
#Bringbackourgirls: US offers to help Nigeria search for abducted school children

We can’t fight this alone. We are incapable of dealing with our own problems, we need help from all quarters. There are protests on the streets of lagos, Abuja, London etc, via social media with the use of #Bringbackourgirls hashtag. The second Nyanya bomb blast is a clever but failed attempt to divert our attention from the issue at hand but we will overcome this.
According to Reuters, the United States has condemned the abduction of over 200 school girls abducted by Boko haram in Nigeria few weeks ago and has even offered to help Nigeria in its search for them. Marie Harf, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told a daily briefing.
We have been engaged with the Nigerian government in discussions on what we might do to help support their efforts to find and free these young women. We will continue to have those discussions and help in any way we can. We know Boko Haram is active in the area and we have worked very closely with the Nigerian government to build their capacity to fight this threat.”
She added, “In fiscal year 2012, the United States provided over $20 million in security assistance to Nigeria, part of that to build the country’s military, boost its capacity to investigate terrorist attacks and enhance the government’s forensic capabilities.”
Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, the chairman of the Senate’s African Affairs subcommittee also noted. “The U.S. and the international community must work with the Nigerian government to ensure these girls are reunited with their families and deepen efforts to combat the growing threat posed by Boko Haram.”
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