
No regrets leaving banking for blogging – Laila Ijeoma

I’ld like use this medium to extend my warm wishes to this beautiful colleague, Laila Ijeoma of who is a year older today. God bless you real good. Below is her interview in Vanguard Newspapers.

 In a chat with Saturday Woman, she says she has no regrets a year after taking this huge leap of faith as she now has all the time to focus on her family and continue to grow her blog even bigger.

 Why did you dump your bank job for full-time blogging?

I started blogging as a joke in 2012; I wasn’t looking for money because I was already gainfully employed at that time. All I wanted was an outlet to share my life with Nigerians, inspire them with my stories. So I started a Facebook group called, ‘True love for my man’- that should be around 2010. That was the first social media account I used to gather people together and we chatted about love and heartbreak. My big dream had always been to have a top Nigerian talk show, so I later started a show on radio. I eventually had to put it on hold because it was so demanding. Being married, a mum to 3 boys, working at the bank, there was a lot to do in just 24 hours every day and the whole schedule nearly ‘killed’ me, so I had to drop the radio show. Along the line, I discovered blogging through a colleague at the bank where I worked; he owned a blog, after he introduced me to it that fateful day, I got hooked. I realized I could reach out to people through it with much less stress compared to a radio show. I told him I would love to have mine and he helped me set it up. I didn’t even take it serious then. But as I kept on sharing stories, and I read comments from my audience, I knew this was what I was born to do. I have always been a science student in school, I knew nothing about blogging, and I had zero celebrity friends, zero celebrity sources for my stories but I didn’t let that stop me.

How difficult was it juggling being a banker, blogger, wife and mother of three boys?

It was a crazy, hectic schedule! On a daily basis, I woke up 4am; go to bed sometimes 12 midnight. And the next day, I still have to go to work. No excuses. I was able to run my life like that for four years because I was purely fuelled by passion. I just love blogging, there’s this irreplaceable, beautiful joy it brings me. As with every new venture, the beginning is usually slow.

How long did it take for your traffic to skyrocket?

It took about 6 months after I made the first post on my blog for my traffic to start skyrocketing.

Did the traffic immediately translate to money for you?

No it didn’t. My traffic didn’t translate to so much money till 2014. That was the year this particular company contacted me and ran an advert with me that lasted for a full year and changed my life.

Would you say blogging is lucrative in Nigeria?

As long as you are a passionate blogger, as long as you are in blogging because you enjoy what you are doing, as long as your blog, its concept, its contents are original, not a rip off of another blogger’s website;  blogging is the best thing that can ever happen to you. The rewards will blow your mind! It’s already an open secret that blogging can make you a billionaire. You get lots of free stuff from brands too. People just call you up. They want to advertise on your website and they are handing out their products and services to you for free so you can review them and share with your readers. Then you have the best reward; you are recognised as a voice that can start a change. You are respected. People want to read what you have to say about a situation. Readers are so addicted to your blog that they wake up in the morning and can’t wait to read what is on Laila’s Blog today. As a blogger, you can comfortably work from home in your pyjamas.

So you prefer blogging to banking?

I did banking for 10 years in one of the best banks in Nigeria and I enjoyed it. But I wasn’t self-fulfilled, I wanted more. Again, I was already blogging for over 3 years alongside my day job. Truth is as time went on, it became harder running my blog, bank job, family and taking care of myself efficiently. I wanted to wake up in the morning to the joy of knowing that all I had to do for that day was write about the trending stories in Nigeria and not miss any story just because it happened while I was offline. I also wanted to spend more time with my very supportive husband and children every day.

How would you compare your income now to when you were a banker?

It has been tremendously rewarding, spiritually, family-wise, and financially. You know with a steady day job, you don’t have to worry about getting your paycheck at the end of the month. There are days I worry- what if I don’t make money this month? That was why before I quit my bank job, I made sure I saved up my salary and had at least 6 months’ salary set aside. I actually had a full year salary saved up before I made the leap and resigned. If you don’t plan properly, things can actually go wrong and your dreams won’t come out the way you planned them; you will fail and life will become miserable. I’m so glad I conquered my fears of what if something goes wrong and took the leap. My friends, family, parents thought I was crazy when I first mentioned it. But after they saw I wasn’t going to quit blogging and that I had prepared for the worst; they rallied round and supported my decision to leave banking. Having them behind me made me stronger and I left.

Any regrets so far?

None whatsoever; my income tripled. My kids wake up in the morning they see mummy. Mummy takes them to school, mum brings them back, mum tucks them into bed every night, mummy helps them with their school assignments, things I couldn’t do before. I love what I do now and it gives me so much joy. I just miss my former colleagues once in a while.

What are the challenges you face as a blogger, especially those peculiar to the Nigerian blogosphere?

My biggest challenge is internet network; there are times I wake up to blog and I discover my internet isn’t as fast as I need it to be. Sometimes, it’s entirely down so I can’t even blog. Second challenge is power; a laptop is to a blogger what the Bible is to a Pastor. Laptops can only work if they are charged. Because I am online at least 18 hours daily, I spend a lot on fuel for generators.

What stands you out from other bloggers?

You can be very sure that out of the over 50 stories you read on Laila’s blog in a day, at least 50% are our original stories. Again, we deliver stories as they are happening. You will read breaking news, trending stories first on Laila’s blog before they appear on other websites.

In your estimation, what’s the future of blogging in Nigeria in the next five years? With a computer today, anybody can build a global business from his/her bedroom, with a bit of creativity and sheer determination. Every day, we have over a hundred new bloggers coming online. Vlogging is now a huge thing! Five years from now, I see more younger people doing big things, conquering boundaries, becoming millionaires through blogging in Nigeria. I also see blogging in Nigeria becoming more professional. I am a registered member of this CAC registered bloggers’ association called The Guild of Professional Bloggers in Nigeria.

Aside blogging, any future plans?

I have this huge passion for taking care of orphans and vulnerable children, kids under the age of 18 years who are at high risk of lacking adequate care and protection. Right now I have 10 under my care, children my husband and I take care of. We have plans of taking that number up a notch.

Any tips for upcoming bloggers who look up to you?

One Mr. Mohammed Mustafa Ahmedzai once said ‘The easiest job on earth is starting a blog but the toughest job is maintaining it.” And this is simply because patience matters in blogging, and most upcoming bloggers don’t have that! Experienced bloggers will tell you that you should only start to think about making money from your blog at least after 6 months of blogging. But every day, I get emails from new bloggers with 1-2 month old blogs asking you how to apply for Adsense. These new bloggers apply for AdSense and most times, they are rejected and you see them quit blogging. From the day anybody starts blogging till the day he/she ends her blogging career, there are lots of problems you’ll face. Solving these problems and moving ahead is not easy as it sounds! And that’s another reason upcoming bloggers quit blogging easily. So my first tip for them will be to have patience. Without it, their eyes shall not see the billions blogging can drop in their bank accounts. If your main reason for blogging is money and you have no patience for earning it, then you’re not going to earn from blogging at all!

What’s your biggest wish in life?

I wish to make the world a better place by saving abused and vulnerable children and making sure their oppressors get severely punished for their wickedness


Opinion: The Mindless Worship of Gadgets | By: Tony Ogunlowo

Photo Credit: Zagaleti

We have a new addiction in our lives and it’s called the mindless worship of gadgets.

We can’t do without our gadgets and the main culprits are smartphones and tablets.

Our popular gadgets are simply inanimate electronic devices that are designed to serve a purpose. For instance the primary function of a cellphone, regardless of its make, is to make and receive calls. Anything else after this is secondary: but people tend to spend their every waking moment glued to them, switching from one app to another, texting, streaming videos and checking Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates. To them the outside world becomes a nonentity as they continue to worship, devoutly, the electronic device in their hands. Take away anybody’s smartphone and they’ll become suicidal!

And there’s the gadgets themselves: the pricier, apparently, the better. How many of us still worship the God of Apple? We can’t wait for the next iPhone, iPad, iWatch or i-whatever to hit the stores before we rush out to buy it, whether we need it or not: in turn we’ve turned our God, the Apple Corporation, into one of the richest companies on Earth.

Any gadget bought, today, is not worth what you pay for it. Being slaves to consumerism the big corporations prey on our insatiable appetite for more and sell us useless upgrades, often for more money. Can anyone tell me what is the main discerning difference between an iPhone 4 and iPhone 6? None really, just a few added features and you’re prepared to pay through the nose for it!

Whilst these devices are handy, a necessity in the 21st century, alarming new statistics suggest we are allowing them to take over lives.

Our physical community structure is breaking down as more and more people are shunning physical contact with others in favour of virtual online relationships: we date online, socialize online and talk to each other online. Apps are being developed almost on a daily basis to enslave us more to our smartphones; you don’t even need to go out on to the street and hail a taxi anymore – just uber-it!

The inherent danger we expose ourselves too is that these devices we entrust our lives to are not safe: they can easily be taken over by hackers with evil or criminal intent. What happens to you when a hacker takes over your Facebook, Twitter or bank accounts? You’ll be in trouble! With no back up or means to access your accounts you stand to lose a huge chunk of your life.

And there’s also the health risks: repetitive strain injury from endless pressing away with your fingers and eye strain from staring at the screen for too long. Psychologically you become more and more isolated from the community and the world around you as your entire life is conducted through the touchscreen of your smartphone.

People should learn to rely less on their electronic gadgets and use them primarily for what they were designed for. They are designed to complement our lives and not take them over. A cell phone is designed to receive and make calls and not to be stared at every five minutes checking for social media updates!

Tony blogs at

Neymar's PSG debut could be on hold again

Paris Saint-Germain’s new player won’t make his debut with the French league side again as Barcelona are yet to submit a transfer clearance to French football authorities.
French football governing body, LFP, said in a statement that they are yet to receive the International Transfer Certificate (CIT) from the Spanish football federation and will launch an official procedure with FIFA. “The Spanish federation of football has until Thursday night to send the CIT to the French Federation of football, who send it back to the French professional football league, and then Neymar can play with PSG this weekend.” 

 The £515,000-a-week Brazilian who missed Saturday’s Ligue 1 win over Amiens could also miss their clash with Guingamp on Sunday if the deadline is missed.

Nigerians come for Toke Makinwa following her views on Whatsapp calls.

Toke Makinwa has taken up a top spot in Twitter’s trend list again. She’s trending for her views on Whatsapp calls which was aired on her vlog.
Toke Makinwa reckons Whatsapp calls aren’t appropriate for personal relationships, adding that guys should make proper phone calls. She says Whatsapp calls should only be allowed if the guy is abroad (because of the different time-zones).
And as usual, Nigerians came out in droves to attack her and question her sense of reasoning. There was no holding back.
Check out the video that generated the hues.
Below is our top reactions.

Madrid beat Man United to win UEFA Super Cup

Reigning European champions, Real Madrid defeated Manchester United to win the UEFA Super Cup in the Macedonian capital Skopje today. The contest which is held by winners of the  Champions League and Europa League ended 2-1. Real Madrid’s Casemiro and Isco as well as Manchester United’s Romelu Lukaku  all got on the score sheets.
Zinedine Zidane has been in charge of Real Madrid for 19 months and has already won 6 trophies. He becomes the first person to win the UEFA Super Cup +2 times as a player and +2 times as a manager

Nigerian Professional Football League Launches Lottery with Highest Jackpot in Africa

AfroMillionsLotto; a brand new lotto with a minimum jackpot close to a billion naira is to be launched in support of the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) clubs by the League Management Company (LMC) in partnership with British-based Ofertas365.

The lotto, due to be live later this month, has jackpots larger than every lottery in Nigeria combined, and the biggest available anywhere in Africa!
All 20 NPFL clubs are to be branded with their own page on the lottos website where people can buy tickets online for the twice-weekly draws, as well as enjoy a range of Instant Win games offering big-money prizes.
The benefit for the clubs is that each will receive a percentage of the revenue raised from their lottery site to increase income to fund player development, supporting stadium and pitch improvements as well as community-based projects.

LMC Chairman, Shehu Dikko described AfroMillionsLotto as one of the most exciting commercial developments in club football in Nigeria in recent times and suggested that it would positively impact football financing extensively.
Dikko said, “The LMC bought into this partnership because of its realistic potential to revolutionize our clubs’ commercial operations, thanks to the money lotto will bring in. Lotto has proven to be extremely successful with English Premier League clubs and we hope to replicate its success here in Nigeria.”
In his own comments, James Leppard, CEO of Ofertas365, said “We are delighted to work with Africa’s largest and most prestigious football league in launching AfroMillionsLotto, which will offer players, whether they are football fans or not, the ability to win truly life-changing jackpots.”

Movie Review: Banana Island Ghost | By: Jerry Chiemeke

Genre:  Comedy
Year of Release: 2017
Cast: Chigul, Patrick Diabuah, Bimbo Manuel, Damilola Adegbite, Saheed Balogun, Ali Nuhu, Tina Mba
Director: BB Sasore

Image result for banana island ghost

“Banana Island Ghost” is about a young man named Patrick (Diabuah) who dies, but is scared to step into Heaven because he does not have a soulmate. He is given three days by God (Bimbo Manuel) to find a lady and get her to love him. Patrick has the luxury of being unseen or unheard by anyone except the lady he chooses, and he requests for a lady who lives in Banana Island. He ends up waking next to Ijeoma (Chigul), a plus-size lady who is about to lose her father’s house unless she can raise 18 million naira in three days. She takes to combining her 9-5 with a gig as a mascot and pilfering of gadgets, amidst the looming purchase of the house by a certain Mr. King (Nuhu) and her self-esteem issues.

One lovely thing about the movie is the choice of music put to use. Viewers would have their ears treated to Bez’s “Over You”, the lovely Ruby Gyang’s “Kale Ni”, Ill Bliss’ “Bank Alert”, amongst others. If this movie were to have an O. S. T, I would definitely go on to buy it.

The movie also scores high in mischief value. In Banana Island Ghost, we see Patrick, the male lead, use his ghostly nature to his advantage, from freely changing his wardrobe at The Palms, spiking the drink of Ijeoma’s cheating boyfriend with laxatives, scaring a lady by “scooping her Coldstone mid-air”, and spraying fire extinguisher on the hair of Ijeoma’s mean colleagues. He also assists Ijeoma in giving the impression that her car is A. I – operated at a charity event.

ALSO READ: Isoken Movie Review

However, that’s all there is to this movie. From her acting, it is clear that Chigul is better off with her comedy skits. She has no place in feature films, with her forced and mechanical acting, and her tendency to change accents with every other scene. Her attempts at humour were pretty much 50-50, and this performance is anything but memorable.

Bimbo Manuel may not exactly be a Morgan Freeman, but he pulled off his omniscient character, even indulging in some mischief as he blurred Adegbite’s full nakedness from Patrick’s view. The same cannot be said for Saheed Balogun and Ali Nuhu; both darlings in their respective indigenous movie circles, the two actors did next to nothing here, and were a waste of screen time. It would be laughable to add this movie to their videographies, if you ask me.

Much is made about Nollywood’s improved cinematography, but a number of scenes left much to be desired. The bus scene where Patrick flings a passenger’s phone out of the window as a ghost culminates in the most artificial bus scuffle I have ever seen, and in the scene where Ijeoma sings at a charity event, there is just something plastic about the guests in attendance.

The script falls short too. At the end, Ijeoma has the chance to win 20 million naira by participating in a poker tournament…organised by the very man who wants to buy her father’s house! How cliché can we get? The part involving the policemen is dragged on for too long as well, to the point that the humour wears off and the jokes becomes annoying. The point of self-realization on Ijeoma’s part, and Patrick finally being able to love, is a bit cheesy too.

Banana Island Ghost is a movie that cinema lovers are not advised to go for with high hopes. It has its good points, but it is ultimately another disappointing “boutique” movie. I want a refund of the money for my ticket, and the ticket purchased for my date.

Rating: 5/10

Jerry Chiemeke is a lawyer and freelance writer who lives in Lagos. An amateur photographer and sports enthusiast as well, Jerry’s works have appeared on Blanck Digital, Elsieisy,, The Kalahari Review and Brittle Paper. He is the author of ‘The Colours In These Leaves’. Get the book Here 

You can follow him on Twitter @J_Chiemeke, and also check out his craft on his blog at

You Can't Beat Her, You Can't Rape Her | By: Wole Aguda

For lack of time, I have been unable to soak in all the stories out there on rape incidents. The accounts are inhuman, indecent and grossly against the lowest of known morals. I find the stories wrenching my moral self and sincerely call for coordinated action that advances the protection of children and minors from the dastardly misnomer that such actions are. Even for young ladies or the mature, rape remains an aberration unworthy of any form of negotiated interpretation outside evil, and one deserving of the condemnation of sane humanity.

Sex has been a problem for humanity and I often wonder why God just didn’t let us enjoy orgasms after good meals. The motions are overly dramatic and for a business man like myself, daunting. How men wantonly discard their dignity to force sex is a subject that I will remain puzzled about. What is it about sex really? A man who commands an entire organization wiggles and shakes, sometimes begging like a beguiled soul for a 20 minute rendezvous with a girl within his daughter’s age. Because I am a competitive person, I’d rather go through the hard work of winning the assurance and approval of a lady than force her. In my case I don’t even have time for shakara, I am a fast mover. You’re not game for friendship, I’m not game for Okpax. But rape?? Hell No! Rape is corruption, just a worse one. If I could pass the National Common Entrance examinations why can I not woo a lady to the point of consent? I have been in difficult business circumstances and came out breezing so why not masculine dexterity that wins the admiration of a female to the point of consent? I guess the guys do not know it is serious business to get a sound lady. Na project!

That said, I would quickly point out again that we must go back to the archives to leverage some understanding that scholars have shared about the perpetrators and the course of recovery for the victims. Governments should at least pretend to be academic about this to find psychological and social reprieve for victims while attending to the possible mental recession that rapists suffer. We should own a public service that creates an avenue for open discussions about the subject. Even if separated by gender, women who have been abused should have an anonymous grouping that encourages them to publicly share their experiences. People get to know about rape cases over time and so the “social stigma” concern that drives victims to mental isolation becomes unnecessary thereafter.

This closing is for brothers out there. Ladies hold the patent for the most uncanny provocations, that me, I can tell but you have no rights whatsoever to beat a woman. No you do not. You have no rights to lift a finger against any woman whom you begged a family for. It is an abuse that is socially unacceptable and even though I will not cut my friendship with you, I will practically almost have no respect for you. People whom I have no respect for become invisible. In same vein should nobody force a lady to have sex with him. If you cannot force sales that can make you a star salesman or marketer or an Innovator, you’re a major wash. If she says no, let her go. I can tell you that the world will not end at that moment or even much after. Dust yourself up like someone who failed JAMB, and try again!

"I've conquered everything but i need challenges" Read Neymar's farewell message to Barcelona.

Neymar’s move to French side, Paris Saint Germain is done and dusted and the world has moved on.
The 25 year-old Brazilian forward who has now become the world’s most expensive player after completing a 222 million euro move to Paris Saint-Germain has posted a farewell video message to Barcelona on his social media pages.  His message below:
“A Sportsman’s life is moving for challenges. Some are taxes, others are the fruit of our decisions to maintain the light that illuminates our career, which is intense but short.
Barcelona has been more than a challenge, it has been my dream as a child. He played with those cracks in the video game. I arrived at catalunya at age 21, full of challenges. I remember my first days at the club, sharing the costumes with idols like Messi, valdés, Xavi, Iniesta, puyol, and others with the expectation of playing in a club that is “more than a club”. the FC Barcelona It’s a nation representing Catalonia!
“I had the honor to act with the greatest athlete I’ve ever seen in my life and I’m sure I won’t see another better, Leo Messi became my partner, friend inside and out of play. Proud to play with you. I love you!
“I formed an attack with Messi and Luis Suarez that has been left for the story. I’ve conquered everything a sportsman can conquer. I’ve lived unforgettable moments! I live in a city that’s more than a city, it’s a country. I love Barcelona and catalonia.
“But a sportsman (me) needs challenges.
“And for the second time in my life, I’m going to be opposing my dad.
Dad, I understand and respect your opinion, but my decision is made, I ask you to support me as you always have.
“Barcelona and catalonia will always be in my heart but I need new challenges.
“I have accepted the PSG-Paris Saint-Germain proposal to search for new conquests and help the club achieve the titles that the hobby awaits. I have been presented with a bold career plan and I look ready for this challenge.
“I appreciate the love of the wonderful hobby blaugrana and everything I’ve learned with the athletes I’ve shared costumes with.
“I also feel in my heart that the time has come to leave. The PSG will be my new home for the next few years and I will work to honor the trust they deposit in my football. I count a lot with everyone’s support. Amateurs who have been with me since 2009, of my friends, of the professionals who accompany me and my family, who have suffered a lot from problems that have occurred in this period of my career and which today deserve peace.
“It’s a difficult decision, but taken with the maturity of my 25 years.
FC Barcelona, thanks for everything!
PSG, I’m coming!
May God bless us and protect us!”

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