
72 year-old woman gives birth to her first child.

The couple welcomed a baby boy after years of fertility treatment.

Daljinder Kaur, a 72-year-old woman and her 79-year-old husband Mohinder Singh Gil, have welcomed their first child baby boy
after 46 years of marriage. She welcomed their bundle of joy after two years of treatment using donor eggs at a fertility clinic in Haryana, northern India.
The couple faced obstacles and social stigma because of their inability to conceive; they couldn’t afford fertility treatment and a boy they adopted in the 1980s went to the US to study and never returned.
She told AFP news agency. “God heard our prayers. My life feels complete now. I am looking after the baby all by
myself. I feel so full of energy. My husband is also very caring and
helps me as much as he can.”

The baby has been named Arman.
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