
Stephanie Linus tweets in support of Ese Oruru and the Girl Child

In the wake of the abduction and release of 14 year-old Ese Oruru, Nollywood star actress Stephanie Linus is raising her voice against sexual abuse of the girl child. Using the hashtags #EseOruru, #ChildNotBride and #GirlChildEducation, the actress who has always had a strong voice advocating for proper rights for the Girl Child recently sent out a series of tweets to speak out for Ese.
Ese Oruru, a young girl from Bayelsa state was recently reunited with her family after she was found in Kano state. Her family had been searching for her since she was abducted in August 2015. She was discovered pregnant and in a state of poor health.
She shared her views on her Twitter Page@StephanieLinus as well as on her
Here is her blog post: 
She Is Still A Child! #EseOruru
I’ve been keenly following Ese Oruru‘s story on the news for some time now and the turn of events is really shocking, I must say!
Different versions of her story keep creeping up in the news. It’s hard to know what to believe anymore.
What I find most appalling is some people are blaming her for her predicament. Blaming a 14 year-old girl! For what! She is still a child!!
It’s even more sad that there are still lots of girls taken from their parents care across the country and sexually abused everyday!
Kudos to PUNCH for bringing Ese’s story to the fore. There are many more Ese’s out there who have been turned to sex slaves as young girls.
If we must learn anything from Ese’s story, it is that we must put more efforts into protecting the girl child.
Ese is just a child. The conditions under which she was abducted or left her parent’s home is not the issue. She is a minor who was abused.
Now she is bearing a child and her life has taken on a whole new path.
She needs counselling and our prayers. But most of all, we all have a collective responsibility to ensure this doesn’t repeat itself again.
My prayers go out to Ese and her family I pray they find the strength to recover from this shocking experience
I also pray for the young girls who were kidnapped from a secondary school in Lagos. May they be found safely and reunited with their families.
#EseOruru, #ChildNotBride, #GirlChildEducation

Ritual Killings, Murder & Kidnapping : A Cloud of Darkness Looms over Nigeria | By: Tony Ogunlowo

Right now a big black ominous cloud hangs over Nigeria as its vast population of over 160 million is slowly being decimated by murders, ritual killings and spiritual enslavement of people’s souls.
Only a couple of weeks ago I was saddened to read the story of a 4 year old boy who had both his eyes plucked out, by ritualists, while he was still alive. And an uncle who beheaded his niece for a money-making ritual and not to talk of cultists killing themselves, openly, in broad light in Ikorodu, Benin and Ogba Egbema and other places on a daily basis.
What for ? To make money? And people will actually spend the ‘blood money’ obtained from these rituals? And they will give it to their own children, wives, friends and ‘spray’ it at parties? Cursed evil, blood money will now go from hand to hand and spread………
Never a day goes by that we don’t read about people being abducted and killed, their mutilated corpses discarded by the wayside or in shallow graves minus certain body parts.
Nobody seems to be immune from these ritualists kidnappers – children, chiefs, businessmen and even run-girls – who slaughter their fellow humans like cattle at an abattoir. And this is not counting the scores of people killed up North by the Boko Haram islamists, or the victims of armed robbers all over the place, or those who kill for the fun of it – or a grudge – or those who kill as an initiation to join cults.
Has a human life become so cheap to take that anyone can take one without fear of retribution?
Our various faiths teach us to respect Life as it is something we can’t create and therefore have no right to take.
                     “…..thou shall not kill…”
But we disregard this and kill. Alarmingly most people killed nowadays are for ritualistic purposes. People are prepared to kill their fellow human beings for money-making spells, or so they can win elections or prolong their earthly lives.
Our police force is overstretched and inexperienced to deal with this kind of crime and those we regard as Elders, in our communities, seem to turn a blind eye to these atrocities.  We all seem to know who’s doing what. We all gossip behind their backs but do nothing to stop them. We very rarely report them to the authorities when we notice abnormalities in their lifestyles – buying brand new cars when we know they’re penniless, having exorbitant parties or building brand new houses when the source of their newly acquired wealth is questionable.
The perpetrators of these crimes seem to think they will get away with it. Many don’t believe in a Heaven and Hell, the laws of karma or the concept of an afterlife. Surprisingly there is something that happens to us when we die. After you die and become worm fodder your soul leaves your corpse and embarks upon a journey of its own. It goes back to where it came from. Call it Heaven, Paradise or Hell it goes back to answer for all it has done during its time on Earth. If one has taken a precious life unjustly the punishment can stretch down generations of the latters’ family not to talk of their own personal punishment on the other side. The same goes for all other evil doers especially those who employ dark evil spirits to cast spells and conduct rituals.
At the end of the day we will all suffer. For if someone is murdered, unjustly, the crime will hang over the locality, bringing bad luck to all present as their blood will be on every one’s head.
As many of our Elders and clergymen know, if someone meets an untimely death it will affect everybody in that neighbourhood – people will lose their jobs, homes, businesses, even lives – until the spirit of the departed one which will still roam around is appeased. So why take that life in the first place?
Even though my emphasis is on the taking of lives, the same goes for all other crimes we commit against each other; how many people have had their lives ruined by black magic? How many people have suffered as a result of fraud, robberies or politicians stealing public funds?
And we wonder why nothing seems to work in Nigeria when other African nations are progressing at a pace we can’t match. When there’s too much evil in the air it impedes things, the Land becomes cursed and nothing good will ever come out of the place or happen there.
When you have too many people in league with the Devil doing despicable and ghastly things to their fellow humans it creates an air of darkness which light can’t penetrate.
Try and imagine each evil practitioner as a black dot on the landscape. With so many people doing evil things these black dots grow and become a black blob that grows bigger and bigger in size until it covers a sizable area, like a country. And when the Light can’t come through Darkness will fall upon the Land. No light means no Goodness. By the Law of Attraction you attract more of what is already around. So the more the evil in our midst the more of it we will attract.
It’s time for an overall spiritual clean-up. Time for us to go back to our churches, mosques or whatever else we pray to for deliverance from our ways. Time for us to expose the evil doers in our midst so their sins will not continue to taint our lives. Time to renounce all evil in our lives.

Cristiano Ronaldo launches his second fragrance.

Soccer legend,  Cristiano Ronaldo has launched his fragrance, ‘Legacy’ in Spain. The presentation was held at Barajas airport in Madrid.

“To be launching my fragrance with World Duty Free here in Madrid, where so many of the important moments in my life have happened, has real significance for me. It’s an honour to be here today to celebrate the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo Legacy in Spain.” The Portuguese star said. The brand distributed through Conaxess Trade is priced at €46.75 for a 50ml edt, €65.45 for 100ml and €19.55 for a 75ml deodorant stick. 

Short Story : Pristine | By: Morountodun (Vol 14)

 Lovers, Pair, Young, Woman, Man, Together, Love                                                                 Read Parts 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the Pristine series herehere  Here Here here hereherehere Here  here here  here and here


She tried to forget Uju’s words, but they rankled. She might have even believed them the year before, but not after the camp, the way David had looked at her and the way Chika had held her. Men wanted her. What was Uju talking about?!

“If you were to describe me in one word, what would it be?” Dara asked Tayo the following weekend after surprising him with a visit. She had told him over the phone that she wouldn’t be available for the day, only for her to have shown up at his doorstep some minutes later.
Tayo grinned as he tossed a can of drink at her from the fridge. “Cute.”
Dara’s heart sank visibly. “Cute. So you don’t think I’m attractive.”
He took a seat beside her on the couch, and asked, puzzled, “What’s this about?”
She shrugged. “Just wondering what makes me cute and some other women sexy or attractive.”

Tayo smiled. “Dara, you know you’re beautiful.”

“You never tell me. We spend so much time together, extremely comfortable with each other, and you’re not even my family. Isn’t that strange?”

He got up without a word, walked into the kitchen briefly, then went back to sit with her. Raising her chin with a finger so her eyes could meet his, Tayo told her, “I wanted you the very first time I saw you. I liked you even more after spending time with you. It’s been hell trying not to show you how much I want you, and that’s because I’d hate to hurt you.”

“Show me. I’m not an egg, Tayo.”

“You’re sure about this?” he asked, searching her eyes.
Dara nodded, eyes shut.
Without hesitation, he cradled her face in his hands and met her lips with his. She wasn’t too sure of how to respond at first, but the deepening of the kiss as she met his growing urgency with her eagerness, assured her she was doing something right.
She shivered slightly as the kisses trailed down her neck, but froze entirely when she felt his hand stroking her thigh under the dress.

“I want you so badly but I really shouldn’t,” he said, his voice hoarse in her ear and his hand on her thigh no longer moving.
It was the farthest she had ever gone with a guy. Perhaps he had sensed her fear. He wasn’t only mature, witty and smart, he was sensitive and attentive too! Dara couldn’t believe her luck. Suddenly, she didn’t mind him going all the way, but was grateful for his better reasoning. Her idea of her first sex wasn’t on a sofa, but at least Uju had been proved wrong.

“Come. Let me hold you.” One of his legs was on the floor, the other leg along with the rest of his body on the chair. Dara leaned in to him, both of them wordless, at war with their raging hormones.
They must have cuddled for ten minutes, when his phone rang. She felt him tense as soon as he saw the caller, so she sat up to give him some space.
“Are you serious?!” He jumped off the chair at the same instant a gentle knock was heard at the door.

“You didn’t tell me you were coming!” He angrily hissed, cutting off the call and heading for the door before remembering Dara, who was staring at him, wide-eyed.
He quickly walked back to her, whispering, “My fiancée is here from Abuja. I had no idea she was coming. I’m so sorry.”

“You didn’t tell me you were involved with anyone!”

Tayo  ran a nervous hand over his head and then ran back to open the door.

“Hello, darling. You wouldn’t come home, I got tired of missing you and hopped on the next available flight—” the fiancée, fair, pretty and heavyset, was saying as she walked through the door. She paused on seeing Dara and arched a perfectly drawn brow.

Dara realized she had been gaping, and quickly bent to throw her phone in her bag, hands shaking. “I was just on my way,” she mumbled, not looking up.

“Christy, meet Dara, a friend,” Tayo said, but Christy was already headed for the bedroom, wordless.

Dara dashed out of the house. “How dare you! What do you take me for?!” she yelled, trembling, when he followed her outside.

He tried to explain or apologise, but nothing he could say would ever make sense to her. Dara was just grateful she hadn’t wasted her virginity. She would never have forgiven herself.
She had no right whatsoever to be so angry at Tayo, Dara scolded herself often. He had never asked her out or lied to her, he had merely not told her. He had conveniently left his engaged status out of their frequent conversations, which she now missed. Why he had done that, she would never know. She knew she couldn’t have liked him any less if she had known about Christy, but at least she wouldn’t have made herself so available, spending so much time with him, hoping a real relationship could come out of it.
Christy. Dara felt her own eyes turn green at the thought of Tayo’s stunning wife-to-be. He had loved her but had wanted Dara, but not as much as Christy—or what? What exactly had he hoped to achieve? Ladies were thought to be complicated, but apparently men were just as confusing! And Christy’s calmness that day had been even more puzzling. What woman didn’t cause a scene on seeing her man with someone else on a surprise visit? Perhaps she was used to seeing him with different women, but Tayo really didn’t strike Dara as a womanizer. She had known him for about three months and had no record of inappropriate behaviour against him. Even when he had the chance, he still hadn’t lost his head. He had obviously cared, but to what end?
At the next CDS meeting, there was an issue of shortage of funds to carry out the group project of providing more desks for five under-equipped schools. All it took was Dara’s intensive roadwork suggestion to get everyone’s creative juices flowing. Even Uju was actively involved and actually made useful contributions. They might never be friends, but still it warmed Dara’s heart to know Uju could be positively inspired. And so Environmental CDS members gathered every Thursday morning at major roads to sweep and get paid by willing passers-by, volunteered to clean companies to earn sponsorships, and made almost as much money as they needed by August.
The very first set of desks was delivered on a particularly sunny September afternoon to their PPA, and Dara and Uju presented them to the school together. During the overwhelming speech of gratitude by the headmistress, Uju sighed and muttered, “It kinda feels very good to be good.”
Dara, standing beside her in front of the HM’s office, whispered back, “All I’ve been trying to tell you” and ignored the smirk that followed.

To be continued….

Morountodun is a writer and a microbiology ‎ graduate of University of Ilorin.
Twitter: @Morountosweet

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Barcelona breaks Real Madrid's record

FC Barcelona set a new Spanish record by remaining unbeaten in 35 matches in all competitions, squashing Real Madrid’s run of 34 from 1988-89. Lionel Messi scored a hat trick Thursday as Barcelona beat nine-man Rayo Vallecano, 5-1. 

Kanu Nwankwo to host tournament for over 40-year olds

Come March 27,African Football legend, Kanu Nwankwo will host a 7-aside tournament for players from 40 years of age and above. Scheduled to take place at the Nwankwo Kanu Sports Centre in Owerri, the sporting event will run through the Easter holidays.

Adducing reasons for organising the match, the gold medal-winning player said it ” is going to be a tournament to keep 40-years-old football fans  fit and healthy. It will create platform for bonding and educate the old ones about health issues and need for continuous exercises.”

We haven't terminated Psquare's endorsement deal – Glo

Leading telecommunications company, Globacom national telecommunications operator, has denied a report that recently gained traction on social media that it has terminated the endorsement deal of music duo, Peter and Paul Okoye, fondly called Psquare following their feud.
This was confirmed in a statement  released by the company today.
“We have not disengaged PSquare or any of our other ambassadors. We are currently in the process of reviewing our contracts with the brand ambassadors.
The statement continued, “We are proud of the role Globacom has played in the rapid upward trajectory of the musical career of these incredibly talented twin brothers. ”
“Globacom has also played a similar role in the exposure and economic empowerment of all the Nigerian entertainers, and others from neighbouring countries, who worked with us as brand ambassadors”.

“Globacom holds its brand ambassadors in the highest esteem and has a dignified procedure of managing its relationships with its brand ambassadors. Whenever brand ambassadors are to be engaged or disengaged, we usually follow the due process and dignify them by holding constructive discussions with them. ”

Siasia Calls Up Mikel, Ighalo, Iheanacho, others for Egypt clash.

Super Eagles caretaker coach, Samson Siasia has invited 42 players for the Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers against Egypt coming up in the coming weeks. The Eagles will host the Egyptians in Kaduna on Friday, March 25 and visit them in Alexandria on Tuesday, March 29. Siasia’s team consists of 22 home-based players and 20 overseas-based professionals.

The home-based players are expected to resume at the Bolton White Apartments, Abuja on Sunday, March 6 before the overseas –based ones hit the camp from Sunday, March 20.

The likes of Chelsea’s Mikel Obi  Watford’s Odion Ighalo, CSKA Moscow’s Ahmed Musa, Monaco’s Elderson Echiejile, Lazio’s Ogenyi Onazi, Kelechi Iheanacho of Manchester City, Arsenal’s Alex Iwobi West Ham’s Victor Moses, Lokomotiv Moscow’s Aaron Samuel and South Africa-based goalkeeper Daniel Akpeyi were handed call-ups.

Speaking at their unveiling which took place in Abuja today. Siasia enjoined Nigerians to show belief and support the team.
“I want to passionately appeal to Nigerians, everybody, to show belief in the team and give us total support. It will not be easy, but if we stick together and present a united force to fight this battle, I believe we will triumph.

“I have absolute faith in the players. Nigeria is blessed with so many talented footballers across the world and I know that those we are inviting for this match will give everything for the six points in both matches. Personally, I will give everything that I have to offer for us to win both matches.”  He said.   FULL SQUAD LIST

HOME –BASED PLAYERS Goalkeepers: Ikechukwu Ezenwa (Sunshine Stars); Olufemi Thomas (Enyimba FC); Emmanuel Daniel (Enugu Rangers)   Defenders: Kalu Orji Okogbue (Enugu Rangers); Chibuzor Okonkwo (FC IfeanyiUbah); Mathew Etim (Enugu Rangers); Austin Oboroakpo (Abia Warriors); Sincere Seth (Rhapsody FC); Segun Oduduwa (Nath Boys); Chima Akas (Akwa United); Chris Madaki (Kano Pillars); Oke Ogogatewho (Sunshine Stars)   Midfielders: Ifeanyi Mathew (Kano Pillars); Usman Mohammed (FC Taraba); Etebo Oghenekaro (Warri Wolves); Yau Hassan (Wikki Tourists); Stanley Dimgba (Warri Wolves)   Forwards: Ezekiel Bassey (Enyimba FC); Prince Aggrey (Kano Pillars); Bright Onyedikachi (FC IfeanyiUbah); Chisom Chikatara (Abia Warriors); Godwin Obaje (Wikki Tourists)   OVERSEAS –BASED PLAYERS   Goalkeepers: Carl Ikeme (Wolverhampton Wanderers, England); Daniel Akpeyi (Chippa United, South Africa)   Defenders: Efe Ambrose (Celtic FC, Scotland); Abdullahi Shehu (Uniao da Madeira, Portugal); Elderson Echiejile (AS Monaco, France); Stanley Amuzie (Olhanense FC, Portugal); Godfrey Oboabona (Caykur Rizespor, Turkey); Kenneth Omeruo (Kasimpasa FC, Turkey)   Midfielders: Ogenyi Onazi (SS Lazio, Italy); John Mikel Obi (Chelsea FC, England); Kelechi Iheanacho (Manchester City, England); Azubuike Okechukwu (Yeni Matalyspor, Turkey)   Forwards: Ahmed Musa (CSKA Moscow, Russia); Moses Simon (KAA Gent, Belgium); Victor Moses (West Ham United, England); Aminu Umar (Osmanlispor FK, Turkey); Odion Ighalo (Watford FC, England); Aaron Samuel (CSKA Moscow, Russia); Alex Iwobi (Arsenal FC, England); Fanendo Adi (Portland Timbers, USA)

Senator Ben Bruce has some words for Nigerian youths.

Nigerian Senator, Ben Bruce in a reflective Facebook post written yesterday has implored Nigerian youths to avoid being caught up in the web of politics but focus on bettering their lives. Read his post below.
“Youths of Nigeria, I want to communicate with you today. I noticed that there are too many divisions amongst our youths and as a stakeholder in Nigeria and parent of Nigerian children, I believe I ought to intervene.
Youths, do not make the mistakes my generation made. .
Do not see yourselves through tribal and religious lens. My generation of Nigerians did that and look where it has led us. You must do better. It is foolish for any youth to fight another youth over APC or PDP. Let me ask you, what is the difference between the APC and the PDP?
Half of the members of the APC are former PDP members and vice versa. Let me ask you youths a question: Do the APC and the PDP fight over you as you fight over them? How many ministers have they given you? How many ambassadors have they given you?
How many heads of parastatals have they given you? That’s right, the answer is ZERO! So resist the desire of vested interests to control you and use you to fight other youths on social media and in real life. What youths do not realize is that you are victims of divide and conquer.
You make up 60% of the population yet account for 0% of the federal cabinet!
Your price should be more than a plate of rice and a handshake. Work together not against each other! Come on Nigerian youths, be smart! If you think after you have been used to fight each other these vested interests will hand power to you, think again. 

Their kids who are abroad will do same to your kids! It is time to end the hate and come together for Nigeria’s good. Long after we are gone, you will be around. So learn to get along. As I have said and I will keep saying, the youths are the leaders of today if only they will resist being used by vested interests.
How old is Trudeau, the Canadian PM. He was 43 when he became PM. You can be much more than a thug or Twitter overlord. You can be like Trudeau’s. My name is Ben Murray Bruce and I not only want to make commonsense, I also believe in the Nigerian youth.”

Arsenal lack the self-belief to claim the title – Alexis Sanchez

Arsenal player, Alexis Sanchez reckons  Arsenal have the talent to win the Premier League, but lack the self-belief to claim the title. The Gunners title hopes diminished after their 2-1 loss to  Swansea City on Wednesday. They are now 6 points behind leaders, Leicester City
Speaking recently to DirecTV Sports, the former Barcelona star affirmed that Arsenal are lacking a certain hunger and confidence to clinch the title.
“I think we can win the Premier League with the players we have. That said, we lack a certain hunger. We need to step out onto the pitch as if we’re already 1-0 up.
“We lack self-belief, that we can actually be champions.
“I remember a game against Manchester United last year. The lads looked hungry for silverware as we took to the pitch. We crushed them in the first 20 minutes and went 2-0 up. We were hungry and brimming with confidence that day.”  He stated.
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