
Opinion: Nobody Should Vote In The Coming Elections | By: Etcetera

Some people have accused me of not liking politicians, so let me set the record straight. I don’t! They have done more harm to our nation than the military (their first cousins). At no period in our nationhood has the opportunity for reversing the dehumanising nature of a politically corrupt society like ours been greater. 
Every Nigerian who seeks freedom should rethink all temptations to rush to the polling station on February 14 in an attempt to further entrench corruption with a transfusion of his or her energies.
Let us instead participate in a peaceful revolution to rescue this country from disintegration and death. It is better for any society that has been shredded by corruption to undergo a few headaches, fevers, and stomach upsets in the interim. It is better to rid Nigeria of her sickness once and for all than continue our habit of suppressing the symptoms which is exactly what we’ll be doing voting for the same crop of corrupt politicians in the forthcoming elections.

Over the week, I got tons of emails and phone calls in response to last weekend’s article asking if I’ll be voting in the coming elections. No. I won’t be voting. The truth is, I have more constructive things to do than vote on February 14. For example, I am moving into a new apartment and the floors need a good scrub.
And there’s this couch I have to take the legs off so I can easily pass it through the door into the living room. To me, that’s time much better spent. Yes guys, I can come up with so many reasons why I won’t vote, but at the core of everything is, when my vote has a direct impact on how much money is stolen from this country, I want nothing to do with it.

The ruling party in Nigeria and the opposition have nothing but alphabetical differences. They have the same ideology and mentality. The same people have been jumping from one ship to another. So what “Change” are they preaching about? Show me a Nigerian politician who hasn’t sworn allegiance to “The Broom” of APC and “The Umbrella” of PDP, at different times in their political careers and I will show you a woman that sells paraga that doesn’t bleach.
Any Nigerian hoping for a redistribution of wealth after February 14 is wasting his or her time. If I had kids, they won’t see me identifying with this group of sociopaths, and to vote in the next election would be setting a bad example for them. Our votes only give these politicians the needed encouragement to steal more. So on February 14, I’ll be voting for the only one I can trust: nobody.
I am of the view that politics has destroyed this country. Let’s not also forget that the same politics has killed thousands of Nigerians in the north alone. So am I supposed to direct my energies into such a destructive system? If I say ‘yes,’ which I would do if I voted, then do my principles have any real meaning to them, or are they simply going to be just amusing ideas to be talked about, debated, or dispersed?
I have been very vocal about Nigerian pastors encouraging corruption in the country by associating with politicians and I have received all kinds of insults from their followers. But just this week, Pastor Adeboye called Nigerian politicians liars and never to be trusted again. Only God knows what transpired behind the scene to warrant such sudden outburst from the same man of God who has been blessing corrupt politicians for many years. The truth is, my participating in this circus called election doesn’t make it any better for me or even you. It only makes me another clown in their charade.
To simply drop scraps of paper in a box or pull a lever doesn’t mean I have helped in stirring the country back on track. It simply means I have acted like a consumer, picking between prepackaged political items. I haven’t seen a sincere Nigerian politician yet. All we do in every election is picking from the same rotten bunch. If we are not actively participating in deciding what should be, then why can’t we unite and throw rocks through their spider web by sitting at home and refusing to vote? Let us disrupt the existing pattern of corrupt politicking entrenched in the system.

Don’t get me wrong. Like everyone else, I want the best for this country. After all, we are all in the same boat and if one end goes down, we all go down. So not voting in February doesn’t mean I won’t vote in the future. When the government makes the system more transparent and my vote counts, I am likely to vote.

Those of you who are crazy enough to vote the same set of people into power because you have been paid to do so or you have been stupid enough to listen to a rambling billionaire who tells you it is your civic duty to vote for him or his candidates, you deserve to be screwed by the system. Since democracy in Nigeria has been turned into a game like any other, it will be foolish to go out and play, when I know I can’t win.

"We feel safe with him". Lagos women as they throw their wings behind President Goodluck Jonathan.

Like other Nigerians out there, I can’t wait to know the outcome of the forthcoming Presidential elections. So, a group of women from Ondo, Oyo and Ogun took to the streets of Lagos to throw their wings behind President Goodluck Jonathan who is seeking a second term in office.

the solidarity walk which took place on Friday 23rd January 2015, started  from Jibowu, down to various parts of Surulere, and ended at the National stadium saw women and some GEJ supporters carrying placards and banners in support of the President.

A novelty match was played between women from various states, after which various representatives of the women groups gave good testimonies about the works of President Jonathan and why they support him to run for another four years.
One women who spoke on behalf of her group said women feel safe been governed by President Goodluck Jonathan and are convinced that he will bring peace and progress to Nigeria, despite the Boko Haram insurgency. The woman said given more time, the President will put an end to the  menace.
Another woman leader, said she sees the President as a ‘champion for Women’, as he is the first President to appoint over 30% women to strategic positions in his cabinet.
The women also added among that President Jonathan promptly responds to the plight of women, and for this and more, he has their full support.

Super Falcons forward, Asisat Oshoala continues to grow in leaps and bounds.

Super Falcons forward, Asisat Oshoala has kicked off the year on a very positive note. Recall that the year 2014 was very eventful for the brilliant footballer. 
Some of the plaudits she earned include most valuable player at the U20 World Cup in Canada in 2014 and African Women’s Player of the Year.
Unarguably one of the best young female footballers in the world, The 20 year old who inspired Rivers Angel to win their first league victory since 2010 has now become the first African to join the FA Women’s Super League champions, Liverpool Ladies.

An excited Asisat declared, “I have always dreamt of being a professional footballer so to be able to join the reigning Women’s Super League champions is absolutely fantastic.

“Liverpool Ladies are a massive Club who have some fantastic players who I believe can help to develop my game to the next level. It was also a big incentive to be able to play in the Uefa Women’s Champions League which is a huge competition and one I’m confident we can do well in.”

Matt Beard said: “I’m absolutely thrilled to have signed Asisat as she is one of the World’s top young footballers. Asisat proved in the U20 World Cup what a top class talent she is and this signing is a big coup for us.

“The Women’s Super League continues to improve year after year so it is vital that we strengthen our squad following last season’s successful title defence. This signing is definitely one that the supporters can be extremely excited about.”

Opinion: The Buhari/Osinbajo ticket. | By: Seun Lawal

As a Nigerian, I have found myself amazed by the sheer hypocrisy of the Jonathan-led administration with regard to the particular aspect of directly impacting the lives of the citizens through poverty alleviation policies and combating the seemingly implacable scourge of corruption. Nigerians have had to settle to the fate imposed upon them by the sheer inadequacy unapologetically displayed by the administration.
It is no longer shocking to hear of the disappearance of billions of dollars from public funds supposedly held in trust by the government on behalf of the people. Government officials plunder the national treasury without any fear of consequences to advance an ostentatious and obscene lifestyle. Then the elections draw near and, suddenly, the President remembers to conquer corruption in four years using modern technology.
Technology is literally non-existent in the last six years of the present administration. It does not matter that the President has spent six years in office and the avant-garde discovery of technology as a very ingenious solution to the menace of corruption is to be placed in the same league as Columbus’ discovery of the Americas in the 14th Century. That is how creative and innovative the President is. He should undoubtedly take the credit for this unprecedented finding.
While the plundering goes on, the President looks the other way. He sees nothing morally wrong in granting State pardon to a convicted felon who was indicted for brazen acts of stealing of public funds and perpetration of other acts of corruption.
A Senatorial slot in the Federal Legislature is certainly a worthy reward for the commission of felonious activities. Mr. President (if we are to borrow his unconventional reference to himself in the third person) is comfortable with letting off the hook members of his cabinet who were alleged to have sustainably furthered brazen acts of corruption. Allison-Madueke and Stella Odua’s activities instantly come to mind.
To the President, it is crucial to clear his people’s ignorance by unilaterally redefining, without recourse to legal and moral persuasions, what constitutes corruption and stealing and drawing the line of distinction which curiously exists between the two crimes; only in the President’s lexicon, none of the acts is worthy of any penal sanctions.
Nigerians are just too ignorant to see it. After all, the fund Nwobodo was said to have stolen was significantly lower to the price of a Peugeot automobile. So, why should he be sent to jail at all? Why, indeed, must any person for that matter be sent to jail for corruption? That is how fertile the President’s mind is.
Nigerians still reel from the shock of the commando-style capture of the over 200 girls from their school in Chibok, and are yet even more jolted by the government’s unconcerned reaction to this tragedy of epic proportions. The subsequent indoctrination of these victims to carry out terrorist activities of their own is some sort of collateral damage which, frankly, does not come on the President’s list of priorities.
On an almost daily basis, we deal with the visual and mental throes of the savagely brutalized and slain bodies of our compatriots by reason of the lethal impact of the Boko Haram sect whose activities have claimed tens of thousands of innocent lives. Yet, the President is unmoved by the sufferings of the very people who gave him their mandate by voting for him in the 2011 elections.
Terrorism is a global phenomenon and Nigerians must have their fair share of the torture and curse of the plague. The agony becomes easy to bear once the victims remember the terror attacks in Rwanda, Syria, and Iraq. A quick listen to the President’s 2013 interview with CNN’s Amanpour contains the rudiments of this novel theory. That is how calculated the President’s mind works.
Starting from the President, this administration is made up of mostly coarse individuals—coarse not only in manners and method, but in their sensitivities. These are individuals for whom brute avarice was not a last resort but a first, for whom pure self-interest is the product, not of a distressed philosophy, but of undisguised greed.
These are people who have no business in national service because, effectively, they have diminished its principled and upstanding credibility by their very existence in government. They possess no real technical and intellectual qualities that can be exploited for governance; any little skill they have has been neutralized by a lack of any real conscience, an abject failure to understand the legitimate yearnings of the people.
So, where do we go from here? First, with the recent political activities in the country particularly by reason of the upcoming February 14Presidential elections, there is ample reason to believe that Nigerians have seen through the shenanigans of this administration. Those not in government are the most hit by the government’s ineptitude and they suffer most from its shabby economic policies that have done little or nothing in transforming their lives.
We are in the moment of truth. We are no longer playing Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Now, we are playing Truth or Consequences, the political reality of voting the right individuals into government and the repercussions of failing to do so.
And then, the Buhari/Osinbajo ticket comes in. The excitement in the polity by the emergence of these two right-minded, ethical, and incorruptible individuals as the sorely needed change-brokers is almost palpable. They have held themselves out as the paradigm of virtuosity and good governance.
They have created a distinct and focused political identity different from the ruling party’s. This is a huge political evolution for the country, and the size of the hugeness is very large. The electrifying significance of their candidacy has been caught on by those who believe that it is time for a fresh change, not the kind of unfulfilled change that was promised in 2011, the change that is yet to come after six years of untold economic and moral descent into the abyss of executive ignominy.
General Buhari and Professor Osinbajo, S.A.N., need no further validation. They are men tested and found worthy of the people’s mandate. They are top-drawer men. Buhari brooks no tolerance for indiscipline and acts of sleaze, a quality sorely missing in the present administration. Try as they may to smear his reputation, Buhari is the picture child of military professionalism, comportment, and authority.
His running mate, Professor Osinbajo is as smart as a whip, adaptable, levelheaded and the best intellectual marksman amongst his peers. He has demonstrated– whether as a teacher of Law, or as an advocate in the Courts of Law, or as the Attorney-General of the centre of commerce and excellence, or as a humanitarian and philanthropist, or as a Pastor, or as a one-man roving ambassador, or as a peacemaker—that his abilities live up to his reputation. I say this because I have firsthand knowledge of him.
Even the most-conspiracy minded skeptics have had to admit that here is a man of brilliant intellectuality and proven competence and integrity, a man with a near insatiable thirst for justice. Have not these traits shown through on the APC’s campaign trail? We have seen a man with passion, eloquence, a sense of urgency: articulating his visions for our country.
 In spite of his soft-spoken and courteous demeanour, the forceful nature of his leadership is easily recognizable. Buhari and Osinbajo are two individuals who can carry out some deep presidential-level policy reevaluation of Nigeria. They deserve a chance to show us what they can do.
As they are wont to do, the ruling party embarks on a campaign of calumny instead of focusing on the issues that directly affect every citizen. They throw in a lot of sludge hoping that some would stick. To them, the person who can manage the affairs of government is one who can summarily recite his mobile phone number.
There is absolutely no dramatic content and human interest slant to their position. Their protestations provide little reassurance to the masses of Nigerians who have suffered long enough under the burdens of a wicked government and who hope only to see a better day.
The electorates have now been able to distinguish between low-hanging fruit and poisoned bait because they can now discern the shallow quality of the present administration’s political glossary.
For the initially unconvinced, skepticism melted as examples of Buhari’s and Osinbajo’s examples of integrity, competence, and forthrightness multiplied.
We are standing at the shore of history. It is important that we confine the last six years of our experience as a nation to the scrap heap of history. The ruling party’s game is up. It is time to open a new page and start afresh. It is time to stem the tide of ineptitude and make a better life for ourselves and our children and our children’s children. 
 We are accustomed to suffering, but we are not reconciled to it. It is time to end the suffering altogether. Nigerians are a people who need to know that their leaders have physical courage, intestinal as well as intellectual fortitude to chart the sails of governance to the greatest good for all.
Jonathan is out of his depth. He is not on the same page with Nigerians because we are not reading the same book. There is no point pretending otherwise. It is clear for all to see.
Societal recriminations have followed almost every government policies of the last six years because those in leadership are devoid of self-insight. It is a government of movement without thought, of action without reflection.  It is only when this government is pushed out and replaced by the Buhari/Osinbajo administration that Nigerians can truly experience that lighter-than-fresh air feeling of political and economic freedom which has eluded them for an extended period of time.
Seun Lawal is a lawyer and a member of ActNow, a political action group affiliated to the APC.‎

"Ballon d'Or is between Messi and Ronaldo. Third contenders shouldn't hold any hope".

Franck Ribery’s opinion is spot on. No one can agree less. Enigmas, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are making it difficult for others to scoop the prize. But the forward claims it is more of politics. And that is corroborated by Bayern Munich goalkeeper‎, Manuel Neuer’s failure to clinch the award for 2014

“I was really upset, but it’s the same every year. I don’t know
what I have to do to win this award anymore‎. Even becoming a world champion is apparently not enough. What can you do? In 2006, Fabio Cannavaro, a defender and world champion, won the Ballon d’Or. In the last two or three years, Neuer has been the best goalkeeper in the world. He has won titles with Bayern.

The winger continued.”In Brazil, he was the best goalkeeper and became a world champion. Obviously that wasn’t enough either. I just don’t get it.

“If another Bayern player is nominated, we should consider
whether it’s even worth going [to the gala]. For what? A photo
maybe? No! “It’s all politics for me, it’s not right. Each player must know that if Ronaldo and Messi are there, the third nominated player shouldn’t hold any hope.”

Monalisa Chinda is stunning on the cover of Vanguard Allure.

‎Monalisa Chinda is stunning and she knows it. The delectable mother of one who recently unveiled her uterine fibroid project is the newest face on the cover of Vanguard Allure.
Tagged ‘ Monalisa: Living Her Dream’‎, the Philanthropist who is about launching her TV talk-show speaks on love, life, inspiration and why she does what she does.

Deloitte Money League unveils its list of world's richest football clubs

Deloitte’s Football Money League has unveiled its list of world’s richest football clubs. And Spanish giants, Real Madrid have retained the top spot for the 10th year running.
“It is with great anticipation that we wait to see what the new round of Premier League broadcast deals, expected to be agreed in 2015, will yield. With the market expectation that another significant increase will occur, it is likely that the money league will have a strongly English appearance in the coming years.” Deloitte spokesman said.
1) Real Madrid £459.5
2) Manchester United £433.2 
3) Bayern Munich £407.7
4) FC Barcelona £405.2 
5) Paris Saint-Germain £396.5
6) Manchester City £346.5 
7) Chelsea £324.4
8) Arsenal £300.5 
9) Liverpool £255.8
10) Juventus £233.6
11) Borussia Dortmund £218.7 
12) Milan £208.8 
13) Tottenham Hotspur £180.5 
14) Schalke 04 £178.9 
15) Atletico Madrid £142.1
16) Napoli £137.8
17) Internazionale £137.1
18) Galatasaray £135.4
19) Newcastle United £129.7 
20) Everton £120.5 

Footballer banned for using mobile phone during match

A Ukranian footballer, Volodymyr Kozlenko has been banned for using his mobile during a match. Has this dude been living in this planet at all?
Kozlenko, who plays for Energiya Nova Kakhova hid the device in his shorts and was filmed bringing it out and calling people at different intervals while playing against Premier Olimpik Donetsk during a recent friendly tournament.
Kozlenko according to a statement on The Kiev Region Football Federation website has been suspended and banned for the rest of the tournament. The referee, Oleksiy Drachov who officiated also got a ban for failing to discipline him. His assistants got suspensions.
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