hotel manager as well as Busayo’s boyfriend were later whisked away by the Police.
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