
"Sorry guys, it wasn't planned that way…." Mesut Ozil apologises to Arsenal fans.

Only Arsenal fans please! If you’re not one, you’re not permitted to read this. So, if you have still not forgiven Gunners’ midfielder, Mesut Ozil for missing that crucial penalty during last night’s UEfA Champions League game against Bayern, he has a message for you. He wants you to know that he’s not happy either.
The next morning doesn’t feel better either. Sorry guys – it wasn’t planned that way. Outnumbered it was really hard to win against this team.” He wrote on his facebook page.
Arsenal boss, Arsene Wenger even admitted that the 25 year-old’s confidence drained and performed dismally after he failed to find the net. “Ozil’s head dropped and he was affected by it. He wanted to do so well tonight and it affected him. He was still shaking his head five or 10 minutes after that. It had a huge impact on his performance. Confidence is your petrol in the team – it gives you the desire to play.”
Meanwhile former German captain, Michael Ballack who spoke before the match observed that there is a disconnect between the German player and the rest of his team-mates. “He looks a bit lost in this team. When he came here there was so much expectation with the quality he has. The first games he looked good, played well and was comfortable. With his quality he should be untouchable and bring out so much in the team. But it looks like he has not the acceptance of the team.”
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