

Happy Valentine’s Day people. Couldn’t post this yesterday due to technical glitches so I guess it’s really not belated. Got the points from goodtoknow website but the write-ups are written by me. So here we go, 8 sweet ways to say I Love You on Valentine’s Day, for free, without breaking the bank. (Or before the elaborate celebration)

(1) Make your own card- This is one of the easiest and simplest ways to express your love. With the use of a cardboard or envelope, pen/marker and creativity- you are sure good to go. Writeups can be funny, messy and beautiful, the most important thing is to drive your points home.
(2) Say it with breakfast- Take a careful look at the bread and egg picture above. That’s what I’m talking about. Few things are required if you’re considering this option; loaves of bread, eggs and cookie cutter. Frame the egg with a heart shape by using a heart shaped cutter. Dishes like rice can also fit in.
(3.) Mirror on the wall- Get into the bathroom before your partner wakes up and write a love message on the mirror or side of the shower. He/she will see it and smile and appreciate the fact that you woke up early to plant a little surprise.

(4) Write a poem- Are you a writer? Can you string words together creatively? Here’s a beautiful opportunity to pen the sweetest poem ever. Not just any poem, write the ones that reassure him/her of your love. Make sure his/her cheeks stretch beyond elastic limit when reading it.

(5) With weird shaped food- I must confess, weird shaped food, especially heart-shaped ones are difficult to get in the market. We only stumble on them once in a while and usually we notice when we are unpacking food items. If you can get potatoes shaped like a heart, good for you. You can also consider throwing your loved ones heart-shaped tomatoes.

(6) With colourful bed- Oh dear, what can separate ladies from the love of pink? Statements like “awwww, this is so cute” or “are you for real? you’re the best darling” are sure to pop up when you show her colourful beds like this. She will never forget this is a hurry.

(7) On cookies/cakes- Trust me, this is one of the most widely-explored options. Waking up early to bake and writing I LOVE YOU on cookies/cakes is another sweet way of celebrating Valentine, especially big, colourful and uniquely designed ones.

(8.) Say it with a mixtape- this will work pretty well if your partner loves music or has a sonorous voice. All you have to do is to make a playlist of your and your partner’s favourite songs especially old songs they’ve been trying to lay their hands on for a long time. Or if there’s a mini studio in your house (or a nearby one), you can just invite your partner over and melt her heart with one of your best unrecorded love songs.
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