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Must Read: GlaxoSmithKline, Charles Oben – The Story Of A Reluctant Marriage


Charles before the incident
Charles I have never met, but his beautiful wife had for the last one year been a source of support and inspiration to me as I meandered around a thankless job. So when he asked for a meeting I quickly agreed not realizing the impact this meeting would be having in my life. As I sat at the swimming pool lounge of the Ikoyi club surprisingly on the same chair Joan had interviewed me for the forgotten job, I could not help but wonder just how sweet life was. Children jumping in and out of the pool, the mothers refusing to swim for fear of exposing flabby bodies that had been destroyed by childbirth and middle age and the men watching a lackluster Nigerian Soccer Match in which in my own estimation Sunday Oliseh showed us very clearly the misery ahead for us. This was life…if only I knew what was contained in the laptop Charles was bringing towards me.

With all the protocols over, he went straight into the reason for this meeting. He opened his Laptop and with the press of the button, he destroyed my appetite. Threw me into the darkest pits of despair and forcefully bringing out tears from my eyes. What I saw was unimaginable horror, a compilation of hiroshimaic pictures of wondrous monstrosity. This could not be the same person sitting beside me.. I shifted away less he still had the contagious germs still lurking around his fine face. With hands covering my mouth and a continuous fight to stop the imminent evacuation of my bowels, I jumped and ran to the nearest toilet where on my knees I threw up and cried like I had just lost my father all over again. What was this? How can? Was this from the Ebola ravaged fields of Liberia?Was this the devil reincarnated and come at me In Ikoyi club to take revenge for all my amorous sins?  I cried and pleaded for help, God please help me, help your son, who is this Charles, had he come to kill me???

Charles while he was admitted after using the drug

No, this was an innocent Charles who for the cost of N1,300 brought this upon himself. He calmly told me his story. He had been posted to Burkina Faso by UBA and in his usual meticulous self visited a Cardiologist for a routine check. They found out that his urea level was high and the drug Zyloric was prescribed. He dutifully took the drugs and in less than 36 hours his life was turned into a living hell. He transformed into a monster no Hollywood Horror movie could match in all their creative imaginations. He turned the sights of the Ebola Victims into a mere picture drawn by nursery school children. His life ended. Blisters, skin peeling, eyes destroyed, bleeding from everywhere, bed sores and everything imaginable became his plight. 

Joan flew in, saw her husband and melted. His children came in and ran away. Mirrors where kept away from him. For less than N2,000 he had bought the dreaded Stephen Johnson Syndrome. A sickness with a massively efficient mortality rate. His world came crashing and there was nothing anybody could do, fate and a wicked multi national drug company had prescribed this on his soul. 

He was eventually evacuated to the UK with the private efforts of Joan and his family and there he received succor but with lasting side effects. He has had two cornea replacement surgeries and much more devastating is the fact that he cannot shed a tear for the rest of his natural life. He has been confined to the use of artificial tear inducing drugs which he buys from America at the cost of $200 monthly. His sex life, he didn’t say, but if I guess, would be very far from what I am sure would have been the case and in the process lost his lucrative job with life just floating by. 

GSK that huge Drug Firm, is the purveyor of this ‘wonder’ drug. GSK I hear manufactures and sells this drug from their UK base and distributes it all over the world while using its Nigerian Office as the headquarters for this operation of death in the whole of west Africa. Charles is in court with them. He has won the first round but as expected, the merchants of death have appealed and the hearing his coming up this February. I will be in that court premises, with my placard cursing and abusing their mothers and wishing death to their children and grandchildren.

Charles sensing my discomfort, challenged me to enter any chemist in Lagos and ask for that drug and I will get it. I took up the challenge and went into Obalende and viola I saw the drug for N900. I screamed and ran away. Where is NAFDAC in all these? Where are the authorities? Why are our doctors and Pharmacists still prescribing this drug. My people the instructions on the drug is written in FRENCH. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! french, how will we read and know the side effects. In the UK it is clearly stated in the pack that this could lead to death, but in Nigeria because we are a mumu people we keep ingesting and dying and attributing the painful death to curses from our ancestors or witches. 

Charles battle is my battle, Charles cry for retribution should be our collective war cry. GSK cannot use all the legalese in this world to escape reparations. Charles and all the other victims must be compensated. The compensation will not bring back the tears in his eyes but at least it will give him a sense of justice and judgement in his favour would save other lives. That is his major worry. 

As I left him that night, my mind goes back to the Amazon he married. Where would he be today without her, where would the world be today if he had died. We would not have known the evil that is GSK and their wonder drug. We await the Appeal Court Judgement even as we plot the next step in this comedy of errors. 

What a marriage.

Written by Joseph Edgar, an investment banker and writer. He blogs at

Attention All Beauty Professionals! Attend The Second Edition of Beauty Africa Exhibition & Conference



The Nigerian beauty industry evolved significantly over the past years. Growth in the industry is driving beauty companies to invest in research and development to come up with products specific to Africa’s hair and skin type. The Beauty Africa Exhibition & Conference ( in its second year will provide a strategic platform to establish successful partnerships in the beauty industry within Nigeria and beyond. The event will be held from 7-9 of October 2015 at the Eko International Convention & Exhibition Center, Lagos Nigeria.


The beauty market has also attracted lots of young entrepreneurs. The event offers participants networking opportunities, workshops and seminars that will provide them with the latest trends, techniques and updates in the cosmetic industry.


According to Oluseyi Yerokun, Head, Deal Strategy division, PwC Nigeria, “The beauty industry has grown along with consumer spending growth in Nigeria. It is currently increasing at approximately 9%. There are market opportunities in the Nigerian beauty industry, and great potential for international companies to develop and build their brands.”


Beauty Africa will host a three day conference offering a mix of educational skills training master classes, alongside a series of high quality workshops designed to assist in building the African industrial capacity in the beauty sector, as well as demonstrating how to take the marketing of consumer brands to new levels.
According to a report by PwC In 2012, Nigeria’s personal care and beauty market was estimated to be worth $1.7 billion and projected to grow to $2.7 billion at 9% growth rate per annum.(1) The growth potential in the industry has attracted several international brands including MAC, PZ Cussons, Unilever Revlon, Maybelline, Avon and Estee Lauder.

The report also states that Nigeria is Africa’s top destination for foreign direct investment, receiving over $20 billion between 2010 and 2013. Top global cosmetics manufacturers, seeking new growth have recently begun entering the market through partnerships with indigenous brands e.g. House of Tara and Maybelline, as well as direct investment in stores.

John Terry rejects Arsenal move, says he can chuck himself under the bus for Mourinho.

Awww! Chelsea legend, John Terry’s commitment to Chelsea club will always be held in high regard , his love for The Blues manager, Jose Mourinho, second to none.
So, ride or die Arsenal fan and journalist, Piers Morgan revealed that he tried to talk the English player into joining Arsenal but he was rebuffed.

“Spent 20 minutes trying to persuade John Terry to join Arsenal last night, using the ‘Jose don’t love you any more’ line. I failed.
— Piers Morgan wrote.

Speaking to Guardian Football Weekly , Terry said : “I couldn’t do that. I could never play for another Premier League club. Jose is the best manager i’ve ever had. I would chuck myself under the bus for him”.

President Buhari withdraws official and diplomatic passports of former public office holders.

President Muhammadu Buhari has directed The Nigerian Immigration Service to withdraw the official and diplomatic passports of former Nigerian public office holders issued to them while in office.
Officials affected include former governors, former ministers, former senators, former members of the House of Representatives, former members of state Houses of Assembly, ‎former commissioners, former special advisers/special assistants, former chairmen/deputy chairmen of local government areas, all retired heads of parastatals and retired public servants.


The Comptroller-General of the Immigration Service, Martin Abeshi, said in a statement today.”These categories of persons are hereby informed that these passports which were previously held by them have been revoked and should return them to the Nigeria Immigration Service Headquarters Sauka Abuja with immediate effect,” 

“Failure to comply with this directive will amount to an offence under the Immigration Act 2015. Such unauthorized possession will be impounded at our control posts on arrival or departure.”
The Federal Government weeks back also  directed the Immigration Service to retrieve all valid diplomatic and official passports from all persons not entitled to hold them.
“The attention of the Federal Government has been drawn to the fact that some Nigerians who are not entitled to hold diplomatic and official passports are in possession of these documents,” a statement by Yusuf Isiaka,the Director of Press, Federal Ministry of Interior reads.

Boko Haram and the multiple ‘deaths’ of Abubakar Shekau

How many times can one man die? At least four, in the case of Abubakar Shekau, the slippery leader of Boko Haram. Nigerian security forces celebrated his demise in 2009, 2013 and 2014, only for him to pop up again, disconcertingly animate, on camera. When Chad’s president said in August that his troops had killed Mr Shekau, the jihadist was resurrected once again, this time with a voice recording. “Woe unto liars that had claimed I am dead,” said the voice. “Nobody can kill me.”
This relatively mild-mannered dispatch raised questions of its own. Most of what is known about Africa’s most notorious terrorist derives from his gun-wielding, slave-touting videos. If he were still at large, would he not release a film in his usual more robust style? Most probably, he is indeed alive. Whether he is injured is impossible to say. Experts dispute how old he is, or how religiously scholarly. Perhaps he is not one man at all. The army accused Boko Haram of using body doubles after he was “killed” last year.
The organisation Mr Shekau presides over is shrouded in more mystery still. Nigeria’s insurgency has grown a lot bloodier since Mr Shekau took over from Mohammed Yusuf, who was (verifiably) shot dead by police in 2009. In theory a more conciliatory leader might offer some hope for compromise and peace. But what if many of Boko Haram’s bomb-blasting ideologues answer to different bosses altogether? Even the most knowledgeable experts cannot agree on whether the organisation consists of one army or several.
This is a worry, to say the least. Nigeria has spent six years and billions of dollars battling the terrorists, who have killed over 15,000 people in their bid to establish a caliphate in the north-east. As attacks spill across borders, Chad, Cameroon and Niger have been drawn in. A regional army is set to deploy soon. Without basic intelligence, they are shooting in the dark.
One explanation for the sect’s opacity is geography. Boko Haram’s fighters hole up in the forests and mountains near the border with Cameroon, or along the desert fringes of Lake Chad. Telephone lines are often cut. Members communicate vital information in person. Fulan Nasrullah, a Nigerian security analyst, says Boko Haram conscripts only from families known to its spies, so it is not easily infiltrated.
A second view is that those who could solve the enigma do not try hard to do so. America designated Boko Haram as a terrorist organisation only in 2013. With a bounty of $7m on his head, Mr Shekau is worth more to the Americans than any other outlaw in Africa. Yet there have been only modest efforts to train local soldiers and gather intelligence. Western governments do not view Nigeria’s Islamists as a threat to their interests. Compared with Islamic State, Boko Haram is not a priority.
Within Nigeria, meanwhile, the war has made some generals and security agents very rich. They would perhaps rather not see it end. The official line seems to be that questions about what Boko Haram wants and how its forces are structured are peripheral. “Even if there is a split [between factions], we are not looking at it that way,” says Mike Omeri, a government spokesman.
It had better start. The stringent new president, Muhammadu Buhari, recently gave the army three months to snuff out Boko Haram. Before they stand a chance of doing that, they will need to work out what they are fighting.
-Culled from The Economist 

Governor Ambode’s 100 Days: The Shape Of Things To Come

was just a few days after he was sworn into office on May 29. He was in
Abuja for the National Economic Council (NEC) meeting when there were
tanker fire explosions at the Idimu petrol station as well as a serious
fire incident at Iyana Ipaja. He immediately took the next flight back
to his state and headed for the scenes of the tragedies to personally
empathise and share in the pain of the people. He gave instructions to
provide immediate succour for the victims while he convened a meeting of
petrol marketers to map out strategies to avoid future tanker
explosions. This kind of decisive responsiveness has been a hallmark of
Lagos State governor, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode’s governance style ever since
his assumption of office 100 days ago.


us take another example. Mrs Ruth Uche, an Igbo resident of Lagos was
in a dilemma. She had just given birth to her third set of twins. Her
depressed and distressed husband had absconded obviously out of
desperation and helplessness. The governor read about her plight in the
newspapers. He did not adopt an indifferent stance. He directed his
deputy, Mrs Oluranti Adebule, to cater to the needs of the mother and
help re-settle the family. Today, Mrs Uche’s absconding husband is back.
The family has been fully re-settled and are living a normal life. It
is obvious that seemingly little things matter to governor Ambode.

there is yet another example. Miss Oluwajomiloju Goodness Ogundimu is
the Lagos State 2015 baby of the year. Yet, her future was imperilled,
her life threatened by a heart defect requiring surgery. Again, governor
Ambode intervened. Baby Goodness and her parents can today look to the
future with hope and optimism. She is now hale and hearty after
undergoing successful surgery in India courtesy the Ambode
abandoned, penurious retiree can be as helpless and vulnerable as a
baby. The emotional wound of being cast aside and neglected after an
active life of service to the state and society can be searing and
numbing. This was the plight of thousands of retirees from the various
Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the state prior to Ambode’s
assumption of office. Today the story is different. Early in August, Mr
Ambode approved N11 billion to offset arrears owed retirees including
those from Local Governments and Parastatal organizations since 2010.
The retirees can sing new songs of joy knowing their labour has not gone
unrewarded and unappreciated.


the early days of the governor Ambode administration, there was an
alarming bank robbery incident in Ikorodu during which the bandits
operated freely for hours. This was in addition to complaints of an
increase of robbery incidents in traffic as well as reports of the
creeping return of area boys and other sundry hoodlums to Oshodi and
some other parts of the state. Governor Ambode not only stepped up
pressure on the security agencies to live up to their responsibility, he
has taken proactive steps to enhance their capacity to do so. For
instance, at a dinner organized by the Lagos State Security Trust Fund
(LSSTF), the governor presented his plans to strengthen the security of
the state to members of the Organized Private Sector and requested for
their support in this regard. The result was the realization of
donations of over N1 billion to the state’s security efforts – an
indication of confidence in the integrity of the administration.


the last three months, the Ambode administration has acquired 100 new
power bikes, 10 armoured tanks and a helicopter to strengthen the
security of the state. This is in addition to the acquisition of 100 new
squad cars for a new initiative tagged Special Operation Service (SOS),
which will coordinate community policing in collaboration with the
Rapid Response Squad (RRS). Of course, there is a link between free
traffic flow and reduced crime as well as enhanced economic
productivity. Thus, the question of traffic gridlock in Lagos
particularly in the notorious Apapa axis has received the unceasing
attention of the governor in the last 100 days.


Ambode has not only personally inspected the traffic situation in Apapa
and appealed to the Federal Government to expedite action on
rehabilitating the network of roads in the area majority of which
belongs to it. He set up a task force to ensure 24 hours surveillance of
traffic flow while also holding a meeting with Tanker Drivers and other
stakeholders to come up with strategies to free Apapa once and for all
from the menace of Traffic gridlock. Equally of concern to governor
Ambode has been the rehabilitation and modernisation of the road network
in the state. In this regard, he has conducted inspection tours of
roads in various areas including Ipaja, Mosan-Okunola, Oshodi-Isolo,
Ikotun-Ejigbo and Somolu areas. On his directives, work has commenced on
the more deplorable roads including Ejigbo-Ikotun as well as Brown road
in Oshodi. From all indications, it seems there will be a conscious
shift by the Ambode administration from the perceived elitist focus of
his predecessor to the more neglected and less privileged areas of the

the education sector, the governor approved the recruitment of 1,300
qualified teachers for the state’s public primary schools while in the
health sector he commissioned 20 Mobile care Units Ambulances and 26
Transport Ambulances for the state’s General Hospitals and primary
healthcare centres on Monday, August 31. Beyond this, he has approved
the purchase of generators and x-ray machines for all general hospitals
in the state as well as the recruitment of more paramedic staff and
special medical coordinators to guarantee 24 hours service to the

the electoral campaigns, Mr Ambode urged the electorate to allow his
experience in governance to work for them. His sterling track record as a
seasoned civil servant who rose to the apex of the service over a
period of 27 years as well as an accomplished Chartered Accountant,
consultant and astute manager of men and resources were some of his key
selling points. His sure footedness right from his first day in office
vindicates the electorate’s decision to vote for experience and
demonstrated competence. Thus, some of the institutional innovations he
has engineered to ensure the achievement of his objectives include
re-aligning the Ministry of Rural Development, Parastatals Monitoring
Office as well as the Political and Legislative Powers Bureau.Apart
from scrapping the office of the Special Adviser on Taxation and
Revenue and Debt Management Office, he merged the Office of Works and
Office of Infrastructure in the Ministry of Works as well as the Office
of Drainage Services and Office of Environmental Services in the
Ministry of Environment. This is to enhance efficiency and cost
effectiveness. He has also set up an Office of Overseas Affairs and
Investment (Lagos Global) domiciled in his office to spearhead his
administration’s aggressive drive for foreign investment. The governor’s
appointment of 19 new Permanent Secretaries based strictly on merit,
competence and track record has also invigorated the leadership of the
service with the promise of greater dynamism and more qualitative
service delivery.

Ambode has also moved to enhance accountability and transparency in the
management of the state’s finances by abolishing the multiple account
system previously in operation and introducing from September 1 a
Treasury Single Account (TSA), which ensures that all government
revenues accrue to one consolidated account. If governor Ambode’s first
100 days in office offer glimpses of the shape of things to come in the
governance of the Centre of Excellence in the next four years, we should
expect more of responsiveness, proactive action, compassion, innovation
and focus to elevate Lagos to a higher pedestal of excellence.
course, given his tremendous public service experience, the governor
knows that his ultimate success will largely be a function of his
ability to shun sycophants and cultivate alternative sources of
authentic information to aid effective governance. Given his vast
experience in Local Government administration, millions of Lagosians are
optimistic that Governor Ambode will return governance to the people by
ensuring more effective service delivery at the grassroots level of
government widely perceived as grossly underperforming.


"I'm in tears of joy" – Jim Iyke as he welcomes a baby boy.

Jim Iyke is now a father! Who would believe that?
These celebrities and cover ups. Heard he assisted in the boy’s delivery. According
to a report by African Eye, The ‘bad boy’ actor welcomed the tiny tot with his
23 year-old Lithunian girlfriend, Dana Kinduryte, a law graduate whom he met in
London over a year ago. The boy who has now be christened Harvis Chidubem Iyke
arrived on September 1st, 2015 at the Grady Hospital, Atlanta.


Jim Iyke was quoted thus,
“My son. After trying a few relationships in the industry at home, I didn’t want the circus and misconceptions that came from close scrutiny so I spared no expense and resources to protect this relationship and my baby. This time last year I was in depression over my mom’s death. This time around I’m in tears of joy”

Football isn't mathematics, give Oliseh more time to succeed. – Ogunjobi


Former NFF Technical Committee chairman, Chief Taiwo Ogunjobi has appealed to Nigerians to give Super Eagles manager, Sunday Oliseh
more time to succeed. Oliseh came a little bit under fire after Nigeria’s 2017 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifier played in Dar es Salaam against Tanzania ended in a goalless draw. The ex Secretary General of the NFF believes the team would improve in subsequent games.  

“We need to give them time, let’s see what will happen; thank God we played out a 0-0 draw but we need them to do better next time. Football is not mathematics; we wanted a win in Dar es Salaam but what happened is beyond our imagination. However, we are still going to meet Egypt, home and away and with what Chad did when they came to Nigeria, I don’t think it will be easy for Egypt to beat them. At the end of the day, I still see the Eagles qualifying,’’ he said.


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