
"I can't join politics cos I only have two hands" -Dangote

I am one of the many people out there who have been wondering why Nigerian billionaire Aliko Dangote has not shown interest in any political position. Adducing reasons for not actively participating in politics,The CEO of Dangote Group stressed that business and politics should never be mixed.

Speaking to newsmen during a condolence visit to the Awolowo family over the death of Mrs Hannah Awolowo (HID) at the family’s residence in
Ikenne-Remo, Ogun State, the richest man in Africa said both ventures require different skills.

“I can’t be in politics because they say when you want to clap you need two hands. If all of us in business go into politics then who is going to create the jobs?

“We are in the private sector so we should be creating jobs. Government should be creating good policies and also ensuring that we are not taking advantage of the poor.

“They are doing what they know how to do best and we are also doing what we know how to do best. Each is a master in its own terrain.” He explained.
The business mogul is also certain that the economy will soon regain it’s stability.
“During the oil boom, when a barrel of oil sold above 100 dollars, there were too many leakages which the Federal Government is now trying to resolve by plugging them. When this is effectively achieved, I believe the economy will begin to regain its stability.‎

Messi cleared of tax fraud charges but his father faces prison sentence

Argentine footballer, Lionel Messi has been cleared of tax fraud charges levelled against him in June 2013 but prosecutors are calling for an 18-month prison sentence and a £1.5m fine for his father, Jorge Horacio Messi for allegedly defrauding Spain’s tax office of €4m (now £3m) in unpaid taxes from 2007-09.
Prosecutors stressed that the Barcelona playmaker should be absorbed of the blame because his father was in charge of his finance during that period, according to the documents provided on Tuesday. Messi who became a resident of Barcelona in 2000 gained Spanish citizenship 5 years later.

Drama as Oliseh sends Vincent Enyeama packing from Super Eagles training camp

Goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama was sent packing from the Super Eagles training camp following his late arrival. Football investigator, Muyiwa Lawal reported that the Lille skipper apologised for his late coming but was told to shut up and leave. He thereafter called the security when Enyeama didn’t leave. Lawal said it is not unlikely  that Enyeama’s absence in the last game is the chief reason Oliseh reacted this way. There are reports that he could face more sanctions.
But hey, this dude lost his mother that period and apologised for not turning up. The NFF should look into this, if truly he was sent out because of that reason then that action is pathetic. He deserves more respect. 🙁 🙁 

Best Children Clothing Stores in New York

Proin eu purus eget purus venenatis placerat volutpat vitae nulla. Duis vel tempus orci. Proin commodo aliquet diam, at tempor justo. Suspendisse sit amet aliquam nisi. Vestibulum a elit ipsum. Morbi interdum metus eget diam suscipit, nec commodo sapien scelerisque. Integer urna leo, auctor ac enim at, ornare mattis nunc. Morbi finibus risus ut libero tincidunt faucibus.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known

Nullam eget nibh nibh. Phasellus eleifend magna vitae neque maximus, consectetur luctus nibh vestibulum. Quisque ornare ipsum nec auctor congue. Nunc ac elementum nisl. Aliquam non lectus non leo facilisis faucibus nec non ligula. Vivamus suscipit turpis risus, a hendrerit nibh sodales id. Cras tincidunt, leo et vulputate ornare, nisi sapien blandit justo, in congue justo nulla non ex mauris ultrices gravida.

Photo by Nadine A. Gardner

Fusce gravida turpis eu scelerisque placerat. Sed ac metus massa. Praesent nec felis varius, tristique risus quis, sollicitudin nisl. Mauris sem nunc, placerat eget sapien at, consectetur tempus massa.

Dare to dream big

Ut vehicula nisi consectetur augue condimentum, eget auctor massa viverra. Aenean scelerisque tellus at molestie dictum. Fusce lobortis eu lorem id maximus. Duis feugiat ex ligula, id egestas velit finibus nec.

Phasellus et felis suscipit, consectetur leo vel, pellentesque orci. Aenean aliquam ultricies ultrices. Phasellus ac sodales nulla, a dignissim diam. Praesent efficitur euismod tincidunt. Curabitur vitae turpis in justo.

Donec pretium dapibus justo at fermentum. In nisi lorem, iaculis quis leo imperdiet, convallis mattis nunc. Nulla lobortis dui in ligula tempor volutpat. Praesent varius consectetur arcu ut aliquet. In pretium elit et tortor ultrices congue.

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

Sed vitae elit nec nunc ultricies mattis. Nulla efficitur velit est, non varius quam gravida ac. Praesent ultrices est nec ligula pulvinar scelerisque. Mauris ex dolor, tincidunt ut ante sit amet, posuere porttitor dui. Vestibulum iaculis dui nec laoreet bibendum.

Running towards the sunrise.Photo by Nadine A. Gardner

Nulla ac hendrerit nulla. Vivamus facilisis, orci a rutrum faucibus, erat ipsum vehicula ipsum, faucibus finibus lectus ante nec orci. Fusce pharetra lobortis felis nec eleifend. Curabitur et nibh sem. Praesent consectetur tincidunt libero vel lacinia.

Perfect opportunity

Suspendisse magna urna, faucibus euismod bibendum et, efficitur at ante. Integer consequat, quam in pulvinar ullamcorper, leo quam consequat turpis, non laoreet augue lacus vel nisl. Donec scelerisque eget mauris sed malesuada. Ut et nibh mollis, pulvinar arcu vel, elementum nunc. Nam dapibus mollis metus, at vulputate quam pellentesque id. Phasellus viverra sem pharetra purus pretium sagittis.

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To find a peace of mind listen to your heart.

Quisque venenatis dignissim fermentum. Praesent convallis felis a tellus consectetur, ac mattis elit sodales. Fusce non diam lorem.

Once in a lifetime

Etiam elementum elit nunc, nec interdum lectus maximus id. Proin pulvinar urna in luctus ornare. Pellentesque sagittis lacus quis bibendum pretium. Nunc sagittis eros at dolor finibus, a accumsan ante hendrerit.

Sed massa nulla, ultrices ac nisl eget, pretium tincidunt ante. Donec ultrices aliquam convallis. Cras luctus lectus nec diam interdum ultricies eu quis nunc. Pellentesque quis lacinia ex, id posuere quam.

Aenean eu facilisis tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Proin suscipit felis risus, nec tristique justo gravida quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce id sodales metus, a pulvinar nibh. Curabitur eu mi felis.

In vestibulum, odio et vestibulum pharetra, ex est viverra elit, ac imperdiet ipsum est porta arcu. Suspendisse augue turpis, rutrum sit amet sapien eget, semper ultricies elit. Donec interdum nibh condimentum ante blandit tempor. Vivamus fringilla placerat lectus in efficitur. Vivamus viverra, augue a placerat commodo, nisi ligula congue turpis, imperdiet tempor magna mauris eget metus. In euismod ac libero eu lacinia.

Mauris lobortis, quam ut hendrerit pellentesque, velit urna gravida justo, eget euismod dui est eget arcu. Curabitur congue, lectus tincidunt ornare pharetra, elit metus faucibus massa, rutrum volutpat orci nunc eget ante. Donec eu sem vel mauris ultrices gravida.

What Does Modern Businessman Style Look Like

Proin eu purus eget purus venenatis placerat volutpat vitae nulla. Duis vel tempus orci. Proin commodo aliquet diam, at tempor justo. Suspendisse sit amet aliquam nisi. Vestibulum a elit ipsum. Morbi interdum metus eget diam suscipit, nec commodo sapien scelerisque. Integer urna leo, auctor ac enim at, ornare mattis nunc. Morbi finibus risus ut libero tincidunt faucibus.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known

Nullam eget nibh nibh. Phasellus eleifend magna vitae neque maximus, consectetur luctus nibh vestibulum. Quisque ornare ipsum nec auctor congue. Nunc ac elementum nisl. Aliquam non lectus non leo facilisis faucibus nec non ligula. Vivamus suscipit turpis risus, a hendrerit nibh sodales id. Cras tincidunt, leo et vulputate ornare, nisi sapien blandit justo, in congue justo nulla non ex mauris ultrices gravida.

Photo by Nadine A. Gardner

Fusce gravida turpis eu scelerisque placerat. Sed ac metus massa. Praesent nec felis varius, tristique risus quis, sollicitudin nisl. Mauris sem nunc, placerat eget sapien at, consectetur tempus massa.

Dare to dream big

Ut vehicula nisi consectetur augue condimentum, eget auctor massa viverra. Aenean scelerisque tellus at molestie dictum. Fusce lobortis eu lorem id maximus. Duis feugiat ex ligula, id egestas velit finibus nec.

Phasellus et felis suscipit, consectetur leo vel, pellentesque orci. Aenean aliquam ultricies ultrices. Phasellus ac sodales nulla, a dignissim diam. Praesent efficitur euismod tincidunt. Curabitur vitae turpis in justo.

Donec pretium dapibus justo at fermentum. In nisi lorem, iaculis quis leo imperdiet, convallis mattis nunc. Nulla lobortis dui in ligula tempor volutpat. Praesent varius consectetur arcu ut aliquet. In pretium elit et tortor ultrices congue.

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

Sed vitae elit nec nunc ultricies mattis. Nulla efficitur velit est, non varius quam gravida ac. Praesent ultrices est nec ligula pulvinar scelerisque. Mauris ex dolor, tincidunt ut ante sit amet, posuere porttitor dui. Vestibulum iaculis dui nec laoreet bibendum.

Running towards the sunrise.Photo by Nadine A. Gardner

Nulla ac hendrerit nulla. Vivamus facilisis, orci a rutrum faucibus, erat ipsum vehicula ipsum, faucibus finibus lectus ante nec orci. Fusce pharetra lobortis felis nec eleifend. Curabitur et nibh sem. Praesent consectetur tincidunt libero vel lacinia.

Perfect opportunity

Suspendisse magna urna, faucibus euismod bibendum et, efficitur at ante. Integer consequat, quam in pulvinar ullamcorper, leo quam consequat turpis, non laoreet augue lacus vel nisl. Donec scelerisque eget mauris sed malesuada. Ut et nibh mollis, pulvinar arcu vel, elementum nunc. Nam dapibus mollis metus, at vulputate quam pellentesque id. Phasellus viverra sem pharetra purus pretium sagittis.

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Whoa, you love reading! Take a moment to join us on social media.
To find a peace of mind listen to your heart.

Quisque venenatis dignissim fermentum. Praesent convallis felis a tellus consectetur, ac mattis elit sodales. Fusce non diam lorem.

Once in a lifetime

Etiam elementum elit nunc, nec interdum lectus maximus id. Proin pulvinar urna in luctus ornare. Pellentesque sagittis lacus quis bibendum pretium. Nunc sagittis eros at dolor finibus, a accumsan ante hendrerit.

Sed massa nulla, ultrices ac nisl eget, pretium tincidunt ante. Donec ultrices aliquam convallis. Cras luctus lectus nec diam interdum ultricies eu quis nunc. Pellentesque quis lacinia ex, id posuere quam.

Aenean eu facilisis tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Proin suscipit felis risus, nec tristique justo gravida quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce id sodales metus, a pulvinar nibh. Curabitur eu mi felis.

In vestibulum, odio et vestibulum pharetra, ex est viverra elit, ac imperdiet ipsum est porta arcu. Suspendisse augue turpis, rutrum sit amet sapien eget, semper ultricies elit. Donec interdum nibh condimentum ante blandit tempor. Vivamus fringilla placerat lectus in efficitur. Vivamus viverra, augue a placerat commodo, nisi ligula congue turpis, imperdiet tempor magna mauris eget metus. In euismod ac libero eu lacinia.

Mauris lobortis, quam ut hendrerit pellentesque, velit urna gravida justo, eget euismod dui est eget arcu. Curabitur congue, lectus tincidunt ornare pharetra, elit metus faucibus massa, rutrum volutpat orci nunc eget ante. Donec eu sem vel mauris ultrices gravida.

Diezani Alison-Madueke: What’s The Noise All About? | By: Tolu Ogunlesi

“DAM,” as she’s known on social media, symbolises, more than anyone else, the impunity of the Jonathan era. Within her first year as the petroleum minister (2010 – 2011), the number of dealers licensed to import petrol rose dramatically (from fewer than 40 to 140), and Nigeria’s fuel subsidy import bill surged four-fold.
Diezani – she’s one of those famous people more memorably known by their first names than their surnames – did not face even the slightest censure from the man who had appointed her. Instead, after public protests greeted an attempt to completely remove petrol subsidies, and the government capitulated and restored some of the subsidy, she shamelessly pursued the moral high ground and proceeded to set up a number of committees to investigate the subsidy scheme, ending up sitting in judgement over a situation she was widely deemed primarily responsible for.
The missing $20 billion saga
Less than two years later, the Central Bank governor Lamido Sanusi raised an alarm about the $20 billion in oil receipts that he claimed the national oil company was unable to account for. Neither the oil company, nor the minister-in-charge Diezani, bothered to credibly allege the allegations. In her final interview as a minister, in April 2015, she insisted that “at no time in Nigerian history in the oil and gas [industry] has the [Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)] been as open and audited as it is today,” and described herself as the victim of “malicious, malevolent [and] vindictive” attacks from the vested interests whose “big toes” her “unprecedented reforms” had hurt.
Since she left the office, the new government has said that its investigations have revealed that, between 2012 and 2015, more than $19 billion – a figure nearly identical to Mr. Sanusi’s figure – in oil earnings could not be accounted for.
In 2014 she faced a probe from the Parliament over allegations she had spent millions of dollars in public funds on hiring private jets for personal use. She went to court to get an injunction halting the probe. In all of this, President Jonathan stood behind her. In arguably the most egregious instance, in a televised interview on May 4, 2014, he spent several minutes defending her, accusing the National Assembly of harassing her with endless summons, and dismissing the allegations of impropriety against her.
Privileges only “DAM” enjoyed
She was only one minister amidst more than forty, but by all estimation was a first among equals, reputed to have even more clout than Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the designated “coordinating minister of the economy” (a role that was early on half-jokingly likened to a prime ministerial position). (Considering that oil accounts for 70% of government revenues, and more than 80% of foreign exchange, it is easy to understand the power that the NNPC and oil minister wield relative to all other government bodies).
Like all powerful public servants, stories swirled around her: of her disregarding presidential directives, strolling in and out of cabinet meetings at will. In public, she maintained a perpetually unruffled, even haughty, mien, and projected the air of one who didn’t deem it necessary to give account of her actions to anyone. None of the many controversies her name was linked to appeared to shake her in any way – until the very end, when it became clear that Mr. Jonathan’s electoral loss would leave her exposed.
Even her July 2011 re-nomination as the oil minister was attended by controversy, regarding the date of her graduation from Howard University, where she studied for an undergraduate degree in architecture. In the resume she submitted to the Nigerian Senate for confirmation in July 2011, she reportedly claimed to have graduated in 1987, aged 27. Contacted for clarification by Nigerian journalists, the university refuted this, pointing out that according to its records she graduated in 1992. She survived that storm.
“All Nigerian ministers are equal, but some Nigerian ministers are more equal than others”
While she was untouchable, no one who worked for or reported to her enjoyed a similar privilege. In her first four years as the petroleum minister, she went through three directors of the Department for Petroleum Resources (the industry regulator), and four group managing directors of the NNPC.
Even among Jonathan’s staunchest defenders, it appeared there were those who struggled to understand why Diezani was, more than anyone else, untouchable. There were those who would have wanted the president to sacrifice her, but somehow, no one was able to convince him. It is likely that his re-election chances would have been much stronger had he made a show of sacrificing her, as proof of his commitment to an anti-corruption agenda.
It is this untouchability, this appearance of being above-the-law that explains the social media “schaDAMfreude” that has trailed the news of her arrest in London, on October 2. Having come to represent the face of Jonathan-era excess, there are many Nigerians who think it would be farcical to consider drawing a line on the recent past without getting Diezani to answer for her time tending to the goose that lays Nigeria’s golden eggs.
Five facts:
— Her name means, in her local dialect (Izon), “Look before you leap”. According to her, in a 2008 interview, it was “put together from scratch” by her father.
— She has an undergraduate degree in architecture from Howard University (USA, 1992), and a master’s in business administration (MBA) from Cambridge University (UK, 2003).
— She is Nigeria’s longest-serving minister, serving from July 2007 to May 29, 2011, and July 2011 to May 29, 2015 – a total of eight years.
— She was the first female executive director in Shell’s Nigeria office, the first female appointed to head Nigeria’s transportation, mines and steel development, and petroleum ministries, the first woman to represent any country at the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and the first woman elected to the OPEC presidency (2014)/
— Her husband, Allison Madueke, a retired rear admiral, and one-time chief of naval staff, whom she married in 1999, served as military governor of Anambra when General Buhari was head of state between January 1984 and August 1985.

"He kicked the chairs, the boots & everything."Cristiano Ronaldo reveals Alex Ferguson's hairdryer treatment.

Real Madrid forward, Cristiano Ronaldo has also revealed his former manager, Sir Alex Ferguson’s temper in the changing room during his spell at the club.
The Portuguese has been featured in the Scot’s BBC’s upcoming documentary, ‘Sir Alex Ferguson: Secrets of Success,’ which will be aired at 10.30pm on October 11.

“I remember sometimes when we do something bad or we lost some games he kick the chairs and he kick the boots, he kick everything, the waters, the drinks, and he’s so red and ‘f**k you, you should pass the ball you. ‎It was unbelievable but it was good – because we learn.”

Amaechi’s ministerial nomination: Buhari’s best independence anniversary gift – Rivers APC

The Rivers State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has described the nomination of the immediate past governor of the State, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, as a Minister by President Muhammadu Buhari, as a fitting independence anniversary gift by the Nigerian leader to Rivers State and her people. A statement signed by the State Party Chairman, Dr. Davies Ibiamu Ikanya, and issued Tuesday in Port Harcourt said:

 “With the listing, today, of Rt. Hon. Amaechi as a ministerial nominee  we are elated that, once more, good has prevailed over evil, God over devil, light over darkness, patriotism over nepotism. By this singular act, President Muhammadu Buhari has not only given us the best 55th independence anniversary gift but has also liberated Rivers State from the shackles of a despotic and demonic clique that thought that by propaganda that they could rewrite the history of Rivers State and run down a man whose love for the development and emancipation of Rivers State and Nigeria is infectious. President Buhari has proven that he is not only a man of honour, integrity and principle but also a man who cherishes and promotes friendship and patriotism. “

Rivers APC assured President Buhari that Amaechi will not only bring honour to his administration but will also work very hard to make his administration one of the best ever in the annals of Nigeria’s history. “As we congratulate Amaechi, we urge him to be steadfast in his drive for a better Nigeria by giving out his best as the failure of the Buhari administration will be blamed on him in view of the risks and sacrifices he made in bringing the APC government to birth.

 We thank General Olusegun Obasanjo, Bola Tinubu, General TY Danjuma and all the great minds that ensured that the plots of evil men never prevailed in the appointment of Amaechi as a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as his non-appointment would have discouraged most Nigerians from working hard to unseat n non-performing government headed by their kinsman,” Rivers APC said.

Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze,         

SSA on Media and Public Affairs to the State Chairman, APC Rivers State

Photos: Chidinma, Oge Okoye, others walk against breast cancer.

 Singer, Chidinma Ekile “Ms. Kedike” and Nollywood actress,
Oge Okoye led the Pink October Walk, Race & against Cancer with over 200
people and two breast cancer survivors, Khadijat Banwo and Gloria Orji; on
Saturday 3rd October, 2015, at Alade Market, Allen Avenue,
Ikeja, Lagos. It was a 1km walk, 1km race and 7km cycling with @RoadRunners
club to create awareness and provide free breast and cervical cancer screenings
to women at Alade Market.

 “I am honored to lend my voice to the fight against this disease that
has been ravaging women at their prime, it is a worthy cause and I am excited
that my foundation- NMA Foundation partnered with Project PINK BLUE to make
this happen. I am most happy that we had this event in a market to reach-out
low income earners. I encourage every women to always do breast self-exam”

said Chidinma.
Oge Okoye affirmed that, “I am supporting this cause in honour of my
aunt, who had breast cancer and survived and also in honour of thousands of
women who lost the fight against cancer and those battling with it presently.
Being part of an initiative aimed at saving lives is quite close to my heart,
and I am excited to meet these lovely and strong breast cancer survivors”.
Runcie Chidebe, the executive director of Project PINK BLUE said
that “Seventy-nine
(79) women received free clinical breast examination and over forty-five (45)
women received free cervical cancer screening. Thanks to all our partners and I
strongly believe that we can do more with your support. The strategic vision is
to encourage all women in Nigeria to do breast self exam in this October and
every month”.
The event also featured the following: Dance Against Cancer, where
a celebrity dancer Taiwo Lawal led a dramatic healthy dance. The celebrities
signed their signatures against cancer, made pitches against cancer and also
participated in the aerobics. While, Peace Emezue and Pamela Umebuani led the
Aerobics, Dr. M.O. Nwaneri, a consultant oncologist with St. Nicholas Hospital,
Lagos made a presentation on breast cancer and Dr. Paschal of Society for
Family Health (SFH) made a presentation on Cervical Cancer. A nurse from Pink
Pearl Foundation also made a presentation on Breast Self Examination.
Project PINK BLUE is a cancer Nonprofit engaged in breast and
cervical cancer awareness, provision of free cancer screenings and support to
people battling with cancer. This year we organized the PINK OCTOBER WALK, RACE
& CYCLING AGAINST CANCER in partnership with Nma Foundation to commemorate
the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Project PINK BLUE has impacted over 771 women directly and indirectly. We have been
recognized with Nelson Mandela-Graca Machel Innovation Award,
Johannesburg, South Africa (; Global
Shapers Community Abuja I AM BOLD Award
, Shape Africa 2014 (;
and Semi-finalist in the Big C Competition by LiveSTRONG, USA (
and listed among Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme (TEEP 2015).
For  more information: [email protected] or [email protected] Contact
Number: +2348036053866
FOLLOW @ProjectPINKBLUE  on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Director Project PINK BLUE

t: +234 803 6053 866,
Skype: @projectpinkblue

Personal Health Monitor Right on Your Wrist

Proin eu purus eget purus venenatis placerat volutpat vitae nulla. Duis vel tempus orci. Proin commodo aliquet diam, at tempor justo. Suspendisse sit amet aliquam nisi. Vestibulum a elit ipsum. Morbi interdum metus eget diam suscipit, nec commodo sapien scelerisque. Integer urna leo, auctor ac enim at, ornare mattis nunc. Morbi finibus risus ut libero tincidunt faucibus.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known

Nullam eget nibh nibh. Phasellus eleifend magna vitae neque maximus, consectetur luctus nibh vestibulum. Quisque ornare ipsum nec auctor congue. Nunc ac elementum nisl. Aliquam non lectus non leo facilisis faucibus nec non ligula. Vivamus suscipit turpis risus, a hendrerit nibh sodales id. Cras tincidunt, leo et vulputate ornare, nisi sapien blandit justo, in congue justo nulla non ex mauris ultrices gravida.

Photo by Nadine A. Gardner

Fusce gravida turpis eu scelerisque placerat. Sed ac metus massa. Praesent nec felis varius, tristique risus quis, sollicitudin nisl. Mauris sem nunc, placerat eget sapien at, consectetur tempus massa.

Dare to dream big

Ut vehicula nisi consectetur augue condimentum, eget auctor massa viverra. Aenean scelerisque tellus at molestie dictum. Fusce lobortis eu lorem id maximus. Duis feugiat ex ligula, id egestas velit finibus nec.

Phasellus et felis suscipit, consectetur leo vel, pellentesque orci. Aenean aliquam ultricies ultrices. Phasellus ac sodales nulla, a dignissim diam. Praesent efficitur euismod tincidunt. Curabitur vitae turpis in justo.

Donec pretium dapibus justo at fermentum. In nisi lorem, iaculis quis leo imperdiet, convallis mattis nunc. Nulla lobortis dui in ligula tempor volutpat. Praesent varius consectetur arcu ut aliquet. In pretium elit et tortor ultrices congue.

Quisque sed auctor nisi. Cras eleifend egestas odio, et pretium massa facilisis eu. Duis non massa pharetra, vehicula neque vel, porta sapien. Phasellus euismod nec purus ac ornare. Quisque mattis ante nec tortor consequat ornare. Nulla tincidunt augue felis, sit amet auctor ipsum pellentesque et. Phasellus nec semper metus. Proin a faucibus tellus.

Maecenas non quam lectus. Fusce et justo nec tortor tempus vulputate in non metus. Sed vitae diam pulvinar, porta nulla id, facilisis lectus. Ut ac rhoncus felis, quis dignissim sem. Suspendisse commodo sapien ut eros eleifend, et facilisis purus commodo. Aenean non sapien nec nibh euismod commodo ultrices non magna.

Running towards the sunrise. Photo by Nadine A. Gardner

Nulla ac hendrerit nulla. Vivamus facilisis, orci a rutrum faucibus, erat ipsum vehicula ipsum, faucibus finibus lectus ante nec orci. Fusce pharetra lobortis felis nec eleifend. Curabitur et nibh sem. Praesent consectetur tincidunt libero vel lacinia.

Perfect opportunity

Suspendisse magna urna, faucibus euismod bibendum et, efficitur at ante. Integer consequat, quam in pulvinar ullamcorper, leo quam consequat turpis, non laoreet augue lacus vel nisl. Donec scelerisque eget mauris sed malesuada. Ut et nibh mollis, pulvinar arcu vel, elementum nunc. Nam dapibus mollis metus, at vulputate quam pellentesque id. Phasellus viverra sem pharetra purus pretium sagittis.

In vehicula commodo iaculis. Vestibulum sed dui dui. Vivamus vel rutrum erat. In augue nisi, rhoncus vitae magna nec, iaculis blandit eros. Praesent quam elit, feugiat a dolor ac, lobortis fermentum sapien. Quisque sed ex venenatis, ornare lacus id, lacinia arcu. Fusce tempor quis leo non facilisis. Vivamus facilisis porttitor erat eu vulputate.

To find a peace of mind listen to your heart.

Quisque venenatis dignissim fermentum. Praesent convallis felis a tellus consectetur, ac mattis elit sodales. Fusce non diam lorem.

Once in a lifetime

Etiam elementum elit nunc, nec interdum lectus maximus id. Proin pulvinar urna in luctus ornare. Pellentesque sagittis lacus quis bibendum pretium. Nunc sagittis eros at dolor finibus, a accumsan ante hendrerit.

Sed massa nulla, ultrices ac nisl eget, pretium tincidunt ante. Donec ultrices aliquam convallis. Cras luctus lectus nec diam interdum ultricies eu quis nunc. Pellentesque quis lacinia ex, id posuere quam.

Aenean eu facilisis tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Proin suscipit felis risus, nec tristique justo gravida quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce id sodales metus, a pulvinar nibh. Curabitur eu mi felis.

In vestibulum, odio et vestibulum pharetra, ex est viverra elit, ac imperdiet ipsum est porta arcu. Suspendisse augue turpis, rutrum sit amet sapien eget, semper ultricies elit. Donec interdum nibh condimentum ante blandit tempor. Vivamus fringilla placerat lectus in efficitur.

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