
Short Story: The Other Side Of Cool (Cont'd) | By: Damore Ali

 (The Other Side Of Cool short story series which kicked off few weeks back was divided into three parts. The story will be concluded today. Missed the two parts? Read them here. Part 1 and Part 2

I gave my youth away to Martins. An OAP at Galaxy FM. I was an ardent radio listener and participant at the time. I still am, only I have grown and I have learnt. I had called in severally on his program and Gosh! He had a lovely voice. All of them do, anyway. 
Almost all, my mind corrects stoically. After one of such programs, he calls me on his private line, my face flushes with youthful pride. We start chatting often, and calling each other and soon he starts to visit at school. 

Only at night, awkwardly so. He would claim the day always caught him up in a whirl of events and nights were the only time he had to chill out before his program. I was glad he at least made time for me. And from fond feathery touches on my face and lips, to caressing Cara every minute he could, to forehead kisses, and cheek kisses, and eventually mouthful-tongueful kisses. I let him have me, brand new as I was. And I was good, damn, I was. Unknown to me, there was that other side of me that needed only a nudge to bloom.
We went on for months. We’d make love almost every night before his program and I would blush each time his voice came through on the radio at the thought that I knew that big sweet voice more than other listeners and its many other shades that came through only when we were making love. I was sure we were happy and that whatever it was we shared would last long. It wasn’t a proper relationship where one person expected certain things from the other. 

It was random yet so well put together. He never said he loved me, but I adored him, and on one of those nights when through his husky voice he told me I had etched an unforgettable mark in his life, I knew somehow he felt something for me too. But it was all so sudden when he disappeared. Yes, disappeared. No trace was left of him. It was sad. Mind-breaking-soul-ripping-ego-smashing kind of sad. And it took a year or so to get over him. So that now when I meet the likes of him that want to get too close to Melody, Martha or Cara, I make them fall hard and then pull away. No strings attached, no commitments. And I almost always succeed.
The next day, he is talking Love at first sights on Souls. I smile to myself. He is surely good at what he does. Giving nothing away with his voice that filters through the radio. Thinking about it now, maybe everything he discusses on the show has some bearing to his everyday life. Just maybe.
Two days later, I receive a call from him. He wants to hook up. He surely got my number from Zara, how dare she? He wants a see-you-like-right-now date, and although I am craving some good company like his, who does he think he is to just barge in on my privacy like that? 

‘I am a little busy with a couple of things at the moment. Weekend would be great. I can always make a minute.’ I respond coolly. Ah! Did I just hear his heart break so loud? His voice dropped. He says I really did inspire his week and he is needing more inspiration so he thought he could drop by at mine since it isn’t so far a distance. What? He knows my house too? Ah! Damn Zara! Really damn Zara! ‘You’ll be fine.’ I promise like a fairy princess. After fixing a date for the weekend, I call Zara to warn her to never try that again in her life. 

I really do not appreciate unexpected calls on a Wednesday evening from some gorgeous man who’s a constant reminder of a past I’ll love so much to put to rest.
The weekend date is a mini road trip, characteristically delightful. He picks me at mine and we drive through Dominos and Coldstone to get a 10 inch pepperoni Pizza, and two big cups of German chocolaté- chocolate ice cream, pecans, coconut, brownie and caramel- yum yum! He is on the steering so I have to feed him. Eew! My subconscious smirks. I forgive her audacity.
We make a few stops every now and then. Somehow at some point he dares to kiss me. The taste of chocolate and caramel melting on his tongue is exquisite. My breath stops. The ambience is delightful and his eyes warm with feelings. My stone cold heart seems to be failing. Melody is working up on me. She is the gentle, calm one, remember? Where is Martha when I need her now?! But I can handle this, Melody protests. Damn right you can! 

She doubts the sound of that even. It’s easier to deal with the other kinds- the ones that are fine, but not particularly gorgeous, and the ones that are gorgeous but are too nice-guy to feel comfortable in their own skin- but his type? Lawd! He affects your whole being- mind, body and soul- a typical Christian Grey? Or Bill Fraser? I muse a little as I try to place him between E L James’ and Sidney Sheldons’ characters. Gorgeous men, those ones!
I dare to spend more time with him, and indulge myself as much as he indulges himself. It’s fun. Watching someone you’ve crushed on for so long unravel before you with each passing day, melting in the glory of what you do to him, ah! Fun is an understatement even. It’s two months running, this friendship thing, and it’s almost tempting to just let it play out as time wills it to. I never ask him about his relationship life, he never asks about mine and we are fine with it. If he is not getting into my body, I really am fine with it too.
He is surprised at my kind however, he lets out one day, he is surprised that I am different from every other girl he has come across. He is surprised that I am not floored by his personality -oh, he’s got a lot of that and ‘m floored, I just won’t feed his manly ego-, he is amazed that he is more affected by me than I am by him. He finally reveals how badly he wants me. 

I smile and I don’t know when I start to spill ‘Of course you want me, everyone does. Everyone wants a perfect size 8, with enough bust and butt to grab on to and hold, and then they penetrate your being and tell you you’re pure amazing and make you feel things only naïve people feel and then they balk out of your life like an eclipse! But ‘m done being wanted like that. Whoever wants the body, wants the heart with it too…’ 

His face is white with a where is all that coming from stare. Good, point well served! He apologises to have made me feel that way and just as quickly, he spares me a disarming smile, and I forget what I am mad about. Let me remind you again, he’s fifty shades of gorgeous.
Some days after, we have a Sunday lunch date at mine. I make Poundo Yam and Efo riro. I love to cook, especially for people… More like special someone’s my subconsious teases. I am wearing a long sleeveless top on a leggings. Nothing too curvy and showy. He is wearing a pair of jean, shirt and black jacket. He is sexy in anything. I feel my face heat up suddenly. Is it him, or it’s the kitchen? I welcome him with a hug and a smile. He takes in my apartment as I would take in the sight of a freshly baked chocolate cookie. I blush. It’s a small apartment but the touch of Melody and Martha gives it all so much appeal. 

After meal, we pack up together to the kitchen where I set to wash the plates. That’s when he comes to me from behind. He kisses my neck. I quiver under his warmth. He wants me.
‘Am I crazy to want you like this?’ He murmurs, his breath raspy. I want him too. I turn to face him. We kiss, long fierce passionate kisses. His hand rummages through my body. I stroke him through his jean, slow and steady. He whimpers. He pulls me up on the pantry and pushes into me. Cloth after cloth we peel off. In another thirty minutes, we had made love on the kitchen floor. Plates long forgotten in the sink, unwashed… In my mind’s mind of course. What happened to the Steven Harvy’s ninety day rule? Melody asks jabbing me back to reality. If he breathes on me one more time, I won’t be able to help it. Melody steps in for me.
‘I think it is time to go Sola’. I didn’t have to muster anything up. Courage and good cover is me right now. If it is not the way my body is quaking under his glowering stare, my voice will never give out a clue. He lets out a sharp exasperated breath.

‘Why are you torturing me like this Folorunsho?’ He stares at me, truly pained.‎

‘I am too old to play games Sola. If you want us to stay friends, we’ll stay friends. If you want us to kiss, we’ll kiss, hell friends do that all the time. But this side of me, you’ll have with some commitment.’
He is flushed. I salute Melody quickly in my head. I never knew she could stand up for me like that! He leaves after about a minute of thorough soul searching to no avail. I am not sure if he’ll come back but then it’s safer when they go leaving you as they met you, or better.. But not worse, with the best part of your life in their hands. Steven Harvy must be so proud of us right now, I reckon in my head! I am truly too old to play the I don’t know what we have game. 

It is either friendship, or a relationship. No in-betweens. Some Sunday night this one is as I find it pretty hard to sleep. My body needs him but I am sure we’ll get over it.
The next day, he is talking I love you just because… On Souls. And when one of his listeners after making her contribution asks what he’d say to complete that sentence to a loved one, he muses and responds ‘I love you just because. No more. No less.’ And then he plays Michael Buble’s you are always on my mind for her. How sweet, I muse. I am smiling unconsciously. And a part of me is wishing, hoping dearly that I am her. His loving feels good. And it is not just the untamed electricfying current that charges between us when we are a breath apart, it’s much more. 

Maybe you are her, Melody acquiesces. And maybe you’re not, Martha steps in. Ha! This bitchy one is back, I retort offensively. And just then, his call comes through. My heart stops. Should I pick it?
‘Hey’ my hand acts before my thought forms completely. Damn my nerves!

‘Oh hi. Is this the call operator to tell me my credit is exhausted? But I recharged for 3k earlier today and…’ God! He is such a peacock. He won’t let me breathe because I picked the call at the first ring.

‘Just shut up already.’ I blush.‎
He does his confident-in-my-skin laugh. ‘I am sorry about yesterday. I wasn’t thinking.’
My hearts stops again. ‘It’s okay.’ I respond. But it isn’t. Why is he sorry? Why wouldn’t he just take a step further and act like a man rather than a teenage boy who understandably cannot handle commitments and responsibilities.
Omg. Did he really just imply we stick to the ‘friends forever zone’? Now my heart just broke. Would he never take it past that? What is he scared of? ‘Sure’ I respond almost coolly.‎
‘But I really do like you Gosh!’
I smile. ‘I am sure you can deal with it.’
He wheezes.‎

‘Do you have a girlfriend?’ I dare to ask, against every nerve of my being. There is a lull or is it just in my head?‎
‘Errm. I thought you’ll never ask.’ He pauses for effect.
‘I have now. So?’

Omg again.
‘…See, it’s not what you think okay? It’s… It’s… I don’t know! I was here, with my girl on this side of the world and all, and then you came along at the store that day. It wasn’t your body I fell for. Damn, you’re fine and yes it attracted me to you, but then I got to hang out with you and the things you’d say and do damn right swooned me. I never, never thought it would get to this, and I never meant to let it come to this… And, and then again, you seemed fine with whatever we had, and it just made me feel comfortable… I…’
What’s all this about? Martha and Melody ask in unison, both looking thoroughly pissed.
‘It’s a yes or a no question mhan.’ I am sure my voice is rather harsh but I don’t care. He’ll be damned if it is what I think it is. A wife.‎
‘Engaged.’ He finally responds with a sigh.‎
Bubbles! And he had the guts to go down on me like that yesterday and tell me that bullshit story of how I swept him off his balls? For the first time in a long while, my face is wet. Omg, I am crying. And it feels like 2007 again in the four walls of my hostel room in Moremi hall where I am mourning the loss of Martins and all the beautiful things I thought I had.

‘Goodnight Sola Williams. I have to get to work in good time.’‎
‘Fo–‘ he is calling my name but I disconnect the call before he says something stupid that’ll really tear down my walls.
And it seems like everytime I fall in love with someone and it looks like they are loving me too, something rears its head and they’d rather pick it over me. Is it me? Or just my body? Or is it the way love is? That feeling hurts. It feels like the other side of cool, and I don’t ever want to feel it again! I plug in my earpiece to the timely rendition of Jennifer Hudson’s ‘I ain’t going nowhere’ and as more tears slip out my eyes, I am wishing I have her tenacity to fight against all odds when it comes to the things I love.
The End‎

Damore Ali is a poet, short story writer and blogger. She has been published on several online forums including Naija ‎Stories. She is an accountant by training and a lover of good music. Damore also goes by the name Dr. 2103. She blogs at

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Actress Moji Olaiya mourns late brother.

Actress, Moji Olaiya is grieving over the death of her brother, Alfred Abidemi Olaiya who died on Monday at the age of 38. 
The movie star who is also the daughter of high life maestro, Victor Olaita mourned her brother on instagram.
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I will miss you until we meet again. I will miss you dear brother Abide mi Olaiya R.I.P.’ The 40 year-old wrote‎

Lady trekking for President Goodluck Jonathan makes a u-turn

One of the two people who  recently devoted their time and energy to trek from Abuja to Otuoke in Bayelsa State ‎to honour President Goodluck Jonathan has cut her trip short.
According to the lady who’s simply identified as Gloria, her mum has been crying and (probably) been worried about her safety. She arrived Lokoja today and would be going back to Abuja tomorrow morning.

She tweeted, “I’ve decided to stop my mission here in Lokoja. My parents r vry worried n mumsy been crying.I wish to honour her wit dis even tho it hurts.

Also want to use dis medium to tank @OladeleNihi for giving me the opportunity for carryout this mission with him. Will be praying for him.‎
I also want to tank u all who believed in me n supported me on this journey. I love u all real hard! Plus all my nw frnd in Lokoja today.‎
Will be returning to Abuja first tin tomorrow morning! Hope y’all will come n receive me.?‎
‎ I love Nigeria! I love GEJ #trek4GEJ hope I will find another way to honour him.‎”

Meet the 9 year-old boy who makes $1.3 million annually from reviews.

It’s more like a family business but 9 year-old Evans does the major work. He and his dad rake in  $1.3 million (£853,354) annually from reviewing toys on their YouTube channel;  EvanTubeHD.
The channel was initially set up in 2011 as an avenue for fun. They then took it serious after views kept increasing. Right now, the channel boasts of 1.4 million subscribers and incredible 1.2 billion page views.
They post about three videos a week; Evan reviews the toys (which can be Angry Birds to Sparkling Ice Castle) while Jared his father does the filming, editing and posting.

He said in a recent interview, ‘When we first started the channel, we had no intention of making a cent from our videos. We didn’t even know it was possible.’

But, after Evan’s reviews started getting thousands of hits, Jared started to get a little more curious about that ‘monetise’ button available to YouTube content creators.
‘Lo and behold, money started showing up in our AdSense account. Granted, it wasn’t much—maybe a few dollars a day. But I thought if I took this small stream of income and put it into a mutual fund, by the time the kids were ready to go to college, there would be a nice chunk there to assist with rising costs of education.’

The 9 year-old even makes money from appearing in ads and making guest appearances on TV. His father noted that ‘One of the biggest attributing factors is Evan’s ability to connect with viewers. They see him as their friend and somebody they can relate to.’
The patriarch said,“never in my wildest dreams did I think one of them would be making a living creating videos while doing fun things with my family. This is definitely one dream job that is going to be hard to top.”
Source: UK Metro 

Amaka Igwe's daughter urges Dangote to invest in Nigerian local leagues.

Ruby Igwe, one of the children of the late Nollywood icon, Amaka Igwe has urged Nigerian billionaire, Aliko Dangote to invest in Nigerian local leagues. 
This is coming few days after the business tycoon indi‎cated his interest in buying the top Premier League football club, Arsenal even after being rebuffed by its owners in 2010.

Her Facebook post below:

“Dear Mr. Dangote. Of course you should buy the Gunners. It’s ‎a sound investment to invest in football, I think ‎financially. And ‎of course in terms of reputation, having a stake in a club is ‎epic. And of course you have the cash. That’s indisputable.

However, I have two propositions for you. Please buy ‎Manchester United instead. Just because. If you don’t want to, ‎that’s fine. But if you have change, after the Gunners, invest in ‎the football in Nigeria. 
I can assure you that it’s not only in the ‎UEFA Champions League, or the English Premier League, or La
Liga, or Bundesliga, that you will find good soccer. What these
leagues have in common is solid financial backing, and solid
They have created an internationally celebrated, culturally ‎appreciated, economically viable system. As such, I find solace ‎in my red Man Utd shirt. I watch David de Gea’s saves in awe, ‎and I want very much to go to Old Trafford. 
I feast on the ‎history and the statistics that I find about George Best and Alex ‎Ferguson and David Beckham, and I can’t count how many ‎times Manchester United has broken my heart. I digress. 
If you ‎invest in the football in Nigeria, maybe people will feel the way ‎they feel about Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester City and ‎Manchester United; about Enyimba. Maybe my mates will make ‎good money playing for Nigeria’s local and national teams.
Maybe watching football and sports live in Lagos and Lafia will
become a favourite past time.
Maybe we will know more Nigerian players by name and not ‎because of what non-national club they play for. 
Maybe there ‎won’t be that much traffic every time in Lagos because the s‎tadiums will be packed full. Maybe the clothing and ‎manufacturing industries will be revived by making jerseys and
other memorabilia. 
Maybe students can find modes of
expression and survival in sports in general, instead of trying to
conform to what they are not. So Sir. Please do Nigeria a ‎favour and invest in the infrastructure of our football. Invest in ‎change. 
Don’t just donate, in case it becomes pocket-oriented. ‎Don’t make a local investment. Go hard. Go national. Consult ‎people, including football fanatics, and layout a battle plan.
Invest in our football and follow your investment until you see ‎the sizeable returns that can and will actualize. Invest in ‎generations to come. Nigeria will thank you.‎

These people are also trekking for President Jonathan.

What a man or two men can do for General Buhari, two people may also do better. Oladele John Nihi and Gloria have also embarked on a trip to honour their hero; President Goodluck Jonathan.
Not sure they are lovebirds ’cause the lady just joined him. The pair have started trekking from Abuja to Otuoke, Bayelsa State, the hometown of the President. 

Once Upon A Time In Nigeria

‎Once Upon A Time In Nigeria, travelling to New York from Lagos via Nigeria Airways was N17, 430. Now it costs 10 times of that amount, even more depending on the airline.
Present that same amount at any airline ticketing office for the same destination, you will certainly be walked/bundled out.
God help our nation..

Opinion: On Committees: This Goat Must Earn That Yam| By: Pius Adesanmi

It was not really President Jonathan’s fault in the beginning. He inherited a structure, a mental attitude of congenital national laziness which reduced the essence of the Nigerian state to food that he must distribute to
sustain a mad system of patronage and prebends. 
In fact, credit must be given to President Jonathan for dealing a
deadly blow to our elitist and alienating national metaphor of food. Whereas the elitist owners of Nigeria before him had gone into the ajebutter registers of Western culinary and consumption culture to define our national essence as a national cake – cake is elitist; that is what oyinbo people have for dessert – President Jonathan opted for an ajepako approach to issues by ditching the metaphor of the national cake and replacing it with the more people-friendly metaphor of goats and yams.

There is a logic to President Jonathan’s populism that Nigerians do not understand. The Americans agree that they are about the American dream; the Japanese agree that they are about work ethic and technological advancement; the Germans agree that they about efficiency; the French agree that impossible is not French; the Chinese agree that they are about mass invention and production of anything. Every nation agrees that she is about something; that she is about a transcendental ideal.

In Nigeria, we agree that we are about food; that we are food. The way President Jonathan sees it, if we are about food, why should we be about an elitist Oyinbo food that can be accessed by only those with Maitama, Lekki, and Ikoyi backgrounds?

Why not make our food essence something that tuale baba area boys in Okokomaiko, kpale boys in Warri, creek boys in Bayelsa, Tokyo’s boys in Ibadan motor parks, and almajiris in Kano could relate to? This explains why the President went for the metaphor of goats and yams to define us. 
Whereas the national cake was the exclusive preserve of privileged Nigerians with exclusive and posh
home addresses and backgrounds, national yams were more people-friendly. With national yams as our operating metaphor, you could now come from Warri or Moniya in Ibadan, speak horrible English but check into a Presidential suite at Transcorp Hilton, and spend weeks therein, receiving guests as one of the President’s men.

You were enjoying your own share of the national yam. President Jonathan killed our ajebutter national cake and replaced it with an ajepako national yam. By expanding and making our national essence as food more accessible, he created serious problems for himself. 
So long as we were a national cake, access was limited, high-class, and genteel. Those gorging on that national cake did so listening to Beethoven and Mozart and speaking in affected, exaggerated British and American accents.

Suddenly, you changed the menu from cake to yam and opened up access to folks who listen to Obesere and Pasuma and watch Mr. Ibu dancing sekem sekem while drinking Sapele water. What do you imagine would happen?

Suddenly, there were too many goats than there were yams. President Jonathan faced a crisis. Goats and goats and goats everywhere and the poor fellow didn’t have enough yams to go around. 
He found a solution in committees. He found a committee for every goat who came around asking for its share of the national yam. The more committees he created to share the yams, the more goats came around knocking on his door.

At first I thought I could perform a civic duty by keeping a roaster of the committees that the man was creating like a wildfire in the harmattan. By the end of his first year in office, I gave up. 
Not even a supercomputer could have kept up with President Jonathan’s pace of committee creation. He set up a committee to look into the immediate, intermediate, and remote causes of everything.

Because those committees were mostly set up to find yams for the alarmingly increasing number of goats disturbing the president for their share of things, he forgot about them as soon as he gave them their mobilisation yams.
Thus, hundreds of committees have pretty much been left to their own devices since 2011. Many are still running on public yams.

Many have asked me what I think President Buhari should do with the hundreds of committees he will inherit from President Jonathan. We don’t even know how many committees there are because the man is still hiring and firing people, left, right, and centre.
 He is still making key appointments. Who knows how many committees he is still setting up to define the immediate, intermediate, and remote functions of every new appointment he is now making?

So, here is what President Buhari must do. Do not be in a hurry to ask President Jonathan to take the committees with him to Otuoke. Many of those committees actually
have solid terms of reference. What is wrong with them is not the task they were assigned to do. It is the motivation, their raison d’etre , which is so faulty. 
They exist only to pass on yams to the goats serving on such committees. What we must now do is to make the goats actually work for the yams they have been gorging on since 2011. We must identify which committees have been constituted since 2011 and which goats have been eating yams on such committees without doing a single hour of work for the Nigerian people. 
They cannot just be dissolved and asked to go after eating yams and doing nothing for four years. They owe Nigeria hundreds of hours of work and we must collect on it.

To President Buhari, I say this therefore: do not dissolve these committees, especially those with pertinent terms of reference. Those who have been serving on those committees and collecting money without working since 2011 must now be made to work for free until they have delivered on their terms of reference.
 Let them stay in Abuja at their own expense and do the work for which they have been paid by the Nigerian people. Since we have no way of making these goats vomit the yams, let them kuku work for and earn the yams they have already eaten.

And please, President Buhari, do not set up a committee to identify the goats that must be made to earn yams already eaten. There should be relevant staff in a relevant Ministry who could undertake this task as part of their regular job.


"I will not say what I think of Messi" Pep Guardiola

Bayern Munich coach, Pep Guardiola was visibly pained yesterday after  Barcelona’s Lionel Messi caused a stir in the Champions League  match against Bayern last night by scoring two goals and setting up the third for teammate, Neymar.

He praised his team and insisted his men controlled the game well but lost their grip after the visitors’ first goal. He also commended the Blaugrana’s team efforts but did not acknowledge the brilliance of the man of the match.

” I will not say what I think of Messi. They are not just Leo, Barca are a very good team . They were very solid , in defence and attack . They have great players , Neymar , Luis Suarez . We tried to control the game so that Messi would not participate so much . We were 15 minutes away from a very good
result . ‎”

Bayern would need 4goals to knock their opponents out of the race. The Spaniard ‎who coached the spanish team for over 3 years doubts that his team will turn things around when they meet for the second leg.

“You can turn around a one or two-goal deficit, but three is tough.”‎ He added.

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