
#CAFAwards18 : Full list of winners.

The 2018 edition of the AiteoCAF awards was held on January 8, 2019 in Dakar, Senegal. Below are the list of winners. Morocco and Borussia Dortmund defender Achraf Hakimi was named CAF African Youth Player of the Year 2018. 

Egypt Mohamed Salah is the CAF African Player of the Year 2018
for second time.  

Africa Best XI 2018. Onyango, Aurier, Benatia, Bailly, Koulibaly, Keita, Partey, Mahrez, Aubameyang, Mane, Salah

The CAF Women’s Team of the Year 2018 is Nigeria. 

The Super Falcons have now won the Africa Women Team of the Year award for a record four times. 2010: 2014, 2016, 2018

Morocco coach Herve Renard is the Men’s Coach of the Year 2018. 

South Africa forward Chrestinah Thembi Kgatlana is CAF African Women’s Player of the Year 2018.

South Africa coach Desiree Ellis is CAF African Women’s Coach of the Year 2018.

The CAF Men’s Team of the Year 2018 is Mauritania. 



Egypt to host the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations.

CAF have announced Egypt as hosts of the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations. 

Egypt have won the hosting rights of the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations for the first time since 2006 after beating South Africa 16-1 in votes. The Pharaohs have won it 2 out of the 3 times they have hosted; in 2006 and 1986. 
The tournament will run from 15th June to 13th July, 2019.

According to reports, one of the main differences in the bids was that
Egypt had full governmental support whereas South Africa was the opposite. Egypt will use 8 stadia in 5 cities (3 in Cairo)
Port Said (1 stadium). Other cities are Alexandria – 2 stadia, Ismailia – 1 stadium and Suez – 1 stadium.

Opinion: “2019: Time to Disrupt the System” ~ By: Tony Ogunlowo

We’ve all made it through to the year 2019. Thank God!

Now it’s time to disrupt the system!

Donald Trump is  still the President of the United States of America as is Theresa May still the PM of Great Britain as is Mohammed Buhari still the President of Nigeria: in the land of the blind the one-eyed man will continue to be King! In the absence of credible leaders the world will be continually ruled by hapless Heads of States. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world all these hapless leaders’ rules are creating hardship, inequality and uncertainty. Jobs are at risk (- or non-existent!), peoples’ dignity and Sovereignty is being stripped away from them and people have been turned into automations living day-by-day unsure of the future.

The future is only going to be bright for the mavericks who are brave enough to disrupt the system.

It’s time to go it alone! No government, no religious institution or belief is going to enable you to fulfil your full potential: they just exist to enslave you!

To declare your independence you have to free yourself from the System. You’ve got to be able to show the System you can thrive and prosper without it. We always blame all our shortcomings on the government, on our religions, on our upbringing, on our ethnicity – on everything!

It’s time to take full responsibility for ourselves and our actions: if one lemming jumps off the cliff and drowns in the sea below must the rest follow?

To disrupt the System you must find ways to circumvent whatever the system is throwing at you. For instance if there is a recession learn how to create employment or additional  income for yourself. During the Great Depression in America in the 1920s it didn’t stop some people, who had nothing to start with, to become rich and famous.

To be able to disrupt the System and become independent of it you need the following 4 things:


1, Accept Yourself for who you are.

2, You need to believe in yourself.

3, You need to be self-motivated.

4, You have to stop caring about what others think of you (- within reason!)

1, Accept yourself for who you are.

We all want to be like somebody else – a movie star, a Premier League footballer, a top musician, anybody who is up there as rich and famous. We marvel at their fantastic lives and can only dream about what it’ll be like to be like them…

Why can’t you just be yourself?

The mere fact that a person is rich and famous does not necessarily mean that they are happy and content: just take a look at the number of high profile suicide cases in recent years.

You as a person are unique: there are over 7 billion people living on Planet Earth and no two persons are alike.

The mere fact that you are not rich and famous does not mean you’re not special. Take a good look at yourself, see what you’re good at and work on it!

2, You need to believe in yourself.

The one thing most people suffer from is a lack of self-belief: I call it the “Me Ke?” syndrome (- which is an admission of self-doubt when faced with impending greatness. It’s a bit like Saul-on-the-road-to-Damascus scenario). We always believe we can’t do something and run away and hide in our nondescript lives. Instead of taking the plunge and hoping for the best we take the easy way out by not doing anything because we’re too scared to try and don’t believe in ourselves. If you don’t believe in yourself and your abilities who else will?

3, You need to be Self-Motivated.

We all need the proverbial kick up the backside occasionally to get us moving.

A lot of people are not self-motivated; they need others to push them. How many people pay good money to be motivated by their pastors, motivational speakers, life coaches and shrinks? Anthony Robbins has made a fortune just by telling people what to do.

Why can’t you self-motivate yourself? Why do you need some self-proclaimed ‘Guru’ to motivate you when the same information is lodged somewhere inside your own head? What these people are peddling is simple common-sense which you should already know!

Learn how to self-motivate yourself.

4, You have to stop caring about what others think of you (- within reason!)

When you strike it out on your own you become a maverick, an outsider. You’re about to do something nobody has done before and people are going to laugh at you, criticize you and condemn you.

Man’s progress in this world was not built on the shoulders of Men who were scared to do something because they were too scared of what people might say. The Wright Brothers would not have achieved Man’s first powered flight if they cared about what people might say. Blacks in America would not have had their independence if people like Marin Luther King and others didn’t believe in themselves and what they were doing and were more concerned about what people might say. Mavericks like Elon Musk and Richard Branson wouldn’t have got to where they are today if they cared about what people thought about their often outlandish projects.

Now, a word of advice here! Whilst I might be preaching about going solo and not listening to what people might say you need to exercise caution!

Sometimes you might need to listen to somebody – even if it’s just that tiny little voice in your head. Before you jump off that cliff into the unknown you need to be a 100% sure of yourself and what you’re doing because if you get it wrong you’ll end up more screwed up than when you first started!

To this end try and assemble a group of knowledgeable confidantes who can honestly advise you. Your ideas might be crazy and out of this world but there’s bound to be someone out there who thinks the same way as you and can help you to make the “go” or “no go” decision. Only then proceed.

So there you have it! To be independent and disrupt the System you need to be yourself: independent, resilient, decisive and resourceful.

For the foreseeable future no government, anywhere in the world, will be able to help its citizens to live a better life.

It’s up to you.

Funke Akindele and husband welcome a set of twins.

What a wonderful way to end theyear.

Talented actress, FunkeAkindele and her husband, Abdulrasheed ‘JJC Skillz’ Bello have reportedlywelcomed a set of twins. The boys were delivered in a UK hospital recently andthe couple are reportedly back to Lagos with their bundle of joy.

Funke in her Insta-story in the early hours of Saturday was full of thanks to God for giving her a new name.

“Thank you Lord. Oluwa o tobi. Mo je oruko titun. Emi ti a da lewa Olorun. A ti fi oruko titun pe mi. Eyin oluwa. Thank you Jesus. Iwo loba aseda! Mo fi ogo fun o,” she wrote

Controversy trails the cinema screening of Genevieve Nnaji’s lionheart movie.

Nollywood actress and filmmaker, Genevieve Nnaji’s globally acclaimed movie, ‘Lionheart’’s cinematic debut may be put on hold over alleged distribution issues. The star actress had announced that the movie which was acquired by world’s foremost subscription-based streaming service, Netflix on the eve of its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival would be available in the cinemas from December 21st,but industry-related issues will not make that possible, her camp has alleged.

A statement released on her behalf by Ugoma Adegoke, the CEO of Life House, sheds more light on the fresh controversy.

“FilmOne, one of the major film cinema distributors, has categorically refused to distribute Lionheart, primarily because they have no stake in it. They are currently invested in a couple of movies showing in the cinemas and want to protect their assets at all cost. Monopolizing the market this season is their strategy to recouping their investment,” the statement reads.

She added, “It is clear to me that the interest of the consumers is not of utmost priority as advertised. These cinema chains are only here to make money off of struggling artists while protecting their investments in the films they are affiliated with…

“As for the ‘powersthat be’, this is not over. On the contrary, it is just the beginning. You aregoing to respect what I stand for which is art. You are going to respect whereI came from which is Nollywood. You are going to learn to respect the talent.”

FilmOne has explained their side of the story in a new statement.

“On 21st September 2018, it was announced that Netflix would fully acquire and release the film Lionheart via its online platform. This implied that the film would not be available for theatrical release.

However, to the shock anddispleasure of several filmmakers and production companies, Genevieve Nnajiannounced the release of her film, Lionheart, on 15th December 2018, viaInstagram. This came a day after the release of other competitive titles,including Up North, Smash, God Calling (Silverbird) and Knock Out Blessing(Genesis) and Chief Daddy. These films gave between 3 and 11 months’ notice of release.

Using Chief Daddy as an example, EbonyLife came to an agreement with us at FilmOne on 19th January 2018, to release the film on 14th December – a full 11 months’ notice. This manner of advance notice to its distributor, and the entire industry, is standard practice, and aimed at avoiding unnecessary ambush situations. All of these filmmakers commenced marketing of their films up to 6 months prior to release. Since then, they have expended considerable resources (both financial and human) towards the release strategies and marketing of their films.

In contrast, the haphazard release of a title such as Lionheart would put the success of scheduled competitive titles at stake and jeopardize the efforts made by the producers.

This unprecedented development has compromised our prestigious film industry in the following ways:

1. Firstly, it is important to consider that while we do operate in a free market, key stakeholders have come together to form an association, bound by by-laws and guidelines that regulate the standard principles of business engagement. One of these principles is the circulation of a weekly update of film release dates, known as the Competitive Positioning Release Schedule (CPRS). The CPRS gives all distributors and cinemas reasonable notice of upcoming releases and/or changes thereto. Permitting the release of Lionheart would perpetrate the very mischief, which the CPRS was designed to combat.

2. Secondly, the very essence of the Theatrical Distributors Association of Nigeria (TDAN) and Cinema Exhibitors Association Nigeria (CEAN) is to create an atmosphere of transparency and fairness within the industry, where all stakeholders are afforded a say in the conduct of the industry. The abrupt and unscheduled release of Lionheart is being forced by a small contingent of stakeholders and, if permitted, means that said highly destructive to the orderly running of the industry and the beginning of the chaos that afflicts so many aspects of Nigerian life. On addition, it would set a dangerous precedent, where power and influence trump accepted rules and render the majority of stakeholders powerless.

3. Considering the time and effort that has gone into providing structure and stability to the film industry, a move such as this has the potential to set in motion a devastatingly regressive tide. It should be remembered that we operate in a global industry with widely accepted norms and behaviours. Indeed, the producers of Lion Heart have been embraced by an international platform and should be keen to set an example for upcoming filmmakers.

4. Also, it is important to consider the disruptive impact of this unscheduled release on other filmmakers. As previously mentioned, the release of most films are dated well in advance in order to give ‘breathing space’ and maximum potential for box office success. This is due primarily to the limited screen space available for theatrical releases in Nigeria.

5. We must address the mischievous and potentially libelous rumours currently circulating on social media, regarding our purported ‘interest’ in a number of titles, hence our reluctance to release Lion Heart. Firstly, we have no interest in any film being released in December 2018. Our sole interest is in King of Boys, released in October, for which FilmOne provided a production consultancy service, and is currently completing a very successful run. In the course of our discussions with The Entertainment Network (TEN) on 3rd December 2018, we made it clear that the short notice of less than 2 weeks and the plethora of titles (14 in all) being released in December would preclude the release of Lion Heart in Filmhouse Cinemas. In addition, it is being suggested that FilmOne manipulates box office figures in order to give a false impression of titles we are vested in. We reject such accusations in the strongest possible terms and we are prepared to take legal action against any party to whom such statements are attributed.

We take our agreements with filmmakers quite seriously, as well as our commitment to other cinema owners, to properly schedule films and abide by our association’s (CEAN) rules. We have led from the front, to ensure that box office figures are reported industry-wide in a timely and transparent fashion. Indeed, we were the first to regularly publish box numbers for public consumption, understanding that this would have a positive effect on the professional image of our industry. Any interested stakeholder is more than welcome to see the weekly statements FilmOne issues on all films it distributes in all cinemas nationwide. How does one manipulate figures that so many stakeholders – cinema owners and filmmakers – have a financial stake in?

In conclusion, it is our deepest hope that we have successfully clarified our position in this most dissatisfying situation.

Patrick Lee, chairman of the Cinema Exhibitors Association of Nigeria (CEAN) said the Lionheart team did not adhere to the processes involved in exhibiting a film in cinemas in the country that’s why most of its members “rightly refused to take the movie.”

“We expect the movie to come from a licenced distributor, we expect the movie to be given adequate run time in the cinemas before it is officially released on other platforms.

“And also for our cinemas to be provided with adequate notice for the inclusion of the movie in an increasingly crowded calendar.

“It is clear from the approach taken by the Lionheart team that these processes were not adhered to and most of our members rightly refused to take the movie.

“It is also important to note that this movie had been signed up by Netflix months ago, thereby giving Genevieve’s team ample time to secure a spot on the calendar.

“An option they did not take until quite recently thereby ensuring the possibility of the movie not being shown by cinemas during their preferred date.

“Genevieve has starred and produced movies for cinema exhibition in the past so should be familiar with the way the industry works which is why this is a cause for concern for us in the cinema association.

“Finally it’s worth pointing out that other movies such as Chief Daddy, KOB and Merry men had all been slated from early March this year.

“Mo Abudu, AY and Kemi Adetiba who are industry compatriots of Genevieve’s followed the right approach by scheduling early for cinema release.

“It’s not fair that they may now possibly have their screen times reduced because of the rushed inclusion of Lionheart in the cinemas.

“We at the cinema association are also not pleased about the attacks in the statement on some of our members and the sweeping generalisations the statement makes,” Lee said.


Ole Gunnar Solskjaer appointed Manchester United caretaker manager.

Following the dismissal of Jose Mourinho as Manchester United manager yesterday, the Red Devils have gotten an interim coach.

Former Manchester United striker Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been appointed as the club’s caretaker manager until the end of the 2018/19 season..He told the club’s official website: “Manchester United is in my heart and it’s brilliant to be coming back in this role. I’m really looking forward to working with the very talented squad we have, the staff and everyone at the club.” 

As Cardiff City’s manager, he won  9 times, lost 16 times, had 5 draws in 30 games. The 45-year-old spent 11 seasons at Old Trafford.

Jose Mourinho has been sacked by Manchester United.

Manchester United have announced that Jose Mourinho has left the club with immediate effect. An interim manager will be appointed until the end of the season.
A statement from the club confirmed that, ‘Manchester United announces that manager Jose Mourinho has left the club with immediate effect. ‘The club would like to thank Jose for his work during his time at Manchester United and to wish him success in the future. ‘A new caretaker manager will be appointed until the end of the current season, while the club conducts a thorough recruitment process for a new, full-time manager.’

The 55 year-old was fired after strings of unimpressive performances by the club. The latest being Sunday’s defeat at Liverpool, closing a tenure that began in May 2016. The Red Devils are 19 points behind Liverpool.
Lyon’s manager Bruno Genesio could replace the Portuguese at Manchester United. The Frenchman is currently on his way to England to finalize the deal, league sources tell Libero Lyon. Former Real Madrid manager, Zinedine Zidane is another favourite to be Manchester United’s next manager.

Femi Otedola promises to foot actor, Victor Olaotan’s medical bills.

Business mogul and philanthropist, Femi Otedola has promised to offset the medical bills of ailing Nollywood actor, Victor Olaotan known for his role as Fred Ade-Williams in the television series, Tinsel who is seeking financial assistance after a ghastly accident left him bed ridden for several months.

Few days ago, actress Ireti Doyle posted an update about his situation, and called for donations for her colleague. A Gofundme account was also opened on his behalf.
Well, the cheering news from his quarters is that the billionnaire has sprung to his help and is already in touch with his family members. The new development was announced on the instagram page of veteran actor, Richard Mofe-Damijo.

So, a few days ago, I reached out to @femiotedola asking for help for my friend and brother Victor and just this morning, Femi calls to tell me that he would take care of ALL of Victor’s bills.
He told me that he is already on it and that his people are already talking with Victor’s wife. Is God not awesome?? I can’t even contain my joy and gratitude. Thank you Femi
@femiotedola you are a man and a half and thank you to my young friend @gbenroajibade for championing this cause, they really don’t make them like you anymore, you are such an amazing “child” and I am proud to know you.
Thank you to everyone who has supported in one way or the other. It’s been a long time coming

Ballon d’Or: Football fans react as Messi is named 5th best player in the world.

Lionel Messi finished outside the Ballon d’Or top three for the first time since 2006 and football fans are having none of it. Check out some of the reactions.

Luka Modric ends Messi-Ronaldo Ballon d’Or duopoly.

Real Madrid And Croatia midfielder, Luka Modric has won the 2018 Ballon d’Or, ending the decade-long duopoly over the award held by soccer greats, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. He becomes the first football player in history to win: World Cup Golden Ball, FIFA Best Men’s Player, UEFA Men’s Player and the Ballon d’Or awards this year.
He spoke of his intentions to remain with the Los Blancos shortly after winning the highly coveted prize on Monday evening: “I have two years left and hopefully one more [on my Madrid contract]. The club show me a lot of affection and I’d like to retire at Real Madrid. My family enjoy it and I want to keep enjoying this huge club.”

He becomes the 11th player to win the Ballon d’Or while at Real Madrid—drawing them level with Barcelona.
Real Madrid And Croatia midfielder, Luka Modric has won the 2018 Ballon d’Or, ending the decade-long duopoly over the award held by soccer greats, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. He becomes the first football player in history to win: World Cup Golden Ball, FIFA Best Men’s Player, UEFA Men’s Player and the Ballon d’Or awards this year.
He spoke of his intentions to remain with the Los Blancos shortly after winning the highly coveted prize on Monday evening: “I have two years left and hopefully one more [on my Madrid contract]. The club show me a lot of affection and I’d like to retire at Real Madrid. My family enjoy it and I want to keep enjoying this huge club.”

He becomes the 11th player to win the Ballon d’Or while at Real Madrid—drawing them level with Barcelona.
Ballon d’Or 2018 Final 10
Luka Modric
Cristiano Ronaldo
Antoine Griezmann
Kylian Mbappé
Lionel Messi
Mohamed Salah
Raphaël Varane
Eden Hazard
Kevin de Bruyne
Harry Kane

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