
President Buhari extends lockdown in Abuja, Lagos and Ogun by 2 weeks. Read full transcript of his address.

Fellow Nigerians, In my address on Sunday, 29th March, 2020, I asked the residents of Lagos and Ogun States as well as the Federal Capital Territory to stay at home for an initial period of fourteen days starting from Monday, 30th March 2020. Many State Governments also introduced similar restrictions. As your democratically elected leaders, we made this very difficult decision knowing fully well it will severely disrupt your livelihoods and bring undue hardship to you, your loved ones and your communities.

However, such sacrifices are needed to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our country. They were necessary to save lives. Our objective was, and still remains, to contain the spread of the Coronavirus and to provide space, time and resources for an aggressive and collective action. The level of compliance to the COVID-19 guidelines issued has been generally good across the country. I wish to thank you all most sincerely for the great sacrifice you are making for each other at this critical time.

I will take this opportunity to recognise the massive support from our traditional rulers, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) during this pandemic. I also acknowledge the support and contributions received from public-spirited individuals, the business community and our international partners and friends.

I must also thank the media houses, celebrities and other public figures for the great work they are doing in sensitizing our citizens on hygienic practices, social distancing and issues associated with social gatherings. As a result of the overwhelming support & cooperation received, we were able to achieve a lot during these 14 days of initial lockdown. We implemented comprehensive public health measures that intensified our case identification, testing, isolation & contact tracing capabilities.

To date, we have identified 92% of all identified contacts while doubling the number of testing laboratories in the country and raising our testing capacity to 1,500 tests per day. We also trained over 7,000 healthcare workers on infection prevention and control, while deploying NCDC teams to 19 states of the federation. Lagos and Abuja today have the capacity to admit some 1,000 patients each across several treatment centres. Many State Governments have also made provisions for isolation wards and treatment centres. We will also build similar centers near our airports and land borders.

Using our resources and those provided through donations, we will adequately equip and man these centres in the coming weeks. Already, health care workers across all the treatment centers have been provided with the personal protective equipment that they need to safely carry out the care they provide. Our hope and prayers are that we do not have to use all these centres. But we will be ready for all eventualities. At this point, I must recognise the incredible work being done by our healthcare workers and volunteers across the country especially in frontline areas of Lagos and Ogun States as well as the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

You are our heroes and as a nation, we will forever remain grateful for your sacrifice during this very difficult time. More measures to motivate our health care workers are being introduced which we will announce in the coming weeks. As a nation, we are on the right track to win the fight against COVID-19. However, I remain concerned about the increase in number of confirmed cases and deaths being reported across the world and in Nigeria specifically. On 30th March 2020, when we started our lockdown in conforming with medical and scientific advice, the total number of confirmed cases across the world was over 780,000. Yesterday, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases globally was over one million, eight hundred and fifty thousand. This figure is more than double in two weeks!

In the last fourteen days alone, over 70,000 people have died due to this disease. In the same period, we have seen the health systems of even the most developed nations being overwhelmed by this virus. Here in Nigeria, we had 131 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in 12 States on 30th March 2020. We had two fatalities then. This morning, Nigeria had 323 confirmed cases in twenty States. Unfortunately we now have ten fatalities. Lagos State remains the center and accounts for 54% of the confirmed cases in Nigeria. When combined with the FCT, the two locations represent over 71% of the confirmed cases in Nigeria.

Most of our efforts will continue to focus in these two locations. Majority of the confirmed cases in Lagos and the FCT are individuals with recent international travel history or those that came into contact with returnees from international trips. By closing our airports and land borders and putting strict conditions for seaport activities, we have reduced the impact of external factors on our country. However, the increase in the number of States with positive cases is alarming.

The National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has informed me that, a large proportion of new infections are now occurring in our communities, through person-to-person contacts. So we must pay attention to the danger of close contact between person to person. At this point, I will remind all Nigerians to continue to take responsibility for the recommended measures to prevent transmission, including maintaining physical distancing, good personal hygiene and staying at home. In addition, I have signed the Quarantine Order in this regard and additional regulations to provide clarity in respect of the control measures for the COVID-19 pandemic which will be released soon.

Today, the cessation of movement, physical distancing measures and the prohibition of mass gatherings remain the most efficient and effective way of reducing the transmission of the virus. By sustaining these measures, combined with extensive testing and contact tracing, we can take control and limit the spread of the disease. Our approach to the virus remains in 2 steps – First, to protect the lives of our fellow Nigerians and residents living here and second, to preserve the livelihoods of workers and business owners. With this in mind and having carefully considered the briefings and Report from the Presidential Task Force and the various options offered, it has become necessary to extend the current restriction of movement in Lagos and Ogun States as well as the FCT for another 14 days effective from 11:59 pm on Monday, 13th of April, 2020. I am therefore once again asking you all to work with Government in this fight.

This is not a joke. It is a matter of life and death. Mosques in Makkah and Madina have been closed. The Pope celebrated Mass on an empty St. Peter’s Square. The famous Notre Dame cathedral in Paris held Easter Mass with less than 10 people. India, Italy and France are in complete lockdown. Other countries are in the process of following suit. We cannot be lax. The previously issued guidelines on exempted services shall remain. This is a difficult decision to take, but I am convinced that this is the right decision. The evidence is clear. The repercussions of any premature end to the lockdown action are unimaginable.

We must not lose the gains achieved thus far. We must not allow a rapid increase in community transmission. We must endure a little longer. I will therefore take this opportunity to urge you all to notify the relevant authorities if you or your loved ones develop any symptoms. I will also ask our health care professionals to redouble their efforts to identify all suspected cases, bring them into care and prevent transmission to others. No country can afford the full impact of a sustained restriction of movement on its economy. I am fully aware of the great difficulties experienced especially by those who earn a daily wage such as traders, dayworkers, artisans and manual workers. For this group, their sustenance depends on their ability to go out. Their livelihoods depend on them mingling with others and about seeking work. But despite these realities we must not change the restrictions. In the past two weeks, we announced palliative measures such as food distribution, cash transfers and loans repayment waivers to ease the pains of our restrictive policies during this difficult time. These palliatives will be sustained.

I have also directed that the current Social Register be expanded from 2.6 million households to 3.6 million households in the next two weeks. This means we will support an additional one million homes with our social investment programs. A technical committee is working on this and will submit a report to me by the end of this week. The Security Agencies have risen to the challenges posed by this unprecedented situation with gallantry and I commend them. I urge them to continue to maintain utmost vigilance, firmness as well as restraint in enforcing the restriction orders while not neglecting statutory security responsibilities.

Fellow Nigerians, follow the instructions on social distancing. The irresponsibility of the few can lead to the death of the many. Your freedom ends where other people’s rights begin. The response of our State Governors has been particularly impressive, especially in aligning their policies and actions to those of the Federal Government. In the coming weeks, I want to assure you that the Federal Government, through the Presidential Task Force, will do whatever it takes to support you in this very difficult period. I have no doubt that, by working together and carefully following the rules, we shall get over this pandemic. I must also thank the Legislative arm of Government for all its support and donations in this very difficult period. This collaboration is critical to the short and long-term success of all the measures that we have instituted in response to the pandemic.

As a result of this pandemic, the world as we know it has changed. The way we interact with each other, conduct our businesses and trade, travel, educate our children and earn our livelihoods will be different. To ensure our economy adapts to this new reality, I am directing the Ministers of Industry, Trade and Investment, Communication and Digital Economy, Science and Technology, Transportation, Aviation, Interior, Health, Works and Housing, Labour and Employment and Education to jointly develop a comprehensive policy for a “Nigerian economy functioning with COVID-19”.

The Ministers will be supported by the Presidential Economic Advisory Council and the Economic Sustainability Committee in executing this mandate. I am also directing the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the National Security Adviser, the Vice Chairman, National Food Security Council and the Chairman, Presidential Fertiliser Initiative to work with the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 to ensure the impact of this pandemic on our 2020 farming season is minimized.

Finally, I want to thank the members of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 for all their hard work so far. Indeed, the patriotism shown in your work is exemplary and highly commendable. Fellow Nigerians, I have no doubt that by working together and carefully following the rules, we shall get over this pandemic and emerge stronger in the end. I thank you all for listening and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

No match is worth risking a single human life -FIFA president, Gianni Infantino warns against leagues rushing back.

FIFA president Gianni Infantino has warned against leagues rushing back to football, stressing that, no match is worth risking a single human life.  He said this in a recent video message addressed to the 211 FIFA member Associations and shared with members of the FIFA Council.

Football across the world is currently suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak and there are reports that some matches might kick off anytime from June.

Also Read: Footballing world is joining the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our first priority, our principle, the one we will use for our competitions and encourage everyone to follow is that health comes first, I cannot stress this enough. No match, no competition, no league is worth risking a single human life. Everyone in the world should have this very clear in their mind. It would be more than irresponsible to force competitions to resume if things are not 100% safe. If we have to wait a little longer we must do so. It’s better to wait a little bit longer than to take any risks.” He maintained.

Because of the restrictions in traditional consultation processes due to coronavirus, he requested member associations “to work with the technology available to engage more, to talk about the common challenges that lie ahead, and to think about the future”.

“I am convinced football will play a key role to bring people back together when it’s safe to play again and be with our friends and families in large groups,” he concluded. “Let’s prepare for that moment…FIFA is with you in these difficult times, and together, we will win!” He concluded.

18 year-old education advocate, Zuriel Oduwole shares her remarkable journey with over 600 US Educators.

Weeks before WHO declared globally a health pandemic which has all but shut down most schools across the US and the world at large, teen girl education advocate Zuriel Oduwole shared her remarkable journey with over 600 US Educators.
Zuriel Oduwole, a Nigerian, came to limelight after becoming the youngest person ever to be interviewed by Forbes at age 10. She also, became world’s youngest filmmaker to have a self-produced work screened commercially at age 12.
At an annual conference where educators gathered to explore creative and [beyond best practice] ways of keeping students engaged and excited about their curriculum, Zuriel was asked by many educators amongst other things, how she was able to self motivate to accomplish what she has, when many teens were still focused on finding friends, getting caught up on social media fashion and dance trends, or debating and grading the latest entertainment craze.
Her answers were simple, childlike, precise, beyond ordinary at times, but most importantly, originally hers. She has now spoken to more than 47,350 youths in 18 countries about the power of an education, and sat down with over 30 world leaders [Presidents and Prime Ministers], to share her simple ideas of dealing with the social challenges of out of school children.
A self taught armature film maker, she began a basic ‘film making 101 class’ for unemployed and out of school  women in Namibia in 2016 sponsored by Hilton Hotel and Air Namibia, aged 13. The success of that pilot led to her delivery of similar sponsored projects in Mexico, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria and Ethiopia.
She believes education is more than just theoretical subjects in a formal school setting and speaks about the need to consider the vocational tendencies of older students, who have aged out of traditional school, by giving them the opportunity to learn commercially viable skills in todays digital economy.
Corona Virus pandemic

Opinion: Africa cannot go back to ‘business as usual’ when COVID-19 pandemic is over | By: Babatunde Omilola

Like every other pandemic that the world has experienced in the past, coronavirus will eventually come to an end. It will be defeated, and life return to normal. But it will teach us an important lesson: the need to invest in health infrastructure across the world, and particularly in Africa.

For centuries, global and national agendas have given premium to wealth creation and less attention to healthcare. Indeed, the pursuit of wealth has even come at the expense of the environment. Budgetary allocations for health have been woefully inadequate compared to other sectors. Just imagine this: if what we are experiencing today was a virus that attacked machines and not human beings, normal life would go on – handshakes, kisses and hugs would still symbolise friendship, love and comfort and not the threat of infection. From now on, we must prioritise human health collectively, not individually.

Globally, as at 6 April 2020, there have been 1,174,866 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 64,541 deaths, reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). We may not have reached the apex of this pandemic, and what we have seen so far from other countries suggests that Africa is a ticking time bomb. If advanced economies like Italy, Spain, the United States and France are struggling to contain the wrath of this pandemic, then it has a devastating potential in poor countries like Uganda, Cameroon, Burkina Faso and Senegal, where lifestyle, beliefs, culture and economic conditions offer fertile grounds for disease to thrive.

One would have thought that the Ebola outbreak, which began in 2014, would have opened the eyes of key stakeholders in Africa to consider health system strengthening as a key priority. But this has not been the case. At the beginning of the Ebola epidemic, fear and panic prompted some African governments to pay attention to shoring up their health systems, yet, when the grip of the epidemic loosened, business as usual continued.

Also Read: Opinion: The pandemic is no time for fiscal distancing | By: Akinwumi Adesina

Africa cannot afford to go back to business as usual when the COVID-19 pandemic is finally halted. Such an attitude would be akin to settling down to sleep while our roof is on fire. There are too many health issues to be fixed – from an inadequate number of health care professionals to a lack of health infrastructure.

At present, Africa is home to more than 1.3 billion people and bears one-third of the global disease burden yet accounts for only 3% of the global health workforce. The average physician density in sub-Saharan Africa stands at two doctors per 10,000 people. This ranges from 0.6 in Burkina Faso to nine doctors in South Africa. Nigeria, which is the most populous nation in Africa, has physician density of three doctors to 10,000 population. Ethiopia has just one doctor per 10,000 people, even though it has the second largest population on the continent. In contrast, Italy, France and Spain, where COVID-19 is taking its heaviest toll, have physician densities of 40.9, 40.6 and 32.3 doctors per 10,000 population respectively.

There is also a huge health infrastructure gap. An assessment by WHO regarding the status of health infrastructure across the continent revealed woefully inadequate physical health infrastructure. Dispensaries and health centres are limited in supply. The shortage of these facilities makes access to primary healthcare a challenge to most rural residents. For instance, total hospital density per 100,000 population across the continent ranges from 0.06 to 0.17. The number of hospital beds, including intensive care unit (ICU) beds, are limited. A country like South Africa, even with its advanced public health systems has less than 1,000 ICU beds. In Malawi, 17 million people rely on only 25 ICU beds. Countries like Zimbabwe and Liberia have none.

Laboratory capacity in most African countries are equally bereft of modern facilities. The emergency medical systems across many countries in Africa can only deal with a fraction of those needing care. In some deprived communities in Burkina Faso, women requiring emergency care are sometimes transported on bicycles to health centres. Similar conditions can also be found in Chad, Central African Republic, northern Ghana and some rural parts of Nigeria. At the moment, the United States is battling with a limited supply of ventilators for COVID-19 patients. In Africa, very few countries can boast of having even 100 ventilators. There is an urgent need, therefore, to pay attention to health system strengthening in Africa.

Investing in quality health infrastructure makes sense from both economic and social perspectives. Indeed, there is enough evidence that shows that investments in health infrastructure create an avenue for resilient societies and drive inclusive growth. Development partners have a role to play. They can prevent the collapse of health systems in Africa by establishing special funding schemes to support the health expenditures of African countries. These must, however, be targeted and well defined. The support should aim to avoid overstretching existing health infrastructure while strengthening human resource capacity.

The starting point should be investments in digital health tools. Breakthrough innovations such as telemedicine, mHealth and drones are transforming healthcare in advanced countries, meanwhile their adoption in Africa have been rather slow. Supporting the scaling up of these technologies in Africa could help governments deal effectively with epidemics and the growing burden of chronic diseases. Supporting the construction of health posts, the purchasing of personal protective equipment and equipping medical centres with modern facilities can follow. There is no time to waste: while finding ways to battle the current pandemic may be daunting, it also presents an opportunity to focus on the strengthening of Africa’s health systems by adopting a comprehensive and integrated approach based on each country’s individual needs. Let us not go back to business as usual after this pandemic.

Babatunde Omilola is the Manager for Public Health, Security and Nutrition Division at the African Development Bank.

Odion Ighalo gives update on Manchester United future.

Nigeria/Manchester United striker, Odion Ighalo has given an update on his future at the Old Trafford. The 30 year-old who joined the club in January 2020 has revealed that there is “no offer on the table yet” from Manchester United over extending his stay at the club. Ighalo has scored four goals in eight games since arriving on loan from Shanghai Shenhua in January and even though his loan contract, expires on May 31, United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is open to keeping him beyond the end of this campaign.

 Ighalo told ElegbeteTV. Because the season is still on and I’m yet to finish my loan deal. I don’t just take decisions alone in my life. I have a principle and I have a guideline for everything I do. I always pray to God to direct me.

Also Read: Iker Casillas calls for an El Clasico charity match when football returns.

“I have seen so many tweets about this. I have seen so many people going crazy, [saying] ‘go back to China’, some say stay with Man United. Have you seen me say a word? I don’t have anything to say. When the season is finished and I get two offers from the two teams, then I will sit and think about it, pray about it and whatever God says I should do, I will go with that. “I don’t just sit down and take decisions, and I don’t get carried away with whatever people say. I came to Manchester United to play for a pay cut because I wanted to. So anything could happen, but I want the season to finish and my loan to finish. Then I will see everything I have.

Also Read: Lionel Messi reacts to claims he bailed out Ronaldinho from jail.

“You don’t just rush and do things. ‘I’m going here, I’m going here’. I have to sit down and finish the season well, sit down with my agent, see what’s on the ground: A, B, C, D, is on the ground. Okay we have to pick.”

Meanwhile, his contract with Shanghai Shenhua expires next year and the Chinese Super League side have offered him a £400,000-a-week to extend his deal.


Ronaldinho and brother released from jail

Lionel Messi reacts to claims he bailed out Ronaldinho from jail.

Barcelona icon, Lionel Messi has denied reports claiming he bailed out Barcelona and Brazil legend, Ronaldinho from jail in Paraguay. Ronaldinho and his elder brother his brother Roberto Assis, who is also his business manager, were arrested and incarcerated in Paraguay on  March 6 for attempting to enter the country with false Paraguayan passports and ID cards.


After 32 days in jail, they were released from Paraguayan prison on bail this week and there are reports that the Argentine paid $1.6 million (£1.3m) to secure their release. Their mobile phones which were confiscated by investigators after their arrest so they could review files and messages on the phones were returned last week.

‘What they said in this same newspaper about Newell’s [Old Boys] a few weeks ago was also false, Thank goodness that nobody believes them anymore.’ He posted on his instagram story.

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Also Read:Covid-19 crisis: Southampton is the first Premier League club to agree wage deferrals.

The Brazilian brothers were denied bail three times previously but on Tuesday a judge granted them house arrest in exchange for a bail payment of $1.6 million saying “It’s a significant bail in cash to guarantee they will not flee,” judge Gustavo Amarilla said. The decision was relayed via a video call due to the Coronavirus crisis.


They can’t go home yet and so will be placed under police custody at a luxury hotel in Asuncion, in the Paraguayan capital and will be allowed to receive visitors. Interestingly, he played football while in detention. His team won the game 11-2. Ronaldinho scored five goals & assisted the other six. The team were rewarded with a 16kg smoked pig.

Also Read Footballing world is joining the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The inmates at the detention unit in Asuncion reportedly burst into tears when they learnt of his release and they hurriedly held a barbecue to say goodbye to him.

Coronavirus Information Centre in Nigeria

Facebook launches Coronavirus Information Center in Nigeria and 16 other African countries.

Facebook is expanding its Coronavirus Information Center to 17 more countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The Information Centers form part of Facebook’s effort to help the global fight against COVID-19 by providing people with the latest news and information from trusted health authorities as well as resources and tips to stay healthy and support their family and community.

Also Read: Covid-19: The world’s largest critical care unit unveiled in London.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Center is featured at the top of News Feed, that provides a central place for people to keep informed about the Coronavirus. It includes real-time updates from national health authorities and global organisations such as the World Health Organization, as well as helpful articles, videos and posts about social distancing and preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Facebook users can opt in to follow the center to get notifications and see updates in their News Feed from official government health authorities.

The center has already launched in South Africa, it will now be expanded to the following new sub – Saharan African markets:

  • Benin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Cameroon
  • Cape Verde
  • Chad
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Ethiopia
  • Gabon
  • Guinea
  • Kenya
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Nigeria
  • Senegal
  • Seychelles
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
  • Togo

Facebook’s Head of Public Policy, Africa, Kojo Boakye comments about the expansion; “We’ve built the information centers, in collaboration with national health partners, to ensure that people can get access to information from trusted health sources. The launch of the COVID-19 Information Center on Facebook in more than 17 countries across sub-Saharan Africa aligns with our commitment to making accurate, timely information about the pandemic accessible to all communities.”

Also Read: Places in the world with no case of the Covid-19.

There are now 1.5 million known coronavirus cases worldwide.  According to Africa News, In Africa, there’s Coronavirus in 52 African countries, 11,400+ cases, 574 deaths, 1,405 recoveries.

Major stats as at April 9
Confirmed cases = 11,440
Number of deaths = 574
Recoveries = 1,405
Infected countries = 52
Virus-free countries = 2

Countries in alphabetical order
Algeria – 1,572
Angola – 19
Benin – 26
Botswana – 6
Burkina Faso – 414
Burundi – 3
Cameroon – 730
Cape Verde – 7
Central African Republic – 8
Chad – 10
Comoros – 0
Congo-Brazzaville – 45
DR Congo – 180
Djibouti – 135
Egypt – 1,560
Equatorial Guinea – 18
Eritrea – 33
Eswatini – 12
Ethiopia – 55
Gabon – 34
(The) Gambia – 4
Ghana – 313
Guinea – 164
Guinea-Bissau – 33
Ivory Coast – 384
Kenya – 179
Lesotho – 0
Liberia – 31
Libya – 21
Madagascar – 93
Malawi – 8
Mali – 59
Mauritania – 6
Mauritius – 273
Morocco – 1,275
Mozambique – 17
Namibia – 16
Niger – 342
Nigeria- 276
Rwanda – 110
Sao Tome and Principe – 4
Senegal – 244
Seychelles – 11
Sierra Leone – 7
Somalia – 12
South Africa – 1,845
South Sudan – 2
Sudan – 14
Tanzania – 25
Togo – 70
Tunisia – 628
Uganda – 53
Zambia – 39
Zimbabwe – 11

Southampton FC

Covid-19 crisis: Southampton is the first Premier League club to agree wage deferrals.

Southampton have become the first Premier League club to announce their players will defer part of their salaries amid the coronavirus crisis. The club will not furlough non-playing club staff, who will continue to receive 100% of pay, and first-team players, directors and manager have agreed to defer part of their salaries until at least June “to help protect future of club, staff…and community we serve”.

In a statement on the club’s website, Southampton said: “Furthermore, the club can confirm that it will not use the government’s Job Retention Scheme during April, May and June. Our owners, Mr Gao and Katharina Liebherr have put measures in place to ensure that all staff not deferring part of their salaries will continue to receive 100% of their pay, paid in the normal way until 30 June. Any decision on the future beyond this date will be made in advance of this, but only when more information is known.


Also Read: Covid-19: The world’s largest critical care unit unveiled in London.

“In these unprecedented times we are dealing with many challenges to our business model and day-to-day operations.  The situation is ever-evolving and we will continue to monitor and assess the impact to the club over the coming weeks before deciding any further action necessary. Everyone at the club remains fully committed to the community we value so highly in Southampton.

The statement added: “We will continue to offer our full support to the city of Southampton through the work of the Saints Foundation and provide any further assistance we can. We ask everyone connected to the club and the city of Southampton to listen and adhere to the Government’s advice.

Also Read: Should clubs pay players during this covid-19 crisis? Here’s what FIFA thinks.

“Meanwhile, we will continue to prepare our club for a return to the pitch and make sure that, when safe, we are ready to play and serve the people of Southampton again. Until then, We March On. Together.”

Funke and hubby

Opinion: Why The Conviction Of Funke Akindele Cannot Stand In Law | By: Inibehe Effiong

The trial and conviction of actress Funke Akindele and her husband are legally flawed. The fact that they pleaded guilty does not foreclose a discussion on the case because the flaws I intend to highlight are constitutional and jurisdictional in nature. Issues of jurisdiction can be raised at any time. I have read the following: The Charge Sheet filed by the office of the Attorney General of Lagos State against Funke and her husband; the Public Health Law Cap. P16 Vol. 9 Laws of Lagos State, 2015; and the Lagos State Infectious Disease (Emergency Prevention) Regulations 2020. I submit that Funke Akindele and her husband (the defendants) were convicted for a non-existent offence. The charge sheet shows that the two defendants were arraigned on a one-count charge for gathering with more than twenty persons contrary “to the social distancing directives of Mr Governor of Lagos State.”


The charge sheet against the defendants also states that the said social distancing directives contravened by the defendants were issued by the Governor in line with the regulations made by the Governor pursuant to the Public Health Law. In other words, the defendants were not charged under the Quarantine Act. They were charged under Section 58 of the Public Health Law of Lagos State. For clarity, Section 58 of the Public Health Law cited in the charge sheet provides as follows:

“For any contravention of the provisions of this Law or any regulation made under this Law for which no other penalty is provided, the offender commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of One Hundred Thousand Naira (N100,000.00) or to any non-custodial sentence and if a corporate body, to a fine of Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N500,000.00).” The defendants were convicted for gathering with more than twenty persons. The material question is: is it an offence under the Public Health Law or Infectious Disease Regulations to do so?

There is no provision under the Public Health Law or Infectious Disease Regulations that makes gathering with more than twenty persons a criminal offence. The Infectious Disease Regulations purport to give the Governor the power to issue the social distancing directives. The legal defect in the directive on gathering is that it cannot be the basis for criminal liability. A subsidiary legislation like the Infectious Disease (Emergency Prevention) Regulations 2020 derives its authority and validity from a substantive law (the principal legislation). The regulations cannot extend such authority. Since the Quarantine Act and the Public Health Law of Lagos State specifically limit offences to the contravention of regulations made by the governor, it is outright illegality to charge Funke Akindele and her husband for contravening a directive of the Governor (which is outside the regulations itself). See Din V. Attorney-General of the Federation (1988) 4 NWLR (Pt.87) 147.

Also Read: Court sentences Funke Akindele and hubby to 14 days of community service.

An act or omission is only a crime if it is so prescribed in a written law. By virtue of Section 36 (12) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), every person is guaranteed the fundamental right not to be convicted unless the offence is defined and the penalty is prescribed in a written. It states as follows: “Subject as otherwise provided by this Constitution, a person shall not be convicted of a criminal offence unless that offence is defined and the penalty therefor is prescribed in a written law and in this subsection, a written law refers to an Act of the National Assembly or a Law of a State, any subsidiary legislation or instrument under the provisions of law.” Let me reiterate that the Governor’s social distancing directive that restricts gathering in Lagos State which the defendants purportedly contravened is not an Act of the National Assembly, or a Law of the Lagos State House of Assembly, neither is it a subsidiary legislation or an instrument under the provisions of the law.

Therefore, by the authority of Section 36 (12) of the Constitution, and the Supreme Court decision in Aoko V. Fagbemi & Ors. (1961) 1 All NLR 400, the conviction of Funke Akindele and her husband is unconstitutional. As I contended earlier, there is no provision in the Public Health Law of Lagos State or the Infectious Disease Regulations that makes a gathering of more than twenty persons or any gathering for that matter a criminal offence.

Regulation 8(1)(a) of the Infectious Disease (Emergency Prevention) Regulations 2020 cited in the charge sheet against the defendants provides thus:

8(1) “The Governor may – (a) restrict or prohibit the gathering of persons in the Local Area, such as conferences, meetings, festivals, private events, religious services, public visits, and such other events, save where the written approval of the Governor is obtained for such gathering.” The above provision does not codify any offence. It only empowers the governor to restrict or prohibit gathering. The Infectious Disease Regulations 2020 should have expressly and specifically prescribed that gathering is restricted and prohibited in Lagos State before it can be relied upon to convict a violator in line with Section 36 (12) of the Constitution. Since neither the Public Health Law of Lagos State nor the Infectious Disease Regulations have prescribed that gathering is an offence, the purported directive of Governor Sanwo-Olu remains an advisory. The Court of Appeal in the case of Faith Okafar V. Governor of Lagos State & Anor. (2016) LPELR-41066 (CA) made it abundantly clear that the directive or order of a governor is not a law & that violation of same cannot result in criminal liability. Read more


Should clubs pay players during this covid-19 crisis? Here’s what FIFA thinks.

Football governing body, FIFA has approved the extension of player contracts until seasons are able to finish and the movement of transfer windows in response to the coronavirus pandemic. This decision was reached in a task force led by the chairman of the FIFA Football Stakeholders Committee, working on recommendations and guidelines to address issues caused by the coronavirus crisis. Clubs, players, leagues, national associations and confederations were all represented in the meeting.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly changed all the factual circumstances around football for this season, So, FIFA, together with the stakeholders, has come up with some practical ideas and proposals to tackle these new circumstances. Whilst this will not solve each and every problem, it should serve to bring a measure of stability and clarity to football for the foreseeable future. We hope that this collaborative effort, under the leadership of FIFA, can provide a positive example of how football can come together and show unity, solidarity and a spirit of compromise in order to face the challenging times ahead.” FIFA president Gianni Infantino said.

It was decided that contracts covering the 2019/20 season in England which are set to expire on June 30, 2020, will “be extended until such time that the season does actually end”. Also, transfer deals due to happen in the next campaign would be “delayed until the next season actually does start”

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“Accordingly, FIFA will be flexible and will allow the relevant transfer windows to be moved so they fall between the end of the old season and the start of the new season. At the same time, FIFA will try to ensure, where possible, an overall level of coordination and will also bear in mind the need to protect the regularity, integrity and proper functioning of competitions, so that the sporting results of any competition are not unfairly disrupted.”

FIFA also  “strongly encourages clubs and players to work together to find agreements and solutions during the period when football is suspended”.

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On the problem of player remuneration during this covid-19 crisis, FIFA maintained that, “looking at all aspects of each situation in an even-handed manner, including what Government measures are there to support clubs and players, whether pay should be deferred or reduced and what insurance coverage may exist. If parties cannot agree and, as a consequence, cases come to FIFA, the factors to be examined will include the following: whether there was a genuine attempt by the club to reach agreement with the players; what the economic situation of the club is; the proportionality of any adjustment to player contracts; the net income position of players after any contract adjustment; and whether players have been treated equally or not. In this way, FIFA hopes that it will be able to find solutions that are fair and balanced for both sides.”

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