
D'banj, Adekunle Gold, Simi, others to storm Ibadan for Gbenga Adeyinka's Laffmattazz.

The city of Ibadan will soon be agog as top celebrities converge for ace comedian Gbenga Adeyinka the 1st GCON ( Grand Comedian of Nigeria) annual Laffmattaz show. Scheduled to hold at  Jogor Centre on Easter Sunday, 27th of March, 2016, this year’s edition has been tagged “The legends, The Raves & I”.
Roll call of artistes billed to perform include Dbanj, Adekunle Gold, Tony Tetuila, Alibaba, Small Doctor, Still Ringing, Skales, African China, Simi, Dremo, MC Ajele, Bash, BKGMB, Artquake, Capital Femi, Dr Smile, Kelly Blind, Aramide, DJ Sexy, DJ Mac, Shete, Rappin Daddy, Que Peller, Jaywon, 9ice, OJD, Keanzo, Vitamin D, Rapin Daddy,  Olympia, Shem, Ojemba,  Seeco, Mc Daniel and many more. 
VENUE: Jogor Centre, Ibadan
TICKET: Regular – 2,000
VIP: 5,000
Table: 100,000
You can get your ticket at Film House Cinema Ibadan from the 7th of March. #Laffmattazz2016IB…. Powered by MALTINA.

Nothing but respect between Ronaldo and I – Messi

Lionel Messi versus Cristiano Ronaldo comparison is one topic that will always be up for debate in the football world. Both footballers when quizzed about their relationships by journalists have given similar replies. “No rivalry. “
On the subject of his relationship with Cristiano Ronaldo, the Blaugrana playmaker in a recent interview said: “We’re professionals, who defend our clubs’ colours, and footballing rivals, but that’s it. There has never been anything but respect.”

Things | By: Charly Boy

I need a new bag, new shoes, a new car….may be I build me a new house, buy me the dream bike I have always wanted.
Hmmmnnn, all we do is want, want and want some more.
The other day I was cleaning out my walk-in closet, such a shame; I had clothes that I have not worn in five years and over, yet am buying more, only to end up wearing a set of the same old things most of the time, ignoring the hundreds that are just there gathering dust. Worst still, every morning as I step into my closet to pick out my wear for the day, it’s always a problem finding anything, as if there is a limited option.
Am I the only one infected with this virus? Did I hear a chorus answer of “no, we all are o”?
We’re all materialists in lotta ways, some are severe while some are mild. For some, they have just gone overboard. Yea, there are people who acquire so much of what they will never need.
The Psychiatrist would tell you this condition has a name in mental health. That go be madness abi.
How about people in government who steal money their generations can never exhaust, to the detriment of the rest of us?
We all use and enjoy material goods in our daily lives, and most of us simply cannot get by without them. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as the desire for material goods doesn’t control us and our actions.
The trick is not how we stay focused on things outside ourselves but rather, on things that would be truly beneficial to us: such as our spiritual development, our relationships, our learning, and our peace of mind. 
No one should say to me that we’ll reach a level of peace and contentedness by having more things. We have evidence that tells us that the feeling of contentedness that comes from buying something fades rather quickly after the purchase is made, leaving us feeling just as empty as before.
Many people feel that by acquiring just the right things, they can make other people see them in a positive light, or as having arrived. In other words, they buy their new car or clothes to impress others. They’re often setting themselves up for great disappointment especially when people don’t give them the desired reaction. How can we ever think that material things would be what define or give value and respect to us?
It is not so much about what we have, but who we are!
Since this year, I’ve been working at getting rid of things that I’ve had for a long time, but simply have not used or needed. I will encourage everyone to do same, though it is most times difficult to de cluster but we all just need to find the courage.
Each time I get rid of something, I feel it because it’s a very good lesson to me about just how much crap I’ve acquired, and the much time and money spent, when the resources could have been invested (not spent) in more productive and valuable venture.
The truly important things in life, however, are those which cannot be encountered by the physical senses, purchased with money, or placed on a shelf. 
At the end of the day, when we take a look at what we value most in life, we generally find family, friends, health, peace, contentment, laughter, helping others, and communion with God foremost on our list of priorities.
Abi I lie?

We are ready to meet Oliseh in court – NFF

The conflict between former Super Eagles manager, Sunday Oliseh and the country’s governing body, the Nigeria Football Federation has taken another dimension with the latter vowing to meet the ex footballer in coach. 

Prior to this development, Oliseh had threatened to sue the NFF over claims that he has received backlog of salaries.  Oliseh who stepped down from his post as National team handler last week wrote on his website that no payment was made into his account. 
“I wrote an official demand letter to the Nigeria football federation through the General Secretary requesting payment of salaries and bonuses that were already long due and pending. In my said demand letter I listed 11 unpaid heads and articles. These 11 articles included demand for all sums dating back to July 2015. I therein also specified that I was willing to wait only up to the 25th February, 2016 before seeking means to get relief.

“Owed wages and accommodation were just 2 of these eleven articles.

“My letter was sent by email and by registered courier, both went unacknowledged nor honoured.

“This type of silence had become the new trend and my said demand letter was ignored just as my other e mails in the past weeks seeking support to prepare for the Egypt game.

“Our national team was at the point requiring that all energies and efforts should be directed at the oncoming qualifiers against Egypt and not at my employers initiating distractions for myself, the coaching crew and the players.

“Typical of these distractions, and without notice to me and in breach of our working agreement, the NFF rather chose the path of holding sessions on dismissing my assistant TIJANI BABANGIDA. They never gave reason(s) for the sack of Babangida.

“I had thought, hoped and counted on the NFF giving the magnitude of the Egypt game to have directed robust and committed efforts towards the said game, for example initiating its technical committee in procuring technical details that we had requested for since July 2015 on Egypt.

“Again some luxuries could have been shelved by the NFF to accommodate the outstanding bonuses for the players of the earlier qualifiers as the owed bonuses had become an issue with the players.

“As I have often been treated, along with my coaching crew and players it is pertinent to note that days after my resignation and contrary to The NFF official press release and numerous interviews and misrepresentations and outright falsehood, my bank has confirmed that no payments whatsoever as alleged by the NFF has been made to me. (as at as this afternoon of the 29thof February 2016).

“I dare say that the NFF I know would have made public, evidence of the said payment. I leave to the imagination of the public what conducts of this nature would do to our players just before vital games as often was the case.

“It is not in doubt neither did the NFF deny that my hallmark was my insistence on true professionalism, merit and an unflinching patriotic zeal to see the Nigerian national team to a higher level and my tenure brought progress to our dear national team.

“It is obvious that the NFF is at a loss as regards what to say, as they have never had a Coach ask them to keep their job as they often frustrate and use people (coaches) for scapegoats for their own short comings.

“My grandfather thought us to not seek to be loved by everyone(as it was not only impossible but a sign of weakness) but seek to be respected by most for honesty,hard work and a strong work ethic.

“As stated in my resignation indicating my recourse to the termination clause as contained in our working agreement. I resigned due to numerous Contractual violations, lack of Support, Unpaid wages, Benefits to my players, Assistant Coaches and myself.
Reacting to Oliseh’s statement, NFF’s head of communication department, Ademola Olajire said the organisation paid on February 23 to the coach through a Sterling Bank account and added that the NFF is not moved by his threats as they have proof of payments. 

“The NFF is not bothered by such threats. He can go to court. Oliseh is not the only one who has lawyers. The NFF has a legal department and it is ready.” Olajire said.

FIFA honours Vincent Enyeama

World football governing body, FIFA has honoured ex Nigeria international and Lille goalkeeper, Vincent Enyeama for his exploits at his club. 
He shared the picture above on his Instagram page and captioned it. “This is how goodness and mercy will follow you all this month of March. First day of the month, FIFA got me a trophy for hardwork, dedication, success. Thank you @fifa. I want to wish everyone reading this message a wonderful month of March. God did it for me. God will do it for us. ”

The Nigerian 2016 Budget as Anti-people | By: Ikeogu Oke

President Muhammadu Buhari placed a box wrapped in Nigerian colours before a joint session of the National Assembly on December 22, 2015. He took a bow, smiled with what seemed a deep sense of accomplishment, and the plaudits clattered about him as he took his leave. When the box was opened afterwards, out flew all the plagues that threaten Nigeria.
Corruption, for which the President professes a deep hatred, flew out of that box in form of the padding of the budget. So did insensitivity, duplicity, greed, inefficiency, lack of vision, misplaced priorities, anti-people tendencies, etc. And Nigerians have been aghast, wondering how they came to court such misfortune.
And for once there has been a reason – no thanks to the inglorious item in that infamous box, namely the 2016 budget – for even the staunchest supporters of President Buhari, those who hold him to be infallible or beyond reproach, to have a rethink. On social media, where such fanatical supporters would normally trawl for opportunities to threaten even mild and objective critics of the president with venom, the president’s critics were permitted to have an open season on the budget and by implication him, since his presentation of the budget implies his having adopted it as his and his administration’s instrument of fiscal planning for the country, regardless of its origins.
One undeniable implication of his personally presenting it to the National Assembly is that he was in essence saying to the National Assembly, “Here is the budget by which I propose run the country for the 2016 fiscal year.”
And why would even his most ardent supporters demure to defend him after the mind-boggling details of proposed expenditures in the budget came to light? Could it be because, like his critics, they were equally shocked by the glaring indefensibility of the document and some of the expenses it proposes, like the payment of rent for Aso Rock, the president’s official residence, as though some giant hermit crab, as the king of other crabs in some fable, would be right in proposing to use their collective funds to pay “rent” for his current shell of which he is by all intents and purposes the pro tempore landlord?
In the wake of the budget scandal, the president has reacted predictably by sacking some public servants, including what could be described as the country’s chief budget officer, and vowing to punish those responsible for padding the budget. This is understandable for a leader at whose desk the buck is meant to stop, who therefore has the ultimate prerogative to sack those considered to be complicit in such matters or who through errors of omission embarrassed the president and his government by encouraging him to present such an outrageous budget to the Nigerian people through the National Assembly.

Yet it must be noted that if President Buhari has a boss interested in doing things properly and who insists on holding subordinates accountable for their errors, it would have been hard for him to escape sack in the aftermath of the budget scandal. I mean a sack for adopting such an important document and proceeding to present it to the public, as it were, apparently without reading it, let alone carrying out the necessary scrutiny that would have pre-emptively identified and removed those contents that have sparked public outrage against his administration and made our nation an object of ridicule to the wider world.
But to be fair to President Buhari, I believe his involvement in this issue has no trace of conscious misdeed. I rather think he fell victim of his trust; that he was let down by people he believed he could delegate the responsibility of preparing a credible budget for him, but who instead saw an opportunity to use him as a fall guy to advance their venal interests as expressed in the budget, at the nation’s expense.
However, this paints a worrisome picture of a president who may not be in charge after all, and who must fight hard to ward off the influence of the sinister forces that surround him, threatening to take him hostage and manipulate him like a glorified puppet; and who must realise that his success depends on how soon and successfully he can snatch his independence from them and keep it.
It also hints at a president who needs the support of every patriotic Nigerian to succeed, given that we would all have been victims of the fraud had the budget been passed in its original form, without the changes we expect to be made in response to our collective outrage.
Of course weeding out public servants of doubtful loyalty and integrity can be a way forward. But the result can be counterproductive unless they are replaced with competent people who also have integrity. For the president must recognise that, in such dire conditions in which Nigeria finds itself, competence must be judged superior to loyalty in choosing people for national service, provided disloyalty cannot readily be adduced against such people.
Loyalty without competence breeds mediocrity. And encouraging a culture of mediocrity will only worsen our current predicament as a people, and ensure the spread of the type of ineptitude evident in the preparation of the 2016 budget, with its progress-arresting malignancy.
But what perhaps makes the 2016 budget most disagreeable is its anti-people orientation. Suffice it to cite two of its contents to buttress this charge. One is the proposal to spend N4,906,822.00 on books for Vice President Yemi Osinbajo’s office, whereas the lesser sum of N3,832,038.00 is proposed for books for eleven out of twenty-two federal polytechnics in the country. Also, the budget allocates N3.8 billion for the State House Medical Centre and a lesser sum of N2,666,853,303.00 for building hospitals nationwide.
So the people, represented by the polytechnic students get less allocation for books for their education than the office of one leader, the Vice President. This anti-people orientation of the budget is also evident in its proposal to spend more on one clinic for the State House than for building hospitals for use by the generality of the Nigerian people.
The proposed allocation for books for the Vice President’s office is particularly curious because he is already a professor, and the demands of his office are not likely to allow him time to read the volume of books one expects to be purchased with such a humongous sum, whereas reading books is essentials to the education of the students, which however gets a lesser allocation. This is an indication of the misplacement of priority that also makes the budget anti-future, for the students represent the future.
Now, with these budgetary proposals, is it still a mystery that Nigerian education and public health system are notorious for poor performance?
Credit : Premium Times 

No Super Eagles return for Emenike and Enyeama.

To think that we had our hopes raised
few days ago when news emanated online that the caretaker coach, Samson Siasia is going to talk to them. The duo of Emmanuel Emenike and Vincent Enyeama who hung their boots for the National team few months ago have ruled out  comeback to the club.

When contacted on the subject, Emenike who is on loan in England made it clear he’s focused on his career.

“I’m done with the Super Eagles, and I am making it clear again that I am not going back. It’s my decision and I am not going to reverse it. I am sorry if I have offended anybody regarding this but no Eagles return for me. I don’t have grudges with anybody but I want to focus on my career and play better for my team. Right now, I’m happy because I am playing my game and everything is working perfect. I can always wish Super Eagles well because I have been a fan for a long time,” he concluded.

As far as Lille goalkeeper, Vincent Enyeama is concerned, the topic is closed for discussion.

“I don’t want to talk about this issue again. I think my earlier discussion stands. “ He said. 

Happy New Month

Happy New Month Guys,

May the month be filled with blessings and may Almighty God turn your challenges into favour. 

NFF releases an official statement about its dealings with former coach Sunday Oliseh

In order to clear a lot of falsehood that has been making the rounds in sections of the media following the resignation of Coach Sunday Oliseh, the Nigeria Football Federation has decided to make a statement regarding events relating to the employment and resignation of the Super Eagles Coach.

First of all, the NFF would like to state that contrary to what few members of the media would have Nigerians believe, the appointment of Mr. Sunday Oliseh as Head Coach of the Super Eagles was thoroughly thought-through; it went through a meeting between himself and the Technical Committee and was ultimately approved by the entire Executive Committee of the NFF.

The NFF had the best of intentions in hiring Mr. Sunday Oliseh, and despite the misgivings about his temperament (he himself alluded to this at his unveiling) he was seen as a bright young Coach able to take the Super Eagles to new heights. This view was premised on his resume, (having played in various countries around the world), his undoubted football knowledge and his currency of ideas (being a respected former Super Eagles Captain and a member of the FIFA Technical Study Group).

The fact that from Mr. Oliseh’s perspective, the relationship had gone so awry to the extent that he resigned his appointment is unfortunate because despite the temporary financial difficulties which crept into the relationship in the last 4 (four) months or thereabouts, the NFF Executive Board with its penchant for long term planning took a long term view of his appointment and remains confident that with a little more patience on the part of the Coach, things would have turned around for the better in the long run.

The NFF seizes the opportunity to apologise to Nigerians for the situation that we, through no fault of ours, find ourselves, but assures the teeming Super Eagles supporters that we shall patriotically remain committed to the success of the team. This is already evidenced by the swiftness with which we have reconstituted the coaching crew and received the assurances of the patriotism of the Super Eagles players who have vowed to fight for the Nigerian flag and spirit, and ensure that not only do we qualify for the African Nations Cup but also that our long term goals are not derailed.

The NFF gives the foregoing assurances despite the circumstance which has arisen with the untimely resignation of Coach Sunday Oliseh and despite the fact that the decision was taken unilaterally without discussion with NFF or any of its officials or board members, without giving the requisite 1 (one) months notice as stipulated in his contract immediately after he was paid his arrears of salary and housing allowance after his request to travel across Europe to visit potential call ups for the matches against Egypt was approved by the President of the NFF and; despite the fact that we have crucial qualifying matches to play next month

With regard to the various allegations made against the NFF by Mr. Sunday Oliseh in his letter of resignation and in the media, the NFF as a responsible organisation feels the need to this once respond to those allegations as follows, and thereafter continue with the job at hand without any further distractions:

Mr. Sunday Oliseh in his letter of resignation and in various reports has talked about not being respected, and not getting the support of the NFF. The NFF categorically denies these allegations and notes that from the time of his employment the NFF had always shown him respect which, unfortunately, not always reciprocated.

In order to encourage him, to exhibit an intention to put the issue of financial disagreements with coaches behind the Federation and to help the new Coach quickly settle down, the NFF proceeded to pay him three months’ salary in advance – something that had never happened previously in Nigeria football.

The NFF introduced him to our principal partners/sponsors in order to show that the Federation had total regard for and was fully supporting its coach. The President thereafter reiterated the vision of the NFF board and its mandate to the new coach to build a new and vibrant team that the Government and people of this country would be proud of. The NFF has since then allowed him to carry on his duties without interference. The NFF also purchased for Mr. Oliseh a brand new car to ease his movement locally whenever he was in Nigeria.

With regard to the allegation that he was not supported, it is pertinent to note that Mr. Oliseh himself had on numerous occasions expressed gratitude for the support he had received from the NFF and in particular from the NFF President and Vice Presidents. The NFF makes bold to say that he has been supported throughout his short tenure as the Super Eagles coach. Not only have his requests and choice of training camps been accepted, his choice of players have never been interfered with, his choice of venues have all but once been accepted and even where not accepted, an explanation was promptly given which was duly appreciated and accepted by the coach.

Only a few minutes before sending an email intimating the NFF of his resignation, Mr. Oliseh had written a mail to the NFF President about his trip across Europe to see players, which the NFF President had approved the day before.

For the competitive matches against Tanzania, Burkina Faso and Swaziland that the Super Eagles played away from home under Coach Oliseh, the NFF despite its financial constraints flew the team by chartered aircraft at the request of the coach.

It is pertinent to note also that, despite its financial constraints, the NFF acceded to Coach Oliseh’s insistence on camping the CHAN team in South Africa. His show of appreciation was to go on air to talk about spending his money to buy food for the team in South Africa. The truth is that the team stayed at a world -class facility where buffet feeding had been arranged. Coach Oliseh opted to buy Nigerian food for the players on two (2) occasions, without alerting the NFF or the hotel management. Food meant for the team on those two occasions went to waste.

In support of Coach Oliseh and in a bid to give him some confidence regarding the issue of finance, the NFF top echelon traveled to Rwanda at their own expense along with the Minister of Youth and Sports, in order that the coach and the team would have the opportunity of hearing first-hand from the Minister the challenges the NFF was facing with regards to funds. The Minister told the team clearly that the financial problems were not the fault of the NFF and promised to do his utmost to resolve it forthwith.

After the CHAN championships in Rwanda, the Technical Committee requested for the usual technical report of the Championship but Coach Oliseh wrote a terse email back to the secretary of that committee stating that he did not report to them.

Even though by the terms of his contract he was obliged to return to Nigeria at least 2 weeks to any Super Eagles match and is obliged to watch our domestic league matches from time to time, one can count how many local league matches he has watched and one can point out that he did not return to Nigeria before he went to the CHAN championship on the grounds that he was ill. Yet, he went to South Africa and Rwanda but did not return with the team to Nigeria

The NFF has accommodated these only in support of the ultimate success of the coach and the team.  On resumption, Coach Oliseh wanted to sack the entire backroom staff of the Super Eagles including the media officer saying that he could not work with them. A potentially messy situation was aborted by the firm position of the General Secretary and the President on the matter. The coach virtually tore the team apart with his impulsive style of man management, for example if not for the way the NFF President and Vice Presidents handled the matter, his disagreement with erstwhile captain Vincent Enyeama would have seen all the senior players quit the Super Eagles.

Contrary to the terms of his contract, Coach Oliseh went on air several times to talk about the NFF’s finances and in a derogatory manner. He went on air to insult Nigerians in what is now known as his ‘YouTube rant’ wherein he made serious allegations against the Nigeria media, which he has failed to substantiate. In it, he also noted that he didn’t want the job of the Super Eagles Chief Coach but was prevailed upon to accept it.

From the foregoing, it is clear that without claiming to be perfect and working under considerable financial difficulties, not only did the NFF support Mr. Sunday Oliseh in his capacity as Chief Coach of Super Eagles, it actually showed lots of restraint in the face of aggravated impulsive behaviour by the coach bordering in some cases on insubordination.

In closing this Statement there are a few things we must point out:

We find it strange though that, after complaints of non -payment, Mr.Oliseh waited to receive monies owed him before resigning. Two days before his resignation, he had passionately appealed that we unite as one force to fight the battle on the football field with the Egyptian national team. We had no idea he was selling a dummy.

For the avoidance of doubt, Mr. Sunday Oliseh RESIGNED and was not SACKED. We bear no grudges against the coach and wish him well in his future endeavours.

We have heard strange talk of “instability in NFF.” How can there be instability in NFF simply because an employee chose to resign? The Executive Board of the NFF has resolved to accept his resignation and has responsibly gone ahead to accept the recommendation of the Technical Committee in replacing him temporarily with competent coaches.

We have now moved swiftly beyond the issue of the resignation of Coach Oliseh and like responsible business -minded administrators we are now thinking about the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers, with the immediate business being the hosting of the Egyptian national team in Kaduna and playing them in Egypt towards the end of next month.

We thank the teeming patriotic supporters of the Super Eagles, seek your forgiveness if we have done any wrong, ask for your understanding of the very difficult financial situation under which we are working and above all request your continued support and prayers.

Muhammadu Buhari : A Good President or not? | By: Tony Ogunlowo

Incumbent President Buhari has barely been in office a year and already the hawks have got their knives out for him.
He can’t govern the country. He’s always flying abroad on state visits. The price of oil has plummeted, the Naira is freefalling in value by the minute and everything cost more than it did last year.
And it’s all his fault….. 
The opposition is having a field day mocking his mediocre achievements citing he’s more interested in chasing corrupt politicians than actually running the country.
It always easy to criticize. Running a country like Nigeria, is not an easy task; there three major tribes and thousands of sub-tribes. There’s the Muslim North and the Christian South. There’s problems with Islamic militants in the North and eco-terrorists in the Delta states and that’s not counting a thousand and one more problems too numerous to mention.
And the responsibility of keeping everybody and everything happy and working in perfect synchronisation lies on the shoulders of one man. And for this man to be able to discharge his duties as the President of  the Federal Republic of Nigeria, effectively, he needs just one thing – MONEY!
As we all know money makes the world go round and the lack of it means that nothing gets done- you can’t pay workers, can’t commission new projects or overhaul existing ones, debts pile up and the domino effect carries on down to the poor man on the street who suddenly can no longer afford to buy a loaf of bread.
The Buhari administration, unfortunately, inherited a country on the brink of bankruptcy, its coffers openly looted and emptied by the preceding administration. To make matters worse anticipated income from oil sales has dropped due to a glut on the world market.
So you’re the  President with a large country to run, a budget to implement, wages to pay, people to feed and defend, capital projects that need to be  built, structural infrastructure  that needs to be overhauled and upgraded and you have no money in your central bank to do anything, what do you do?
You can hardly go the way of Zimbabwe getting your central bank to print more and more currency until it becomes as worthless as toilet paper, leading to hyper-inflation. You have to find real raw cash that has value.
Crooked  Nigerian politicians, in the past, have stolen billions and billions  of Naira of public funds. For those who think the Presidents anti-corruption drive is a throwback to when he was a military dictator out on a witch hunt should think again. Lai Mohammed recently said  that 55 Nigerians stole over N1.34 Trillion Naira in 8 years of public funds- now that’s a lot of MONEY!
Now some money is better than no money so if his current ant-corruption drive can claw some of it back it’s a start – half of the amount stolen can pay all current civil servant salary arrears in the country! So every effort should be made to bring all corrupt politicians to justice.
There are also others who want to paint the President as a modern day ‘Ajala-travelled-all-over-the-world’ for his frequent trips abroad which are deemed wasteful and useless.
For those who are not aware of the Presidents job description, one of the things he’s required to do is travel abroad frequently to bolster the country’s image  whilst at the same time building new economic and political ties with other nations. So for all those who don’t understand he’s not actually busy accumulating Airmiles!
Change doesn’t happen overnight, as most Nigerians would dearly love to happen. It takes time and considering the state of the nation left by the preceding government it will take years to get the country back up again.
To get the country back on its feet again will take an incorruptible leader with an unblemished record and the nerves and decisiveness of a military commander: Buhari has both.
Clearing up corruption is not easy and can only be done by a President who’s not corrupt himself. Making tough decisions that will not endear him to the populace requires someone with a strong  disciplined mind. And that strong disciplined mind is what is also required to deal with wayward politicians and hanger-ons.
To clear up the mess left by the previous administration will take years. Without any doubt there will be a rise in inflation, poverty, unemployment and other things. It’s all, unfortunately, part of the clearing up process.
For impatient Nigerians who are looking for someone to blame for their current woes look no further than those who got us into this mess in the first place, not the person who just got the barely nine months ago.
So leave the man alone and let him carry on with the good job he’s already doing, unless, of course, you want to see the return of ex-President Goodluck(- the’ ineffectual buffoon’ as the Economist recently referred to him) and his out-of-control looting mob who plunged the country into this mess in the first place.
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