
Photo: Buhari meets the man who walked from Lagos to Abuja to celebrate his victory

President Elect, General Muhammadu Buhari yesterday met Suleiman Hashimu, the man who walked from Lagos to Abuja to celebrate his victory.
The one-time President said, “I heard so many stories that you wore out about half a dozen pair of shoes. But I also understand that there were people who were quite generous to help you to pay for more pairs of shoes, thank you very much indeed.”
An indigene of Katsina, Hashim while answering questions from Journalists said the journey to fulfil the promise he made to God 2 years ago. “I passed through Kwara State, Niger State to Abuja. I trekked from 6:00am to 6:00pm. I started by six anywhere I found myself and by 6:00pm, I passed the night there. I spent 18 days.
“I found myself in the bush once and had to trek till 9:00pm to a nearby village. I am based in Ibadan. I started my journey from Berger in Lagos.”
“I made this promise between me and my God; I don’t want people to believe me. Believe me or not that is why I did not leave any evidence on ground.”
He presented a gift to Buhari and took photographs.

8 reasons why Nigerian churches are leading Christians to hell | By: Etcetera

Singer turned writer, Etcetera has in his latest article enumerated 8 reasons why Nigerian churches are leading Christians to hell.

1. There is almost no evidence whatsoever that the early church had their “services” on a Sunday. They gathered together ‘from house to house’ virtually every day! People did not dress up and “go to church.” There were no denominations or separate groups with different ‘labels.’ They lived their lives together – And the apostles in Jerusalem preached everyday at a huge open-air gathering, not “hidden away” inside four walls.

Church buildings do not exist in the Bible. They were invented around 200-300 AD, when the church was in serious decline. Church buildings are anti-New Testament, and they bring with them a host of problems and traditions. It was when the church fell into the hands of Rome that this concept of the “cathedral” took over. And today, we are still spending millions building these beautiful monuments while the worshippers are starving.

2. The words “prosper” or ‘prosperity’ were NEVER used by Jesus at all – and only mentioned a few times in the entire New Testament. Yet our greedy pastors have built kingdoms upon them. The words – “sell what you have and give to the poor” and “deceitfulness of riches” and “you cannot serve God and mammon” and “woe to you that are rich” were DEFINITELY used by Jesus and the apostles, but you don’t hear them preached by your pastors, do you?

3. Tithing is not a New Testament practice at all. And it is being shamefully abused by today’s preachers. In the Old Testament, tithing was only applicable to Jews and to the land of Israel and that was at a time when a great number of them lived in Babylon, Ammon, Moab, Egypt and Syria. As a result of that, the land they occupied became tithe-able lands.
Tithes were not acceptable from Gentiles’ lands. So my brothers and sisters, you need to ask your pastor why he is collecting tithes here in Nigeria. Also, the only people authorised to receive tithes were the Levites – (Hebrews 7:5). If your pastor is collecting tithe from you, ask him if he’s from the tribe of Levi. Even Jesus who was a Jew couldn’t collect tithes because he wasn’t from the tribe of Levi but from that of Judah. And if your pastor insists that being a worker in the lord’s vineyard qualifies him as a Levite, please remind him that Levites had no land and did not own properties.

4. The Jesus of today’s church is a “Father Christmas,” a Jesus who exists mainly for our own “happiness;” a Father Christmas who wants to rain down continual blessings upon us; a Jesus of grace and mercy without judgement, righteousness or truth. Our gross misrepresentation of who Jesus really is, is one of the most serious offences of today’s church. We worship a “plastic” Jesus – one that we have painted in our own image. What an offence to God.
5. What we have today are churches that are so loose that they excuse any sin or misconduct, including homosexuality and adultery. Aren’t we supposed to accept only the truth of God’s word? But instead, we have opted for a modern church that is socially based, smooth and sophisticated, and presented like a Nollywood movie with men and women of ogboni fraternity dressed in their occultic regalia occupying special seats during services. Something is wrong!
6. What happened to the strong calls for repentance that brought thousands down to the altar to repent and ask Jesus Christ to save their souls? This is the litmus test for Christianity; it is the essence of the Cross; it is the great commission that Jesus commanded us with. If your church is not winning souls, then it is like a barren woman, and it is a shame. Something is wrong!
7. What happened to the outpouring of the Holy Ghost? Do we even know what it means anymore to feel the presence of the Spirit of God descend on a service and fill up the room with holiness? Or we just love that party atmosphere and excitement when the choir plays a boogie-down song? Or we love to scream “ride on pastor” in the excitement we get when some charismatic preacher works the crowd? It’s been so long we’ve felt the presence of the Holy Spirit that we don’t know what it is anymore. Something is definitely wrong!
8. Lots of pastors are aware that there is something very wrong with the church today. They know there is little ‘fear of the Lord.’ They know there is no deep repentance or deep moving of the Holy Spirit.

They know that it is just the same old “game” being played every week. A lot of them are very aware of this, but they will not do anything about it. They will not rock the boat. And they will destroy anyone who comes along trying to do something. They do not want any reforms. There is too much to lose. They have their careers and their “kingdoms” at stake. This is the truth of the matter. Most of you are worshippers of your pastors and not God. Many of you are hell bound. So pray my brothers and sisters. Pray for your souls. Let me stop here and leave room for you to call me names. But do remember that the church is leading you to hell – not me!

Nigeria: A Government That Hits The Ground Running

No sooner than Gen Muhammadu Buhari emerged President-elect of Nigeria was he also selected as one of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. The magazine recognizes that people’s expectations of Buhari are high in keeping with “… the historic conditions of the election”.
Those historic conditions ushered in a significant landslide for the All Progressives Congress party (APC) with victories at the Federal Government, a clear majority in the Senate and lower house of assembly as well as a significant win in the most important state in the country – Lagos.
Those expectations will mostly be gauged directly from the quality of people who will be in this government. Up for grabs are powerful positions in Ministries and parastatals where the country needs progressive and definitive action in areas like Power, Education and Agriculture to mention just a few.

To achieve any significant progress, this Government must hit the ground running, and behind the scenes, Buhari and the Vice President-elect Yemi Osinbajo are already vetting people who need to surround them in the process.

 But Buhari has also been managing the extent of these expectations, emphasizing that 16 years of mismanagement will not be undone by a sleight of hand. People must be patient with steady incrementalism.
Throughout this, they also maintain that the APC remains committed to executing its signature programmes – huge policy and social initiatives that cannot be hijacked. The incoming regime has made it clear that tokenism will not solve the major problems that ail the country.

Chief among these programmes include plans to curb poverty by creating jobs and setting up social welfare schemes that cater to the poorest Nigerians.

One of these schemes is a Conditional Cash Transfer that pays N5000 – N7500 monthly to 25 Million of the poorest Nigerians over the next four years as long as they send their children to school and get them immunized.
Another provides free meals to children in primary schools nationwide while there are plans to stimulate the Agricultural sector and institute a National Health Insurance Scheme that provides healthcare cover for poor people for just N500-N1000 yearly contribution.

Judging by the bold and massive nature of these initiatives, for many Nigerians – May 29, the date for the formal handover of Government cannot come quick enough.
Source: APC

Wenger angry after being asked if Mourinho is a tactical genius.

Arsenal Wenger and Jose Mourinho will renew their rivalry this weekend when Arsenal hosts Chelsea at the Emirates. 
In his 12 clashes with The Blues, the frenchman has lost seven matches and drawn 5. He however hopes to end the special one’s unbeaten record against his team on Sunday.
The Arsenal manager ‎was really angry after he was asked in a press conference ahead of the star match whether he thinks Mourinho is a tactical genius.
I don’t know’ over and over again, until the question stopped existing.’‎ He replied.

The Poverty of Peter Obi’s Politics | By: Benjamin Okonkwo

It was Professor Chukwuma Soludo, the renowned economist, who made the point that Mr Peter Obi circulated poverty in his eight year reign as Governor of Anambra State. While Mr Obi’s media aide took to name – calling in response, the former CBN Governor backed up his submission with poverty index figures from the National Office of Statistics.  

It is becoming glaring to even ordinary people of Anambra State that Obi’s development efforts were defined by deficit of standards and quality. In projects and staff remuneration, the former Governor displayed an addiction for the cheapest categories even as he tirelessly propounded theories of wealth creation. 
Mr Obi saw no contradiction in paying workers survival wages while he supposedly saved billions of naira for the State. Although the regime boasts of building over 800 kilometres of roads but in reality these are of very poor quality and are gradually being reconstructed by his successor whereas the roads built earlier by Senator Chris Ngige are still intact. 
But it is not only in economic management that we encounter the poverty of Peter Obi’s vision. The severe limitation of his politics is finally proving to be a cul de sac.   
Former Governor of old Anambra State, Jim Nwobodo, at a press conference sometime in 1981 read out from a document he claimed to be the product of a research by the rival NPN into the party’s shallow presence in the State despite the big names paraded as members. 
The report questioned the commitment of these members of the party and went ahead to describe them as ‘Ekwueme – in town- politicians.’ It was said of these members of the party that they hardly attended party meetings nor lent hands to building the party in any tangible way and were only to be seen asserting their presence only when the Vice President was visiting the State! This political thought, if it can be called that, has useful relevance in the discussion of Peter Obi’s politics.
Notwithstanding the fortune fate placed on him to play a leading role in Nigerian politics, Obi could not rise beyond incidental politics in the twelve years of his membership of APGA.  Where is the programme of emancipation for the people of the south – east that Obi championed? Where is the plan Obi put up for alliances with other parts of the country? 
What vision had Obi for uniting the people of the south – east behind a common cause? What agenda for national dialogue did Obi ever set? Did his leadership style permit consultation and consensus with the critical constituencies?
Had Obi the prerequisite leadership qualities, they would have shown even before his assuming office. The circumstances which the denial of his mandate in the 2003 election threw up were such that would have produced a great opposition leader.  There was abundant goodwill to be tapped from the outcry against the daylight rigging of the state’s governorship election. The crude and egoistic display of power by the PDP cabal was resented by Ndi Anambra who would have readily embraced an organized advocacy to demonstrate their contempt for these wreckers of society. 
No one fitted the bill better than Obi to assume the role of an opposition leader, aggregating public opinion and proffering superior alternatives to the gyrations of the resulting government. As it turned out, Mr Obi filed his petition and for the most part went on with his trading.
Not unexpectedly, the eight years of his governorship had no underlining political or economic transformational objectives. In the absence of a defining mission, Mr Obi resorted to a policy of ‘my relationship with the President.’ Thus, one of his first acts was to ingratiate himself to President Obasanjo. It was with consternation that many watched Governor Obi courting the friendship of the same Obasanjo under whose superintendence, the state had been destabilized and her people traumatized. 
To underscore the extent of his involvement with Obasanjo, when the impeachment axe dangled over Obi, it was to the sly civilian dictator that Obi ran to for survival strategies rather than to his party leadership. It was only when the same authority that provided the impeachment legislators with police protection advised Obi to lock up the assembly complex that Obi counted his teeth with his tongue, as we say in Igbo.
The raw experience in Obasanjo’s hands notwithstanding, Obi continued with the personal relations with the President policy when the late Umaru Yaradua became President. It was on account of this unusual closeness to Presidents who were of the PDP that analysts at this time began to project that it was only a matter of time before Obi defected to PDP. 
The obsession was such that even when the late President had been incapacitated by sickness and well meaning Nigerians harped on the need for the Vice President to become acting President, Mr Obi opposed this line of action. Contrary to the demand of overriding national interest, Obi proposed that the ailing President should be let alone to be in office and yet inactive; arguing that there had been examples of state leaders with prolonged illness.
The same man who was so enamoured of Yar’adua’s presidency quickly moved to cozy up to Jonathan once the latter ascended the throne. Obi’s choreographed collaboration with Jonathan is very much fresh in our minds that there is no need boring the reader with the details. But while a Governor Obi maintained a fawning relationship with each PDP occupant of the Villa, what was his attitude to the gestures of his constituents and the fortunes of the party that brought him to power?       
For reasons best known to him, Mr Obi largely shielded himself from the people he was supposed to be preoccupied with matters of their wellbeing. Perplexed by the perceived aloofness of his state Governor, Mr Okey Ndibe later described him as ‘self absorbed.’ Obi was wont to ignore cheers from the masses, obviously regarding them as intrusive and hardly went out to engage with the people except when forced by circumstance. 
Shortly after taking office in March 2006 he jolted a group of APGA supporters he used to call incessantly to carry out services for him  that they should not be seen hanging around Government House; that he would send for them whenever he had need for them!
It has been suggested that the reason Mr Obi created a distance between him and the people was to ward off requests for monetary and other forms of assistance. Some others say the behavior goes beyond that, reasoning that the nearly three months it took Obi to constitute his cabinet was a strong indication of someone who would have run Government with just a few aides if he had his way.
This view gains significant substantiation in Mr Obi’s awful distrust of people whenever the subject was money.  The trader – turned politician had developed the uncharitable mindset of doubting that other people could be trusted with judicious use of money. And since only he could be trusted with honest and prudent expenditure, he had to oversee everything resulting in the snail speed for which his administration became notorious. 
Government machinery was in some cases crippled by this pathological aversion for collectivism. The Awka Capital Development Authority would not be constituted and inaugurated lest public fund enters private pocket. It was much for the same reason that local government council elections were not conducted until he ran out of excuses and public pressure forced his hands.
As for APGA, Peter Obi could not be bothered about its state except at the approach of elections. Even at that, the fate of APGA outside Anambra State was out of the question. Mr Obi would neither shore up other state chapters of the party nor leave Anambra to campaign for APGA candidates – for fear of hurting his PDP governor friends.  At such election periods, it was a different, humble and friendly Obi who had time for APGA officials in Anambra State and ordinary folks. 
Subsequently, the people learnt to exact as much as they could from him at election season before he became incommunicado once more.
Given that Mr Obi has no stomach for opposition politics; and has more or less become addicted to Presidential Villa politics, what will he do now that a Pharaoh who did not know Joseph is at the doorstep? 
With his recent trip to South Africa to check on his business investments, Mr Obi may have begun his retirement leave from politics.       
Okonkwo, a community leader, wrote from Agulu, Anaocha Local Govt of Anambra State.

Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde takes ONE campaign to South Africa

Come 27th April, 2015, leading Nigerian actress, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde and other celebrities will be headlining a new campaign geared at promoting women empowerment.
An initiative of ONE organization, the campaign which was launched on Thursday 16 April in Abuja and tagged “Poverty is Sexist” was conceived to support the ‘Africa Union Year of Women Empowerment’.
Omotola will feature in a campaign song that will be performed by top African female singers like Omawumi (Nigeria), Judith Sephuma (South Africa) and Victoria Kimani (Kenya). The song will be co-produced by Cobhams Asuquo and Masterkraft.
The song will be used to promote the campaign across the world, and will be officially launched in Nigeria, Mozambique, and South Africa, during the World Economic Forum for Africa and the African Union Summit.
The campaign has a petition which calls on African leaders to fast-track the fight against poverty, by investing more in women and girls, and ensuring that resources put to the service of women and girls are transparently and accountably used.

Between Tonto Dikeh and her personal shopper

An aggrieved businesswoman and a personal shopper to actress, Tonto Dikeh has called her out on instagram for refusing to pay for the items she ordered for. Simply identified as @Pumpberry on the photo-sharing site, the lady also claimed she gave her a bounced cheque.

The lady’s post on Instagram below:

Dear @tontolet,thank you for pushing me beyond my comfort zone. I trusted you as a celebrity and gave you a Givenchy luggage bag and handbag with you promising you will pay,you couldn’t afford the original so you asked for the replica, You ordered March 8th it was delivered March 20th and u had to pay that day but.its been over one month and it’s been story after story,you ignore my messages and calls,you claim you assistant was going to pay me, I called Peter and he said the check you gave him of the 8th bounced on the 10th.

Dear Tontoh I am a young girl 23yrs old trying to run a business,I am embarrassed and I am upset at myself that I trusted you as a 

public figure to pay me back,now I ask you my money you block me on Instagram?Who does that?when I read the tiannah story I thought it was a lie but I am still amazed at the fact that you have stooped so low and blocking me when you owe me.  

You will pay me by fire by force,you will not bully me,I have lost respect for you as a woman and as a human.i will make sure everyone knows who you really are so you don’t go dupe another young girl, thank God I didn’t give you the authentic bags if not where will I be? God sees all the devil we do and it will come back to you x10000.repay my money.lets not forget the moschoni dress shirt and you just called to threaten me?that weed you are smoking is really making you delusional. 

You are a sorry excuse of a celebrity when real celebrities and actresses call themselves please remove you name from the list. keep threatening my life I have all text messages to backup.fake wannabe celebrity you couldn’t even afford authentic designer Gucci bags you chose fake givenchy like all your other fake bags,you don’t even know authentic designer things.

Tonto’s response.

I Am not really the type to keep messages but am glad I did in this particular case..A young lady claims I owe her, as a celebrity,people think it is easy to scare us with the press but am sorry not this time . After stalking my life through social media and text messages,I succumbed to ordering some items from this young lady in a way to support her business,she was truthful that she sold out the originals and convinced me by sending messages of her previous deal with Omotola n few others (messages which i still have but wld respect evry1s privacy n not post but I told her i didn’t want to since i wldnt carry them but she convinced me and since it was my younger friend’s birthday I took pity I asked for the items*

When I saw these things they were so fake*I asked her to come back and take the items severally as it has been with my house manager,we have never tried to pay her and We never gave her no cheque. Am fake and broke?
Pls pls lady take a pic of the 
suppose cheque and pls post it up here and I swear I will give you a million naria in cash. I know she might be pretty upset by the rejection and I will forgive u BUT Am sorry I wouldn’t Pay/buy nothing from u and I promise no celebrity will buy either… None of the message she posted online is on my phone….OK back to something better,THANKS. ‎

The ‘two fighters’ then posted the chats between them. ‎


Boko Haram rebrands, releases new pictures

Following their pledge of alliance to the Islamic State of Irag and Syria, deadly Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram has re-named itself Wilayat al Sudan al Gharbi, which is translated in English as the ‘West African Province’ of the Islamic State.
The group also released new images of its fighters but their leader Shekau is missing. This news is coming few days after the Nigerian military claimed the insurgents have run out of ammunition and are now using bow and arrows.

Short Story: The Other Side Of Cool | By: Damore Ali

My alarm shrills. It is 6:00am and it’s a Saturday. Time for my early morning work- out. I make my naked self out of the bed to the mirror standing graciously beside my wardrobe.
‘Good morning Cara’, I say focusing more on the full mounds that graciously adorn my chest than on anything else. Yes, that has got to be the most beautiful part of my body, the one I love most and I have a name for her too. 
Not even my face that holds the biggest pair of sleepy light brown eyes, small pointed nose and full grown lips can beat it. In one swift distracting movement, I change into my sweatpant and a spaghetti top, grab my phones and debit cards and tuck my earpiece in both ears to the gentle assault of ‘Indie Arie’s Brown skin’ and a couple of my other favourites.
In another hour or so, I am at the Major Store to pick out a couple of weekend needs. I am oblivious to the people staring down at me like sex starved maniacs. Attendants, male, standing on their toes to be at my service. 
Ah! I just smile them away. I pick out 3 packets of Pringles, 1 American Chocolate Cookies, a box of Eclairs with honey chocolate centre, wine, tampons, and errrm… Yes, one more packet of chocolate cookies. 
Bimpe, my younger sister promised she’d be visiting and I won’t have her zap my fridge to nothingness.
Satisfied, although very certain there’s one more thing I’m missing out, I bound off to the cashiers’. 
There are two people before me on the queue. One woman with a kid, and a man whose fragile frame promises he’s no less than 80. 
I busy myself with my Blackberry phone as I set my basket of purchase down. It seems they will take a minute or two. There’s Bimpe’s chat yapping on about how delighted she is to finally come check my new house. 
I smile and reply her with a ‘don’t get any ideas to ransack my very existence’ smiley. The closest I could get to it was the ‘eyelashes’. She loves to shop off my belongings, a very annoying yet lovable thing. 
She replies with a laugh and we chat on about other things. There’s a couple more chats but I scroll to Zaras’, a colleague and ‘well-um-friend’. She says there’s a small birthday party at hers’ on Sunday. I am surprised. 
Is it her birthday tomorrow? Oh my! What kind of friend doesn’t remember a friends’ birthday- a ‘well-um-type’ my subconscious replies with a smirk on her face. Whatever mhan! I turn to make out of the queue to get her a birthday gift when I distractedly bump into this long standing being, my most prized asset, Cara, assuaging his belly.
Yes. He’s long alright, I think to myself again. I tilt my head to smile an apology into his face. He is gorgeous and his face is shmuck stuck in my breasts. 
He probably won’t get over that bump in another two days. My smile widens. I appraise him in a nanosecond. I am sure girls would whimper at his manly sight, talk less of his boring stare that it stirs him when I say ‘I am sorry’ totally unruffled by his charm. 
Without awaiting his reply, I bound off to the perfume section where I pick out ‘Flower by Kenzo’ for the hopeless romantic and hopes she likes it.
(To be Continued) ‎
Photo Credit: 
Damore Ali is a poet, short story writer and blogger. She has been published on several online forums including Naija ‎Stories. She is an accountant by training and a lover of good music. Damore also goes by the name Dr. 2103. She blogs at
Are you a writer? Interested in sharing your short stories on this
platform? Be our guest on our Short Story Fridays segment.

Food delivery wherever you are? Think Hello Food!

The new wave of online food ordering business has continued to gain ‎momentum. Thanks to the internet and technological devices; notably ‎smartphones, tablets/PCs.

I learnt about the online food ordering business few years ago from a friend. She wanted to quit her job and needed my help with publicity to start the business which was relatively new then. Candidly, the idea sounded very strange and unfeasible to me. The picture became clear to me last year.

Ordering food online and having it delivered to you in the fastest time possible is such a huge deal to most especially working class people who deal with a plethora of customers or work everyday and find it difficult to move a muscle out of the office to fill their stomachs. Even at home, there are times you’ll be so busy with chores that you won’t even remember the kitchen.

A journalist who has few hours to meet the deadline to submit his cover story for the week will be more interested in dotting the ‘i’s and crossing the ‘t’s than going out to eat. Especially when he is just settling down to work. He is hungry and won’t mind sending anybody to get him food but unfortunately no one is available so he has to endure.
How about taking few minutes to browse through the website of an online food delivery company, choosing the menu you want, placing an order for food and having it delivered to you under or in an hour? That sounds magical, in actual fact it is.

It isn’t only fast and convenient, it will also make you skip the hassle of going out in the scorching sun to get food or waiting for the rain to stop. You get the comfort of ordering for whatever food you want and even tracking your order. 

I remember saying “Wow” repeatedly after I checked Hellofood Initially I thought it was just a new restaurant who just got itself a website. Alas! I was wrong. hellofood is simply a delivery service that gives you access to over 200 popular and top-flight restaurants or food outlets in major Nigerian cities such as AbujaPort Harcourt and our very own Lagos.

More interesting is that the site has a large section of menu items/ wide range of cuisines to choose from. You patronise X ice cream parlor because their yoghurt and ice cream are second to none and then you can’t think of buying Pepper chicken in any other place asides L restaurant because theirs are the best in town. So what happens when Restaurants X and L are listed on hellofood? Amazing right?

You can crave for a Chinese meal in the morning, burger and sandwiches for lunch, shawarma, pizza and a bowl of ice cream in the evening or for dinner and get ALL delivered to you at once via hello

Downloading their app here on your device also makes it easy.

So stuck in traffic, on a break, returning from a journey and too tired to cook, giving a friend a surprise birthday cake, simply place the order quickly and easily on the site and have them delivered to you at the speed of light.
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