

If the story in the current issue of City People magazine is anything to go by, then I must say music stars Don Jazzy and D'banj may be back again. According to the soft sell, Kanye is making frantic efforts to reconcile the ex partners after he learnt he caused their seperation.

Excerpts from the magazine

"Kanye West, believed to be at the center of the controversy that led to their fight is making efforts to reconcile them…Kanye West was not aware of the fight between D'Banj and Don Jazzy until 3 months ago and has been trying to get them together."

"While he was in the studio with D'Banj some weeks back working on the remix of "Scapegoat" he brought the topic up again and asked D'banj why Don Jazzy was not in the US with him working on the song. D'Banj was said to have told him that they are still friends but work on different platforms now.

Kanye was said not to be happy about the fact that his name was in the internet as one of the reasons the duo fell apart. He insists they get back together if he has to keep working with D'banj. He prompted D'Banj to once again try and make up with Don Jazzy.

"Recently D'Banj invited Kanye West to come to Nigeria for the video shoot of "Scape Goat" remix he did with Kanye. Kanye accepted but gave a strict condition that he will come only after he must have reconciled with Don Jazzy who must also be in the video."

Don Jazzy reportedly agreed to appear only if he would be paid. Sighhhs! This is business right? Kind of wondering how Nigerians or their fans would react to this. Happy? Indifferent? Who wants them back?

Photocredit: Funmi Ogunja

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