
Cesc Fabregas hit with a driving ban

Chelsea midfielder Cesc Fabregas has been hit with a driving ban after he was caught speeding at 110mph, exceeding the 50mph speeding limit. The Spanish international who pleaded guilty at the Guildford Magistrates’ Court today was banned from driving for 6 months, given six points on his licence, and ordered to pay £2,560.
His barrister, Ben Waidhofer told the court that the ex Arsenal player has learned his lesson.

“He  is genuinely remorseful. He has learned his lesson and wishes to draw a line. This is not somebody who is repeatedly before the court for troubling speed cameras, running red lights, driving without insurance and driving without a licence.

“That doesn’t arise in this case. What I can tell you is that this is somebody who will not be doing it again. This not somebody who is persistently breaking road traffic laws. In just under 10 years he has two endorsements on his licence.”

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