Photos: Real Madrid unveil new kit for 2015/2016 season
Between Bukky Wright and her son, Ojayy.
The undiluted comedy/drama you get on twitter at times. So this mild 2-cast drama staged few days back was between Nollywood actress, Bukky Wright and her first son, Gbenga.
Gbenga popularly called Ojayy is an upcoming musician. After his graduation from an American school last year, Ojayy decided to focus on his music career and one of the steps he took was signing a management deal with his mum’s record label, Wright Media International.
And you know as a budding artiste, breaking into the Nigerian music industry will be his top priority. Ojayy had been trying to release his new single, ‘Hello’ for sometime now but was told to put it on hold for reasons best known to the company.
Probably pressurised by his teeming fans, he took the bull by the horn and released the song online (this happened few days ago). He’s even shot the video of the song in Texas. Hours after, his infuriated mother asked him to pull it down because it had not been approved.
An angry Ojayy instantly took to Twitter to vent his frustration. “People will disappoint you sometimes, even the ones closest to you. #take note” He wrote.
And trust Bukky Wright to fire back. “Things have to be done properly. My Opinions made me who I am today! Business is Business.”
Business is Business. #Okbye. Lemme goan do more aproko!
A Must Read For Every Woman: An Admirable Virtue of Dame Patience Jonathan | By: Florence Ozor
Our society and social environment is rich in lessons and counsels all around, only if we probe to learn. I however, shall be drawing lessons from a rather unusual place. One may wonder what virtue there is to learn from Dame Patience Jonathan; what admirable character to emulate in her given what we know of her?
Personally, I don’t endorse most of her public conduct in that exalted position, yet I see something we all must learn from her. I hold no brief for Her Excellency, I can write a long piece on the “How Not to be a First Lady”, that’s easy. Rather, I’d like to state for the record that I do strongly believe that if Destiny exalts you to a high position it is absolutely your responsibility to do everything you can to live up to a considerable amount of expectation of that position; you owe Destiny that much.
Dame Patience is the wife of Dr Goodluck Jonathan former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A woman from a not so privileged background, who with a not so solid an education rose to become by far the most famous First Lady we have ever had in our history…though for reasons not completely charitable. Not one to miss an opportunity to speak, most of her speech is laden of prime time comedy while the rest may be at best shooting for some “analogue” solutions to “digital” problems. Yet she possesses the most admirable and crudest form of confidence I have seen in years.
‘Confidence’ by my definition, in this context is that unflinching belief in one’s ability to succeed; not being held back by flaws, inadequacies or past mistakes; not succumbing to failure. The personality of Dame Patience is one that keeps going; completely blanking out the mockery of her errors and forging ahead from one appearance to the next.
No First Lady has been mocked more than she has in our history but she is out the next minute as though nothing ever happened moments ago. No other First Lady has been more grammatically challenged (most have been less vocal which may be slightly difficult to say) yet she speaks on, completely oblivious of her ‘handicap’. Nothing stops her from expressing her opinion, definitely not the English language! Dame Patience is the vintage example of how to take mockery in your stride.
The reality in our world these days is that most lack it, particularly in girls. Many have a form of “confidence” built on a sandy foundation which quickly gets eroded by the slightest wind of criticism. Girls and women are particularly affected because society by design has streamlined the conduct, behaviour and expectations of the girl child.
As adults how many times have we stopped the pursuit of our dreams because people talked us down or laughed at us? How many times have self-doubt, mistakes and others’ opinions made us retreat from life, while we mourn our ‘failure’? Daily we fail to proceed on the journey of destiny, daily we live less than our best because we take the perception of others about us to heart, however justified or even unjustified.
Daily we seek validation from people, we require motivational talks and constant assurances from peers, pastors, parents and friends. Sometimes we even lack the confidence to take genuine compliments; we downplay it or explain them away. We second guess ourselves so much and too often we let opportunities pass us by.
Truth is, we get less than the battering Dame Patience gets yet we stay away, shut down and require counselling for days, weeks and months on end to face life again. A little ridicule of our style, posture, grammar, diction and even the content of what we say, and we crash out of existence not to be seen nor heard of while life moves on leaving us behind. We afterwards mourn our dwindling confidence; wallowing in self-pity.
If most women had a good level of confidence we would have had more women in top positions of government, business and society. We would have had more women daily breaking the glass ceilings and setting defined trails for others, but we allow our self-doubt to make us accept mediocre attainments than we are truly capable of and that right there is a tragedy of Destiny.
We fail to ask and demand for what we think is due us, we come up with a billion excuses why we should not ask in spite of our competence because we are unsure. By the way, Confidence is right on the same level as Competence. Your skills are important; very true, but think — everybody has skills. How many are successful and outstanding? Confidence exalts your Competence.
The lack of it affects our ability to imagine and dream beautiful dreams. The mind lacking in Confidence shuts the imagination process down by springing up the doubts we have accepted over time. The first part of success is imagination. Confidence translates imagination to action and action become results. But even when we do dream, we lack the confidence to take the plunge. Our inaction births broken dreams and broken dreams birth depression. How then can you think it is too much to acquire confidence?
Stop apologising for how great you are or can be. Stop down playing you! Stop it!! It is not humility, it is timidity done in complete ignorance of the vision of your Maker. No one feels sorry for a high-speed sports car for going at such high speed, that’s what it is meant for!
In the midst of our well-deserved success we keep feeling guilty like we are fraudsters, as though someone could “find out” that we are impostors and ridicule us. We feel undeserving. We, by such thoughts pull the brakes on our momentum. Self-doubt is the greatest hindrance to fulfilling worthy goals.
We generally feel confident when we have met the pass mark, when we are “perfect”, but are very unforgiving of ourselves when we miss the mark. Be less harsh in the appraisal and judgement of yourself. Attaining perfection is unrealistic and failure to achieve this results in more self-doubt, which births a dangerous lack of confidence. Strive for excellence, this is realistic and attainable. It’s okay to make mistakes, but get up, correct them and move on. It is completely okay to fail. Quite frankly I have failed too many times, yet it is not an endorsement to take exclusive ownership of failure.
People who judge you by your failures rather than by your character have themselves established failure in their actions. More so, who amongst us have the legitimacy to judge? Basing actions/inactions on the illegitimate judgement of others (and ourselves) is folly. This though, is not carte blanche to flaunt your flaws or to not heed to edifying corrections. By all means improve on yourself and keep improving. But first, believe the best about you. Motivate yourself. Talk to yourself. Engaging in self pep talk is not an hint of insanity, this I can assure you. The gospel is that confidence can be acquired and improved on. This will be covered in my next piece.
With the coverage of the life of Dame Patience it is obvious Nigerians can praise and mock you with the same frequency. This trait is not exclusive to us but to humans everywhere. This is the reason therefore why you must consciously work and maintain a healthy dose of self-confidence. Love her or hate her, this one true trait we should all learn from Dame Patience — Crude Confidence. So when next you have self-doubt, or are feeling sorry for yourself and are completely let down, remember Dame Patience Goodluck Jonathan.
Remember that your “failures” and gaffes are yet to be used as memes, display pictures, videos, music, campaign and dance jingles, t-shirts, as lines for opening mischievous conversations, exclamations, etc. Remember, that your “failure” is yet to trend on Twitter and other social media platforms. Yet to trend in the international and local media.
Yet to be the highlight of comedy shows. Your “failures” are largely unknown and insignificant as compared. She’s had it worse than you yet she braved it every single time.
Follow Florence C. Ozor on twitter
Marital Crisis: In defence of Toke Makinwa's hubby, Maje Ayida
Article not written by me. By now, we must have heard about the marital crisis that has rocked the home of top On Air Personality and vlogger, Toke Makinwa and fitness expert hubby, Maje Ayida.
Twitter went into overdrive yesterday after news that Maje cheated on her (and actually impregnated the lady) seeped into space. You have no idea of the number of insults that have been hurled at Toke’s allegedly philandering hubby. Anyways, a writer simply identified as Chinwe thinks we need to hear Maje’s side of the story. Over to her.
“As you read these words, I’m dodging any potential six-inch pencil heeled shoe or rotten tomatoes [or even cellphones] that may be thrown my way.
We are too quick to throw stones at the husband once an atrocity such as infidelity is committed which I would too, but in the case of Toke Makinwa and Maje Ayida, it is rather queer and can’t be equated.
We had been constantly lied to about this relationship from the get go. Once upon a time, Toke said she was done with the relationship despite having spent twelve years together.
However, according to the cheating reports making the rounds, 8 out of the 12 years- Maje equally spent with the soon-to-be baby mama.
Safe to say during their ‘offs’ he got himself another girl and then maybe during his ‘off’ with the girl, he spent time with Toke or maybe one of them came begging for forgiveness as the case may be.
What if he was really in love with the side chick per se? There is absolutely nothing different about this situation because it occurs on a daily basis but the reason why this is a huge deal is because the person-slash-victim in question has painted on social media, a fairytale picture of her marriage, even without being asked.
It all happened in a blur anyway.
One minute Toke is announcing she has been engaged and was talking about an impending wedding and the next she is mouthing away about how much she isn’t going back to Maje after their last major breakup and all of a sudden viola! she got married at a registry to Maje despite having said it was impromptu and yet, her specially-made wedding dress fit perfectly.
The designer of the dress would unknowingly goof by blurting out on television that Toke called her 3 days before the wedding, to contract her to make the outfit.
So imagine Maje being caught up in all of it. Living the lie and having to go along with every charade.
Could it be possible that he had to lead a lie and had no choice but to go along on with it?
The grapevine, although unconfirmed, said he “broke up briefly” with the other woman to get married to Toke. If affirmative, perhaps he knew fully well what he was going into; a business partnership with Toke Makinwa that helps put his business and name out there. But then, maybe he got too deep into it and got too little out of it.
She got the deals, the fame, the popularity, the pending endorsements from makeup companies- which she dearly begs for, the TV shows, the radio shows, the events, the hosting and what have yous’.
He probably gave himself an alibi- that she was busy, traveling cross country for work, her other job which is making appearances on Instagram was also eating up time they should be spending together.
At some point, he may have told himself that the big house they live in, looks like it was gotten for him alone.
And then he starts to believe that Toke may just be better off without him. And what does he have? A fitness gig and a column in the national dailies to show for it.
With so much free time on his hands away from the wifey, he goes out to seek the one person willing to give him as much attention as he feels he deserves- his ex or if that is what you wanna call it.
And why not, he may have thought. He probably didn’t want all this. The fame and publicity, all of which he practically got dragged into. Maybe he wanted a quiet life with a hair stylist who doubles as a lawyer. Was he reaching too high with Toke? Maybe, maybe not.
Now the result is allegedly a baby.
We won’t really know who’s to blame, what sides to take, until we see proof that all of this is even true.
But one thing is certain, the affair seemed questionable and somewhat orchestrated from inception, hence it was only a matter of time before the skeletons come trooping out.
Who knows, this may be Maje’s defense…
Who knows, these may just be utter bollocks…
Now, i’ll quietly continue dodging those six-inched heel shoes, cell phones and yeah, rotten tomatoes.
Psquare denies reports that they've abandoned church.
Paul ‘Psquare’ Okoye has rubbished a report claiming they’ve stopped going to church because worshippers pay too much attention on them instead of God. The award-winning singing duo was quoted thus.
“Each time we attend, other worshippers would not listen to the Pastor’s sermon again. All eyes will just be on us. Instead of praying, some people will even decide to be starring at us. We were not comfortable with that and thought we were distracting a lot of people from serving their God, so we said to ourselves that we should stop going. All men are equal before God, so we don’t encourage people to abandon their primary purpose of being in church because of us,”
Paul has described the news as false.
“Pls all psquare fans, friends and well wishers….pls ignore all this news about psquare not going to church,….we never said anything like that and never had any interview or what so ever…,this world is full of wicked people…..yes it’s a free world people can say anything,about our private lifes, families and stuff, but if it has to do with God and church… re on ur own….the Thunder that will fire you is doing press up……tomorrow is Sunday, happy Sunday!! See u guys in church 1uv and God bless u all”
I’ll tag this one of the hottest reactions ever. Thunder ke!
You won't believe what Gerard Pique did to the Champions League final net.
To those who saw the Champions League final match between Barcelona and Juventus that took place in Berlin last Saturday, after the game, I’m sure you didn’t miss the part Barca defender, Gerard Pique cut down the net (he’s done that several times)
So guess what he did with the net? He cut it into pieces and gave it to guests at a wedding ceremony. How weird!lol.
The father of two was unable to attend his close friend’s wedding because he’s playing for Spain today in a Euro 2016 qualifier and so he decided to do something kind-of creative.
The net was displayed at the venue of the wedding and then portions of it were distributed amongst the guests.
3 men trekking in honour of Atiku stranded in Yola.
So not all “political trekkers” received grand receptions and cash/kind gifts. Three men who trekked to Yola in honour of former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, are not only stranded in Yola but have been denied access to see their mentor.
The aggrieved men, Salihu Jibrin, Aliyu Adamu and Abubakar Suleiman while narrating their ordeal to newsmen on Saturday added that all they wanted was to
deliver their messages to Atiku or his representatives and go back home.
Jibrin narrated, “I trekked for 38 days all the way from Lagos to Yola to see Atiku in view of his role over APC’s victory in the general election but up to now I am unable to see him. I am now stranded with no money to go back; at times I sleep in motor parks or squat with good Samaritans election.” Jibrin said.
“I want to thank the Secretary, Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Adamawa Council, Baba Zare, who had been assisting me since arrival to cope with the difficult situation I found myself. I want to meet Atiku before finding my way back to Kaduna.” Adamu rode on a bicycle from Kaduna to Yola said.
Suleiman, who trekked from Shelleng town, Adamawa, to Yola said he had been squatting from one relation to the other.
Hull City goalkeeper, Allan McGregor calls off wedding few days to the ceremony.
Such a bad news! 33-year-old Hull City/ Scotland goalkeeper, Allan McGregor has called off his wedding to fiancee, Leah Shevlin ten days to the big day. His friends said he made the decision after having ‘second thoughts’.
The pair who are supposed to tie the knot next weekend at luxury Mount Stuart House in Rothesay, Scotland have a three-year-old daughter named Noelle Rose. They reportedly had an argument before Allan made the devastating announcement.
Leah reportedly deleted all mentions of her famous fiancé from her Twitter account and captioned a photo on instagram thus.
“No regrets… I’ve been through so much in my life, more than most! Every experience good or bad, makes me a stronger person…no1 can bring me down & nothing can break me, I only become more determined!”
Poor Soul!
Credit: UK Mirror
Things Have Fallen Apart And Other Matters Arising | By: Joseph Edgar
Things Have Fallen Apart
Predictably the APC is dead. Me I am so happy. I knew this would happen. When my politically naive wife was sneaking behind my back to go vote for them at the last Presidential elections I just looked at her with pity. I pitied her stupidity. How can a woman risk her matrimonial home and go and vote for a party different from her husband who is the Lord of the house.
Her case was worsened by the fact that she chose a party welded together by bandages made of personal ambition. Now, na me dey Laff. While the APC Senators were having their meeting somewherelse, more serious Senators where in the hallowed Halls of the National Assembly voting in my candidate. Let me stop here and say that of all the candidates, this is the best that can be thrown up for now.
APC is dead and in a matter of months we will be burying it. The common enemy, Jonathan is gone now the swords have been drawn, no more reason to be together. The President not being interested, the Jagaban group throwing up their candidate, the pro PDP, APC members supporting their own candidate, the centre could no longer hold and things fell apart.
Now PDP has indirectly sneaked back into power albeit in the Senate. Let us see how easy it will be for a politically inexperience President, without the chutzpah of an Obasanjo push his policies and appointments through a National Assembly so divided. I have asked my wife for an unreserved apology in writing, complete with a caveat that going forward she will support the family party irrespective of what party I choose to support.
Wike, Amaechi, I Thank You
Last week, I made a passionate appeal to my elder brothers, Rotimi and Wike. I had asked them to sheathe their swords and concentrate on more serious issues of national dimension, like getting me a cabinet position in this new government. Immediately that colunm came out, I received a call from one of Amaechi’s Aides, I can’t remember his name but he sha spoke passionately about their position and why they were exchanging stories with that Wike person.
I restated my own position on the gradual erosion of the huge goodwill his principal had garnered after the elections and how this cat fight was eroding it steadily. I also stated my fear of how the fight would not only risk his continued relevance in this government but how it would inadvertently affect any future political move by him.
He thanked me and promised to get the message back to his principal. I am proud to say that since that call, I have not heard Amaechi call Wike a goat and I am so happy not for the stabilizing factor of this position but for the new stature this has given me in our country. I am now very influential and would soon ask OBJ and Atiku Abubakar to step aside and allow me reign in peace as the next most influential Nigerian. I am now the new Jagaban of Shomolu.
Saraki Remember Me O
His excellency, kindly remember that last week when it was looking very gloomy, I came out and stated my full support for your candidacy. I placed my support on the fact that your late father the highly respected Olusola Saraki ate my Amala at a party in Gbagada some years ago. That simple gesture of reaching out and taking my ball of Amala built a bridge between Kwara people and Akwa Ibom people. Since then we have had several cultural exchanges with more calabar men having girlfriends from Ilorin and environs.
So when it was announced that you had won, I jumped up and praised the almighty God for once again ensuring that the secret pact I had with your father in which I promised him that I will take care of you has been further strengthened. I send my sincere felicitation to you for this well deserved victory even as I pray that no Banana Peel will come your way in Gods name, you will not like your predecessor, eat Pounded yam and get impeached the following morning, you will reign in peace, foster unity amongst all forces, work with our President in rehabilitating us and most importantly you will mightily be in the vanguard of real and sustainable change in our country. I am so happy o. Kai.
Jagaban Isn’t it time we retired
My lord, I want to humbly ask this small question, isn’t it time we retired? This career of ours has been the most distinguished in the political annals of this country. You have succeeded where even the great sage failed. From Mobil, through NADECO, to the governorship of Lagos State and finally installing the President, you have shown uncanny courage, clear understanding of our polity and have been the benevolent god father to us all. Let’s retire daddy. It’s ok. Let’s head to the sands of Miami in our boxer shorts and scan the young sweet ladies as they parade on the Beach.
This Saraki boy is determined to embarrass us and I suspect this could be the beginning of the unravelling of our structure. These boys Fashola and Fayemi can not be trusted o, so who do we have left, Osibajo? Even you know better to expect any thing there, he is too short. Our best option is to announce our retirement and morph into an advisory role so that these small boys will not try any rubbish on our legacy. Sir, can I go ahead and book the flight, I can’t wait to get to Miami .
Child Bride Murder Suspect Freed
Ok, I don’t even know the angle to take this. Don’t even know why I am writing about it sef. Guess, I am in one of my risqué moods. The court have freed the little girl who was alleged to have killed her husband simply because she was married out to him at such a young age.
The news I read was that the Prosecutors withdrew the charges and she was free to go. Me, I no be lawyer and I am not a child bride so I am confused. I don’t understand the reasons why the charges where withdrawn and I am beginning to suspect that murder is the best solution to peadophilia.
This precedent is worrisome, what happens to the next child killer, is this suppose to be a warning to randy old men to double check the birth certificates before embarking on what is beginning to look like a dangerous journey and beyond that, at the ceremony, you make sure you ask the child bride herself if she was comfortable and happy before you drag her home.
Marrying underage girls is a heinous crime against humanity but getting killed for that is a little bit too much in my books. Can someone please help and explain to me hurriedly just what transpired in court that day? I’m waiting.
Jimi Disu, a little stroke
Uncle Jimi is that Radio analyst on classic Fm that does all the talking on his program every morning. He talks on issues especially politics authoritatively and brooks no opposing views. The programme is so one sided that it turns into a joke to me. I just listen out of no choice since I’m in traffic and other stations are playing music, so I am forced to listen to uncle Jimi’s monologue on Nigeria.
Even on his Sunday programme, the guest is left listening to him as he asks all the questions and promptly answers them himself. Uncle Jimi with the kind of strong positions you take on issues, please give us opportunity to take you on too. Na democracy o no be jimicracy.
Joseph Edgar is an investment banker who writes as a hobby. He writes from a humorous, satirical point of view. He blogs at