

Acclaimed Journalist and Presenter of Focus on Africa and European Mornings on British Broadcasting Corporation (BB)Komla Dumor has passed on. He breathed his last today at his home in London. The last message on his twitter handle was posted yesterday. "@Channels_TV w/the man who inspired me to become a newscaster d brilliant John Momoh-awesome on NTA news in the 80s."

A statement by Peter Horrocks, BBC Global News Director reads thus, "Komla's many friends and colleagues across Africa and the world will be as devastated as we are by this shocking news. The sympathies of all his colleagues at the BBC are with his family and friends."

Komla Dumor was born on 3 October 1972 in Accra, Ghana. He obtained a BA in Sociology and Psychology from the University of Ghana and then proceeded to Harvard University for a Masters in Public Administration. He joined BBC

as a radio broadcaster in 2007. He used to host Network Africa for BBC World Service radio and then joined The World Today programme. He became the first host of Africa Business Report on BBC World News.

He was aged 41.

May his soul find repose. Amen!

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