
Toure won't play until he apologises – Guardiola

The recent nasty
comments Yaya Toure’s agent, Dimitri Seluk made about the club’s manager, Pep
Guardiola definitely didn’t go unnoticed by the latter. A week ago, Seluk accused the ex-Barcelona coach pf humiliating his client (during
their spells at Barcelona) adding that he hopes the Ivorian gets a chance to prove himself at the English club. The 33 year-old who just retired from international duty has made one appearance for City this season and was dropped from Champions League squad, sparking .

(Guardiola) wins the Champions League for City this season then I will
travel to England and I will say on television that Pep Guardiola is the best
manager in the world. 
But if City
don’t win the Champions League then I hope that Pep has got the balls to say
that he was wrong to humiliate a great player like Yaya.
Yaya is a
professional and so he will do everything he is asked to do.
What I can
tell you is that Yaya will spend the season at City. He will not be leaving in
January. He hopes that he will get the chance to prove himself.

 In Man City’s press
conference today, the Spaniard Pep made it clear that Yaya Touré will not play
again for City until the club receives an apology from the agent. 

‘It was so difficult for me to leave
him out of the Champions League, so difficult. I know him and I know he’s a
good guy.
‘The day after his manager spoke and
in that moment Yaya is out. Except Mr Dimitri Seluk comes back in the press
conference or to his friends in the media – because he hasn’t the courage to
call me, he goes to the media – and apologise to Manchester City first of all,
then his team-mates, and afterwards the trainer. 
‘When that happens Yaya will be part
of the group and he will have the chance to play. I cannot accept as a coach
every agent (who) when his player doesn’t play he goes to the media and speaks.
I know how much Dimitri Seluk loves Yaya Toure. If he loves him, show me by
apologising to Manchester City for what he did in the papers. 

‘I cannot imagine in my day when a
player’s agent would go to the media and speak against Johan Cruyff. Maybe
it’s the new era but I’m old generation, and an old generation agent has to
make his players his job and the coach his job.
‘Today agents believe they are more
than they are. If you have a problem, we can talk. Until he speaks, Yaya isn’t
going to play.’

 The former
Bayern boss affirmed.
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