
Wenger not responsible for Arsenal's woes – Nasri

Former Arsenal midfielder, Samir Nasri has risen to the defence of his former boss,  Arsene Wenger, who has come under fire from fans over the club’s recurring defeats. The French footballer opined that the players and the board are to blame for the team’s struggles this season and not the coach.
Nasri who joined Arsenal from Marseille in 2008, told Sky Sports, “You cannot criticise a guy like that, it’s impossible. Arsenal was a big club but he made it even bigger. I just think that people need to be fair. It’s not because Arsenal doesn’t have success in the league that it is his fault. It’s the players on the pitch, it’s the players who don’t get the result. It’s hard for me to say something about him because I owe him a lot of things.
He continued, “I came to the Premier League because of him, I had a good career because of him too because he gave me confidence. He made me a better player and I just think all the players who have played with him, when they left they became better players. I don’t think it’s him, there’s a lot of things at Arsenal, the board, the players that need to be checked out, not just Arsene.”

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