
Angry Mourinho tells reporter to google answers to stupid questions

‎Chelsea Boss, Jose Mourinho’s mood has been far from pleasant lately and the reason isn’t far-fetched. Losing their games three consecutive times and being 17th on the table, it has been the English club’s worst start to a season since 1986.

A BBC reporter however irked the living daylights out of the Portuguese today after he asked if he is being affected by the ‘third season syndrome.’ Excerpts from his conversation with  Ben Smith, BBC sports news correspondent below.

“Jose Mourinho was sporting a new haircut at today’s press conference and, just like his mood, it was short and spiky. This was the Chelsea manager at his emotional best. Smiling and laughing at one stage and delivering that famous death stare at others. He was fiercely protective of his players, robust in his defence of his own record and proud to remind the rest of English football that ‘I am a champion’.

Jose: “Talk is cheap. Chelsea need results. This is their worst start to a top-flight season since 1986, their manager must hope his new haircut will bring a change in form. I promise you I am fine. I am not happy. I am not used to losing so many times but I am adapting to the situation.
“You cannot expect me to say it is all smiles, laughing and jokes. When people are not getting success we work for, we are going to be frustrated.
“We know what we are – champions of England. The fans sing that. Nobody can steal what we are or our trophies or our history, you can try but you can’t do that.
“When you are used to winning all the time, then when you don’t it is a strange feeling. Some people deal well with it, others not as good.”

Ben Smith: Do you believe that you still have all the qualities that made you such a great manager? A lot has been made of the third season in your time at clubs – what do you say to that?
Jose Mourinho: Look, my third season – in Porto, I didn’t have a third season. My third season in Inter, I didn’t have a third season. My third season at Chelsea the first time, I won the FA Cup and the Carling Cup, and I played the Champions League semi-finals. My third season in Real Madrid, I won the Super Cup, I lost the cup [Copa del Rey] final, and I went to the Champions League semi-finals. These are my third seasons…
BS: Sure, but you know what I’m getting at…
Jose Mourinho: So click Google, instead of making stupid questions, click Google and try to find.
BS: Jose, you know what I’m getting at though, don’t you, how important is it for you to build…
Jose Mourinho : No, you spoke about the third season, and I am telling you that the question is stupid, because the third season is what I told you.
BS: Jose, you know the point of the question…
Jose Mourinho: No, I know the point, the point is that the question is stupid. I am sorry…
Was there any correlation between his haircut and his mood, “My haircut isn’t as radical as it has been. I am fine, I promise you.”‎ He concluded.
Credit: BBC
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