

24 year-old ex Madrid star, Ozil's move to English club, Arsenal has remained one of the most talked about football topics in the world. Fans and Madrid players have been openly angry about his departure than Gareth's Bale arrival. But It's a different ball game at the Emirates, most if not all Arsenal fans are very elated.

C Ronaldo is one of the players who finds the whole transfer thing very devastating; the pair formed an incredible partnership you know, "Ozil's departure is very bad news for me, He was the player who knew my moves in front of goal the best. I'm angry about Ozil leaving." C Ronaldo voiced out.

The German playmaker who was reportedly the second best player in Madrid (after C Ronaldo) laid 20 assists to the one-time World best footballer. He's also one of the most consistent footballers in Europe!

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