
Same sex marriage now legalised everywhere in the US

The Supreme Court today legalised same-sex marriage across the United States. The decision was written by Justice Anthony Kennedy. He affirmed that it was wrong for states to deny gays and lesbians the same marriage rights enjoyed by opposite-sex couples for years. 
Senator Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota’s Congressional delegation said‎, “This is a momentous day in our country’s pursuit of equality and justice. The Supreme Court has affirmed what many states, including Minnesota, have already proudly recognized: same-sex couples deserve the right to marry.”
Rep Tim Wall added, “Today’s decision makes clear that our LGBT brothers and sisters are entitled to the same rights as the rest of us; that the pursuit of happiness cannot be limited because of who you love. Yes, today is a landmark day in our nation’s history and I could not be more proud.”
Prior to the judgement, more than 70% of Americans already live in states where gay marriages are legal and thousands of couples have wedded.

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