

A memorial service in honour of Komla Dumor, the revered Ghanaian journalist who died on January 18, 2014 from heart attack in his London home was held by British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) on saturday February 1, 2014. The event which took place at St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London, UK, was attended by family, friends and colleagues of the BBC presenter.

A native of Aflao in the Volta Region of Ghana, until his death, he was the Lead Presenter on “Focus On Africa” and BBC World News’ European morning segment. Komla, who was named the 9th most powerful man in Africa by Forbes just few days ago, obtained a BA in Sociology and Psychology from the University of Ghana and then proceeded to Harvard University for a Masters in Public Administration. He joined BBC as a radio broadcaster in 2007. He used to host Network Africa for BBC World Service radio and then joined The World Today programme. He became the first host of Africa Business Report on BBC World News.

Meanwhile a Komla Dumor Foundation; set up to promote excellence in journalism and sustain his legacy by pursuing plans he had for promoting the ideals that he stood and worked for has been set up by family and friends. His remains will arrive in Ghana this morning. He is survived by his wife, Kwansema, three children; Elinam, Elorm and Araba and siblings.

May his soul continue to find repose. Amen.

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