
Opinion: The African Utopia at the end of the COVID-19 Tunnel. | By: Cesar A. Mba ABOGO

In 1990, when Cameroon’s football team did the unthinkable and beat Argentina in the World Cup, the proportion of the world’s population living below the poverty line was 37.1 per cent. Fast-forward 35 years later to 2015, following a global adoption of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this figure now stands at 9.6%.

The concept of a universal benevolent dictator – a classic assumption in beginner economic courses to escape the complexities of real-world decision-making – such a person would no doubt have said “The world is doing infinitely better!” 
But on the contrary, the world has not been doing as well as it should. The fact is, there have been warning signs all along.
The proportion of people living below the poverty line in sub-Saharan Africa in 2015 was an astonishing 41%, about the same as the global rate of extreme poverty in 1981.

On October 17, 2018, the then President of the World Bank Group, Jim Yong Kim, presented a report titled “Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2018: Piecing together the Poverty Puzzle.” With rigorous data but in a simple and direct way, the report clearly indicated that global conditions were not in place to bring the rate of extreme poverty below 3% by 2030.

The most alarming case in point was, where even in the most optimistic of scenarios, the poverty rate would continue to be in double digits.

The report was a pitcher of cold water in my state of mind. But it was not the first time Jim Yong Kim had jolted me. A few years earlier in 2015, in Lima, Peru, at the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank, during a panel moderated by Femi Oke, the British journalist of Yoruba descent, Jim Yong Kim’s projections caught my attention. In attendance were Peruvian President Ollanta Moises Humala Tasso; Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General; Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director; and Justine Greening, UK Secretary of State for International Development. For 90-minutes, they spoke eloquently about the type of partnerships that would be needed to make Agenda 2030 a reality; the international cooperation that would be deployed; the necessary financing mechanisms and formulas; and the creativity and citizen action required.

Gathered in this august venue, the guardians of the global architecture responsible for eradicating poverty spoke convincingly and articulately about the world of tomorrow. Collectively, they concluded that by 2030, we would end up, to quote Oscar Wilde, in a country called Utopia. The Road to Lima was a party.

But barely three years later as 2018 dawned, the same global architecture presented us with a new story: The end of Utopia.

In December 2019, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched its Human Development Report titled “Beyond Income, Beyond Averages, Beyond the Present: Human Development Inequalities in the 21st Century”. As with the World Bank, the conclusion was straightforward and clear: While humanity is progressing, something is just not working in our globalized society. A new generation of inequalities, beyond basic capabilities, is emerging and threatens to render people living in developing countries obsolete in the future.

Combining the alarming 2018 World Bank report with the no less alarming 2019 UNDP report, the picture is not one of optimism: not only was the aspiration to eradicate poverty by 2030 not going to be met, but a new inequality gap was opening up as well.

These challenges had previously been the focus of the World Economic Forum Regional Strategy Group (WEF RSG), of which I had had the privilege of being a member.

One of the ideas behind the WEF RSG was very simple and irrefutable: Africa must leapfrog into the Fourth Industrial Revolution or risk being left behind inexorably.

Also Read: Opinion: Africa: COVID-19 response must target African agriculture and the rural poor | By: Olusegun Obasanjo and Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe

In 2019 as well as in previous years, several countries, including Equatorial Guinea, my country, made important policy decisions to define and prioritize national development aspirations in alignment with the UN’s Agenda 2030 and the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Additionally, to take advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution we scaled up our investments in ICT and technology and in developing the capacity of our youth. And then, COVID19 arrived!

In just a few short months the world has changed. When we return to ‘normal,’ it will be a ‘new normality’ and a brave new world.

COVID19 is an existential crisis. It is severely testing Africa’s social, economic and political resilience. In a post-COVID19 world, the continent’s leaders will therefore have to rethink many prior assumptions and find new balances for individual and collective behavior.

What I am absolutely certain of is that opportunities will emerge. Innovative minds previously imprisoned by institutional inertia and interest groups will rise to the challenges that we collectively face.

What will the brave new world post-COVID19 look like in Africa? The African Development Bank estimates that Africa will lose between 35 and 100 billion dollars due to the fall in raw material prices caused by the pandemic. The World Economic Forum estimates that global losses for the continent will be in the order of $275 billion.

There is a real risk therefore that Africa’s inequality gap will worsen in the coming years.

Ever since the virus crossed the continent’s borders, regular bilateral and multilateral consultations among African finance ministers have philosophically revolved around the need to rethink our multifaceted responses to COVID19 and other future threats that have equal or greater potential for disruption.

Also Read: Opinion: COVID-19: Despite Nigeria’s Weak Healthcare Sector, Pvp-I May Help Prevent Disease Spread. | By: Oyindamola Adejumo-Ayibiowu

Today, African States are developing strategic and in-depth approaches to human development, regional integration, digitalization, industrialization, economic diversification, fiscal and monetary policies, and international solidarity. In short, they are rethinking the causes of the continent’s underdevelopment and coming up with feasible solutions. The outcomes will undoubtedly be good for Africa and for all humanity.

To better understand the scenarios before us, there are three sparks that could light a flame in the brave new world that is before us:

  1. In 2001, African leaders pledged to invest around 15% of their budgets in health. By 2020, only five countries have fulfilled this promise. No one doubts today that the health sector in Africa will be strengthened by the COVID19. There are decisions that can no longer be postponed. In mid-March, a Togolese activist, Farida Nabourema, mocked African elites who used to go to Europe to have their ailments treated, saying: I would like to ask our African presidents who travel to Italy, Germany, France, the UK and other European countries for medical treatment, please when are you leaving? On April 2, Bloomberg published an article entitled: Trapped by CoronavirusNigeria’s Elite faces squalid hospital, signed by journalist Dulue Mbachu. Things are going to change.
  2. The vast majority of African countries, after COVID19, will have to put in place social protection systems to mitigate the suffering of the continent’s most disadvantaged. Kenya and Equatorial Guinea offer excellent  examples of countries that have regulated and put in place social protection systems that will survive and outlast our battle against this common enemy.
  3. The continent’s poor pharmaceutical capacity has been a source of amazement to locals and foreigners alike. Bangladesh, a poorer country than many African countries, produces 97% of the national demand for medicines, in contrast to  Africa which is almost 100% dependent on imports.

This last note has triggered another debate: the necessary industrialization of Africa, to transform and add value to the continent’s vast and valuable raw materials.

Many African countries have already been deprived access to COVID19 essentials. Excessive global demand  has relegated Africa to the

But there is much reason for optimism. African leaders recently lauded artemisia annua tonic that Andry Rajoelina, President of Madagascar, presented to the world as Africa’s solution to COVID19 .

Our enthusiasm as Africans, is rooted in wounded self-esteem. For way too long, we have been victims of marginalization. The power to regain our dignity has too often been stripped away. Today, nestled in the souls of all Africans is an unshakable faith that the most important resource that Africa needs in order to rise up, is none other than Africans themselves.

No one will help us if we do not help ourselves. Africa is no longer asking to be taught how to fish. Africa is already rowing towards the utopia enunciated in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Africa Union’s Agenda 2063.

In spite of dire predictions and narratives, humanity always has a way of ending up in that country called utopia. Africa is humanity.

Cesar A. Mba ABOGO is the Minister of Finance, Economy and Planning of Equatorial Guinea and Member of the Regional Action Group for Africa of the World Economic Forum.

Slovenia becomes first country to declare end of coronavirus pandemic.

Slovenia has declared an end to its coronavirus epidemic, opening its borders to European Union citizens and scrapping a requirement for a 7-day quarantine for arrivals. However,  measures implemented to slow the virus from spreading will remain. Some of those restrictions will continue through the end of the month.

Slovenia registered its first coronavirus case on March 4. It imposed emergency measures just over a week later, on March 12.  Data from its National Institute for Public Health revealed that the nation, with a population of around 2 million recorded a total of 1,465 coronavirus cases and 103 deaths as of May 14. 35 cases of coronavirus had been recorded in the last 14 days. It also noted a reproductive rate below one.

Slovenia also announced all other team competitions could resume from May 23.

Also Read: Mauritius is now coronavirus-free.

Earlier this week, the government said some shopping centers and hotels would be allowed to reopen next week. Public gatherings remain banned while social distancing rules and wearing of mask remain mandatory in public spaces.

Even with the declaration, infectious diseases expert Mateja Logar claimed that the disease was still present in the country.

“No other European state has so far declared the epidemic was over so we should be cautious in Slovenia too, The virus remains present.” Logar added.

There are 4.4 million confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide. More than 300,000 lives have been claimed globally, and more than 1.5 million people diagnosed with the virus have recovered. The United States has the highest number of cases, followed by Russia and the United Kingdom.


Opinion: Africa: COVID-19 response must target African agriculture and the rural poor | By: Olusegun Obasanjo and Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe

Africa has so far escaped the worst health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the continent looks like it could be the worst hit from the economic fallout of the crisis: 80 million Africans could be pushed into extreme poverty if action is not taken. And disruptions in food systems raise the prospect of more Africans falling into hunger. Rural people, many of whom work on small-scale farms, are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of the crisis. It is therefore vital that the COVID-19 response addresses food security and target the rural poor.

At this time, the international development agenda is prioritizing health, economies, and infrastructure. But there must also be a focus on food security, agribusiness, and rural development. This is especially important on the African continent. Agriculture contributes 65 percent of Africa’s employment and 75 percent of its domestic trade. However, the rich potential of agriculture as a tool to promote food security and fight poverty is at risk from the effects of COVID-19.

In March, the UN Economic Commission for Africa predicted growth in Africa would drop from 3.2 percent to 1.8 percent in 2020. Within the continent, lockdowns are disrupting inter-regional trade. The effect of restrictive measures on food trade is especially worrying, in particular for food-importing countries, but also because of shrinking export markets for the continent’s farmers.

Across the European Union (the largest export market for Africa’s fresh fruits and vegetables), demand has dropped for popular products such as Kenyan avocados, South African citruses, and Moroccan vegetables. Kenya has also recorded an 8.5 percent decline for tea exports to destinations like Iran, Pakistan, and UAE. Within countries, we are already seeing that interruptions to transport and distribution systems are impeding small-scale farmers from accessing essential inputs – like seeds and fertilizer – and from getting their food to markets.

African governments have defined stimulus measures to mitigate national and regional economic impacts of COVID-19. As they do, they must remember that investments in agriculture can be up to five times more poverty-reducing than investments in other sectors. Investments in rural, small-scale agriculture are particularly important for the region’s food security, for safeguarding the livelihoods of some of its most vulnerable people and for sustaining the gains in poverty alleviation and wealth creation.

Small farms everywhere traditionally make a huge contribution to global food security. Around the world, small-farm dominated systems produce 50 percent of all food calories on 30 percent of the world’s agricultural land. In sub-Saharan Africa, however, the role of small-scale farms is even more significant: 80 percent of farms are small in most of these countries.

Even before the current crisis, globally more than 820 million people were going hungry daily. And the majority of the world’s poor and hungry people live in the rural areas of developing countries. In Africa, reliance on food imports, and lack of services and infrastructure to enable small-scale farmers to produce and market food, along with the shocks of climate change, have all increased the fragility of food access.

In April, the World Bank projected the pandemic would hit Africa the hardest of any region, pushing 23 million people into poverty. This raises the question of how small producers in Africa can get access to inputs and finance to grow and sell the food needed to ensure food security and support livelihoods. African leaders must be in the vanguard of funding solution

In April, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD launched a multi-donor fund- COVID-19 Rural Poor Stimulus Facility (RPSF) – to address the immediate fallout of COVID-19 for rural people in Africa and elsewhere. IFAD specializes in investing in poor rural people, targeting the poorest and most marginalized. Among other goals, the new facility will provide small-scale farmers and fishers with basic inputs, and help them access markets and maintain cash flow. IFAD committed US$40 million to the new fund but aims to raise at least $200 million more from the UN Member States, foundations, and the private sector.

The Facility will complement and scale-up the work IFAD has already been doing to repurpose existing project activities. In Malawi, for example, a programme is providing social cash transfers to ultra-poor farmers and delivering messages about financial literacy and COVID-19 prevention. In Eritrea, vulnerable households are receiving small ruminants and seeds to strengthen, maintain production, access markets, and safeguard household food security during the crisis.

Agriculture contributes 65 per cent of Africa’s employment and 75 per cent of its domestic trade

These immediate actions are essential to mitigate the worst risks of the crisis. They are also important to safeguard IFAD’s past and ongoing investments to build the long-term resilience of rural livelihoods. Ultimately, we need to ensure that rural people and their businesses are the foundation of resilient rural economies and food systems across Africa. Then, when the next crisis strikes, the vulnerable people of today will be better able to protect their livelihoods and avoid the risk of falling into poverty and hunger.

So while it’s urgent to feed people today, we also must look to the days, months, and years ahead. This is one reason why IFAD prioritizes long-term rural and agricultural development and building resilience to future shocks. It is also why we urge policymakers to adopt any relevant lessons from how previous outbreaks like the Ebola virus affected agriculture and food systems.

In the long term, this pandemic underscores the need for Africa to transform agriculture and agribusiness as the surest path to inclusive economic growth, wealth generation, and greater resilience.

As Special Envoys, we believe in IFAD’s exceptional mandate and will continue to work closely with the Fund in mobilizing resources to support the most vulnerable on the African continent. The pandemic will expose the livelihoods of rural marginalized groups to unprecedented challenges. To restore hope to those affected, we commit strongly to the idea that no one will be left behind, especially in Africa.

Olusegun Obasanjo is the former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe, former Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Turkish footballer kills coronavirus-infected son.

Call him a heartless father and you wouldn’t be far from the truth.

A Turkish footballer, Cevher Toktas has been arrested after  confessing to smothering his five-year-old son, Kasim Toktas to death in hospital because he “didn’t love him”, it is alleged.

The 32 year-old reported himself at the station days after Kasim died from what doctors believed was natural causes. He took the child to the hospital on April 23, after showing signs of high fever and breathing difficulties, and the boy and father were placed in quarantine together as doctors feared a coronavirus infection.

He called for help and the son was rushed to intensive care but he died less than two hours later at Dortcelik Children’s Hospital in Bursa, northwestern Turkey.  His family believed he died from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Also Read: Ex Schalke player presumed dead in 2016, found alive and well.

Narrating how he carried out the evil act, the Central Defender said,  “I pressed a pillow on my son who was lying on his back. For 15 minutes, I pressed down on the pillow without lifting it up. My son was struggling during that time. After he stopped moving, I lifted the pillow. Then I yelled for doctors to help to draw any suspicions away from me.”


He reportedly told investigators he doesn’t have mental issues, he killed Kasim because he “didn’t love him” and had never loved his youngest son “since he was born”.

Toktas who played for Hacettepe Spor in the Super Lig between 2007 and 2009, making a total of seven appearances in the Turkish top flight and recently in Bursa Yildirim Spor will be tried for murder and faces life in jail.

Wilson to Become Official Game Ball of the NBA, WNBA, Basketball Africa League, others.

The National Basketball Association (NBA) ( and Wilson Sporting Goods Co. announced a multiyear global partnership today that will make Wilson the official game ball of the NBA, Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), NBA G League, NBA 2K League and Basketball Africa League (BAL).

The partnership will tip off at different times by league. The NBA Wilson game ball will first be used during the league’s 75th anniversary season in 2021-22. The other debuts will be during the 2022 WNBA season, 2021-22 NBA G League season, 2021 NBA 2K League season and the inaugural BAL season.

“This partnership with Wilson returns us to our roots as we plan for the future,” said Salvatore LaRocca, NBA President, Global Partnerships. “We were partners for 37 seasons dating back to when Wilson manufactured the first official NBA basketballs in 1946, and we look forward to growing the game of basketball together.”

“Our commitment to growing the game of basketball on the global stage is at the heart of Wilson and our new partnership with the NBA,” said Kevin Murphy, General Manager, Wilson Basketball. “Our passion for this game and the league runs incredibly deep, as does our history with it. And as we start this new chapter in the game, our focus and energy will be on supporting the league and the players, coaches and fans with the most advanced, high-performance game basketballs possible.”

Wilson will manufacture the NBA, WNBA and NBA G League game balls using the same materials, eight-panel configuration and performance specifications as current game balls and will also source the same leather currently used in the NBA. The NBA and its players will work jointly with Wilson to develop and approve the new game ball.

Jack Wilshere raises safety concerns over Premier League return.

Former Arsenal player, Jack Wilshere has raised safety concerns over the return of the Premier League, otherwise called the Project Restart plans.

English Football returns in June after 2 months break due to the coronavirus pandemic that has ravaged the world. Nine fixtures are scheduled to take place from Saturday to Monday behind closed doors, and players will be staying in quarantine hotels and subjected to lots of medical tests before and after the games, but despite all these measures, Wilshere still doesn’t believe it is possible to observe social distancing on the football pitch.

‘No player will go back if it’s not safe to do so, I can’t see how you can play football and social distance at the same time. These are the questions that people need to ask and need to be answered. It’s as simple as that.’ He told Sky Sports.

Mauritius is now coronavirus-free.

Mauritius has become coronavirus-free with no active case for 15 days, the country’s ministry of health has announced. Data from US-based John Hopkins University revealed that the Indian Ocean island nation recorded 332 coronavirus cases, 322 recoveries and 10 deaths.  73,572 COVID-19 tests have been carried out, including 50,077 Rapid Antigen Tests and 23 495 PCR tests (polymerase chain reaction).  220 recently repatriated citizens from abroad were still under quarantine.

With a population of 1.2 million people, one of the reasons attributed to this feat is their response to the pandemic. They went into FULL extensive lockdown campaign as soon as it uncovered 3 Coronavirus cases. 

Also Read: Buhari orders the use of Madagascar’s herbal drug to treat covid-19 patients.

Their healthcare system is reportedly well-developed , with approximately 73% of the services provided by the public sector and the remaining catered by the private sector.

4,222,968 cases have been detected worldwide, with 288,368 deaths and 1,476,137 recoveries.

African countries stats.

Confirmed cases = 66,319
Number of deaths = 2,344
Recoveries = 23,143
Infected countries = 53
Virus-free countries = 1 (Lesotho)

Countries in alphabetical order
Algeria – 5,891
Angola – 45
Benin – 319
Botswana – 24
Burkina Faso – 760
Burundi – 15
Cameroon – 2,689
Cape Verde – 260
Central African Republic – 143
Chad – 322
Comoros – 11
Congo-Brazzaville – 333
DR Congo – 1,024
Djibouti – 1,227
Egypt – 9,746
Equatorial Guinea – 439
Eritrea – 39
Eswatini – 175
Ethiopia – 250
Gabon – 802
(The) Gambia – 22
Ghana – 4,700
Guinea – 2,146
Guinea-Bissau – 761
Ivory Coast – 1,730
Kenya – 700
Lesotho – 0
Liberia – 211
Libya – 64
Madagascar – 186
Malawi – 57
Mali – 712
Mauritania – 8
Mauritius – 332
Morocco – 6,281
Mozambique – 103
Namibia – 16
Niger – 832
Nigeria- 4,641
Rwanda – 285
Sao Tome and Principe – 208
Senegal – 1,886
Seychelles – 11
Sierra Leone – 338
Somalia – 1,089
South Africa – 10,652
South Sudan – 156
Sudan – 1,526
Tanzania – 509
Togo – 181
Tunisia – 1,032
Uganda – 121
Zambia – 267
Zimbabwe – 36

Corona Virus pandemic

Opinion: Way to go in fighting COVID-19 in Rivers State | By: Senibo Chris Finebone

It is not for nothing that it is said that two heads are better than one. Then Prof. Kimse Okoko modified it to ‘two good heads.’

I believe that Gov. Nyesom Wike should involve his entire cabinet members  in managing Covid-19 in Rivers State. If he does that, I believe every Commissioner would be able to come up with their sub plans which will form a consolidated plan for the State Committee on Covid-19 to execute. Why am I saying this?

The Commissioner for Health, for example, should be able to have the presence of mind to make input as to how he expects sick residents to reach out and be attended to during the present total lockdown. He will make suggestions as to what those in distress, pharmacies, hospitals and other outlets should do and how during the lockdown. We cannot afford to let people die to save lives, like in digging a hole to fill another hole.

The Commissioner for Communication & Information will aggregate and outline his plans on how to proactively communicate every aspect of government actions in fighting Covid-19 to the people and in the process collate feedback which will further assist government in further tinkering up its plans and actions.

The Commissioner for Water Resources is likely to table his plan to intervene and temporarily provide water for the majority of Port Harcourt residents who do not have their own source of water supply apart from patronising water hawkers and kind-hearted neighbours. Or even state clearly that nothing can be done so that government will be aware that the people are on their own when it comes to water supply during a total lockdown.

The sanitation authority should be able to issue advisory to the public on how to deal with refuse generated during total lockdown, etc.

It does not give anyone joy to keep pointing at Lagos neither is it that they are perfect over there. But man naturally recalls what works. Long before the lockdown in Lagos was put into effect, selected neighbourhood fields were identified and plans made to sell food and medicine to residents. It may not be perfect but something was done.

In all, relevant ministries, departments and agencies will make helpful input towards giving government fight against Covid-19 a human face by lessening the burden of the fight on the common man.

Lockdown is an effective way to break the chain of Covid-19 spread but must be applied in a sensible way in different locales. There is no home in London, New York or Madrid that potable water is not reticulated into. Except you did not pay, there will always be water. Such is not the case in parts of our cities here where everyone owns his/her own water source. Then there are many areas where we have what is commonly referred to as ‘yards’ where many residents’ source of water is either from aboki water hawkers or good hearted neighbours. How much water can anyone store in such situations?

The governor of Rivers State should assemble his entire team and ask for input from each and every one of them to enable him fashion out a more organised war against Covid-19 in the State without losing sight of what is working elsewhere. With a novel virus like Coronavirus, no man knows it all and none can reinvent the wheel. He has the men no doubt. His Committee can then go ahead and implement. Meeting with State Security Council alone is not enough. That is what we are saying!

I believe that the next ideal steps that should be taken by government to checkmate Covid-19 pandemic in Rivers State can be compartmentalised into two areas. One should aim at blocking entry into the State by carriers of the virus and the second should be to contain community spread that has already started manifesting.

For the purpose of denying access into the State by infected persons, instead of locking down Port Harcourt and Obio/Akpor local government areas, government should effectively lock down the borders between other states and the five gateway local government areas of Ikwerre, Emohua, Oyigbo, Etche and Tai. Everything should be done to block entry into the State through those border LGAs. However, in order to allow for agricultural produce and other essential items to be brought into the State, government should establish terminals or outposts at Emohua, Imo River Bridge area, Etche end (off Eleme Junction) and at Tai end of the East/West Road to screen and ensure that only agricultural produce and other essential items are brought into Rivers State.

On dealing with the ongoing community spread within Rivers State, it would be advisable to take another look at what Dr. William Schaffner, the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) Advisor said a while ago concerning Covid-19. He said, “Don’t open up too fast, too quick and too soon. Covid-19 isn’t going away soon. The mask is the new normal.”

Phased Re-opening

Taking a cue from that, it will be necessary for government to evaluate all sectors of human activities in the state such as education, economy, transportation, entertainment, hospitality, agriculture, etc. and work out a safe and structured template for opening them up without jeopardising the effort to stem the pandemic. Schools should reopen in phases; eateries and bars should continue with take away or home delivery services for now; farmers may have to immediately embark on planting (if they have not) in a carefully planned way since theirs is seasonal, and so forth.

For public transportation, overloading of vehicles should continue to be discouraged but because of our peoples’ attitude, social or physical distancing is not going to work. Therefore, strict wearing of face mask and perhaps gloves should be enforced for all commuters.

Certain health facilities should be equipped to serve as first port of call for sick people so that they can be SAFELY diagnosed before going to the hospital or clinic of their choice. On the other hand, all clinics and hospitals should be made to establish safe diagnostic points. This will help stop our clinics and hospitals from becoming Covid-19 ‘hotspots.’

All the established protocol of hand washing, social distancing and avoiding crowded spaces should be strictly maintained and enforced.

Face Mask

It appears that with the arrival of vaccines not yet in sight, the face mask will become part of our lives for some time in everything we do especially in public. It helps to protect us from others and helps protect others from us. Government should facilitate the availability of the face mask to all and sundry. This should be distributed and sold evenly across the state and at a token price at least to confer some value to it. People tend to abuse free things. When schools reopen, wearing of face mask should be compulsory until such a time when we become 100 percent covid-19 free.


Like it has been said severally, testing is key. However, while I agree I still see a dicey dimension to testing. It is obvious that someone who tested negative now may still pick up the virus the next minute or hour or days depending on his/her exposure to it. More so, someone who tested negative may drop his/her guard and end up picking up the virus because both the carriers (especially the asymptomatic ones) still mix freely and innocently. This is why I see strict wearing of mask in public and adhering to specified hygiene protocols very important. Testing helps in its own way, do not get me wrong, but the figures will always change because of new infections. Testing does not do much to stop new infection because everyone still function in the same milieu or space. There is no way to identify an asymptomatic carrier as to avoid the person. All the same, government should also make testing available at border posts to protect residents of the State.

Isolation/Treatment Centres

In the developed world, most tested and confirmed carriers of the virus still recuperate at home. Only those with severe or breathing difficulties that are admitted into treatment centres. They isolate in a part of their residence until they get better. However, with the dearth of spacious and comfortable accommodation in our parts, very few can self-isolate safely at home. Therefore, more isolation centres should be provided to cater for the growing number of those that either test positive and unable to safely self-isolate at their homes or those whose symptoms have become severe requiring ventilators and close monitoring and treatment.

Vaccination & Treatment

The State Ministry of Health should constantly monitor what is happening nationally and internationally as to ascertain when help in form of vaccine and medication are available so that the State can procure.

Education & Communication

The government should adopt a multilingual and multiplatform approach to regularly and intensively educate residents on the dangers of Covid-19 and how to stay safe from the virus. Government should also be proactive in communicating its actions and plans to the people from time to time.

State Government Relations

The Rivers State Government should do all that it can to downplay any confrontation, power show or grandstanding with the federal authorities but cooperate very often to get issues sorted out for the benefit of all. The government should understand and appreciate the diligence of the IOCs in dealing with issues of Health & Safety. They are the last group that will treat the issue of Covid-19 with levity as to endanger the lives of their own workers and that of others. Government must resist the lure to drag them into the fray for any reasons. Since most of the IOCs turned their back on Warri, things have not been the same with the economy of that, hitherto, bubbling city.

Outlawing Of Street Begging

The government should use the opportunity of the lockdown to formally ban street begging in the State. This is necessary to forestall a return of street begging especially in Port Harcourt metropolis as government reopens business. This will send a strong message to beggars and intending ones who might want to travel from their states to ply their thing in the State. Overwhelming number, if not all street beggars in the State, are from outside of Rivers State. Given that the pandemic is now expected to be with us for sometimes means that all possible carriers of the virus must be denied space to transmit it to others.

Fumigation of Markets, Other Public Places

Elsewhere that lockdowns are being implemented, one of the most important steps taken by government is to massively disinfect public places, streets and transportation hubs that experience huge human traffic. Despite the partial and now total lockdown in PHALGA and Obio/Akpor, the Rivers State Government is yet to disinfect or fumigate a single market, street or facility. This has left many people wondering what real purpose the lockdown is supposed to serve. Moving forward, government should regularly declare lockdowns for two Saturdays in a month for the purpose of regularly fumigating public places especially markets and public buildings such as the government Secretariat Complex.

The Government should aim to diligently deal with all issues relating to Covid-19 in the same just and fair manner that its Committee on Palliatives appears to be handling the distribution of food items across the State even if the feeling is that the Committee should have exercised more inclusiveness by extending palliatives to indigent non-indigenes in PHALGA and Obio/Akpor.

Whether it is partial or full lockdown, at all times, attention must be focussed on providing the people access to FOOD, WATER & MEDICINE as the State Government and the people battle with Covid-19 pandemic. From all available and emerging fundamentals by experts at the global level, the war against Covid-19 may not be a dash, it is very likely to be a marathon.

UK government okays the restart of Premier League season from 1 June.

The UK government has given the Premier League the green light to restart the season from 1 June. All the remaining fixtures set to be played behind closed doors until public safety can be guaranteed. This was contained in a new document titled, ‘Our Plan to Rebuild: The UK Government’s Covid-19 Recovery Strategy’. The document also warns that the lifting of restrictions is conditional upon the continued adherence to protocols which have been put in place to contain the spread of coronavirus.

“Some venues which are, by design, crowded and where it may prove difficult to enact distancing may still not be able to reopen safely at this point, or may be able to open safely only in part. Nevertheless, the Government will wish to open as many businesses and public places as the data and information at the time allows.

“In order to facilitate the fastest possible reopening of these types of higher-risk businesses and public places, the Government will carefully phase and pilot reopenings to test their ability to adopt the new Covid-19 secure guidelines.

“The Government will also monitor carefully the effects of reopening other similar establishments elsewhere in the world, as this happens. The Government will establish a series of task forces to work closely with stakeholders in these sectors to develop ways in which they can make these businesses and public places Covid-19 secure.”

Premier League clubs have been told they could have to repay an estimated £340m to domestic and international broadcasters – even if the season resumes behind closed doors. Also Premier League clubs voted to allow contract extensions for players whose current deals expire on June 30. Players at the end of loan spells can also extend their moves if all three parties involved are in agreement.

Buhari orders the use of Madagascar’s herbal drug to treat covid-19 patients.

President Muhammadu Buhari  President has given instructions for the airlifting of Nigeria’s allocation of the Madagascar COVID-19 Syrup for prevention and cure of Coronavirus. He also gave clear instructions that it must be subjected to the standard validation process for pharmaceuticals, Boss Mustapha. Secretary to the Government of the Federation.SGF disclosed at today’s at the daily briefing of the task force, which is headed by him.


“Madagascar has made allocations to various countries & sent them to Guinea Bissau. We‘re supposed to make arrangements to freight’s allocation from Guinea Bissau; it‘ll be subjected to the standard validation process for pharmaceuticals.” Mustapha confirmed 

As all countries are interested in finding a cure to the deadly COVID-19, Health Minister, Osagie Ehanire said Nigeria will get the herbal product and subject it to analysis to see how it works and how it is used.


“Concerning the question on the cure from Madagascar, this has been making the news and we have the promise of being able to get a sample of the herb/botanical product for analysis and also probably use that opportunity to speak with the health authorities particularly the scientific community on how they use it. We will also give that to the research community with us here (in Nigeria) to examine and do what they can do with it. We will like to compare the sample with the strain here in our country whether they are identical or similar and see what properties it has. Things like that are normally subjected to analysis to find out how it works,” Ehanire said.

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Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina officially launched Covid-Organics (CVO), an organic herbal concoction, claiming that it can prevent and cure patients suffering from the novel coronavirus. He attributed recovery of 105 COVID-19 patients in Madagascar to its use.

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Madagascar slams WHO for not endorsing its herbal cure

“A marked improvement was observed in the health of the patients who received this remedy just 24 hours after they took the first dose. The cure was noted after seven days, even ten days. This remedy is natural and non-toxic,” he added.

Nigeria’s COVID-19 positive tally moved to 4,399 last night with 248 new cases and 143 deaths announced by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).


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